Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did Muscle Endurance lower body premix, I struggled with that workout! especially the leg presses. DH & I are going for a bite to eat soon.

I'm thinking about going to the NJ RT since it is so close to me. If anyone wants me to sign up for them, let me know.

Belinda - Are you doing anything different with you hair? I leave a few days after you.

Waves hi to everyone, have a nice weekend:)

Push/Pull done. I was tired, but my goal was five workouts this week, and if I took a rest day, that would not have been possible.

I am continuing to get a lot of positive feedback about my union speech this week. It feels good and makes me feel that I may have a future in the union, not just as a rep, but maybe on the executive board and a NYSUT regional rep. Who knows, right?

Deb- I want to go to the RT this year, but I cannot afford it. We are going to Florida for my cousin's wedding and that is going to be expensive between the travel, hotel and wedding gift, plus dog boarding at my trainer's house.

Belinda- great workout today. I like your plan of doing all the premixes. They are like new workouts all over again. I haven't done all the premixes of my Cathe dvds, I don't think. That is an interesting goal.

Waving hello to everyone else!

Party Rockin' Step 1, step mix premix, plus bonus abs 1 from RWH done. Now it is time to do clean max.


Hallo ladies,

Today I did Cathe Classic Vo 1 - Step Jam and Exercise TV Incredible Abs #3.

Kirstin - good job with your workouts this week. That's fantastic you get a lot of positive feedback about my union speech this week. That's the idea getting all the premixes in this year, no more dvd buying for me. I still have hundred waiting on my shelf :)

Debbie - good job on ME premix. There a lot of e leg presses in that one. How long are you gonna be gone? You are visiting your dad? Have fun and safe travels. My hair is short and curly:) Love it! They call it the messy hair, lol.

Cookie - how are you doing?

I will be back tomorrow. Good night, ladies
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Today I did Tracey Mallet Booty Barre, trying to throw in other workouts here and there like Belinda:) We will be away for Superbowl (didn't realize when I booked) so I am inviting my sons & gfs over tomorrow for a pre-Superbowl (playoff) party.

Belinda - Your haircut must be super cute. We are going to FL for 2 weeks in February (visiting my Dad & friends too) it will probably be cool weather & go back in April when the weather gets warmer. We are trying to get a feel for FL to see if we can live their full time some day.

Kristin - You have a lot of fun trips planned this year, it is an expense but still wish you guys were going:) What part of FL is the wedding?

Cookie - How are the new meds working out?

Good morning

The Terminator - The Gauntlet is done :)

Debbie - are you going to the RT this year? I don't think my knees can handle all those hours of working out anymore :(

Kirstin - the RT is a lot of expense just for 2 day's. I plan on going this year, but now my knees are bordering me. Maybe we all can go one day this year to Cathe gym and workout with her?

Cookie - hope all is well.

Off to do some yoga, BBL!
Hey everyone. So happy to have a three day weekend. It is actually snowing here today, lol. We are getting one to two inches they are saying. This is the first snow of the season for us. It hasn't been that bad of a winter so far. Anyway, I just finished my workout for today. I did RWH UBC. This was the toughest workout I have done since recovering from my never ending flu/cold. I was able to get through it without having to pause for a coughing fit, although, I still did hit pause for a few times to catch my breath, lol.

Belinda- nice job with the yoga relax premixes all being done. While you are going through your premixes are you finding you have favorites? I haven't attempted to do all the premixes on the Cathe sets I have, but it would be interesting. I gravitate to certain ones. For instance, BM@ cardio and weights is one of my all time favorite premixes.

Deb- wish I was going too, but just can't swing it all. We are going to Orlando. DS's baseball team is going to a tournament in Disney World, but we told him we can't do it. It is two weeks before the wedding. Family is more important. Anyway. . .too funny about having a pre-superbowl party. I cannot believe the Superbowl is coming already. Spring is right around the corner!


Kirstin - I don't think I have a favorite premix, I like them all :p Now, I have to pull BM2 out soon and do that premix, lol. Haven't done that one in a long time. You should do some premixes, they are awesome. I am not going to buy another workout dvd until I have done every single Cathe dvd w/ premixes. I already done 30 dvd from my *200* goal :) It will take me years to go through all my dvd's, lol. Plus, I really don't need anymore. It was snowing here to earlier, it's not sicking. Thank goodness! I can't wait for summer. Hope you feel better soon.
Today's workout is all done! I wish I had three day weekends every week, lol. I did LIHI Legs, I did a premix, inspired by Belinda, lol. I did the Strength + Blasts + abs premix. Every round adds an ab segment. It was great. I thought at first my heart rate might not stay up there, but it did. A great overall lower body workout.

Belinda- which dvd is that on? Hi/Lo? Is it the KPC or the SJP or a combination of both? I'd like to try that one.

Waving hello to Deb, Cookie, Iris and lovetocamp!

Hello Ladies,

Sorry I've been absent form checking in. My dd is pregnant and we had a scare with hospitalization but she's ok and baby is doing fine.
Haven't had time to read all posts but will get to it.. Been keeping up with my workouts, and lost 2 lbs
Could be from stress.
Have a good evening
Hey girls,

Kirstin - glad I inspire you with the premixes :D They are really awesome, right? The one I did today is from the Hardcore Series: High/Low Interval.

Cyndi - I am so glad your dd and baby doing fine :) Good job on the lb lost and keeping up with your workouts.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.

Today I took a yoga class. I was off today and it was nice, stopped by my in-laws because some relatives were visiting.

Belinda - Cathe does have some great pre-mixes so many I still need to do too! I noticed a bonus workout on boot camp/muscle endurance I have never tried but looked interesting. I'm thinking about going to the RT, but I will go any other time if you all decide to go.

Kristin - A three day weekend must have been awesome especially since January is so long, but your right Spring is around the corner!

Cyndi - I'm happy dd & baby are doing fine, must have been so stressful. Congrats on your weight loss!

Cookie - I hope you are feeling better.

Waves hi to Iris

Good morning,

I am without a Fitbit since Saturday :( My battery stopped working. I went and bought another one at Costco yesterday. That one isn't working, WTH? I was on the phone with Fitbit tech for almost 2 hours. just to find out the battery on that one is broken too:eek: That one counted steps then took off 100 steps at a time :( I have no luck with Fitbit :( I have to go back to Costco and buy another one, brrr...not happy about that. I am so behind with my step count, it's not funny :( I can't even put the steps manual in Fitbit :( I am very frustrated.

Debbie - she does :) That is why I am going through all her workouts plus premixes. I haven't even put a dent in my dvd collection. I will not buy another workout dvd until I get through every single one I already have. It will take me no joke....a few years to go through all of them:D

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. I will do cardio today, I will will report later what I did.
Good morning,

Today I did Yoga Max = 48 min + The Classic V1 Step Heat = 59 min :)

Sorry, I have no time for personals. I will catch up later. Gotta run :)
Hey girls,

I also did Leslie Sansone: Walk To The Hits Party Songs, I will not get a workout in this weekend.

Good night, ladies.
Hey guys. Tonight's workout was KPC. It felt great. I am definitely fully recovered from my flu/cold. I did the entire workout without coughing and it was wonderful. Love the energy in the workout and the energy I had!

Belinda- I would be up to do a one day trip for a Cathe reunion. Maybe in the spring? I'd even do a one night stint there. Nice job on your workouts.

Deb- Like I said with Belinda, I'd be up for a one day Cathe reunion. The three day weekend was nice. I was able to catch up on work and play :).

We are all excited about our upcoming cruise over here. The boys keep talking about it. We are 25 days away!

BB tomorrow.


I went to a hot yoga class after work today & it didn't even seem that hot since it was so cold out today. Now days like today are perfect for hot yoga. The stores haven't been too crowded, which makes work so easy:)

I'm pretty flexible so anytime you want to do a trip to Cathe's let me know. Thursdays are Live classes.

Belinda - Are you counting down to the wedding? It looks like we may get a snow storm this weekend, hopefully it will be all done by the time you leave. Awesome job with your workouts today!!

Kristin - I love KPC!! It must feel great to be done with the flu/cold. I'm sure your family will love the cruise:) Will you go to the gym/classes or walking deck?

Waves hi to everyone


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