Favorite Step Moves!

My list just kept getting longer as I read through everybody's post!
Here's what I came up with so far:
Pendulum across the step
Drop Squat Pendulum
Up Jack, down jack
Slam its
Fast Foot Repeaters/Fast Foot Shuffles
360's (as in Power Max or in Step Blast)
Tap-Hop Repeaters
plunge lunge
6-count mambo
insole around the step with hesitation move at third insole
Power Plays and Two Claps on the Corner (I even love just saying this last one!=-))
any kickbox move with the step (Really love these!)
We are going to have so much fun!!!!!
>Go ahead and name the ones you like please :)

Okay...in that case, here goes! :)

Hitch Kick
Straddle taps
Reverse mombo
Shuffle down the board w/A steps
(I think I like EVERYthing from Low Max, lol)
Around the world w/insole w/hesitation

Just to name a few, of course! :)
Rhytmic L
Fast-foot repeaters
pendulum across the top and with the squat
360 around the board
Flying angels
skip across the board
over face in over
insole hesitate
triples around
power jig

Most of the steps people have written I recognize and have done in some form or fashion, but some of them I've never even heard of--so many workouts so little time :)
What DVD workouts would have the bulk of the steps that everyone likes so that those of us newer to Cathe's moves could work on them before the trip?
I have all but 3 of her DVD's so I should more than likely have the workouts you list(at least I hope so).
Thanks in advance!!
Mary :)
Hey Mary, the majority of these moves are in Step Blast, Imax2 and Lowmax. (if i remember correctly)

I'm so glad you guys remembered what a lot of the steps are called, I just cut and pasted, or else I'd be saying "um, you know the one where you kind of do that cool thing!" :)

power jig
pony up, pony down
tap-hop repeater (as in RS)
power L
360's (as in Power Max or in Step Blast)
two knees on step, rebound on floor
rock-press reverse hops with ball change
Slam its
Fast foot repeater
Drop Squat Pendulum

Pony on the floor


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~

That's great!
I have all of those--did Imax2 today--the leg extensions, then over the step and leg extensions and back over I have to work on--at first I was turning the wrong way--ugh(hard to watch the tv and do the moves with your back to the tv)!lol
Thanks! I'm just trying to not embarrass myself on the trip, oh well--
it's a work in progress--I love that saying!!
I love them all! I can honestly say that I don't dread any moves, especially because Cathe makes them flow from one to the other so well.

>>triples around the board knee strudle and three fast steps

I love this one too. At first, I wasn't too keen on the triples. Now, they are SO fun!

Bumping this so we can get more votes before we add them all up! Anyone else???
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
pendulum across
hip-flexor repeaters
pump repeaters
triples around the board
peg-leg pivot!
reverse mambo
shuffle down the board (hey...if she could do this AROUND the board it would be cool)
v-step hitch-kick
LOVE mambos...anything with a mambo (step-kick, walk-back and mambo, cha-cha front)
up-and out-6 count mambo, step down & pivot
power jigs
2 knees, turn-and-walk, up-and-lunge, exit

Okay...that's enough!

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

Fast-foot (tap-hop?) repeaters
That pulsing-repeater thing...where you just pulse on your foot instead of doing knees (sorry I don't remember the name)
Shuffling down the board
Hi Everyone! I was away this weekend and just found this thread.
Here's my favs:

reverse hop turn
skip across the board
2 knees on step and rebound
hesitation moves (I love the change in tempo)
pendulum across the board
power jig
slow v-step, v-step run
rhythmic L's
Power L's
straddle taps (took me FOREVER to get, but now I love 'em!!)
Mambo, cha, cha, pivot turn

They've all been mentioned, but I wanted to get my 2 cents in! ;-)
Hi Debbie! I thought I would pin this for you to make things a little easier to keep track of. Thank you for doing this too.

By the way, can I list my favorite step moves too :p
I love, love, love the slow basic in IMAX I (especially at that point in the workout) and Basic Step. It's such a sexy move.

Mar :9

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