Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Happy Saturday,

I just finished LM Combat Power HiiT 1 + JS WS Brain Fusion Fun = 31 min + Barefoot Fusion Sculpt = 31 min. I didn't like the Brain Fusion Fun and the Barefoot Fusion Sculpt was ok :) I don't think I will reach for those two much :(

Maybe I will do a nice stretch this evening?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Hey guys. I didn't have time to check in yesterday because it was Sports Night at my boys' school. I did get my workout in yesterday though. It was Hammer ISO Speed. You do ten reps of an exercise with like a 3 point count, then you do another 10 reps as fast as you can. It was only 20 minutes, but it was hard and I was sweating. Today, I had to take one DS to swim practice, the other to baseball practice and I had to run to Target to get my mom a gift, plus we are going to watch Creed at my parents' house tonight, so I bought the blu ray disc. I just finished my workout, which was Chisel Endurance. Again, another surprisingly tough workout. I keep thinking the workouts are easier than Cathe. . . until I do them. I am liking the change of pace from Cathe too. I really didn't like T25 and Shaun T, but this series is motivating and fun. I like the different moves and that we lift every day, but in different ways. Some are more metabolic, while others are more cardio and then some are true heavy weights. Great variety and I haven't even done them all yet. I am still on Week one. Tomorrow is my last day of week one. Now the food plan. I did have pizza on Thursday for dinner (two slices plus a few knots). yesterday I had another slice of pizza, but only one. Other than that I have stayed on point with my food.

Belinda- I am sending prayers your way for your family and for DD. (((HUGS))))

Deb- I saw the first commercial for RHONY. I cannot wait for that show to start.



I didn't get a chance to check-in yesterday but I did Les Mills Kickstart Combat 30 min. Today I took a rest day but did do clean-max;) I have mixed feelings about Springing ahead, don't want to lose an hour but longer days is worth it!

Belinda - It's great that you & DH are going with DD. I also think it gives you the opportunity to ask questions that DD may be too stressed to ask. I'll be thinking of all of you. That was so nice of your neighbor to give you the dvds:) Tomorrow I plan to complete 1st week of your rotation.

Kristin - I think it's not so bad to have a cheat here and there otherwise you might just throw in the towel. I want to see Creed too!! Let me know how it is. I like the idea of lifting everyday.

Cookie - Is the warm weather helping you?

Total Body Hammer and 10 min ab Hammer done. I am now officially done with week 1 of Chisel and Hammer! I was feeling bloated and bulky earlier this week, but I think that was a combination of the weights and the fact that TOTM arrived. I actually feel leaner in my stomach already. I will not go on the scale though. Not yet. Loved this workout and love Sagi. I am surprised by how much I like him. These workouts are hard, but because they are so short and so motivating, I can push through them. I like alternating between the two trainers too. They have different styles and different ways of motivating you. I am looking forward to the coming week. I am going to food prep for my lunches later today.

Debbie- my kids do get a kick out of me measuring my food in the containers. My one son think the veggie container is too big, lmao. I originally was going to do no cheats throughout the 60 days, but is in impossible not to have pizza, especially on Fridays at work, lol. Having one slice is my goal this week, lol.

Belinda- I am continuing to pray for DD and sending positive vibes your way.

Waving hello to Cookie. I hope you are feeling better these days.

Hi ladies,

I will do a nice stretch today.

Kirstin - thank you for continue to pray for Aleisa! I am glad you enjoy Sagi and Autumn, I like them too.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Today I ran for about 2 miles today on the track at the gym & did X-train Chest, back & shoulder & finished the 1st week of Belinda's rotation:) Tomorrow night we have a funeral on Long Island for DH's cousins husband. I'm going to take the day off because we need to leave early due to traffic.

Belinda - I'll be thinking of you & dd tomorrow. A stretch sounds good!!

Kristin - I always wanted to trade a purple (veggie) container for a yellow (carb) container;) The funeral we are going to is in New Hyde Park but still think we may hit a lot of traffic due to the rain.

Good morning,

Jenny Ford Step by Step 3 = 56 min. I got 6500 steps :)

Thanks for all the prayers. I really appreciate it! I am getting ready to go to DC.

I will be back tonight. Have a wonderful day and workout.
Hey guys. Just finished another tough cardio, Chisel Cardio. In this one you do one whole round of exercises and then repeat the round. Some moves were sort of like Cathe's, others were moves I have never done before. I officially hate burpees, lol. This is the first day of week 2. Already "feeling" results. A pair of work pants that were very tight too weeks ago were a little less tight today, lol.

Belinda- hope things went well today!

Debbie- I am craving carbs, lol, but the bad kind of carbs, lol. Why is that?

BB tomorrow.


I took a yoga class this morning. We went to the funeral tonight, it was sad but nice to see our relatives. We were so hungry and stopped at a pizza/sandwich shop. I can't resist pizza when I am in NY. It was good but already regret it especially since it was so late:(.

Belinda - I hope all went well today. Great job with your steps!

Kristin - That is awesome you are getting results:) I think changing it up is good so you don't get bored and your body responds to it.

Good morning,

Thanks for all the prayers :) I really appreciate it. Her doctor is running more tests. Now we have to wait a few day's to get the results. Fingers crossed!

I did S&H Chest and Back this morning and Jenny Ford Step & Hi Low for Kids = 20 min. I also did Jessica Smith Dynamic Stretch. Really like that one.

I will be back later. Have a great workout, everyone.
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Today's workout was Max Hammer Strength. You do a move for 60 seconds with no weights to pre-fatigue the muscle. Then you heavy up, as heavy as you can go for eight reps. At first I thought my selected weights might not be heavy enough. OMG was I wrong! It was a great workout. Have I told you how much I am loving this series? I am even already seeing a difference in my stomach. My obliques are showing up, lol.

Belinda- keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Deb- I obviously live in NY, as you know and pizza is my weakness, lol. I am fantasizing about eating it on Friday, lol. I am really in love with this series. I think I was really bored with my workouts and needed this change. The best part is they are all 30-40 minutes, so I tell myself that it is short and I have no excuse not to make time. Often when I plan on doing a Cathe workout that is around 55-70 minutes, if I feel tired, I talk myself out of it. I'll do a premix, but then I feel like I cheated myself. I definitely needed this change. After the 60 days, I am sure I will be craving Cathe again. Glad I found other trainers that I like. I am thinking about getting Body Beast down the road.

Waving hello to Cookie. Hope you are feeling well!


Today I did S&H Chest & Back & 30-day butt lift (Tone-Up 12 min.). I am going to try and add-on a 30-day butt lift workout (9-12 min. w/o's) a few times a week. I start a Kohl's project tomorrow & the wallets are incorporated in with the clothes for one of our brands (seems strange).

Belinda - I'll keep my fingers crossed too. I haven't heard of Jenny Ford.

Kristin - I know exactly what you mean about making excuses for longer workouts. We brought home the extra pizza and all day I was trying to justify eating a slice. I thought maybe just eat the cheese w/mushroom only but think I will wait till Friday and have a slice. Since it is Lent we don't eat meat on Fridays;) good excuse LOL.

Good morning,

Can't sleep :( I will do Jenny Ford Hi Low Cardio 2 + abs today.

Kirstin - glad you enjoy H&G. Change is good and I hear you on the longer workouts. I love mixing other instructors with Cathe. Like you, I got very bored with just doing Cathe's long workouts. There a lot of other great instructors out there. Eat that pizza!

Debbie - thank you! Good job on S&H C&B and Tone it up. I done the 30 Day Butt Lift and really liked it. You never heard of Jenny Ford? Well, I been doing her step & marching workouts for the last 3 years. Love her step workouts & marching workouts, they are fun and safe. Sometimes I get frustrated with Cathe's tricky step routine. Jenny's isn't tricky, but they are so much fun. She has a few dvd's out. You can get her downloads too. Her downloads are cheap, each download is $4.99. But, she offers all her workouts for FREE on Youtube. No need to spent money :) Give her a try someday, I think you like her.

I will be back after my workout.
Good morning,

I did Jenny Ford Hi Low Cardio 2 and Jessica Smith UB Strength. I liked the UB strength.

BTW, for week 4 of my rotation, I will do Cross Train Express.

I am done for today. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Chisel Agility done. That was the hardest workout to date in this series. It was a pure cardio hiit-type workout with no equipment. I loved it, but my legs are so wobbly now. I am not sure I will be able to walk tomorrow or go up the stairs tonight.

work is a bit crazy these days. My principal is beyond incompetent. She is running the school to the ground as far as discipline. A student that HIT a teacher in October and was allowed back in the building has been terrorizing teachers and students since. There was another incident before Christmas where this kid threw a DESK at a substitute and the principal yelled at the sub and removed the sub for not diffusing the crazy kid (which others have tried and failed and this sub is a 20-something with little experience). This kid recently gave another student a black eye. Yesterday, she was kicked out of her class. She marched her crazy ass to the main office and started throwing papers around the office from the secretary's desk. She CURSED out the principal. A security guard took video of it. The mother came in and CURSED out the principal and because my principal has NO BALLS, the kid is back in school tomorrow. Yea. . . this is a safe environment. . . for the Arkham Asylum. We are talking greivance time. I am trying to convince the staff to file a grievance against her. She needs to go. I've been there 17 years. It is my 2nd home and I cannot let her destroy it because at the end of the day I have 20 years to go there.

Anyway. . . that's what I am dealing with. Fun huh? I wonder why there is a growing teacher shortage in the U.S. After all, it's such a cushy job with summers off.

Belinda- great job keeping up on your workouts. How is DD doing?

Deb- I am really trying to be good but it is getting harder because I am craving something other than chicken and veggies.


I was only able to do one 30-day butt lift (booty booster). We took my son's dog for the last 2 nights and he has been sleeping at my feet. I'm not used to having a dog in bed, really don't understand how people can sleep with their pets. She starts in her bed & sneaks into our bed after we fall asleep. I will get a goodnight sleep tonight, we just brought her home;)

Belinda - You were up early! I can't believe all the workouts you can get for free on you-tube it is a great way to try workouts.

Kristin - I can't imagine what you are going through. I agree that you need to do something. Anyway to go through the union and have them file the complaints for all of you?

Good morning,

Slow & Heavy Legs & Shoulder is done. I will do a stretch tonight.

Kistin - thanks for asking about DD. We haven't heard anything yet, we should hear something soon. I am so sorry you are going through this. I also agree, something needs to be done.

Debbie - I was up at 3 a.m, couldn't sleep for some reason :( I was dragging all day yesterday. I LOVE youtube :) It's also a nice change from what you been doing. LOL, my dogs sleeps with me :D I don't get a good night sleep when he sleeps on the floor. Which he does lately?

Cookie - I hope you doing ok? Feel better soon

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey girls,

I also did JS Walk Strong 6 Week Transformation TB Training + Rehab Routine. Really like them both. I have gone through all the JS Walk Strong 6 Week Transformation 4 DVD's. I have to be honest, I like Jessica Smith Walk On: Walk the Weight off 30 Day Plan (Low Impact program ) a lot better. Maybe I need to do the workouts again, but her other set was a lot more fun compare to this one. Some of the the exercises seems a little odd. I did like a few of the dvd's, but have to admit I am glad I didn't pay for the set.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Good night, everyone.

Today I took a yoga class & did Firm Extreme (from 30-day butt lift). I can't believe they are calling for snow on the 1st day of Springo_O

Belinda - My dd's gf also likes when her dog sleeps with her. I sleep good but not when I can't stretch out LOL. Great job with your workouts!! It's good if you don't buy the workout & don't like it;)

Kristin - Since Easter is early do you have Spring break in March?

Cookie - How are you?

Good morning,

LM Combat Shock PLYO HiiT is done.

Debbie - you get used to sleeping with a dog :) It's hard to believe we getting snow :( I was looking forward to warmer weather.

Kirstin -must be busy.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

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