"DC Sniper" should be dead in about an hour. Good.

Wow. I cannot believe you're all having a heated sociological/political argument & no one invited me. What the...........? :eek:

Laura, it's too funny you popped in and wrote that. I was reading the thread this morning and wondering, "Where the heck is Lauramax?"!!!
Uh oh, I do have some reputation, don't I? :p Very busy time of year for me, but I have to admit I'm having a blast at work. Who'd have thought? ;)

For the record, I support the death penalty. I don't think it's for revenge, I think it's for the good of society (& this goes all the way back to Plato). I do believe there are people who cannot be rehabilitated, & what with DNA testing & other technology the margin of error has decreased to zero. It's so expensive ($30K a year last I heard) b/c of the appeals process & the way they have to be incarcerated. I do think the system needs reform.

I would've liked to see a healthy, intelligent, spirited debate on this b/c I've been conflicted over it for like decades. Oh well. :(
Wow. I cannot believe you're all having a heated sociological/political argument & no one invited me. What the...........? :eek:

Sorry, I thought you had radar for these things!! :eek: Yeah, it occurred to me that I hadn't seen you, and almost started a "Where's Laura?" thread!

Oh, and for those that wrote that they never saw my title line as a "pop the champagne" moment, yes, and THANK YOU. There were several reasons I titled it that way, one is exactly for the reason you mentioned. This whole thing didn't need to be dragged out with more appeals to the Supreme Court, and it was all over the news to see if Kaine would grant clemency. The victims' families had been stating that they wanted it over and done with, so yes, relief was the word of the day.

It was just on my brain, I looked at the clock and wondered if there was going to be last-minute drama from the lawyers, and I posted. Boom, that was it.

And in that, I was trying not to mislead people into reading a thread that they knew off the bat they would disagree with. How many times have you opened a thread and thought "boy I wish I hadn't read that"?

So anyway.....enough of all this woo-hah. I actually had a good day at work too, am enjoying a well-deserved glass of wine, LauraMax is present and accounted for, ;) and all is right with the world!
I don't know what the right answer is. I see both sides of the issue on this one. I just think there has to be some type of punishment that fits the crime. Does getting to live out life in prison fit the crime of killing numerous people from a distance while they were going about their daily lives?

On a somewhat different note - My opinion on prison is that I think the entire system needs to be changed so the possibility of going to prison really is a deterrent. Isn't there a sherriff in Arizona who caught a lot of flack because he makes his prisoners where pink prison garb and brought back the "chain gang." Why not? Why should prisoners get free job training, free schooling, free exercise, etc.? The rest of us pay a lot of money for those same things "on the outside."


I totally agree w/Carrie!! What about Tex Watson (charlie manson groupie murder) he gets conjacale (sp??)visits and he has children on the outside and from what I hear on welfare!! Should anyone on the inside beable to have that right??? I think prisoners should have no rights other than their appeals. NO tv, computers, ect.

just my opinion

I have no problem with the death penalty. Those that are convicted of a crime should pay for the crime. If it means they pay for it by death, so be it.

Scott Glen, who was in Silence of the Lambs, once said he used to be against the death penalty. That was until he was preparing for his role in Silence of the Lambs. He said he listened to audio tapes of a man who had purposely taped the screams of those he tortured and murdered.

The thing is, those who commit crimes never give the victim a choice of life or death. They take life out of their own satisfaction and greed. So why then give a murderer a choice of life or death?

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