CRACY, STRONG AND LOVING IT January 2016 - January 2020

Good Evening,

I did KCM Build and Burn Trim & Tone Intervals this morning. I am still fighting the pain trying not to let it rule my life.
Today I did Cardio Coach 1. Feeling a bit better, upper back feels bruised now so the muscle is finally loosening up. Hopefully by Monday I can do Xtrain.

Workout was 36 minutes, wen 2.63 miles, burned 280 calories (TM said 352) and went 5246 steps. Avg HR was 129, Max was 202.

I got back on my treadmill and walked for another 15 miles to get me to 3.25 miles. Burned an extra 76 calories and went an extra 1717 steps.

Roxie - What kind of pain do you have? That isn't good. Nice job on your workout!!

Nora - You had a nice workout and calorie burn yesterday. Nice going. You always do such great workouts, I don't know how you do it.

Belinda - Nice job on your workout as well!! Kicking butt!!!
Today I did Cardio Coach 1. Feeling a bit better, upper back feels bruised now so the muscle is finally loosening up. Hopefully by Monday I can do Xtrain.

Workout was 36 minutes, wen 2.63 miles, burned 280 calories (TM said 352) and went 5246 steps. Avg HR was 129, Max was 202.

I got back on my treadmill and walked for another 15 miles to get me to 3.25 miles. Burned an extra 76 calories and went an extra 1717 steps.

Roxie - What kind of pain do you have? That isn't good. Nice job on your workout!!

Nora - You had a nice workout and calorie burn yesterday. Nice going. You always do such great workouts, I don't know how you do it.

Belinda - Nice job on your workout as well!! Kicking butt!!!

Debbie-It feels like someone is stabbing me just at the breastbone bone that radiates into the back and up my neck. I have to try and find a comfortable position and along with this when I swallow it feels like something is stuck in my throat. My doctor refused to refill my pain medication
Good morning,

SBF LB barre is done.

Debbie - good job this morning.

Roxie - so sorry you having to deal with so much pain ((HUGS))

Nora - have fun with your workout today.

That's it for me today.
Good Morning,

I did KCM Build and Burn Upper Body Supersets and 30 minutes on the treadmill rolling hills. I have a doctors appointment Friday so we will see what he has to say to help me manage the pain. I know certain foods set it off so I might just have to start keeping a record of what does and doesn’t. I am on week 6 of Build and Burn trying to decide what to do next. My transfer I have been waiting for came through so I will save an hour each day in Drive time and I can come home for lunch so my workouts can be a little longer. I am thinking about do Debbie’s rotation from years ago.
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Insanity Max 30- Max Out Sweat= 34 Min
MV= 11.0
CB= 511

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 41 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 521
Distance= 3.83 Miles

MetaShred- Metaconda= 34 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 395

Total calories burned= 1427:cool:

Roxie- Good job with yesterday's KCM Build and Burn Trim & Tone Intervals WTG!! Wow! Great workout today with KCM Build and Burn Upper Body Supersets and 30 minutes on the treadmill rolling hills, nicely done. Sorry to hear about the pain you've been dealing with . I do hope that with the meds and dietary changes as prescribed that will go away or lessen. :);) Have a blessed day & feel better!;):D

Debbie- glad to hear your tight muscles are starting to loosen up and feel better. I would not attempt XTrain until Monday giving those muscles time to loosen and heal.:);) Have a blessed day!:);) Nicely done today with Cardio Coach Volume 1, great j0b! Don't forget to do gentle stretching. Have a blessed day and feel better!:D:);)

Belinda- Great workout today with SBF LB barre WTG!! Have a fun and blessed day!:);)

Hugs & blessings:);)

Today I did the Hiit Rep Run from my treadmill app. OMG, that is such a tough workout, I really pushed myself today. Did well with it and got some major miles and steps.

Workout was 56 minutes, ran 4.18 miles (but my treadmill said 3.85 which is weird because my FB and TM are usually spot on with mileage), burned 454 calories (TM said 559) and went 8225 steps. Woo hoo!!

Roxie - So sorry you are dealing with that, that is not fun. I know a lot of people who have that same problem. Hopefully you can get it under control. Nice job with your workout! And congrats on your transfer, that is AWESOME!!!

Belinda - Good job with your workout!! Rockin it!

Nora - You had awesome workouts yesterday, nice job!! Great calorie burn!!

Have great workouts today everyone!!
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Jessica Smith-Walk On 6 Mile Mix- Cardio Interval Abs= 15 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 164

KCM 30MTF- Athletic Conditioning = 36 Min
MV= 9.20
CB= 452

Insanity Max 30- Max Out Strength = 33 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 405

Total calories burned= 1021 :)

Debbie- High fives on your awesome workout today with HiiT Rep Run treadmill workout, bravo:D;):cool:, great mileage and step counts. Now go have a blessed pre-Friday.;)

Roxie- Congrats on yesterday's workout with of KCM Build and Burn Upper Body Supersets and 30 minutes on the treadmill rolling hills. That is awesome well done! Congrats on your transfer that will make things easier time-wise etc.. I'm sorry you are dealing with pain, that is so not fun. Hopefully taking your prescribed medication and maybe start keeping a food diary- use a spiral notebook write down everything you eat or drink and when, then have a column you can write down how you are feeling / and how if anything seemed to irritate your symptoms/condition. That way can have a visual reference to see what foods can be a problem and what ones are not. Just an idea to consider trying. I hope you feel better, have a blessed day:);).

Belinda- Enjoy your recovery week and have a fun light workout today. Have a blessed day:);)

Hugs & blessings;)

Good morning,

I did Cheryl Burke Disco Abs I will survive cardio = 30 min. Had a blast! I love dance workouts, lol. I also did SBF Old School Arms = 20 min.

Good job, everyone.
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Good Evening,

I did KCM Build and Burn Kettlebell Kickbox Fusion.

Debbie-good job today

Nora-good idea might have to do that. My doctor refused to refill pain medication.
I was going to do another running workout but thought I better give my knees a break. I walked on my treadmill instead. Walked for almost a good hour. Got some steps in at least. Upper back is still a bit tight but feeling much better. I'll hopefully be able to lift on Monday.

Workout was 52 minutes, ran 2.77 miles (FB said 2.59 - not sure where the inconsistency is at here), burned 284 calories (TM said 346) and went 6368 steps.

Roxie - Too funny on you wanting to do one of my old rotations. I don't even see them on the forum anymore.

Have great workouts and a great weekend everyone!!
Good morning,

SBF D26 Upper Glutes = 26 min. I also did Cosmopolitan Step Workout = 29 min. This one is an old VHS tape, lol. Remember those? I am glad I kept it, it was a lot of fun. I am going through all my VHS's next few month.

Roxie - have fun with Debbie's rotation. They are great!

Debbie - you need to pump up all your rotations. This way they don't get lost.

Nora - have fun with your workout today.

That's it for me today. Have a great Friday!
I was going to do another running workout but thought I better give my knees a break. I walked on my treadmill instead. Walked for almost a good hour. Got some steps in at least. Upper back is still a bit tight but feeling much better. I'll hopefully be able to lift on Monday.

Workout was 52 minutes, ran 2.77 miles (FB said 2.59 - not sure where the inconsistency is at here), burned 284 calories (TM said 346) and went 6368 steps.

Roxie - Too funny on you wanting to do one of my old rotations. I don't even see them on the forum anymore.

Have great workouts and a great weekend everyone!!

Debbie-I printed it off so I would always be able to go back to it
Good morning, It's Friday!!

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Insanity Max 30- Friday Night Fight Rnd 2= 34 Min
MV= 10.50
CB= 487

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 41 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 521
Distance= 3.77 Miles

Meta Shred- Doomsday= 32 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 371

This concludes Insanity Max 30 Round 4 or 5, love that 60 day program.

Total calories burned = 1379:):cool:

Roxie- Great job on yesterday's workout with KCM Build and Burn Kettlebell Kickbox Fusion, that is always a fun workout with no dread factor, love it! Hang in there Roxie and give the food diary some thought, it might be a useful tool to look back and see what's going on if there is more discomfort or pain certain days than others you can then look back and see. WTG on yesterday's workout have a blessed day!:);)

Debbie- Good for you listening to your body and giving the knees a break and waiting until Monday to do any lifting (XTrain)etc.. Impressive job walking on treadmill today with 52 min 2.77 miles, bravo!!! You go girl! Now have a blessed day!:):D:cool:

Belinda- Great workouts today with SBF D26 Upper Glutes = 26 min. VHS workouts with Cosmopolitan Step Workout = 29 min. That is awesome and fun too! Excellent workout today and have a blessed day!:):):cool:

Hugs & Blessings;)


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Good Morning Girls!

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Jessica Smith- 10 Min Quick Walks- Buns and Thighs walk= 11 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 120

Core DeForce- MMA Shred= 38 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 415

X-10- Fat Burning Circuit= 30 Min
MV= 8.80
CB= 360

Total calories burned= 895:cool:;)

I hope everyone has an amazing workout/rest day and a fab blessed Saturday!

Hugs & Blessings:)


Hi everyone,

Caribbean Workout = 20 min + SBF Core = 20 min is done. That core workout was a touch :(

That's it for me today. Have a great evening.
Hi girls~!:)

I finished today's superbowl workout earlier and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Core DeForce- MMA Speed = 27 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 313

PiYo- Define Lower Body= 21 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 143

Total calories burned= 856:)


Hugs & blessings;)

Good morning,

For the next 4 weeks I will play around the Gym Style. DH and I just finished GS Chest & Triceps.s. I also did Core Cuts #1 (standing core) with Kimberly Spreen.. I will do SBF TB later, my arms are about to fall off, lol

Have a great Monday and workout everyone.
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