CRACY, STRONG AND LOVING IT January 2016 - January 2020

Good Morning girls!

I just finshed today's workout and will now check in.

KCM 30MTF- Meltdown- Premix- Dumbell Meltdown = 43 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 470

KCM 30MTF- Home Gym Intervals Bonus Waistline= 9 Min
MV= 5.0
MV= 61

PiYo- Sweat = 35 Min
MV= 6.50
CB= 311

Total calories burned= 842:)

I hope everyone has a blessed and wonderful weekend/workouts.

Hugs and blessings:)

Hi everyone,

Today was SBF Active stretch, which was tough.

Hope you all having a relaxing Sunday. See you all in the morning.
So I was planning on doing Xtrain again this week but someone on another check-in that I'm on is doing a total body workout that she created. It looked good so I decided to do it for a while. So I went back to where she started with it and copied her exercises and method. I tweaked it a bit and may change some of the exercises, but I really like total body workouts and this circuit type goes quick. Not sure how long I will do it, but it was fun this morning to do something on my own. I added the burn sets, just felt like I needed something more.

Bench Press: 65#/10 reps
One Arm Row: 30#
Seated Overhead Press: 15's/10 reps
EZ Barbell Curls: 35#/10 reps
Lying Triceps Extension: 15's/10 reps
Squats: 20's/10 reps
Repeated 2 more times so a total of 3 sets, no rest except a couple minutes between doing the rotation over again

Burn Sets:
16 reps
Bent Over Flies: 10's/16 reps
Lateral Raise: 8's/16 reps
Simultaneous Hammer Curls: 12's/16 reps
Kickbacks: 5's/16 reps
Static Lunges: 12's/16 reps
1 circuit set through, just felt like adding this on.

This got my HR up pretty good, really liked it. Looking forward to Wednesday's workout.

Workout was 35 minutes, burned 252 calories. Avg HR was 135, Max was 196.

Also walked on a 5% incline on my treadmill for 1 mile. Burned an extra 117 calories and walked 2581 steps. Avg HR was 96 and Max was 125.

Have great workouts everyone!!!
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 42 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 533
Distance= 3.91 Miles

Core De Force- MMA Speed = 27 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 313

MetaShred- Phase 3-D1- Calorie Crushing Combo's= 32 Min
MV= 8.60
CB= 376

Total calories burned= 1222 :cool:;)

Belinda- Awesome Monday morning workout with GS CT + SBF Barre Fire, way to get it done girlfriend, high fives!!!:D:cool: Now go have a beautiful blessed day;):)

Debbie- Its always nice to mix things up and good for you trying a weight workout someone else created, sounds fun. Looks like a cool workout, and impressive weights that you used their girlfriend, WTG!! :D:cool: Have an amazing, blessed and beautiful day:);)

Roxie- I hope you are feeling better. Have a fun workout & blessed day.:);)

Hugs & Blessings:);)

This morning I did a couple cardio workouts just to mix it up a bit. Had a great workout and loved both workouts. My knees, however, are talking to me!

Cardio Pump Kickboxing: 30 minutes and burned 238 calories. Avg HR was 145 and Max was 189. I went 3281 steps.

Mountain Hike on treadmill: 30 minutes, burned 255 calories (TM said 299), went 2.19 miles and did 4450 steps. Avg HR was 139 and Max was 175.

Nora - Excellent workouts yesterday!! You are killing it lately!!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Good Morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Core De Force- MMA Plyo= 47 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 545

Fit Split- Low Impact Cardio/Metabolic Conditioning- Timesaver#3 Just Metabolic Conditioning= 30 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 348

PiYo- Define Upper Body= 20 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 137

Total calories burned= 1030 :):cool:

Debbie- High fives on your workout today with Cardio Pump Kickboxing and Mountain Hike on Treadmill. Killer steps and stats today nice mileage and calorie burn today:cool::D Have a fun and blessed Tuesday.:):D

Belinda & Roxie- I hope you both have some fun workouts today and a blessed day:):cool:

Hugs & blessings:)

Hi everyone,

Quick check in: I did KM w/leg drills + SBF UB w/bands today.

I need to get some work done. BBL! Good job, everyone.
Today was another total body workout. This one was tough, I was sweating big time.

Incline Chest Flies: 20's/12 reps
Pull-Ups: Used assisted bands/10 reps
Upright Rows: 35#/10 reps
Hammer Curls: 20's/10 reps
Overhead Dumbbell Extension: 25#/12 reps
Elevated Deads: 55#/10 reps
Repeated 2 more times so a total of 3 sets, no rest except a couple minutes between doing the rotation over again

Burn Sets:
16 reps
Bent Over One Arm Raise: 10#/16 reps
Shrugs: 55#/16 reps
Crazy 8's - 12's
Triceps Pushups:
12 reps
Firewalkes: Side to Side 4x's but did this 5 times through
1 circuit set through

Workout was 32 minutes, burned 213 calories. Avg HR was 129, Max was 170.

Also walked on my treadmill for 1 mile. Burned an extra 110 calories and walked 2454 steps. Avg HR was 95 and Max was 127.

I have to go in early so no time for personals. Hopefully I'll be back later. Hope you all have great workouts!!!
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout.

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 42 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 533
Distance= 3.93 Miles

MetaShred- Phase 3- D2- Shrednado = 31 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 381

KCM 30MTF- Build & Burn-Lower Body Tabata = 27 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 313

Total calories burned= 1227:)

Debbie- Nicely done today with the total body rotation you are doing, well done! Also great job on your 1 mile treadmill walk. High fives on today's workout WTG!!! :cool::D

Belinda- great workout today with Gym Style CSB + SBF TB, WTG with your workouts, bravo.:);)

Roxie- How are you feeling? Take care and be healthy, and have a great workout. Have a blessed day!:):confused::D

Hugs & blessings:);)

Good Evening,

I haven’t worked out the last two days just lazy. I did StudioSweat Spin Release The Beast w/ Bethany this morning. Looking at my new work schedule I am going to have time to do longer workouts. I think taking the medication the right way is helping.

Debbie-good job with your workout

Nora-impressive as well
Today I did Cardio Coach 1 and had a great workout. I warmed up with Kelly's Lower Body Tabata warmup. I have been getting running magazines and the newest Runner's World has a page of warmup exercises you should do before you run and all the moves Kelly does in LBT is the same as what is in that magazine. So it does make a difference to warmup before a run, I felt less tight and ran very well. My knees are hurting a bit but I think thats because I've been doing more leg workouts.

Workout was 36 minutes, burned 347 calories (TM said 360), went 2.8 miles and 5740 steps. Avg HR was 142 and Max was 199.

I also did the ab work from KP&C.

Have great workouts everyone!

Prayers to Florida, how truly horrible and sad that is. What is wrong with people?
Good Morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Fit Split- Boxing Bootcamp/Legs& Glutes- Timesaver #1-Just Kickboxing= 34 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 418

X10-X37= 38 Min
MV= 9.20
CB= 477

Leslie Sansone- Walk off fat fast= 21 Min
MV= 7.60
CB= 218

Total calories burned= 1113 :cool::)

Roxie- Great workout yesterday with StudioSweat Spin Release The Beast w/ Bethany. On a much more important note you mentioned that taking your meds the right way was helping and you were feeling better, that is awesome news. :D:D:cool: Have a blessed day and feel great~!;):)

Debbie- Nice workout today with Cardio Coach 1, KCM's Build & Burn Lower Body Tabata warm up & KP&C ab work.:D:cool: Awesome workout interesting what you shared about what the running magazines mentioned for warm ups being much like KCM's LBT. T hanks for sharing the info. Have a blessed and fab pre-Friday.:)

Belinda- Nicely done today with Gym Style Legs and SBF barre UB/core. Awesome combo of workouts WTG!!! Have a blessed day!:);)

Hugs & blessings:)

Today I did a full body workout again and had a great one. Somehow when I was doing the warmup from XTrain, my Fitbit went to pause so by the time I realized it, I was done with the lifting. I was so bummed. Not sure how that happened but it happened 2 minutes into the warmup. Weird.

Incline Dumbbell Press: 30's/10 reps
One Arm Horizontal Row: 25#
Incline Front Raise on Ball: 8's/10 reps
W Curls: 15's/10 reps
Close Grip Dumbbell Press: 20's/10 reps
Plie Squats: 25#/10 reps
Repeated 2 more times so a total of 3 sets, no rest except a couple minutes between doing the rotation over again

Burn Sets:
Decline Pushups:
16 reps
Rows w/Band: 16 reps Green band
Rotator Cuff Pulls: Green band/16 reps+ (can't remember what this exercise is called)
Alternate Hammer Curls w/Twist: 12's/16 reps
Dips: 16 reps
Calf Raises: 25's/16 reps
1 circuit set through, just felt like adding this on.

Also walked on my treadmill for 1 mile.

Hope you all have a great workout and a great weekend! Yay on Friday!!!
I almost forgot to post my workout. I did IMAX premix 1-5 this morning.

Been on the phone with K9 carts, I just ordered a front wheel kit. Brawler is getting weaker in his front paws. Now, he will have a full support K9 cart. I wished the find a cure for DM :( It's heartbreaking watching him like this :( DM has 3 stages, I think we at the last stage :(:(

sorry for the lack of personals. Brawler isn't doing so well.
Good morning girls, it's Friday!:D

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

MetaShred- Phase 3- D-3- Body Building Burn Out= 32 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 371

KCM 30MTF- Build & Burn- Kettlebell Kickbox Fusion = 26 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 302

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 43 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 546
Distance= 4.08 Miles That's a new PR for me!:)

Total calories burned = 1224

Debbie- Great workout today for your with total body sounds amazing, well done. Plus you walked on Treadmill walk for 1 mile.
That was a fit and fierce Friday workout. Congrats on starting your day with a fit and fierce Friday workout and on to have a blessed day.:):cool::D

Belinda- Nicely done today on your workout of IMAX premix 1-5, great job, WTG!!! Sorry to hear that brawler isn't doing well and now needs front wheel kit for more support as you mentioned he's getting weaker in his front paws. Poor guy, but God bless him he's such a trooper and still has spunk and sweetness. He's a lucky boy to have you & your family's love and support. I'm sure you have told us but I don't recall what DM is or what Brawler has. I do hope that this front wheel kit will offer him more support and comfort. I will pray for Brawler. Have a blessed day and give Brawler a pet and hug for me.:);):D

Roxie- Glad to hear you are starting to find some relief with all the changes and meds. Keep on going in a positive direction with that to help you feel better and enjoy life more. I hope you hav e a fun Friday workout and blessed day!:):cool::D

Hugs and blessings:)


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