Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good evening,

I also did Leslie Sansone: Walk To The Hits Party 2 Mile. Her miles are a little off, still had fun.
We are trying to head out on Friday instead of Saturday :) Hopefully I get everything done. I was planning everything out, now I am 1 Day short :( Arr...

Just taking a break from loading the RV :)
Hey guys. Just finished FlexTrain. I did the timesaver premix and skipped the abs because they were sore from the last few workouts. I am pretty tired. Not much else to report. We are getting significant snow on Saturday. At least I won't have to worry about whether my school is closed or if my kids have early dismissal when I do not.

Belinda- Are you leaving on Friday to beat the snow? Are you expected to get hit as well?

Deb- It's funny you did hot yoga. I did KPC with my thermal under armour shirt, lol. It helped kick in the sweat factor, haha. I will definitely use the gym on the ship. You have to pay for the classes, so depending on the amount, I might do a kickbox or step class for fun.

Waving hello to Cookie, Iris and lovetocamp!

Kirstin - yes we get hit as well :( That's why we are leaving Friday. If we leave on Tuesday we miss our son's wedding :) Nicely done with Flex Train today.
Hey remember me?
Sorry I've been so neglectful with checking in.
Belinda, is the wedding next week? What day? You must be getting so excited. Will we see photos? Cathe does have a lot of options for us. Honestly, it was you who got me into some of them.
Kristin, not much longer til your cruise. You have a lot of trips coming up. What did you decide on hammer and chisel?
Lovestocamp, glad your dd is okay. When is she due? Is this the first time you'll be a grandparent? While I would love to be one, not one of my kids are ready for to be parents.
Iris, how are you doing?
Deb, I like the idea of a pre-Super Bowl party. Isn't it amazing that it's time for another one of them? Time is just goes by too quickly. Where are you off to?
I've been swamped with work, and trying to recover from this flare up. Doing much better - thank good for really good doctors and meds.

Today I did X-train bi's & tri's. I made the mistake of going to the food store after work & it was crazy!! I ran into one of DH's softball friends from 20 years ago, can't believe he recognized me because I didn't recognize him:oops:. My son was with me & he followed us around the store.

DH was home sick today with the stomach bug & now (I think it's in my head) but I feel my stomach turning.

Belinda - I just heard on the news Washington DC will get hit hard with the snow, so it's a great idea to leave early. I don't think I have ever attempted the Viper w/o but it scares me just hearing the name;) Have a great time & how exciting that your son is getting married:)

Kristin - I don't remember them charging for classes, I only remember taking one. Well with the airlines charging for luggage & everything else they can get away with I guess it is possible:rolleyes: I'm happy the snow is on the weekend too!

Cookie - I'm happy for you that the Dr.s and meds are helping. I'm off so visit my Dad in FL & friends but will still use my in-laws condo for most of the time.

ood morning,

The Terminator Exercise DVD - Imax Xtreme Workout = 75 min is done :)

Cookie - glad you starting to feel better :) My son's wedding is Jan 30 :) It's just so much getting things done before we leave.

Debbie - we are really trying to get out of DC by tomorrow :( My son and his fiancé are flying tomorrow instead of Saturday. If you familiar with IMAX2 and Cardio & Weights, you good to go. Lot's of fun. I need to remember to pull that one out more often.

Kirstin - I am hoping we make it before the snow storm. Need to clean house today and get more stuff in the RV. I am already tired.

I will be back later to catch up on personals.

I did Butts & Guts floor work & bonus stability abs. I'm happy I looked at the bonus material (thanks to Belinda) don't think I ever did them before:oops: I needed to get some things at Trader Joe's OMG at the lines:eek:. I know I am crazy for going to the stores!! I saw so many people putting sweets in their carts last minute they strategically placed them next to the registers:) I was thinking out the window with New Year's resolutions.

Belinda - I can't imagine how tired you must be, especially after losing a day to get ready. I hope you can sleep on the ride down. Have lots of fun & look forward to hearing all about the wedding & your adventure:) It's good that you dd & finance were able to get out early too, after all they are the star attractions:D

Waves hi to everyone, stay warm & safe


Today I took a hot yoga class. It looked like snow all day, we are expecting 6-12 inches. My Mom is getting blizzard like conditions & more snow, I am worried about her but her neighbors have already started calling her. I just hope the power doesn't go out, started digging out flashlights & candles from Hurricane Sandy. We are taking our neighbors (also our lawyer) out to dinner tonight.

Belinda must be on the road, they are saying it's so bad in the South, I hope they have a safe trip.

Stay safe & warm, will be back tomorrow:)

I'm sure everyone is dealing with the snow or taking it easy until you have to. I took a rest day today, I hurt the right side of my back must have been in hot yoga:oops: I want to help with shoveling but I guess we'll see how I feel in the morning.

We must have 20-30 inches of snow:eek: At least our power didn't go out. Ds's gf had to go to work at the hospital early this morning & they are mandating them to do a double & she might also need to sleep at the hospital tonight because she has to work early tomorrow morning too. My other ds has been out snow plowing since last night, all day today & probably a good part of tomorrow. I feel so bad for them, thankful I'm riding the storm out in a warm house.

I hope everyone is ok

Good morning ladies,

We are in Carthage Missouri (small town), we were greeted by the park owner with chocolate chip cookies. We did beat the blizzard in DC, only caught a little bit on Friday in Maryland and West Virginia, that sounds backwards but we live in the East panhandle and when we go north-west we hit WV a couple times. Once we got to Ohio it cleared up. It's freezing cold outside, Friday and yesterday it was in the 10' :( Here it is at freezing. We should be getting into Sweetwater TX today (70-yeah), looking forward to warmer weather. We did run into a lot of problems with the RV. Yesterday we got propane and the guy forgot to reset the system, which caused us a lot of headache, everything like the heater, hot water, refrigerator/freezer runs with propane. Nothing was working? It took us 1.5 hour to figure out what was wrong. We called Good Sams (Roadside assistance for the RV) they couldn't find anybody in Indian that knows about RV's, WTH? Indian is huge:( Somehow my husband (it was already 8pm) got a hold of some dude in California (RV mechanic/specialist) that talked my husband through resetting the system :) We have a full kitchen and bathroom in the RV, the water pipes and tank froze, that was a lot of fun. We also got into an accident yesterday. The entire left rear (10 feet) and the slide out on the RV is torn up, we can't open our slide out, still a lot of room. Motor is working fine, but like I said no slide out in the living room area isn't as big as I am used to :) I haven't worked out once, we just trying to get away from the cold. As you can see we are having a blast :) Hope you all staying warm. I will check in tomorrow. Hopefully I can get a workout in. Take care, everyone!!
Hey guys. Well, we survived that blizzard. 6-12 inches my A$$. We got close to 30 inches. Our Internet was down, but we only lost power for an hour, so not too bad. anyway, I just finished today's workout. STS TB. I did the premix with the bonus burns taken out, just to save a little time because I promised the boys I would take them sledding, which is where I am off to now.

I will bb later with personals. I hope you all are safe and warm!


I'm taking Alleve and it is helping my back a little bit but not at night. It probably wasn't smart of me to shovel the walkway but it actually felt like it was feeling better moving but not now LOL. I also took a rest day today.

Belinda - I'm so sorry you are going through so much, but I bet it will be uphill from here. One thing is you won't ever forget this trip. 70 degrees sounds nice!! Have fun:)

Kristin - I just saw on the internet that our schools will be closed tomorrow. Parts of our town have hilly roads so I'm sure that is why, plus where do you put 30 inches of snowo_O My son did a backflip off our deck, I think he thinks he is a kid again but he could have been seriously hurt. Your boys & dog must be loving it!

Cookie, Iris & Cyndi - I hope you are ok from the storm

Good morning,

I finally got a workout in : I did ICE Metabalic TB Timesaver premix :#3 Warm Up + Blizzard Blast + Muscle Meltdown - Chest + Stretch - 38:42. We are in Texas, it's in the 70' :)

Thanks Debbie :) That was a rough trip. DH said we never go to Alaska in these kinda weather.

I have to shower and get ready to go. BBL!
Hey guys. Workout done: MMA Fusion. I cannot remember the last time I did this workout. I definitely feel it in my abs already. my legs are sore from yesterday as well, between STS TB and then sledding (going up the hills after sledding down was a workout within itself). Today I had work, but my boys' didn't have school. The district I live in had a snow day. . . the district I work in had a delayed opening, which meant nothing to me as staff has to report to work regular time. The highways weren't bad, but the side roads are still a disaster!

Belinda- Sounds like you had a rough start to your trip! My goodness between the heat not working and the pipes freezing. . . at least you are in 70 degree weather now! Like Deb said, hopefully it is all uphill from here! nice job on your workout today!

Deb- after all that shoveling of the heavy snow, you deserve a rest day. no snow day for me today, as you've probably read already. I was bummed. So are you definitely putting in for the RT this Friday? I wish I could go. Maybe next year. I would like to do a destination RT one time. Cathe said she was doing any destination trips this year. . . Maybe next year she will.

Waving hello to everyone else!


I took a yoga class today. I'm not sure but it really helped my back because I don't have any pain anymore! The roads were tough today so much snow and the lanes are so narrow. Parking spaces are limited but TG not too many people at the malls. With all the snow, most places just put the snow to one side. I was at Starbuck's with a friend at the mall after work & they were closing the store at 5pm because they were afraid of black ice. No other stores closed but at least Starbuck's looks out for their employees.

Belinda - A workout & warm weather:)!! What are your plans before the wedding?

Kristin - It is nice to pick out a dvd you haven't done in awhile. This snow was tough having to go up the hill after sledding:eek:. I'm thinking about signing up for the NJ RT, I always think as long as I can make it I should try. Ugh, on having school today, our district is on a 2 hour delay for tomorrow too! I always thought the teachers were alsoo_O

Waves hi to everyone

Hey guys. Workout done. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do, so I did two shorter workouts. I did X10 Step, and then Athletic Training, the express premix. My legs are sore from the last few days, and this combination did not let up on them today. Not much else to report.

Deb- some districts allow teachers to come in 1/2 before the kids on delayed openings, but not mine. What pisses me off about it, is that I am driving on ice and then I get there with papers I could grade at home anyway. There is no point in making me come in early except to make me come in early, lol. Whatever. It is stupid. I made it there in one piece, so I should not complain. When I worked in retail they never let us leave early. I worked at a store, like a Home Depot, Pergament. One time we had a terrible snow storm, and I lived further away than most people in the store. The manager made me stay anyway. I couldn't see the exit on the expressway to get home, that is how bad it was. . . and I was 18!!!! I don't know how I made it home alive that day.

Waving hello to everyone! Belinda, I hope you are having a good time now!


Today I did Squeeze by Tracey Effinger. I really like that workout but don't do it often:confused: It can also be done as an add on since it is chaptered. Other than all of Cathe workouts not many have chapters but this one does.

Belinda - I hope things are looking up. I can't even imagine, how you would go about getting the body work fixed on the RV?

Kristin - You are doing a good job of picking premixes too! It is crazy that managers especially retail don't allow employees to go home:confused: Today I heard so many stories of people still digging cars out & streets not even plowedo_O

Waves hi to everyone


Today I took a hot yoga class. We are going out for pizza soon, so BBT. Just realized I was going to work Friday & that is sign-up day for NJ RTo_O

Waves hi to everyone:)


I'm here alone, but will keep us going. Today I took a yoga class, my favorite yoga instructor keeps challenging us every week! The snow is melting slowly but at least it's melting.

Macy's has put a section in some stores called Last Cut with all the markdowns for clothes all located in one area. It is like a TJ Maxx, Marshalls inside of Macy's. So many shoppers were checking it out & buying, I think it was a great idea.

Waves hi to everyone;)


Today I did a band workout. Yesterday I took a rest day. Last night we took my in-laws to dinner. Looks like I'm going to the NJ RT:) wish all of you were coming!

Belinda - Today is the "big" day. Congratulations & have lots of fun!!!

Kristin - Are you counting down to the cruise? It looks like we may have Spring like weather in Florida but still happy to be going.

Cookie - How are you?


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