Exerciers with physical health challenges new check in

I used to love doing handstands, Katie, then I didn't do them any more because of my herniated disc. A few weeks ago my son wanted to learn how to do them and I decided to try so I could model it to him. I was surprised that I could still do the , although not as steady or long as I used to. But they are fun!

AB being CSS on steroids made me chuckle!

We went on two 10 mile hikes with a lot of elevation and my IT band got so tight it was painful going down hill at the end... my IT band has been tight before but I've never had pain going downhill before, so I did some research about healing it and am going to need to lay off lower body workouts for a while, but I did high reps upper body today.
Today was yoga,we worked on partner handstands which was really fun. Yesterday I did x10 low impact, and LIS UB triset.
Elsie, I hope you are feeling better today.
Cendrine, a tight IT band is no fun, take some time off and let it heal. Hopefully you will be back to doing your w/o's soon.
I just did some walking today to get warm and then spend time on the foam roller working on my tight spots, as well as some stretches. Hoping things will loosen up soon.
Thanks for the well wishes ladies. : ) Very appreciated. I am trying to get back into the swing of things today and struggled a bit through Barre 3 Studio Power. What an impressive workout that is. Very, very knowledgable presenters. I did wrong by going with my lowest weights of 4.5 pounds. I guess if I am to continue with some barre sessions that have upper body weighted work, I'm gonna have to try those light pink weights. Noooooo! lol. I hope to have enough energy to get in a long walk tonight. We'll see after I get all the cleaning in the house and outside done.
Wow, great work on all that leg conditioning Amy. Those stacked w/outs sound like a great deal of sweat! : )
Cendrine, keep on body rolling and take it easy 'till your IT band quits aggravating you so much. I find mindful barefoot walking on sand sometimes helps quite a bit with that. Do you live anywhere near beach/sand etc? It seems something that once you have it, it never completely leaves you alone. : (
Katie, are you taking a acroyoga partner class? Sounds like a good time. : )
Today I did All Out Low Impact HiiT, and yesterday was AfterBurn again. That's a pretty brutal combination, lol! Luckily next week looks like mostly steady state cardio. I got a couple of walks in too. The heat and storms are coming back this weekend. It seems like we get bad weather every weekend.

Cendrine, I've heard something before about running downhill causing pain, but I can't remember why. Now I'm going to have to Google it, because I'm wondering if it's the same reason you had pain hiking downhill.

Elsie, the lowest weights I own are 5 lbs., and during some high rep shoulder exercises recently I was wishing I could go lighter. I suppose I could use my weighted gloves, wrap ankle weights on my wrists, or grab some 2.5 lb. barbell plates. Now I'm going to have to remember what workout that was so I can do that next time!
Yesterday I did LIS LB and today I did afterburn. Tomorrow will be yoga, and then we are heading to VA for 3 days so I will get a much needed rest.
Elsie, I am not taking a acroyoga class. This instructor wants us to feel more comfortable doing handstands away from the wall, so the partner will be like a "spotter". I have never heard of a acroyoga class, I will have to google that, sounds intriguing.
I am really enjoying having my own hammock, being able to go upside down everyday seems to be good for my back.
Amy, We seem to be getting lousy weekends here as well. I was hoping VA would be nicer but that doesn't seem like the case. Hopefully the rain will hold off for my son's soccer game.
Hope the rain holds up for the game, Katie! Have a safe and most relaxing trip.
Today completed a moderate-heavy chest routine and Jessica Smith's Stride & Step. Boy am I ever clumsy with a step! Happy she kept it very straight forward.
Still have had no luck finding a used long bar/barbell. People ask for almost what they paid for it. (and they never get it sold). o_O
Katie, I was wondering how you mount your hammock? When you said it feels good for your back I thought, maybe that would be something to look into for me.

Elsie, we got really light 'pink' weights when our kids wanted to start working out with us... I have been seen using them on occasion... Lol!

Amy, IT band issues are apparently common in long distance runners. I saw the chiropractor yesterday and he said it's likely that my muscles got all tired out on the uphill climb, which on this particular hike was the nonstop first half of the hike, and then those muscles were weak for the downhill portion and that starts to then aggravate the rest of the leg muscles who usually would get the proper support from a well rested leg, and that in turn causes the tight IT band...
Anyway, the chiropractor told me to keep leg strengthening exercises in my routine to help alleviate the issue, and keep rolling... So I'm rolling. I did slow and heavy legs today, with moderate weights, I just felt like slow would help me early focus on perfect form which I somehow feel is more important right now than heavy.

I spent about two hours trimming bushes yesterday and got eaten up by bugs. I didn't notice it until it started itching during the night.... Hate itching!
Cendrine, The hammock needs to be mounted into a ceiling joist. You would need to buy 2 eye hooks that can support between 350-450 lbs, space them 20" apart. You should have a ceiling that is at least 8', preferably 9-12. My ceiling is only 8'6" so I am unable to use the daisy chains, these allow you to adjust the height of the hammock. I can still do all the tricks I have learned, but I cannot raise the hammock, so no one taller would be able to use it. I went onto Google and found a site that told me how to mount it. I think I googled "how to mount an aerial hammock". I have mine mounted into the unfinished portion of my basement since finding the joist was easiest in this section. I wish it was either in my w/o room or family room, I think I would use it more this way. It is depressing looking at my husbands tools etc... I hope this helps.
Cendrine, hope you are healing well today.

Is everybody having a nice weekend? : ) Hope it isn't too hot where you are.

Yesterday was a complete rest day after I got many errands completed. Too pooped for anything else! Today, I did another Barre 3. Liked it. Very, very challenging core work. I wanted to give up 15% into it. Also did a few sets of ascending reps of compound suitcase squats+around the worlds. They work just everything. Plus some frog leg roll ins with the ball.
Today, completed an easier tubing and ball workout mostly focussing on upper body with significant rear delt work. Going for a bike ride when it cools down a little.
Thanks for the info about mounting a hammock, Katie, I appreciate it. I know for a fact I would use the hammock more if it wasn't in with dh's workshop tools... Lol

Elsie, it's still very hot here, sounds like it was for you too.

I did 4 day split legs today and foam rolling. I think the knots are a bit better.
Today was my anti gravity fitness, then a hot yoga class. My sister is coming for visit tomorrow, then we head to Pgh on fri for a bridal shower for my niece. We are staying until monday so no w/o's for awhile.
I hope you all have a nice week.
Oh, that's so nice Katie. : ) Have a lovely time with your family.

Today was Jari Love's get ripped & chiselled. Was supposed to be an hour workout, but this, my first time turned in to almost two hours! It's very, very tough. I liked it I think, although there's no calf work at all. Yesterday I didn't do much at all so I needed an intense one today.
That is a tough one, Elsie! I haven't done that one in years! Congrats for doing it!

Katie, have fun!

Workout was the leg portion of the sts total body DVD.
Today, scapular stabilization and shoulder work with the band and completed Cathe Legs & Glutes skipping past the glute tucks/bridges. My lower half feels nicely worked out.
I'm feeling like I haven't been doing much core work lately. Perhaps will have to tomorrow or even tonight if I get some alone time.
Today was a day off : ) , yesterday did a short bicep and shoulder routine. Gotta get that core work in tomorrow. I think I'm procrastinating!!

Hope everyone's weekend is super so far.
Today, Jessica Smith's Upper Body Meltdown & Cathe High Reps Lower Body. My knees just do not like the side lunges on plates/sliders, so paused and tried to modify.
I FINALLY found a barbell on craigslist (that was in my budget) and am super duper happy about it. I think using a barbell in lunges will help with my posture a bit more. An olympic bar would have been awesome, but maybe next time!

Where is everyone, everyone, e v er y o ne??? ***echoes***

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