Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

I am not sure, if I take a rest day or do a nice stretch today?

Debbie - hope you have more energy today. Maybe take a rest day? Good job on your shoulder workout. I fell relieved those bags are gone, lol. I will fill more up Monday. I will try not to buy more cloth, if I do one/or two pieces of clothing have to go.

Waving Hi to Cookie and Kirstin.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Workout all done. Today I did BM2, Cardio and Weights premix. That is one of my favorite premixes of all time. I like the cardio, the music and the weight work. I love the ab routine too. I feel like I get the best of both worlds with that one.

So after texting with Jessica yesterday, who is a BB coach, I decided to try out hammer and chisel. I ordered it through her. We are going to do it together. I feel like I need a change and I am not where I was a few years ago and I cannot seem to get it back as far as working out and diet are concerned. I am hoping this will give me the reboot I need. It comes with the food plan from 21 day fix. Maybe I need a refresher on how to eat to lose and lean out. I plan on sticking with all cardio and circuits this week (as I've kind of been doing anyway), so that when I get the program and start it, I will be ready to go back to weights. Something else that I am going back to is keeping a food and workout journal. I used to hold myself more accountable when I did that. I am doing it in a book though, no more Fitness Pal app, I got sick of that. I plan on taking before and after pics too, to see if I can really see a difference. Then maybe I'll order ICE and do that over the summer. We will see. . .

Belinda- we need to clean out closets out here too. We did a good job of getting rid of a lot of things when we moved, but that was three years ago now and we gained a lot of crap again. DH is the worst. You should see his closet. It is overflowing with clothes.

Deb- I felt low energy all week. Maybe because we came back from vacation to the cold?

Okay, I promised Baxter I'd take him to the beach today. It is nice out, sunny and in the 50s. When I come back, I have to lock myself in the office. I have bills to pay, union work to do and then grading.


Today I did a kettlebell workout. I slept really well last night, so feel so much better. I also organized for the week so that should help.

Belinda - I hope you were able to take a rest day;) I want to go through all my clothes and only keep what fits and I really like. I also want to cut back on what I buy, I seem to get things that are similar to what I already have.

Kristin - I think it's a great idea for you to change it up. It sounds like a great set, you will have to let us know. Both myself and Belinda have the food plan too! I really should go back to it.

Good morning,

I ended up taking a rest day yesterday. I really needed one. DH and I went to visit the kids inn DC. We went Alexandria, walked downtown old Alexandria and the Harper.

This week I will do Tracie Long's workouts and Cathe's mixed in. Last week I finished 7 workout dvd's :) Not bad.

Debbie - I am trying to clean out the garage. I will only keep what we use, everything else has to go. I just went through my clothes in my closet , but could go through it again. I have way to many cloth, I don't wear anymore. I put a empty laundry basket w/ a lit lined with a garbage bag in my walk -in closet , this way I just put the cloth in the bag right away:D If the bag gets full, it goes straight in my car. Good job on getting organized and getting rid of things you don't need.

Kirstin - let me know how you like H&G. I think you like the eating plan, it's very simple. Since El Palse, my eating is all over the place. I am starting to use my containers today. Need to get back into healthy eating. I hear you on your husband, lol. Sounds like mine. My husband is helping me getting rid of thing in the garage and his work shop. We are getting rid of a lot of stuff the last 2 weeks. My plan is to fill up another bag today.

Cookie - hope all is well.

I will be back later to report what I did. BBL!
I am back:

I did Tracie Long Leaning Out = 50 min. I am confused on that dvd. It say's it has 2 custom chapters? One is 20 min and the other is 10 min? Are those considered premixes? I am having a blond moment :p It was a fun, sweaty workout. She had some very unique moves. I also did Jessica Smith 10 Pounds Down Cardio Abs : Cardio Abs = 28 min.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Hey girls,

I also did Karen Voight Pure & Simple Stretch = 40 min. Really helped losing up my hips.

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. Just finished RWH LIH2, plus abs one. Today wasn't such a bad day for a Monday, lol. This week is a busy week, but I am making it my goal to work out at least 5 times, if not 6. Tomorrow I have my son's Elementary Music Festival Concert. The students were selected by their music teachers to participate. DS was the only trumpet player from his school. Cannot wait to see the concert. It will probably end at 9, so not sure if a workout is getting done tomorrow.

Belinda- I will definitely fill you guys in about H & C as I go. I started finding info about the diet plan online. It looks doable. However, I watched a video about it and Autumn was saying that you really cannot cheat on the 60 day plan. I want to go hardcore with this, but no pizza or ice cream for 60 days, and when TOTM rolls in. . . I am going to go in with the mindset that it is only 60 days and when I finish it will mean 1 month left of school. Then I will celebrate with ice cream or pizza, lol.

Deb- glad you slept better last night. A good night's sleep always makes all the difference for me. I will definitely keep you guys updated about the program.

Cookie- I hope you are feeling better these days.

Okay, off to get these wise guys to bed.


Today I took a yoga class, must have hurt my neck but used the heating pad and it feels better. It looked like I was the only vendor that showed up for the visits today:confused: The district manager was thankful but looked nervous about these visits. I have to do both stores again on Thursday, hopefully I won't be the only one who shows up.

Belinda - That is a great idea to keep the bag in the closet!!! On garbage day DH is always looking for more bags to put out, I think I may be more like your DH & Kristin's:oops: Kudos on finishing 7 dvds:)

Kristin - I meant to tell you I want to try the BM2 cardio & weights premix, sounds good! The concert should be exciting. I thought the food plan was 21 day?

Cookie - I hope you have a good week:)

Good morning,

Today I did ICE Rock'n & Sock'n Timesaver Premix #5 : Less Kicks: Most of the kicks are eliminated = 39:59 min + Jessica Smith TB Ab Transformer = 28 min + Tummy Torching Tabata = 4 min plus Tracie Long Leaning Out - Flab Fighter 13 min ( I wouldn't consider that one a premix :( after all that I needed a good stretch. I finished w/Karen Voight premix : Floor Stretch = 30 min.

Kirstin - the food plan is very simple and doable. The food plan teaches you to eat clean. I started yesterday, I also went of track with my eating.

Debbie - I got tired of having half full bags sitting in my closet, I also had an extra laundry basket :p Plus it looks more organized. Thanks on the DVD's. I am glad the heating pad helped your neck.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Good morning,

Today I did : Tracie Long Leaning Out : Lift = 20 min (this one had no warm up or cool down :() + Jessica Smith 10 Pounds Down Cardio ABS : Concentrated Abs = 26 min + Karen Voight Pure & Simple Stretch - Standing Stretch = 10 min.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Can't decide with one I want to start next week? Maybe I mix them all up in no oder? Or should I go through each dvd/sets? That should be an interesting mix? Mmmmm.........? What do you think?

Supreme 90 Day
JNL Fusion
MET-Rx 180
LesMills Combat
LesMills Pump
Hip Hop Abs
Rocking Body
Brazil Butt Lift
Debbie Sieber Slim Series
Debbie Sieber Slim in 6
Body Gospel
Kathy Smith Project You
Body Beast
21 Day Fix
21 Day Fix Extreme
Turbo Jam
Turbo Jam Fat Burning Elite
Turbo Jam Get on the Ball
Turbo Fire
Hey guys. Well, just as I predicted, I was not able to get a workout in. It was worth it though because the concert was wonderful. I was so proud of my little guy. today I had to take my other DS to his swim practice and it was an extended practice because he has his first meet this weekend. I got home after 7, ate dinner and then I decided to just do a quickie workout. I did X10 FBC. That is my favorite on that dvd. I feel like it's good cardio and good weights for a fast workout. Touches on most muscles. This weekend the meet is upstate. I am sure I will use the gym at least once. We are leaving Friday after school. I am thinking about taking yoga max with me for Friday night. Then maybe a treadmill workout Saturday, rest day Sunday and start H & C Monday. It should be arriving tomorrow :D:cool:.

Belinda- great job on the workouts and then a 5 mile walk on top of it! Those dvd sets all have different goals. Do you want to lift heavy or do more balance or more cardio?

Deb- it has the same containers as 21 day fix. They give you different options though for what you want (from what I hear anyway). There is the lean out option, build muscle option, and another one is maintain weight, I think.

Okay, off to try to relax now.


I forgot to check in yesterdayo_O I started to do an upper body workout but my neck/shoulder was hurting so did Squeeze lower body. Today I finished my computer work from February so didn't get a workout in:( On the plus side my neck/shoulder are much better.

Belinda - I sometimes have a hard time deciding what to do so I will go to a favorite set and decide during that. I know not much help from me but whatever you decide I know it will be intense;)

Kristin - I'm sure the concert meant a lot to you & I'm sure your ds was so happy you were there. The 3 plans sounds interesting, I like the choices. Going upstate for the meet sounds like fun:)

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

I did Les Mills Combat Combat 60 Extreme Cardio Fighter. I LOVED IT! Thanks Diane Sue for the recommendation. OMG, the workout and music was fantastic. I didn't expected to do push ups and abs workout on the end :) I don't think I ever done a push ups or the ab workout like this one. Very unique! I can't believe I never done that one before :( So much fun.

Kirstin - Ditto, what Debbie said about the concert :) I really don't know what I want right now? I will figure it out soon, lol. Right now I am having fun mixing my dvd's. Yeah, on H&G.

Debbie - thanks for your advice :) I really need to work though all those dvd's I have never done, I think I start with that and see how it goes. I hope it's nothing serious with your shoulder? I bought Squeeze a few years ago, still haven't done it. How did you like it?

Hallo Cookie - hope you getting lots of rest. Feel better soon.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hard strikes all done. H and C arrived today. It looks interesting. Those containers are small :confused::eek:. Taking DS upstate for his first swim meet tomorrow and I'll be there most of the weekend. I'm not sure if I'll be able to check in or not. I'll be starting H and C on Monday.

Belinda- I see you're having fun. It must be cool to go through your collection the way you are doing it. You can never get bored!

Deb- hope your shoulder is doing better!

I'm exhausted. I'm watching the debate for entertainment purposes, lol.


Today I took a yoga class. I finally took an Alleve and the neck/shoulder pain went away. Not sure why I always wait to take the meds because they reduce the inflammation so quickly:confused: I prepared my 2 stores for the "big" visit tomorrow with Macy's President, they walk the stores in under 2 hours not sure how much they actually see.

Belinda - I have that dvd and haven't done it yet, I will try and do this weekend! I did the shorter one and really liked that one. I like Squeeze it isn't too intense to me it has the intensity of a barre workout.

Kristin - What town in upstate are you going to? We go to the Outlets which is Exit 16 and my family went to a place Exit 19 for many years. Have fun!!

Cookie - I hope you feeling better.

Good morning,

It snowed there :( I thought we are done with snow?

Kirstin - the containers are small, you be surprised what you can fit in them, plus you eat clean :D make sure you eat your vegetables and fruits.

Debbie - glad the meds helped. I am like you, always wait until it's to late :( Do that dvd, it's so much fun. I will do that one soon again.

Waving Hi to Cookie!

I will be back to report my workout.
Hey guys. Quick check in. Probably won't get s workout in today. Leaving in s little bit.

Deb- it's in Nyack by the palisades mall

Today I did Les Mills Combat Cardio Fighter 60 (thanks to Belinda's recommendation!!). I loved it too:) It was tough for me, haven't done kickboxing in a long time. I already feel DOMS in my lower abs. I really have to start being more consistent with my workouts. We are slow at work this month so I have no excuse:oops:

Belinda - We had snow too! It was about a little over an inch . . . I didn't have to go anywhere so that was good!

Kristin - Have fun!! When I first started working I had to go a couple of times to Nyack at the Palisades Mall with my boss for a project. I also have some relatives in that town.

Cookie - Check in when you can.


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