Exerciers with physical health challenges new check in

I hope you all had a good weekend! I've recovered from the cupping, feeling much better! Elsie thanks for the tip about the supplements. My practitioner makes me my very own tincture and it seems to work well to cover all organs.

Amy, I agree, news workouts keep me motivated too. Have fun with them!

I did x train super cuts today.
I had a nice relaxing weekend, watched a lot of soccer! My son's team did not do well on saturday which was disappointing, at least the US women won!!
Today I decided to do low max, my knees were not exactly happy doing all that stepping but I finished! I have always loved step w/o's, not being able to do them is frustrating!
Cendrine, I am happy you are doing better! I have never heard of cupping before, what exactly is it?
My son is encouraging me to go to an OMT clinic, he said they could help me with my back pain. He is in his 3rd year of med school, and just did a rotation in Erie where they have this clinic. I don't know of any in my area and I am not about to travel to PHL where they have one.
Amy, I love getting new w/o's as well, helps prevent the boredom! The LIS is a lot of fun, I enjoy CSS the most. Slide and glide is good but usually bothers my knees when I am finished.
Elsie, I hope you get some relief soon! I cannot w/o in the heat, thank goodness for air conditioning or I would never do it, lol.
Have a happy monday.
Today I did Low Impact Challenge.

Elsie, it's been smokey here for about a week too. Today was the first day there was an air quality alert though. It was too bad because the weather was beautiful this evening. It would have been a great night for a nice long walk.

I'm glad you're feeling better, Cendrine!

I have always loved step workouts too, Katie. I hope your knees haven't been bothering you since you finished the workout.
Nice to hear about everyone's (holiday) weekend. : ) Happy to hear you're feeling better Cendrine.
Still smokey here with an alert as well, but I went out tonight anyway cause after dark is the only time it's bearable. Bad me! lol.
Finally got back into something today. For lower body I tried Michelle Dozois strong sexy body sculpt part 2 with a band which was intermediate and my body loved it, then for upper body I did a Fitness Blender body weight workout. Tonight, I spent some time practicing classical hatha yoga which was great mentally & physically. I rarely find I have time for mindful practice lately.
Workout for me was afterburn. It's tough and hot, to do even at six a.m

Katie, I don't know a whole lot about cupping, but it is basically a small glass cup with an opening where you attach a tube to suck out air to create a vacuum (the cup is placed rim down on skin, vacuum created makes cup stay attached) it creates a bruise which supposedly mobilizes all sorts of healing reactions, one of the effects being that it dislodges toxins the body has stored in tissue. Based on my reaction, I had quite a bunch stuck away... I'm sure this is a butchered description of the treatment, but that's all I remember from the practitioner telling me.
Today did Jessica Smith's fusion band workout .....tougher than it looks! & some hip floor work with the band.

Pretty stiff today so gonna stick to free movement rather than a lot of "hard" training I think.
Google 'tcm cupping' for some videos. : )
It's a very versatile (and old as the ages) form of bodywork.
Today I did Burn Sets Bi's & Tri's. The smoke cleared out here, so I took a long walk too.

Cendrine, AfterBurn is on my schedule for Thursday. I'm excited to try it! It looks like I'll be able to try out my new gliding discs with it.
Did a bit of a mix, pick n match today. Completed about 2/3rds (way way harder than I expected) of Barlates Triceps Blast & two segments of TurboBarre: lower and upper body endurance and leg conditioning outer thigh focus. So my arms feel fried! I don't know how some folks can do barre without sweating! It's so challenging for me. I have not gotten through TurboBarre without breaks yet.
Off to play lacrosse for a bit soon.
I can't do turbo barre without cramping....!

My workout was athletic training. We have a friend coming to stay with us for a few days, taking that time off from workout. We will probably go hiking instead.
I can't do turbo barre without cramping....!

My workout was athletic training. We have a friend coming to stay with us for a few days, taking that time off from workout. We will probably go hiking instead.
Glad to know it isn't just me. : ) I have psoas issues as so many of us do, so thought perhaps that was just it. I've been eyeing Athletic training for some time. I generally like workouts like that. Would you say it is worth buying the physcial DVD ( premixes n such) or would download be alright? I like to get downloads due to price and shipping as well as trying not to consume plastics, but I definitely do not like missing out on premixes. lol.

Enjoy your hikes!
Today I did All Out Low Impact HiiT. I got to try out my gliding discs. I need more practice with them for sure. They kept getting caught on the floorboard joints.

Elsie, I've switched to buying downloads. I don't like waiting for the mail, lol! You can make the premixes from the downloads with the desktop workout blender, though I've seen some people have problems with it (I haven't).

Cendrine, I hope you have great weather for hiking!
Yesterday I did LIS lower body, I was surprised at how well my knees handled this w/o. I re-learned a yoga move on Tues that really helped with my squatting and deadlifts. I was letting my back "banana" curve in my cobra and chair pose, a little correction made such a difference. This simple correction also allowed me to get my forearm and handstands in perfect alignment. I have tried for years to do handstands, without much success, my new goal will be able to do it without the walls as a safety net.

Elsie, I wish I had a laptop I could use in my basement, it would be nice to make my own premixes. I personally have not used any of the athletic training premixes, so I don't think you will miss out if you don't have the DVD.
I love barre work, I wish my knees would allow me to do it more often. When they were healthy I could complete TB without difficulty, unfortunately that is not the case anymore.

Cendrine, enjoy your company and hiking.

Amy, I bought a cheap remnant carpet for my gliding discs. I have puzzle mats as my flooring and the discs would not slide on them. If you have a carpet store nearby you might find something inexpensive to get to cover your floorboards so they don't get stuck.

Today is a cleaning day, yuck!!
Tomorrow will be yoga and anti gravity fitness.
Enjoy your weekend.
psusoccer, so sorry to hear about your ongoing problems with your knees. ((hugs))
Thank you everyone for the details regarding athletic training & premixes. I have yet to try out the workout blender as I was (wrongly I think) under the impression, I had to be subscribed to Live to have access to it.
Tonight I went for a long walk and did some slow moving pilates when I got back. Nothing too intense today. : )
Today my workout was some dumbbell lateral shoulder work and then I completed the Low Impact KickBox premix from my new dvd Cathe Kick Max. I really like it.

Congrats on your handstand progressions Katie! Doesn't it feel great? I am still not there with hand stand unassisted either, but the first time I got into head stand was satisfying. Very satisfying. Inversions make me feel steady.
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Today I did AfterBurn. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but I ended up way too fatigued. I'm glad I postponed it because I thought I was going to die pretty early on! It really got my heart rate up, quickly, and I took many breaks throughout. I made it through, but it took an hour. I really needed that though.

Katie, my boyfriend suggested remnant carpet for the gliding discs too. I bet he has some - I'll give that a try. I hope cleaning day wasn't too bad! I haven't done a handstand since I was a kid. That's a fun goal!

Elsie, it's confusing because there are 2 workout blenders now. One is for on demand, and one is for downloads. Here's the information on the version for downloads: http://cathe.com/workout-blender/.
Today I did RWH UB premix 6, there are no blasts in this premix. I really wanted to find a way to use these DVD's, no blasts allowed me to complete this w/o pain without any pain in my knees or back. I am going to try lower body circuit next if there is a premix without blasts.

Elsie, I was so excited to get my handstand! I have been working on it for years, being able to hold it (even though it is only for a short period of time, FOR NOW, lol) is so exciting. I was also able to accomplish my side crow with full leg extension yesterday, another one I have been working on for a long time.

Amy, keep working on afterburn, a toughie but a good one. I used to hate doing that w/o, such a high dread factor, but now I love it. I do CSS or AB on a weekly basis, they are the only cardio based w/o's that don't bother my knees. My favorite cathe w/o is still CSS, I do the premix with the added step bonus. It is easier than afterburn if you haven't already tried it. I told my girlfriend who is new to cathe, that AB is CSS on steroids. She is afraid to try it now, lol.
Have a good weekend.
Today I did Total Body Trisets Upper Body.

Katie, I was afraid to do AfterBurn after seeing the calorie burn in the workout manager, lol! Maybe that played a little part in my difficulty level, but probably not much. It definitely gives me something to work up to!
Elsie, I was so excited to get my handstand! I have been working on it for years, being able to hold it (even though it is only for a short period of time, FOR NOW, lol) is so exciting. I was also able to accomplish my side crow with full leg extension yesterday, another one I have been working on for a long time.
Right on!!!! :) You must be strong.

Good work on your workouts Katie and Amy and hope your weekend is being fun.
I'm unwell today, but hopefully will get in some gentle pilates and ball rolling when DH goes to bed. Tomorrow I have to go and pick up a step I found on craigslist. Yay! So glad.
I hope everyone had a good weekend. I did Slide & Glide today, and yesterday I did Xtrain Legs. The heat and humidity arrived here over the weekend, but I did manage to get outside late this evening to take a walk. It cooled off a little by then, but it was still sticky. Elsie, I hope you are feeling better.

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