Exerciers with physical health challenges new check in

Good job for listening to your Body, Elsie. Im not always so good about it and get wrapped up in what I had planned and don't want to change plans....
I managed to get the family room carped done too this weekend. It's the only two rooms that are carpeted, I'm so glad there aren't more. Mopping is so much easier!
Workout was push and pull.
Yesterday I did RWH ch, tri and sh, and abs 1. Today I did Xtrain AOLI .
We had a nice weekend visiting with my two sons. The weather was perfect for my son's soccer game which was a nice change. It is usually so hot there, and the bugs are usually terrible. The atmosphere was perfect, too bad we lost.
I hope you all had a nice weekend.
Just checking in to read what you all have been up to. : ) Hope everyone's week has been great so far. I'm still down & out here physically, but keeping positive! Can't wait to get back in it with you.
Cendrine, you are just so productive with your house chores. Wow!!
Hi, I hope everyone is getting better!!
I did RWH back, bi's, and shoulders yesterday, today was great glutes extreme. I haven't done a leg w/o in a long time!! I am sure the DOMS will hit me either tomorrow or the next day. I am hoping I can do CSS tomorrow. I will be in Hershey saturday moving my son into a new apt so it will be a busy weekend!! Enjoy your weekend.
Sorry I didn't check in this week, I got distracted with stuff...lol
Anyway, I did work out, just didn't post it. Today the DVD didn't work so I did my own version of a circuit.
Temps are down here and I had a chance Togo do some damage control in the yard. It looks much tidier now...
We start school next week, so I'm going to enjoy this last weekend of doing nothing.

Have a great weekend all!
That's funny Cendrine cause that's what I did yesterday too due to the temps falling! -Yard work and so much of it to do.
Yesterday, I also did some very low impact leg work before bed.
Today, I did a moderate back workout and thought I'd get back into the swing of things with To The Max. Borrowed it from a volunteer of mine and I have to say that I enjoyed the portion of it that incorporates upper body & abs, Awesome! But overall, I didn't really like the workout. I know it's such a fave around here, so I am glad I got to try it before buying something I didn't think was great (for me). I can't put my finger on what exactly I didn't like. lol. Oh well.
Hopefully gonna make it to a pilates & foam roller class tomorrow.
Hope everyone's weekend has been going nicely. Katie, that's excellent that your son was able to find another place.
Didn't get to my pilates class yesterday. Did a lot of housework and some bodyweight, mainly upper body, exercises. Learning a new one - bodyweight skullcrushers. It's great and very effective. Sore triceps today!
Didn't get much sleep at all last night, so not off to a great Monday here .....hope everyone is feeling better. : )
Elsie. I never bought to the max because I could tell I wasn't going to enjoy it much...
I really hope the ICE workouts will be fun!
Sorry for not posting again. School started, so we're busy... I did body max two total body on mo day and treadmill today.
Monday I did CSS, yesterday was yoga. Today I am planning on doing RWH, back, biceps, and shoulders. I will be doing my AG class in the evening.
Elsie, I know you do a lot of yoga, have you tried any of the ones on grokker.com? A friend of mine said she likes Christie Evans on that site. I am looking for an intermediate/advanced practice which emphasis alignment. I am not interested in a fast flowing practice. If you have any suggestions please let me know.
Prior to my knee and back issues I liked TTM, but I was not a fan of Crossfire. They both had a bit of "a dread factor" for me.
I hope that someday cathe makes another LIS!! I am hoping the new dvd's will be okay for my knees. I debated about not purchasing these since they are not low impact but I could not resist, lol. I have every dvd she has ever made, why stop now!
Cendrine, I cannot believe that school is starting already! It is depressing to think that summer is almost over and the cool weather will be here soon, I dread the winter.
Have a great day!!
Katie, I'm hoping the weather will continue to hold through at least the mid to end of September! I don't like cold, ever. But I do like the smell of the changing of the seasons...
I keep buying Cathe's workouts too, except for the ttm and crossfire, even though I don't know how much I'm going to be able to get out of it.... Fan for life, I guess.

Workout was sts total body, worked me hard... I'm feeling like my body is getting rid of another bunch of toxins, feeling tired and all, so that workout probably felt harder than it might have on a more normal day.
Katie, I haven't actually heard of grokker till today! Thank you .....I'll have a look. I have collected quite a bit of yoga resources over the years and I will be glad to share it with you. : ) (I'll pm you the weekend!) The alignment focused schools are iyengar, classical hatha like sivananada, kripalu (this is where I started on paper & I still like moon flows), anusara and integrative. There are, of course, others. Yin as you probably know, is also very alignment & release focused although I find there are many knock-offs of it being taught around. Yin isn't just holding a pose for as long as you can. Alignment is where I started, I love alignment and intention focused practice as it has the ability to also tap into an emotional practice. I will, however, admit that I went to a couple of rope Iyengar classes and found it TOO perfectionist. lol. Everyone has their preferences and of course it feels fluid. I think if you want to deeply delve into anatomy and alignment, looking for asana labs in your community would be beneficial. I have the anatomy of yoga books which are also very, very helpful and enjoyable.

Last night, I did another yoga practice & added some ankle weight leg work afterwards. Was gonna do a cardio workout today but am feeling far too hot, so taking it easy and will start again tomorrow.
Glad to know I am not alone in not being into To Tha Max at all. I was thinking 'but EVERYone loves that one!'. LOL.
Today I did shoulder band strength work & on to LIS CardSS. MUCH better to try and get back into the swing of things than with To The Max. I enjoyed the express premix 2 and will move on to the full thing soon. Happy with my purchase!

Have an excellent Friday!
I am making beet green and spinach cannelloni & probably watching a movie on Netflix. :)
Yesterday was AG fitness and yoga, both were really good. Today I did AG airbarre, I haven't been able to get to the airbarre classes lately, it reminds me a little of turbo barre but with the hammock. The owner just got certified to start training teachers and asked me if I would be interested, she said she would love for me to teach at her studio. I am thinking I would enjoy doing this, now I need to decide if I want to do both the yoga and AG teacher trainings. It will be a little costly to do both this fall, but then I could teach both at her studio.
Elsie, LIS CSS is one of my favorites, so much easier than afterburn!! For me there is little to no dread factor with this w/o either.
HAve a great weekend.
That sounds pretty exciting Katie. All the best! :)

Today, I completed a few sets of heavy deadlift sumos and then Jessica Smith Sole Sculpt. The core work in this one is challenging, but I LOVED this workout.
Today I did RWH chest, tri, and shoulders. This will be my last week doing RWH, I think I am going to do 3 mo of STS next.
I will mostly be doing AG and yoga all week, we are going away fri-sun to see our son.
HAve a great week.
Have an excellent Yoga week Katie. :)
This morning I went to a meditative yoga practice, did some unweighted back exercises when I got home & feeling awesome and tonight I'll be doing a long walk. Hopefully the humidity will take a break.
So yesterday I woke up with a very bad shoulder flare up, in the area where I had chronic tendinitis for years. Apparently it is not uncommon for previous injuries to get revisited on this balancing program to finish any incomplete healing. I had no idea it could be so painful, but I knew to expect stuff to show up on occasion... So, anyway, no weights for me until this blows over, I'm going to focus on treadmill until then. My practitioner emailed and told me my retest results are in showing what progress occurred in the past four months, he said it looks really good, I'll get to see the details tomorrow. Progress is so amazingly motivating!
Cendrine, so happy to hear that you aren't letting your shoulder get you down. :) Just let it heal. There's no point in interupting the natural progress. Keep us posted!

Today, I tried a different workout. Lower Body in a Frank Sepe program that was posted on youtube. It was okay. Not all that challenging and he chats too much, but I like that he is using both pyramid and trisets. Pyramids were probably too short to be a challenge.
Anyway, after that I tried some essentrics postural exercises which were great and this evening went for a walk.

Cendrine, not sure how you feel about imagery and it's relation to chronic injury and anatomy, but here's something to think about it. I utilize this when weightlifting.
Today it was two sets of back & chest work and Jessica Smith Barefoot Hybrid Cardio workout.
Having to time my upper body work a bit differently lately due to these dang pain issues. Love Jessica Smith though. Her cueing is really the best!

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