CRACY, STRONG AND LOVING IT January 2016 - January 2020

I'm finally able to lift again so today I did Xtrain Chest, Back & Shoulders. I had a great workout, love this one. This is a great series and I'm excited to do it for the next couple weeks. I went a bit lighter than usual because I didn't want to irritate my upper back again.

Today's workout went like this:

Round 1
Tempo Pushups
- 24 reps (did all on toes except last 8)
One Arm Rotational Row - 16 reps - 20#
Side Leaning Lateral Raise - 16 reps - 5#

Round 2
Dumbbell Press on Ball
- 16 reps - 25's
"T" Band Pull - Skipped
Shoulder Circle - 48 reps - 3's

Round 3
Reach Tap Push-Ups
- 24 reps (did all on toes)
"T" Prone on the Ball - 12 reps - 5's
Alternating DB OH Press - 24 reps total - 12's

Round 4
Chest Fly on Ball
- 16 reps - 20's
One Arm Row w/Tubing - 32 reps
Bent Over Rear Delt Drop Sets - 16, 12, 8 reps - 10's

Round 5
Lower Chest Incline Fly on Ball
- 16 reps - 8's (these are hard for me, not sure why?)
Dumbbell Pullover on Ball -16 reps - 20#
Double Arm Upright Row - 16 reps - 15's

Round 6
Incline Dumbbell Press on Ball
- 16 reps - 20's
Back Fly on Ball - 16 reps - 10's (could go up here)
Dumbbell "W" Press on Ball - 16 reps - 12's

Round 7
3-Way Chest Fly
- 16 reps - 15's
One Arm Row - 16 reps - 25#
Incline Hammer Front Raise on Ball - 12 reps - 5's

Round 8
Push-Ups - 12, 10, 8 reps (all on toes)
Superman "Y" on Ball - Skipped
Lateral Raise w/10-20 Degree Tilt - 12, 10, 8 - 8's

Workout was 46 minutes, Avg HR was 119, Max was 191, burned 267 calories which shocked me. Happy with that calorie burn.

Then I did the 11 minutes Tabata workout on my treadmill to get my HR going and get in some steps. Avg HR was 142 and Max was 191. Burned 97 calories and went 1558 steps. Also went .75 miles.

At work so can't do personals. Hope you all have great workouts today!!!
Good morning girls!:)

I'm a saddened Patriots fan today, but I still got it done & finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Core De Force- Power Sculpt = 37 Min
MV= 7.75
CB= 392

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 41 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 521
Distance= 3.81 Miles

MetaShred- Phase 2- D4- Light Weight Lean Out = 32 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 371

Total calories burned = 1284:cool:

Belinda- I like your idea of doing a 4 week rotation with Gym Styles, sounds great! WTG! with your workout today of GS Chest & Triceps and did Core Cuts #1 (standing core) with Kimberly Spreen. Plus you said you plan to do SBF D29 Total Body Tone 8 and I see you did before I got this entered. Have a blessed day and high fives on your workout today!:D

Debbie- Great workout today and high fives you got to do XTrain and lift again, Awesome workout with Xtrain Chest, Back & Shoulders. Congrats on your 11 minutes Tabata workout on my treadmill for .75 miles. High fives on your workout today, that was amazing. Have a blessed day!:):cool::D

Roxie- I hope you have a great workout and a blessed day! Take care and I hope you are feeling better.

Hugs & blessings:)

Good Evening,

I shut my phone off last night and forgot to turn it back on so my alarm didn’t go off so no workout for me today. We got 2” of snow yesterday and supposed to get another 3” at least tomorrow. Good job today everyone.
Today I did Cardio Coach 3 and had an excellent workout even though I woke up with a really bad headache. I'm feeling better now, I think the running helped. Love this workout.

Workout was 40 minutes, ran 2.91 miles, burned 361 calories (TM said 381) and went 5828 steps. Avg HR was 147 and Max was 200.

Then I did the ab work from PUB. Love this one, however, I didn't do the inverted planks on the ball due to my upper back. Didn't want to irritate it. Instead, I just did crunch on the ball and felt every one of them. Great ab workout, love this one.

Roxie - OMG I hate when my alarm doesn't go off. That hasn't happened to me in a long time. I have an alarm clock that resets itself every morning after I press the button to turn it off. I don't even have to worry about setting it at night and I've never had it not work. I love that clock. Hope you can get a good workout in today.

Belinda - Nice workout yesterday!!

Nora - LOL, I'm glad the Eagles won, I think they deserved it. Sorry your Patriots didn't win, though. At least they got in the Superbowl, the Browns can't even win one game.
Good morning girls!

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Core De Force- MMA Shred= 38 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 415

Fit Split- Mixed Impact Cardio- Timesaver #1 Just Mixed Cardio= 29 Min
MV= 9.50
CB= 376

KCM 30MTF- Build & Burn- Kettlebell Kickbox Fusion = 26 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 302

Total calories burned= 1093:cool:

Roxie- Oh no sorry your phone alarm did not go off. I use my phone also as my alarm clock and can relate. Oh my goodness on the snow I was hoping that was lessening of done altogether. Be sure to check your alarm is set before you go to bed, keep warm and feel better. Have a blessed day!:);)

Debbie- Great workout today with Cardio Coach 3, that is a fun one. Nice stats and step counts truly inspiring, WTG! Love that you added ab work from PUB, that is some killer ab work, there good stuff,high fives!! Now go have a blessed Tuesday.:):cool::D

Belinda- You are killin' your workouts so awesome. Amazing workout today with Gym Styles legs + SBF UB/core, great combo of workouts very well put together:D. Have a blessed and terrific Tuesday.:);)

Hugs & blessings:);)

This morning I did Xtrain Bi's & Tri's. Had a really good workout, this is a fun one. I really like the Xtrain series, not sure why I don't do it more often.

Round 1
Alternating Standing Curls
-12 reps - 15's
Standing Overhead Extension - 16 reps - 25#

Round 2
Incline Curls on Stability Bal
l - 16 reps - 20's
Flat Bench Tricep Extension - 16 reps - 12's

Round 3
Seated Concentration Curls
- 16 reps - 15#
One Arm Kickbacks w/Tubing - 16 reps - 5# + tubing

Round 4
"W" Curls w/Dumbbell & Tubing
- 16 rep - 5's + tubing
Seesaw Push-Ups on Ball - 12 reps

Round 5
Seated Hammer Curls on Ball
- 16 reps - 15's
One Arm Seated Overhead Extensions - 16 reps - 12#

Round 6
Preacher Curl on Ball
- 16 reps - 12's (Don't like these at all, I did standing curls instead)
Side Leaning OH Extensions - 16 reps - 10#

Round 7
Slow-Mo Eccentric Curls w/Tubing
- 16 reps - 5's
Cross-Body Extensions - 16 reps - 10#

Round 8
Incline Reverse Curls on Ball
- 16 reps - 12's
One Arm Plank Kickbacks - 16 reps - 5# (did while doing plank, first time ever)

Round 9
Hammer Curl Crazy 8's
- 24 reps - 12's
Crazy Dips - (done holding one leg up in the air and then switching) 16/16/8/8/8/8 reps - KILLED!!!

Workout was 45 minutes, Avg HR was 118, Max was 163 and burned 228 calories. I can't believe my FB has me burning this many calories. Last time I did this workout I burned only 96 calories, although we all know that isn't right. Glad to see the higher burns, I just hope it's accurate.

Then I walked on my treadmill for 1 mile, burned 133 additional calories, went 2483 steps. Avg HR was 115, Max 139.

Hope you all have great workouts today!!
Good Morning,

I did Rolling Hills on the treadmill for 35 minutes this morning. I have a doctors appointment this morning to figure out what to do. I hadn’t had any pain until Sunday night when I ate ice cream and then Monday was a really stressful day at work and the pain was horrible last night and then this morning I drank coffee with creamer and now I hurt again. They talked about surgery but I am not ready to go down that road.

Debbie-good job this morning. I have kind of lost my mojo this week.
Good morning girls:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 42 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 533
Distance= 3.87 Miles

KCM 30MTF- Build & Burn- Cardio Core = 28 Min
MV= 9.40
CB= 359

MetaShred- Phase 2- D5- Thermogenic Temo Training= 32 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 371

Total calories burned = 1263:cool::D

Debbie- Awesome workout today with XTrain Bi's and Tri's and a 1 mile treadmill walk. You nailed it today, Bravo WTG!! Now go have a blessed & wonderful wednesday!:);):D

Roxie- Great workout today with Rolling Hills on the treadmill for 35 minutes this morning,WTG Bravo. Now regarding what you shared about being without pain then after eating ice cream there was pain, and had coffee with creamer today and there is pain. I know coffee is acidic so maybe that plays a role, not sure. I'd say it sounds like maybe dairy or type of sweetener is a possible issue. I know Silk brand has many non dairy things that taste like dairy. Maybe try Vanilla Silk Milk like product or see if Silk makes a creamer, and Ice cream. If so try it and see how you feel after that and make a note of what foods trigger pain and what ones do not. This would be what I would do before even considering surgery. This can most likely be managed by keeping notes on what foods work for you meaning no pain vs what ones do. Give it a try and see how you feel, and take care. Have a blessed day and feel better.:);)

Belinda- I hope you have a great workout and a blessed Wednesday!:);)

Hugs & blessings:)

I just got home from doctor he thinks it’s still my gallbladder giving me problems and I have been taking my medication right so I am to change that and he also suggested the food diary that Nora also suggested and he will see me in August to see how it goes.
I thought I posted this morning? I did IMAX3 + SBF D31 Barre 11 this morning.

Roxie - hope the meds will help soon.

Nora - hope you have a great workout today.

Debbie - nice job this morning.
Today I did a custom workout I made up on the treadmill app I have - I called it "Jogs & Sprints", creative, huh? LOL! I think I thought I am superwoman or something when I made it up because it was tough. I will need to tweak it a bit. I find my endurance and stamina in running for long periods has greatly improved, but I had some intervals in this workout with no rest and that was a mistake. I had to walk for a few minutes during parts of the workout to catch my breath, but other than that, it went really well.

Workout was 47 minutes, went 3.54 miles, burned 415 calories and went 6993 steps. Avg HR was 146 and Max was 207.

I know my HR is higher with this new FB, I'm wondering if it is closer with accuracy than my Blaze was? I know I'm not hitting 207 bpm, I'd be dead, but I do think it is better than before. For instance, with the Blaze I was only in the 130's doing workouts like this, maybe reaching the 140's. I could always tell I was way higher than that. Let's face it, we have all worked out enough to know when we hit anaerobic status, right? I know when I'm pushing myself and my HR is way up there - I can feel it. When I'd look at my Blaze I would see 140 or 136. I knew that could not be right. Now when I'm doing a sprint, the end result is usually in the 160-170's. I think that is more accurate.

So anyways, had a great workout and my legs are sore right now. :)

Roxie - What is "rolling hills" on your treadmill? Where did you get that from? Also, your doctor won't see you again until August? WTH??? How can he say he thinks it's your gallbladder and then says he won't see you until August? I suggest you get another doctor, he sounds like a wack job. Your issues definitely sound food related. Nora's suggestions yesterday is what I was going to tell you. Stay away from dairy for a while and see if that helps. Drink almond milk (awesome stuff) and use coconut creamer in your coffee. It's hard to find, I can only find it in Heinens. I get the SO original - it has no sugars in it and is low in fat. Be careful on the alternative creamers out there, the flavored ones usually have high sugars and fat. Eliminate one thing at a time so you can figure out what is triggering your issues. So stay off the dairy for one week and see how you feel. If that doesn't alleviate your issues, try staying away from acidic products, and so on. See what is triggering your symptoms and keep a diary. Don't eliminate everything all at once because then you won't know what is triggering the symptoms. Hope this helps.

Have a great day and workouts everyone!!!
Good morning girls!

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Jessica Smith- Walk Strong 3- Cardio HiiT= 32 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 371

Core DeForce- MMA Power= 47 Min
MV= 8.25
CB= 529

PiYo-Sweat = 22 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 210

Total calories burned= 1110:cool:

Debbie- Great workout you created Jogs & Sprints, wow sounds challenging. Great workout covering a distance of 3.54 miles. Congrats on awesome stats. WTG and high five!!!:):cool::D Have a blessed pre-Friday!:);)

Belinda- Great workout today with Gym Style back, shoulder & biceps + SBF WTG, you're awesome have a blessed Thursday!:cool::D

Roxie-I hope you'll start feeling better. Maybe give the food diary some thought, it might be helpful to know what foods are a problem and avoid them and any pain. Take care and be well have a blessed day. :);)

Hugs & Blessings:)

Today I did Kelly's Tabata Legs, I really love this workout. It is pretty knee friendly, I had not problems with it at all. I really worked my legs, they were trembling when I got done. Fun workout!!

Workout was 30 minutes, burned 135 calories. Avg HR was 108 and Max was 137.

Walked on my treadmill for 1 miles as well and burned an extra 104 calories. HR didn't get up that high, I just walked slow on a 1% incline.

Nice workouts yesterday everyone! I don't have time for personals, we got more snow and I need to leave early for work.

Have a great day and weekend!!!
Good Morning,

I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes yesterday and 35 today. I started the food journal so hoping it helps. I am still not convinced it’s my gallbladder.

Debbie-rolling Hills is a program on my treadmill and I just use a 3.3 Speed and walk but I could probably run it if I liked to run. Good job the last two days.

Nora- you are doing great

Belinda-you have a lot of workouts
Good morning!

In just finished a late starting workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30MTF- Live Amped Cardio- Workout #1 = 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 360

MetaShred- Phase 2-D6- 5 Minute Death Sets= 32 Min
MV= 8.70
CB= 380

Cardio Coach Vol 1- Warm up, SS, Challenge 1,SS,Ch 2,SS, Ch 3, Cool Down + Coaches Notes= 35 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 430
Distance in Miles= 3.26 Miles

Total calories burned= 1170:)

Debbie- Awesome Fab Friday workout with Tabata Legs(KCM) and a 1 mile treadmill walk. WTG! Awesome workout now go have a fabulous & blessed Friday. :);)

Belinda- Great workout today, well done with Low Max and SBF barre. Now go have a blessed and fab Friday.:);):cool:

Roxie- Great workout on your treadmill walk 30 minutes yesterday and 35 today WTG. I hope that the Food Journal helps. Have a blessed day :);)

Hugs and blessings:D


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