"DC Sniper" should be dead in about an hour. Good.

I should soooo stay out of this!!! But I'm not. If we could all just learn to state our opinions without attacking each other, things would be fine. For instance Carola and I obviously differ a lot in some of our beliefs, but you know I still love her, she still loves me (I think) and we have had some great discussions without going off on each other. Was Govtgirl's post a little "pointed"? Duh, but she had just been told by someone that they couldn't believe there were still people in the world like her and that her post had no place on the forum. That was a little rough too don't you think? I don't think that believing in the death penalty means you are full of rage and vengeance either and have no sympathy for others. It just means we differ on our view of justice. Can't we all just agree to disagree without attacking each other???

i am not going to state what i believe b/c really its nobody's business and it wouldn't matter anyway but i found your post very well put! we can voice our opinions its an open forum and everybody up to a point was good with the posts and respecting and had very valid points to their debate,its called seeing the other side with understanding but holding your ground on yours. but overall it just wasn't cool to judge somebody like that, our feelings and beliefs are based on experiences and environment we live/raised in and until you walk a mile in that persons shoes you can't judge their opinions or why they have them.

Normally I agree that differing points of view are fine and to be encouraged in a world where we all learn from each other. In the case of the death penalty, one of those points of view ends up killing people, so I'm not so fine with that. I think it's okay to have other points of view, but I don't think that having those points of view entitles us to kill people. And that's what the death penalty is - some people deciding that it is okay to kill people. In many other ways, the prevailing point of view also curtails other people's rights - such as gay marriage. The problem is, there's no such thing as a non-subjective right and wrong. In many of the States, the majority of people think it's okay to kill people. In Canada, it's been outlawed for a long time. Anyone can have an opinion - but the power to implement that opinion should end when implementing that opinion actually has the power to kill someone or curtail someone's human and/or civil rights.
In the spirit of the peanut gallery I'm gonna jump in and say I agree with Liann (and Michele. Hi Michele!) and GovGirl.*

And for the record there's no limit on what can be discussed in the "open" topic. We talk fitness yeah, but everyone here knows that we also talk politics (ALL THE FLIPPING TIME) books, kids, news, TV shows, on and on. Hell I've posted about my chickens, for cripes sake. Unless I'm intending to put them in leg warmers and headbands and high-step them around the yard that doesn't really qualify as a fitness-related topic.

* agree about the right to post and defend oneself from specious attacks. I have mixed feelings on the death penalty.


.....Hell I've posted about my chickens, for cripes sake. Unless I'm intending to put them in leg warmers and headbands and high-step them around the yard that doesn't really qualify as a fitness-related topic.

LMAO!!! OMG, I nearly spit my coffee out all over the keyboard, just getting a visual!!! Thanks for the laugh! :eek:

Now I'm wondering if there are any YouTube 80's videos of chickens in shiny blue spandex.... :p
Gosh, I'm a bully? :( Ok, girls, let's just take a deep breath....If I were a GUY and said what I said, plain and forthright, nodody would have blinked! C'mon, you know it's true!! That would just be chalked up to a guy speaking his mind. But a girl speaks up, and I'm a bully? I really don't think I deserve that.

As an "opinionated" and "blunt" chick I have to agree with that. ;)
morningstar its understandable, many of us believe its not right either but we can't judge somebody as an angry,vengeful etc person b/c we don't know what has made them feel that way. its not like they were going out themselves and doing it. i have feelings about pedophiles,rapists, and child abusers nobody agrees with but i am not writing congress about it or taking the law into my own hands its just my feeling towards their actions,and really death is way to easy of a let off for people committing crimes but i don't understand why so many don't get life in prison either. they are our feelings many of us are not fighting for anything just stating how we feel when we here something so heartbreaking and horrible happening in our world(just a reaction and probably not what we would want anyway). but we don't have to be so spiteful against people b/c their viewpoint is not in line with ours. that doesn't make us any better then who we are accusing of being vengeful in the first place. just saying you can't attack somebody on their beliefs than be upset that they attacked you back which is what made this thread turn ugly. instead of the beginning of the thread where many ppl stated why they believed the way they did without attacking anybody.

i have to sometimes i react in a way i am not proud of when i hear of a horrible crime but really like i said i think death is to easy, so i might say "take him out" but i really don't mean it. just an angry reaction that somebody could think what they did was so right. i say make them go with my therapist. if there was a time i have had to face so much its there, i feel just as bad in my feelings of reliving things and facing some choices i made that weren't so great is just as bad as being sexually abused. some ppl can't handle facing their choices and that will change a person. you can't get much more tortuous then that.

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To me it's not if someone is for the death penalty that makes them vengeful and angry, it's the way they go about this. Many of my friends support the death penalty and whereas I don't agree with their view I don't find them angry or vengeful.

What they don't do though is what the original post did, almost gloat (as I perceived it) over a life being taken. Convicted killer or not, this just gives me the creeps. The title of the original post really made my stomach turn.

Personally I think that the willingness to take a life sanctioned by the government has something to do with the increasing violence. But that's a different discussion.

And for the record, it doesn't matter if it is a guy or a woman who goes off on someone else in this fashion, I still find them to be bullies.

It is one thing to defend one's stance or being opinionated but it is quite another to personally attack. What irritates me the most is people having a discussion about one subject and they have no good argument so they suddenly turn and accuse the other person of what s/he did several months or years ago, regardless of if they have already apologized for that or not and stopped the behavior.
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When I called out Govtgirl for bullying I hadn't read the entire thread, and I still haven't and probably won't. This thread is repugnant to me (the title says it all). I saw one very venomous post from her attacking Jonezie, which was followed by a kinder and more magnanimous post from Jonezie, so from this I formed my opinion about the bullying thing. Maybe that's not for me to say though, and I said I could be wrong. I still think so.

But my comments had NOTHING to do with me being sexist. I am a proud feminist and have a degree in Women's Studies. I too am forthright, blunt, to a fault sometimes. I don't accept jerk behavior from men, like ever. Ask my husband, the poor guy. So no, that's just not it.

It's not anyone's POV on the death penalty that I took issue with, it was the personal attacks in that post. By the way, if she thinks Jonezie is breaking Cathe's rules, she could have just said that. She could have said "I don't like your blog and I think you promote yourself too much here" but instead she went for the jugular and got ugly and personal. If I were the target of that kind of thing, I know I'd feel shamed and hurt, maybe embarrassed. That's how I knew in my gut it was bullying. That's why I spoke up.
Gayle - It just meowed a few times during the investigation and there was no cat in the house. ;) They caught it on the voice recorder too when no one had actually heard it at the time they were recording. For the most part, the episode was a snooze. I like when they go to loony asylums better. ;)
Gayle - It just meowed a few times during the investigation and there was no cat in the house. ;) They caught it on the voice recorder too when no one had actually heard it at the time they were recording. For the most part, the episode was a snooze. I like when they go to loony asylums better. ;)

ITA, or haunted lighthouses. ;)
I am obviously super-new to this forum, but I feel like I should pipe in with an opinion. I live in the DC area too, and I will never forget the fear everyone felt when those two killers were on the loose. I personally am very glad that the DC Sniper is dead. It's just too bad Malvo won't be joining him anytime soon.

Jonezie's posts made me laugh out loud for the hypocrisy and self-righteousness she spouted. This subject has been beaten to death (no pun intended), but Gov'tGirl's opinion resonated with my own, for all the same reasons. I thought this was a forum where people could speak their minds without judgement or recrimination, but apparently I was mistaken. Not everyone has to agree, certainly, but Gov't Girl should never have been attacked by Jonezie for stating her own opinion. I have found that many people who insist they are Christians are the most intolerant and judgemental of all. I'll have to remember that if and when I post again and heaven-forbid express an opinion.
Now, why is it that I doubt that Binkies is actually a new poster?

The fact that Carola and I actually agree on this subject is making me rethink my whole worldview on capital punishment! :D
Now, why is it that I doubt that Binkies is actually a new poster?

The fact that Carola and I actually agree on this subject is making me rethink my whole worldview on capital punishment! :D

Gee whiz Morningstar, what makes you think that? Binkies even told us: "I am obviously super-new to this forum". Not just new, but super-new. Super-dooper-new. Obviously.

As for you and Carola agreeing, that's kinda cute. :eek::p In fact, it makes me think of one of my favorite Shel Silverstein poems (remember your poetry thread?):

Hug O'War
I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.
In the spirit of the peanut gallery I'm gonna jump in and say I agree with Liann (and Michele. Hi Michele!) and GovGirl.*

And for the record there's no limit on what can be discussed in the "open" topic. We talk fitness yeah, but everyone here knows that we also talk politics (ALL THE FLIPPING TIME) books, kids, news, TV shows, on and on. Hell I've posted about my chickens, for cripes sake. Unless I'm intending to put them in leg warmers and headbands and high-step them around the yard that doesn't really qualify as a fitness-related topic.

* agree about the right to post and defend oneself from specious attacks. I have mixed feelings on the death penalty.


Best post of the whole thread!!!
I am obviously super-new to this forum, but I feel like I should pipe in with an opinion. I live in the DC area too, and I will never forget the fear everyone felt when those two killers were on the loose. I personally am very glad that the DC Sniper is dead. It's just too bad Malvo won't be joining him anytime soon.

Jonezie's posts made me laugh out loud for the hypocrisy and self-righteousness she spouted. This subject has been beaten to death (no pun intended), but Gov'tGirl's opinion resonated with my own, for all the same reasons. I thought this was a forum where people could speak their minds without judgement or recrimination, but apparently I was mistaken. Not everyone has to agree, certainly, but Gov't Girl should never have been attacked by Jonezie for stating her own opinion. I have found that many people who insist they are Christians are the most intolerant and judgemental of all. I'll have to remember that if and when I post again and heaven-forbid express an opinion.

Gov'tGirl...is this you?!? LOL! This is Jonez---I mean---Woobies!!! I need a binkie after this. I think we both do.

You say potato...I say patatoh. Let's call the whole thing off, shall we?

PS...If you see Gov'tGirl, please tell her I have no hard feelings and nothing but forgiveness. And no matter what she says, I wish her nothing but the best and know that we may not agree but that doesn't mean she isn't the greatest person. I wouldn't want to see her get capital punishment if she ever committed a homicide. I wouldn't even want to see have a bad day. And I don't want her to waste a single minute feeling lousy about something I said. And hope she can come to feel the same way about moi.

Signing out...this is Jone---I mean---Woobies. Damn it.
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Now, why is it that I doubt that Binkies is actually a new poster?

The fact that Carola and I actually agree on this subject is making me rethink my whole worldview on capital punishment! :D

Gov'tGirl...is this you?!? LOL! This is Jonez---I mean---Woobies!!! I need a binkie after this. I think we both do.

You say potato...I say patatoh. Let's call the whole thing off, shall we?

PS...If you see Gov'tGirl, please tell her I have no hard feelings and nothing but forgiveness. And no matter what she says, I wish her nothing but the best and know that we may not agree but that doesn't mean she isn't the greatest person. I wouldn't want to see her get capital punishment if she ever committed a homicide. I wouldn't even want to see have a bad day. And I don't want her to waste a single minute feeling lousy about something I said. And hope she can come to feel the same way about moi.

Signing out...this is Jone---I mean---Woobies. Damn it.
Wow... just wow! I don't know what else to say. I have reported this thread.
I am obviously super-new to this forum, but I feel like I should pipe in with an opinion. ..... I have found that many people who insist they are Christians are the most intolerant and judgemental of all. I'll have to remember that if and when I post again and heaven-forbid express an opinion.

I don't think you are new either...and the Christian bashing is a little old. People from all different walks of life practice intolerance and pass judgment on a daily basis, including yourself.

On another note, Sparrow I'd love some more chicken pictures! And Liann, your fun pictures are right up there as some of my favorite posts.

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