"DC Sniper" should be dead in about an hour. Good.

Govtgirl...I don't really know what to say, except pppffffffftttttttttt!

You can resort to personal attacks and escalating drama if you want to, but let's handle one issue at a time. If you want to discuss something with me that happened several months ago and for which I have apologized, learned from, and not repeated, let's make a plan to discuss it. I am completely open to constructive criticism and always want to make amends where amends need to be made. But let's handle one thing at a time, shall we? If you want to start a post about Cathletes who have their blogs in their signature lines, please feel free to do so. But I'm here to talk about my response to your post on capital punishment.

You posted that "DC sniper should be dead in about an hour. Good." You didn't say "Let's take a moment to remember this horrible tragedy or honor the families of the victims." It wasn't like "Thank God this is finally over." You wanted to escalate a situation and spew venom in a forum that is usually all about improving one's life and finding support in each other. Maybe you had an off day. Or maybe this is how you genuinely feel. It's just the way you went about it. I am the last person...the LAST...to ever respond to such a dramatic post. But you cannot expect to put out something so shocking without expecting someone to respond equally as strong. It crushes me to hear people say "good" and "it was too nice for him" when someone has just paid what you asked them to pay...their life. And I would not be true to myself if I let you just drop something like that without responding.

True...people talk about a lot of things in these forums. But it always seems to come from a place of genuinely needing help and support from their fellow Cathletes. Your post seemed to be an attempt to get other people to rant with you. Again...for the 14th time, you are just as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. But, that means I am entitled to one, too.

PS...if you want to argue some more or just rub my face in the carpet (the universal sign for "this conversation is over!"), why don't you send me a message? Frankly, I think we are boring people and that there are better things to talk about than hatin'... like pie, SMS or weight loss survival during the holidays. I don't think people want to hear you and I going on and on again. Send me a message and let's talk. Heck...if you live in Southern CA or Texas, let me take you out to dinner and we can talk this out. I'm sure we could find something to agree about! :)
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Hey Govtgirl, why so rageful and self-righteous? What an overreaction to go off on Jonezie about her blog and all that...I mean, it's Cathe's website and she can take care of things herself if someone has broken the rules about promoting their own stuff. And if you don't like her blog, that's your right, but why go all nuts about it and say hateful and personal things? You sound like a bully and I think you're mean.

About the original point, I get that your "good" was not a rejoicing comment but rather a feeling of satisfaction that justice was served. You have a right to that opinion. Personally, killing makes me physically ill (whether it's murder, slaughtered animals, or planned executions). I just don't have access to the darkness and rage that it takes to feel satisfaction or vengeance about any kind of killing. I guess I'm lucky to have not experienced anything horrible enough to lead me to such a place, and I'm grateful for that and for my ability to sympathize with others.

And I do sympathize with you, even though you probably wouldn't accept it. It must suck to be so angry about someone on the dumb internet.
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I should soooo stay out of this!!! But I'm not. If we could all just learn to state our opinions without attacking each other, things would be fine. For instance Carola and I obviously differ a lot in some of our beliefs, but you know I still love her, she still loves me (I think) and we have had some great discussions without going off on each other. Was Govtgirl's post a little "pointed"? Duh, but she had just been told by someone that they couldn't believe there were still people in the world like her and that her post had no place on the forum. That was a little rough too don't you think? I don't think that believing in the death penalty means you are full of rage and vengeance either and have no sympathy for others. It just means we differ on our view of justice. Can't we all just agree to disagree without attacking each other???
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Thank you, Liann :)
For the record, I just find it so interesting that Jonezie launches a personal attack on me after quoting Ghandi and bringing God and judgement into the discussion, and I'm the one that's mean? Huh.

I stated my opinion in the very beginning, and didn't attack anyone. Jonzie goes after me, in a very non-Christian way , might I add, and ironic. I defended myself, and stated things that have been an elephant in this room for a very long while. And I'm attacked? Nice.

Jonezie...as far as your post...sigh. You are accusing me of the very things you initiated in this thread.

So maybe you apologized for the whole "look at my blog" stuff, which in itself garnered a whole other "look at me" thread :rolleyes:, ....do the real apology, take the spotlight off you, and get rid of the link from your signature. This is Cathe's forum about fitness, remember?

And for anyone expecting to make popcorn and witness a catfight, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Find something else to watch tonight.
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And for the rest of you girls expecting to make popcorn and watch a catfight, I am sorry to disappoint you. Find something else to watch tonight.

GhostHunters is on SciFi right now and there's a ghost cat! ;) Not a cat fight, but still entertaining.
I should soooo stay out of this!!! But I'm not. If we could all just learn to state our opinions without attacking each other, things would be fine. For instance Carola and I obviously differ a lot in some of our beliefs, but you know I still love her, she still loves me (I think) and we have had some great discussions without going off on each other. Was Govtgirl's post a little "pointed"? Duh, but she had just been told by someone that they couldn't believe there were still people in the world like her and that her post had no place on the forum. That was a little rough too don't you think? I don't think that believing in the death penalty means you are full of rage and vengeance either and have no sympathy for others. It just means we differ on our view of justice. Can't we all just agree to disagree without attacking each other???
ITA!!! Well put, Liann!! And I love Carola, too, even though I think she's crazy. :p :D :D :D
I see your points Liann. Maybe I was unfair since I don't share Govtgirl's POV on the issue at hand. I found her last post to be so bullying and just straight-up mean, but it's possible I missed bullying other the other side too.

I didn't say that "believing in the death penalty means you are full of rage and vengeance either and have no sympathy for others". I didn't say that I don't believe in the death penalty either. I said it makes me ill and that I can't feel the rage and vengeance that it must take to feel "glad" that someone has been executed. I didn't criticize those who felt that rage and vengeance either, just said that I was lucky that I hadn't suffered anything to cause me those things. I know that some people go through some sh*t that could make them feel that way; I'm fortunate that I haven't and I hope that I never do. I hope that no one ever does. I'm sorry for those who have.

As for the sympathy thing, I just said that I'm grateful for my ability to sympathize. Didn't criticize anyone else. I'm grateful that circumstances haven't taken that from me. That's a part of my personality that I am proud of (I'm not proud of everything about myself). I didn't mean to say that others don't also have the ability to sympathize, whether they are pro or anti death penalty. I was just talking about myself and how this issue made me think about and appreciate this aspect of myself.

As for agreeing to disagree without attacking each other, sure, I'm for that. I just don't agree to disagree with bullies, or when it compromises what I know in my heart to be true and right (i.e. bullies are bad).
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And for anyone expecting to make popcorn and witness a catfight, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Find something else to watch tonight.

Your post just continued the catfight.

I totally agree with what you said in both of your posts, Amy!

Ummmh, Michele :p:p:p

Of course I love you Liann! I think we agree on more than you think.
In the spirit of fairness, Jonezie shouldn't have bullied/attacked Govtgirl either.

I should mind my own business now, and I will. In general the world would be a better place if we all thought about our own issues and anxieties rather than criticizing and trying to change or fix others. I'll take my own advice.

Good night, ladies! :)
Gosh, I'm a bully? :( Ok, girls, let's just take a deep breath....If I were a GUY and said what I said, plain and forthright, nodody would have blinked! C'mon, you know it's true!! That would just be chalked up to a guy speaking his mind. But a girl speaks up, and I'm a bully? I really don't think I deserve that.

I beleive in the death penalty, for blatant cases that warrant it, with no grey areas for false convinctions. This guy was totally guilty, and unrepentant. Believing in the death penalty does not make me a bad person.

I am ex-military, I work in law enforcement. I am not jaded or mean, but maybe I have a different perspective, which should be respected as much as other, differing views.

And I'm not doing popcorn, either! It's pistachio ice cream and watching skinny girls whine abour how unfair stuff is on America's Next Top Model! :eek:
Good explanation Amy. ;) It just shows how our own opinions about a subject matter influence how we read someone's post. I'm talking about how I read yours, not the other way around.
In the spirit of fairness, Jonezie shouldn't have bullied/attacked Govtgirl either.
Amy, I guess I didn't see your posts, and I've never thought of you as a bully, but I definitely felt that Jonezie bullied and attacked in this thread. Just my observation, but I really had the feeling that she was trying to ramp it up here. I never felt that anyone posting in favor of the death penalty did so with any sort of glee or sense of self righteousness. I could say more but I don't want to. :cool:
In the spirit of fairness, Jonezie shouldn't have bullied/attacked Govtgirl either.

I should mind my own business now, and I will. In general the world would be a better place if we all thought about our own issues and anxieties rather than criticizing and trying to change or fix others. I'll take my own advice.

Good night, ladies! :)

I think everybody has made good points and had good arguements based on their beliefs. Yeah it got heated, but I respect what Jonezie and Govtgirl had to say (minus the person stuff) regarding this topic. As far a Carola goes, I hardly ever agree with her post, but damn if she doesn't make me think about some things and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that.;)

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