Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. What a crazy couple of days. I am sorry for not checking in more often. Grades are due for the quarter and I have been running around with the boys and then trying to clean and do laundry. I seriously need this cruise. Two weeks to go! I also need to amp up my diet and routine. My friend who is a personal trainer advised me to not do weight workouts for the next two weeks. She said if I want to lose 5 pounds in that amount of time, which I do, that I need to stick to cardio and circuits. So that is my plan. today I did the original bootcamp. I forgot how long a minute can feel, haha.

Deb- congrats on getting into the RT. I wish I could go too. Next year, definitely! If she does a destination next year, I think I will try that. I would love to do the Daytona trip one time. Sorry you've been "talking to yourself" on here. I am going to do my best to do daily check ins from now on. Although, on the cruise I won't be able to access the Internet very well.

Waving hello to Belinda, Cookie, lovetocamp and Iris.

KPC all done! Man, this vacation cannot come fast enough. I just felt so aggravated at work today. Nothing in particular. . . just everything was bothering. It was perfect that I picked KPC for my workout tonight. Nine days left of school before this vacation. I can do it!

Anyway, hope everyone is having a better day than me.


Sorry I have been MIA.

Yesterday was a crazy, stressful day! I was working in JC Penney and going up the escalator and I saw an older man with a cane get on behind me (had a weird feeling) 1/2 way up the escalator I hear something and the man had fallen backwards down the escalator:( TG he was fine at least visually, he was embarrassed but I told him he needs to report it because he could have problems later. It was sad because he was at the store alone. A woman who spoke spanish (he did speak English) but I think he felt comfortable with her stayed around in case he needed help communicating.

After that I go to take something back to my car and realize my keys are missing:oops: I spend the next hour and a half back tracking my steps, looking in a garbage pail where I dropped my orange peel:eek: checking my car etc. Finally I decide they have to be in my car but can't see them visually so think I left them in my lunch bag. Mall security says I have to call police so they come and open my car door (in the pouring rain) and I look in my lunch bag: no keys. I'm about to give up and call my DH (about 45 min from homeo_O) or my Mom who was 20 min away when I look between the seats and find the keys!! The reason I didn't call DH because I wasn't sure where the spare key was but it was where I thought it was in the end but it still would have been a 2 hour trip for DH with traffic.

The weird thing is the day prior to this an older lady fell behind me at the Starbuck's & today when driving an older man in front of me turned on to the road into ongoing traffic. I know he avoided one car but not sure how he ever got back to the right side of the road. I feel like I am some kind of jinxo_O

I need lots & lots of yoga:)

Kristin - I can't wait for vacation either;) Great job with your workouts!! Your friend is probably right sometimes when I don't do weights, the weight on the scale does go down. It should be interesting to see.

Waves hi to everyone

Good morning,

I am home....thank goodness. That was a rough trip in the RV. The wedding and reception went well and we had lots of fun. Remember driving down to El Paso TX we slipped into ice? That wasn't enough ??? Leaving El Paso we got caught into a micro burst, which ripped our entire awning off the RV (20 foot cover and support rails) :( It's completely gone :(:( When we drove to Tennessee we had a blown out tire which took 4 hours. We had to go to a few different tire places, not everyone carries RV tires. Our RV took a very bad beating but kept on going. We also had lots of fun with my son's new wife's mom. She was so rude to us, it wasn't funny anymore.

I will get a good workout in today. I will be back later and catch up on personals.
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Good afternoon,

I did Cathe Classics Vol 1 " Step Max" today. That's all, I am still tired and beat from the long drive. Hope to get a good night sleep tonight and tomorrow I can add more workouts.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. I will try to be back later, if not tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Well today was an unexpected snow day. Again they were predicting 1-3 inches. . . we got 8. The phone rang at 5 this morning and it was my boys' school district stating school was closed. My district didn't call until 6, so I was waiting for an hour contemplating calling in because no one would be able to watch my kids today, but if I put in for the day and then they did close, they might not give me my day back without a fight. That is what happened to a few people last time. I am glad I waited for the call. Today's workout was MMA Boxing. I was doing great with my eating until last night I had pizza and then today I had wings :(. It is not even Superbowl yet, lol.

Belinda- ugh! What a nightmare of a trip. (((HUGS)))) I am sorry you went through all that and then all the aggravation and hurt too. Time heals all wounds.

Deb- what a stressful day you had! I think the two people falling and the car swerving are just a strange coincidences. You are too sweet a person to be a jinx :). We are leaving next weekend and I cannot wait! When are you going?


We are in Florida and it so cold here, 50 degrees!! I guess not snowing but still so cold. We are having a nice visit with my Dad & his wife. We will make the best of the weather at least the sun is shining.

Belinda - That is just terrible, that family is crazy!! I'm so sorry you, DH & DD had to go through that, your family is the total opposite of that family. It's sad that your DS will have to deal with them but at least he has you, DH & DD that he can always come to the beautiful family you have.

Kristin - With all this snow you must be so happy you booked the cruise!! I'm excited for you. So were you doing test tasting for the Super Bowl;) I started buying some food for the Super Bowl.

Cookie - How are you?

Hey guys. Back to report my workout. I did Afterburn today. Man that one is a sneaky tough one. I always think, low impact, no problem. Then Cathe proves me wrong, lol. A week from tomorrow I will be on my cruise. I can hardly wait. I still have so much to do to get ready for it though. We are supposed to get snow this week too and no one is saying how much. I am wondering if there will be another snow day from school. I am doing a project with my students this week and I am hoping we don't have snow days because that will totally mess me up!

Deb- Hope it is warming up there for you! Although sunshine and 50 degrees still beats snow, lol. Taste test for the Superbowl? Why, of course that is what I was doing. Yea, that's it, testing the food for the weekend, lol. ;).

Belinda- Are you resting up today?

Waving hello to Cookie!

Hallo everyone,

I did Intensity Series: BC + ME Bonus : 65 min + Leslie Sansone: Walk To The Hits Party Songs 3 Mile walk.

Kistin and Debbie - Thank you!

Debbie - I hope my son will stay far away from her mom. Everyone else in the family was very nice. Just don't get why people get so stressed and nasty at weddings? I wasn't stressed once, not even when we had all the trouble with the RV. I will never go visit El Paso again, lol.

Kirstin - it was a nightmare of trip :) I wasn't stressed once, not even when we had all the trouble with the RV. What for? I was the one that calmed my son his his wife down :) I do believe time will heal. Today I worked out, really needed a good kick butt workout. WTG, on AF :) I agree, that one sneaks up on you.

Hi Cookie :)

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.

Ugh, today it rained all day & cold. We did go to Target to buy an umbrella that lays on its side in the sand, now hopefully we can use it;). We plan to come back after Easter so definetly then. We also shopped for our Superbowl food. We have some visiting to do after the weekend.

Belinda - The good thing is your son lives closer to you and not in Texas! Will insurance cover the RV damage?

Kristin - I packed a lot of warm clothes but I'm still cold even colder than the locals LOL. Where does your cruise stop?

Waves hi to everyone

Good morning,

Not sure what workout I will do today? I have to go grocery shopping today. Will get a workout in later.

Debbie - ugh, about the weather. Hope it gets warmer soon. I am glad my son lives closer too. I hope the insurance will cover the RV damage. We are taking the RV next week to a RV repair place. Who knows how much damage they will find? In El Paso, the RV got temporally fixed, so we didn't had metal pieces sicking out of the side of the RV.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!
Hey guys! Happy Superbowl Sunday! I just finished my workout for today. I dad Xtrain Tabatacise, premix 1-4 with bonus core abs 2. Oh my goodness! I almost stopped after the third tabata, but pushed myself through it by telling myself it was only 1 more left. What a workout!

When I am done with this post, DH and I are going to go through our choices for our excursions and book them. I already know I want to do Atlantis. I am so excited. One week to go!

Belinda- good for you for staying calm through all of the chaos and nonsense. People are crazy in general. The workout you did yesterday, BC and ME bonus premix. . . I've never done that one. How is it?

Deb- I hope it warms up by you soon. We are only stopping at two places in the Bahamas. Two days at sea and then two days in the Bahamas and then 1.5 days at sea. I am hoping we have good weather done there!

Waving hello to Cookie!

Kirstin - amazing job on Xtrain Tabatacise. That's a tough one. Have fu in Atlantis. Sounds exciting :) BC and MC bonus, is a 65 min circuit style workout. It had cardio from BC plus lower body workout and MC weight workout mixed. I really liked it. I am having lots of fun with all the premixes. Thanks for your kind words on the in laws.

Off to get my workout in. BBL!
Good evening,

Today I did XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact HiiT Premixes #16 All Out Extreme Cardio - 52:44 + Leslie Sansone: Walk To The Hits Party Songs
- Mile 1 + Yoga Max Premix: 1# Yoga Express = 32 min.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Good morning,

This morning I did XTRAIN - Bic & Tric = 45 min + Core #1 ( I have no idea why I did that one again?) and GAIAM Walk & Tone = 30 min..

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. Where is Cookie? BBL!
Belinda- High fives to you on your workouts! I am assuming that you are going through all the Xtrain premixes. Such a great series! I'm wondering where Cookie is too? :/

Today's workout was RWH UBC, plus abs one. After all the jumping and plyo yesterday and today, tomorrow will have to be a lighter workout. Oh, I am home by the way. . . another snow day. Not sure how I feel about it. I had a whole lesson planned for this week and now with the snow it is going to be hard to pull off. We will see what happens tomorrow.

Waving hello to Deb and Cookie. Cookie, hope all is well!

It looks like the cold front from Canada is here to stay for the next 10 days. We are making the best of it walking on the beach (with my hoodie & gloves) even the older folks are laughing at me:). Tomorrow we are going to the gym. Just eating too much since that is the highlight of the day. Today the sun was shining and a bit warmer so we were able to eat outside.

Last night we watched the Superbowl, the commercials were good;)

Belinda - It looks like your keeping up with 2 workouts a day!! I forgot how many premises there are;)

Kristin - it's all over the news about a cruise ship that didn't look at the forecast and went into a bad storm. That must have been scary for the passengers. When the boys were young we went to the Atlantis, we loved it!!

Cookie - I hope everything is ok?

Hallo ladies,

I did KCM 30 Min To Fitness KB Bonus Core/ABS #1 = 44 min and GAIAM Quick Start Walking w/ Debbie Rocker = 24 min.

Debbie - there is a ton of premixes, lol! I am getting through them eventually, lol. Sorry about the weather, at least you making the best of it. Walking on the beach sounds better than snow.

Kirstin - I agree, about Xtrain. It's an amazing series. And yes, I am working my way through all the premixes. I hope Cookie is ok. I am getting worried about her :(

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. That's it for me today. See you all tomorrow.
Hey guys. Just finished PRS #1. I finally can do that workout in its entirety, including the challenge of putting all 6 at the end, without stopping and having to rewind at all. It is such a fun, steady cardio workout when you get the hang of it. It was a good "recovery" workout after two days of Hiit.

So. . . they are saying snow for tomorrow. 3-6 inches, heavier amounts for the South Shore, which is where my district is, so I might have a delayed opening or no school at all again. This week is such a waste :(.

Deb- I saw that story about the cruise ship on the news and it freaked me out. DH says that ships will be extra cautious now, because they don't want to have bad press. I hope so. I'm sure we will be fine. Hope it warms up sooner than 10 days though. . . We leave on Sunday.

Belinda- Great job with the workout! I am looking forward to this trip, but it will be the first time I am away from my Baxter for more than a day. That is the only thing that makes me sad about the trip. I wish I could take him with us. He is staying at our dog trainer's house and he won't be crated or caged, so that is a plus.

Cookie- I hope everything is okay. Please check in when you can, even if it is just to say hello.


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