Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

I did GAIAM Lower Body BalanceBall workout = 40 min. I finished 6 DVD's this week :)

Debbie - it's getting warmer here too.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Today I pulled out & dusted off :; Pure Strength chest, shoulders & tri's. I liked the exercises in that one especially the tri's. I also spent most of the day cooking my monthly Sunday sauce. I was missing italian food & pizza didn't eat much on vacation.

Belinda - Kudos on completing 6 dvds. The lower body balanceball dvd sounds interesting:)

Kristin - You must be exhausted from vacation!

Good morning,

I just finished Amy Dixon Super Fit Bod + Bonus: Tight & Toned Core (12 min) = 69 min. This week I will play around with Amy Dixon workouts. Next week....maybe Tracie Long? Haven't decided yet :p

Debbie - thank you :) I bought the LB BalanceBall workout a long time ago, I only paid $1.99. Mary should have another sale coming up soon, lol. Good job on PS, love that one. I should dust off mine too. Good for you for not eating Italian Food.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I went to take a yoga class but when I arrived there was a note that Jessie woke up with a temperature and couldn't find a sub:( I did get my day started early though! Later I did Pure Strength Back, bi's & abs. I always think of this series as "the one with the short hair". I don't remember any other series Cathe has short hair, but I could be wrong:)

Belinda - Is Tracey Long from The Firm? I'm not sure if I have any of her dvds.

'Morning! I've missed you all.
Sorry for being out of commission for so long, but this time lupus really knocked me for a major loop. Finally am feeling like I'm on the upswing, but definitely not back to full speed at all - more like 50-60%. Sorry I haven't gone back and read thru the threads. To tell the truth, I'm really having to conserve my energy. Today was the first time I've even been on the site in a long time!
Belinda, how was the wedding? Think the only Tracey Long's I have are from her Firm days. What ones are you doing?
Kristin, how was the cruise? One of my sisters takes her kids, their spouses and children on a cruise every February. They love it.
Deb, I can't remember any other short hair ones either! Bet the sauce was awesome. Did you go to Florida?
Good morning,

I finished Cathe Intensity BC + ME premix #1 Express workout = 53 min. That dvd had a lot of premixes :( Glad I am done with that dvd. Yesterday I filled up 2 black garbage bags full of cloth for donation. I will fill another one up today. Those cloth been sitting in my garage since my last garage sale. They have to go!!

Cookie -welcome back. I am sorry that you were sick so long. I am glad you are starting to feeling a little better. Please take it easy and don't push yourself. The Tracie Long dvd's are not Firms. I will post a link later.

Debbie - I believe Tracie Long started out with the Firms. The dvd's I have are not Firms. Those are from her studio. I will post a link later.

Kirstin - enjoy your vacation.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout.

Today I did a Sweaty Betty Body by Simone workout (you-tube) but skipped over some of the cardio. It was a good workout.

Belinda - I have to get back to sorting through my clothes today, hopefully next week:) I thought I saw a couple a weeks ago in the newsletter that Cathe has 1,000 premixes:eek:

Cookie - It's funny I tried to text you this morning but it didn't go through. After that I tried to call the number I had for you and reached a hotel:confused: The funny things was I think the lady thought I was a prank caller asking for Cookies. After that I thought how will I ever get in contact with you and thought about looking for your address and writing you a letter. TG you came back (ha, ha). I'm sorry you weren't feeling good:( but happy you are starting to get better. Take it easy, we missed you.

Kristin - You must be recovering from vacation;)

Hallo girls,

I finally got my workout in :) I did ICE Rock'n Sock'm MishMosh Premix :Double It #1 Warm Up + Main Routine + Main Routine + Stretch - 81:19 plus GAIAM Gentle Yoga w/ Suzanne Deason = 35 min. I needed that stretch after that premix.

Debbie - I like Sweaty Betty Body ( Simone from YT). I have no idea why I have so many dvd's, should have use YT every day. That doesn't surprise me that Cathe has that many premixes:D

Cookie and Kirstin - hope you doing well.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great afternoon.
Hey guys! I am back in the swing of things after the best vacation I've had in a long time. The trip was amazing. At first it was weird to not have Internet on my phone. . . but I got used to not being "plugged in" all the time and actually liked it. We had a balcony room with a two twin beds that converted to our King bed, then a sofa bed for one DS and an upper pullman bed (like a bunk from the ceiling) for the other DS. They alternated beds every night. I saw amazing sunrises and sunsets on my balcony. We enjoyed the food and the shows on the boat (I ate like 7 chocolate melting cakes for dessert, they were out of this world), the boys loved playing BINGO, lol, and of course we enjoyed the pools and the Bahamas. We went to Atlantis for one excursion, which was great. We went to the beach in Freeport and they had a water trampoline for the kids, as well as other kinds of fun activities. I did paddle boarding for the first time ever and my "trainer" told me I had good upper body strength, lol (of course, I work out with Cathe). We did have one rough day and night (Monday in to Tuesday) with the boat rocking a bit. After that it was smooth sailing. Coming back home was easy and getting Baxter back was a sweet moment too. he was sooooo happy to see me and when I said let's go, he ran to the door to leave, lol. Then Sunday I came down with a sinus infection. I am feeling better today. Going back to work was rough between being exhausted from all the fun and having a sinus infection. . . Today was my first workout since vacation. I did workout every day at the gym on the ship though. . . except the day we went to the beach, but I did paddle boarding for an hour so that counts, right? Anyway, I did Supercuts.
For March I am wondering what kind of rotation do I want to do. Do I want to stick with more cardio based workouts, or do I want to lift again? Not sure.

Cookie- glad you are feeling a bit better and were able to check in. We have missed you around here!

Debbie- it did take a few days to recover. I told DH that I needed more vacation days to recover from the vacation, lol. No regrets though. It was amazing, like I said. I hardly slept, hahaha.

Belinda- What awesome workouts you have been doing, girl! Great job! I have to go through my clothes, myself, plus my boys. They have things that don't fit either of them anymore!

Okay, I have work to do, but I will check in tomorrow, promise :)


Today I did, ICE To the Mat my legs were hurting! The weather is rough here so much thunder, rain & wind:( but strangely it is warm. I guess TG otherwise it would have been snow:)

Belinda - Your workout today sounds tough . . . I would have needed a long, long nap;)

Kristin - Your trip sounded awesome!!!! I want to try paddle boarding but afraid I would spend most of the time in the water. It's so nice to come home to your dog and know how much he missed you:)

Cookie - Take care of yourself, and check in when you can. Are you working or did you take time off?

Good morning,

I will do a Amy Dixon dvd, not sure what yet?

Kirstin - glad you had an awesome time on your trip and got to relax.

Debbie - LOL, it was a long workout yesterday. I try to do the longer premixes first. I really love ICE KB workout. So much fun.

Here is the link to Tracie Long's dvd's minus the FIRMS :)

And here is the link to Suzanne LB yoga:

I will be back later.
Good morning,

Today I did Amy Dixon Women's Heath Total Body workout in Ten = 39 min. I had that dvd for a few years, it was my first time doing it :( I have to say it was a pretty good TB workout. It's also a good travel workout! I also did ICE Rock'n & Sack'n Bonus workouts: Blizzard Blast (should have looked at my notes, I already did that workout on 13 Jan, 2016!) = 14 min + Muscle Meltdown triceps = 14 min + ICY Core # 1 = 11 min. That it for me today!

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout.
Hi, I can't walk outside's raining and very windy :( I did an indoor walk instead. I did Jessica Smith Walking for Weight Loss, Wellness & Energy - High Energy Walk + 30 min + Power Walk = 30 min.

That's it for me today :) Have a great day, everyone.

Today I took a yoga class and I still have so much DOMS from this week's workouts. I took off too much time during vacation!

I am trying out a organic co-op (Purple Dragon is the organization) in my town. Every 2 weeks I go to the host's garage and there are boxes of organic vegetables and fruits (1 box per person). It's fun seeing what I receive and figuring out what to make with all the produce. When I was away I had my son pick it up and there were Valencia oranges in the box and he said it was the best oranges he ever had. We will see how it goes.

Belinda - You are knocking your workouts out of the park!!

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good morning,

I am done with XTrain Premix #2 Low Impact HiiT + Burn Set Chest - 53:06 plus Leslie Samson - 4 Mile Power Walk #3 : 2 Mile Power Walk Express = 30 min. That dvd has 3 workouts: 1# 4 Mile Power Walk which I did on Nov 16, 2015, 2# 2 Mile Classic Walk which I did Nov 27, 20115 and #3 2 Mile Power Walk with I did today. I finished another dvd:D I am also working on next weeks workouts, will post them once I figured out.

Debbie - it's about time:p Your organic co- op sounds amazing. I need to find one.

Waving Hi to Cookie and Kirsitn.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today I did Butts & Guts floorwork. Almost took a rest day but happy I did the workout:) We are going for a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - It looks like you will be able to walk outside on Sunday it is going to be beautiful.

Kristin - Did you see Theresa Guidice from NJHW did Cathe dvds, I wonder which ones? I'm thinking kickboxing.

Waves hi to Cookie

Have a great weekend:)
Hey guys. TGIF. This was the longest week yet. I had so much running around to do and all I wanted to do was stay home and recover from my trip, lol. Tonight's workout was Crossfire. Not sure what kind of rotation I want to do next month still. I might try to mix up the RWH series with Cathe's newer nonseries (PRS, RK, LL and Abs, GG, X10). Not sure what I want to do to be honest. I want to lean out and tone up more, but it is hard to find the motivation to stick to a rotation.

Debbie- I saw that post on Facebook. So cool! I wonder too. If I was locked up and the prison had Cathe dvds, that would make it doable for me, lol. Paddle boarding was a blast, and I think you would be fine with all the yoga you do. It really is about staying calm, and balancing with your leg and core strength. You'd be a natural.

Belinda- your workouts are incredible these days. Way to get through your collection! I keep looking at the ICE dvds, lol. I will probably cave soon. I still want to try hammer and chisel, although they are getting mixed reviews.

Okay, bb later.

Got up early to take my younger DS to swim. Went to the diner for breakfast and then did some food shopping. Now I just finished Lower Body Blast and I have to find the motivation to clean and do laundry. Anyone want to volunteer to help? Lol. didn't think so, haha.

Hallo ladies,

This morning DH and I cleaned out the garage. I donated 8 garbage bags full of cloth. I am so glad those bags are gone. I will continue to fill more bags next week. DH and I had a garage sale last year, those cloth been in my garage the entire time :( Since DH had injured his shoulder, they sat in my garage for the longest time. My kids brought a lot of bags for the garage sale too. I will not have another garage sale, it's just not worst my time to sit there all day long just for a few hundred dollars. I rather donate them and get them out of the way.

I just finished CCPP and Amy Dixon Women's Health Ultimate Fat Burn (circuit wo), very fun workouts. Another dvd I had for years and never done it. I am getting there, lol.

Debbie - good job on B&G. I hope the weather is warmer Sunday.

Kirstin - thank you :) I am really trying to work through my collection. Once I am done with ICE you can borrow it :) I also getting mixes reviews on H&G? Did you get your laundry and cleaning done?

Cookie - hope you feeling better.

Good night, ladies.

Today I did ICE Meltdown shoulders, my energy level has been low hopefully it will be better tomorrow. I'm hoping a good night sleep will help. I thought I would have an easy week next week at work, but just found out that there will be a big visit at 2 of my Macy's store by the President of Macy's. Usually the stores get a few weeks notice but this time only a few days:eek:

Belinda - It does feel good when your space is cleared up & the bags are gone!

Kristin - I also need to clean tomorrow, hopefully you found the time;) It is so easy to clean the condo in Florida, not so much here.

Waves hi to Cookie


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