Favorite Step Moves!

Alright, I have been watching this post grow longer and longer and thinking I probably should respond, but I have been having a hard time picking just a few favorites, as I love all the moves. :)

So hear goes... My favorites:

Reverse Mambo
6 Count Mambo (I like mambos)
Peg Leg Pivot (even though the pivot makes me dizzy)
Triples around the board
Drop squat pendulum
Reverse V-step

Okay, my list is starting to get long... ;)

I'd love to hear what Cathe's favorites are! :D
First off let me say I "hate" Straddle taps. I can't do those things to save my life. I look and feel sooooo stupid doing them. For the life of my I can never start with the correct foot.

Well anyway here's my list; maybe not in this order, but:

Outer thigh around the world
Mambo's on the floor. (I like to swing my hips)
6 ct. mambos
Reverse Mambos -- a little confusing, but I like it
Hamstring repeater (Low Max)
Straddle knees
Power 7's & 15's
Knee smash side kick
Up & lunge side to side
Slam its

I'm pretty sure there are more, but can't think of them}(.

Cathe probably likes all the moves I can't do so well and choose themx(. That's ok b/c maybe I can get her to show me personally how to do them:+ :+. Wishfully thinking.

EDTA: Reading other posts you see what you miss. I think the Rebound thing is cool, haven't mastered it as yet, U-turns, A-Steps, K-Steps & that hesitation thingy....must teach myself T-Steps because I have a funny feeling that is what Cathe is going to do.


Horseshoes, horseshoes & more horseshoes! Hey, wouldn't all all horse step segment be great? Like not just a regular horse, but a power horse, horse straddles, horses w/that triple hop that brings you to the other side, horses like the ones in Step Works when you go all the way around the board..........

And not to be negative, but if this thread is gonna be used for Cathe camp, than I'd just like to say I'm another pivot-challenged exerciser. I cannot do any kind of walking w/pivots. I've finally managed to figure out how to do the step sweep w/a pivot, but that's as far as I've gotten, please don't confuse me w/anymore pivot moves!

Also I hate triple steps. I'm spacially challenged too & I don't have enough room to do them at home, at least not so I feel like it's an intense enough move.
I try not to do too many pivots too, as I am working out on carpet and am afraid to twist a knee! I twisted it on a reverse V-Step last week so that's not on my list of favorites! I'm room challenged at home, too, but still like the triple step - as long as I don't knock over the TV getting to the other side!!

Running Man
Skip across the board
Pendulums (I love Cedie's arm movements with these!!)
Anything kickbox (love knee smash/sidekicks combos)
Pump repeaters
Around the world
Shuffle down the board
Flying across the board (whooping and hollering)

I'm not going on the road trip, but some of my favorite moves are:

Hamstring Curl Grapvine (LoMax) - or anything with a hamstring curl
Step Kick, Step Extension
Sculpt 7
Hitchkick (love it!) Charleston
Knee Smash, Side Kick
Pony Down, Mambo

Mambos are a little strange for me because I actually take mambo classes. I have to keep my mambo dance instincts from taking over the mambo step routine. ;-)

Triples around the board can be fun, but I wish I had more space for them.

I'm not too fond of V-Steps (never really liked them) or just walking around the board. Not that I have a board. lol I do them on the floor since I'm just starting out. :)
It is so hard to pick but here are a few of my faves:

power jig
mambo cha cha pivot turn
reverse hop turn
2 knees, pony, rock back (I *think* that's right - from Step Blast)
2 knees, turn and walk, lunge on step
skip across the board
6 count run on step
kickbox on step

Oh my, this is hard; I really do like most all of the moves. My favs are:

peg-leg pivot/all pivot-turns
knee smash, side kicks
high leg kicks
step-kick, step-extension
straddle taps
grapevine down the board, over (fly), shuffle down the board
intvl 7 in Imax3: triple combo jumps, jacks on and off board

Can't wait to Step with Cathe in person, how AWESOME!

This is hard, but not as hard as doing the move...haha

Over Face Over
Straddle Taps
Hitch Kicks
Rhythmic L is my absolute fav!!!
Hi Debbie! Definitely these are my favorites:

Richochet (same as you)
peg leg pivots
pony on top of the step
triples around the step (just like you) &
over-face-in-over (same as you)


PS: I know sooo many of you have those dreaded straddle taps as your favorite move. I'm still doing them all wrong!! By the time I figure it out, its over! Ha! I really would NOT want to see these in the workout!!x( But if they are, please nobody watch me!!:7
>I never do any of the turning (pivots) moves. I always get
>messed up or dizzy.
I don't do them either, and I find that I enjoy the workouts a lot more when they are gone!
Just to name a few:

Fast foot repeater
Triples around the board
Mambo cha-cha's
Figure 8's
The 180's around the board in Step Blast

My favorite moves are:
flying angels
plunge lunge
any kick boxing combination (especially the one where you lunge in one direction and then side kick in the other direction)
power anything especially plie squat jumps
the one where you pivot backwards around the step and then touch your instep

jacks where you click your heels together in mid air
jump when you kick your butt
Alhambra - YOU LIKE PLIE JACKS????? I mean, I know they do amazing things for your legs, but still.... you're insane.:p
I tried to edit mine, but it won't let me. I meant to put the 360's around the board in Step Blast. It would be way to easy if it were only 180.:7

Also, I wanted to add:

Power Play and Rebounds

Alhambra : Plie Jacks. You are a lot tougher than me, my friend. That ranks right up there with the jacks on and off the step in interval 7 of IMAX3. Someone voted for that one too. My HRM goes into overdrive on that interval.
Okay, I'm finally chiming in...

Any power move, especially the kind that send you lengthwise across the board. Love that flying stuff.

That 3-count across the board in IMAX2, where you fly over, do kind of a squat, then come back.

Rock press
Fast foot repeater
Slam its
Power 15's, etc.
Power L's
123 horse and rock horse
Those cool backward mambos on the board (IMAX 3 and Low Max)

Just LOVE the one from Low Max, where you lunge back, do a knee up, then squat side, knee up - great rhythm!

AND I just have to put in a kickbox move - I know, this is step. But I just did KPC last night, and I LOVE those sledgehammer things, where you throw the hammer down in front, then come into a big knee up. Whew!

Sorry for the long list. There are actually more, but I'll spare you.

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