Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Yesterday was my scheduled rest day and boy did I need it. Today's workout was called Hammer Power. It was a powerlifting workout, which I have never done before. A lot of shoulder work and jumps with lifting. I liked it. It was so different from anything I had done with weights before. I'm already starting to feel the soreness kick in. Next time I am going to go for a little heavier weight, maybe.

Anyway, I am so glad it is Friday. I cannot believe they are predicting snow for Sunday :confused::eek::mad:. We might get enough snow for a snow day on Monday, which would be nice because I need a break from all the negativity going on in that place. I got into a bit of an argument with a colleague and the way he is treating one of my ELL students (English Language Learner). She is from El Salvador and he is against having her in his class because she cannot speak English very well. He has made her cry. He doesn't even try to help her, which we have had training on. She confided in me and I went to him and not only did he not deny that he is treating her with animosity, he sees nothing wrong with it. He is a jackass. I am contemplating having a sit down with him and the other union rep. I don't want to go to my incompetent principal, that's for sure. she'll make more of a mess of it.

Belinda- Great job with your workouts. Hope DD is feeling better and the results are good.

Deb- I admit I sleep with my dog too. He starts downstairs and comes up in the middle of the night and lies in the nook of my bent legs. He normally puts his head on my legs too, lol. It is comforting to have him there. I especially like him in my bed when DH is away for work. I feel safer, lol.

BB tomorrow with Chisel Balance.

Hi ladies,

Update on Alesia :) We got the test results, the tests came back normal :) I am so glad they retested her. I really appreciate it all your good thoughts and prayers. Thank you, girls!

Today I did 2 challenges from Cardio Coach 3 & did 30-day fat burning cardio. I stayed home today and made my Sauce for Easter. I can't believe it will be here next week!

Belinda - Good news for Alesia & your family:) It is good that she was retested.

Kristin - That is sad the teacher doesn't understand, most people coming to the US don't speak English when they arrive (my Grandma) but it is such an accomplishment and asset when they learn.

Good morning,

Slow & Heavy Biceps + Triceps is done!!

Debbie - thank you :) We are so happy the test came back normal :( Nice mix of workouts yesterday.

Have a great Saturday, everyone.
Hey guys. Happy Saturday. It is cold outside and I have to go to my son's first baseball tournament :(. He has two games today. I have to be quick on here because I have to get ready. Anyway, today's workout was Chisel Balance. It was the 2nd time doing this workout. It is a tough one. I really loathe pistol squats, lol. Anyway, it has been two weeks in and my stomach (my worst area) is changing for the better. I am liking what I am seeing. Clothes are fitting better too. This motivates me to keep going. I feel off the wagon with my eating yesterday, but I am getting back on it today. I am bringing hard boiled eggs for my snack at the game. I am also going ot buy myself a warm green tea to keep me warm, lol.

Belinda- glad the test results were good results. Thank God!

Deb- sadly this teacher just needs to go. He is a selfish, arrogant SOB. With the new principal being a balless pushover, he has become more belligerent. Unbelievable.

BB tomorrow.

Good evening,

I also did Prevention Walk your way Slim w/ Michelle Dozios.

Kirstin - thank God about Aleisa! I was so worried about her. Pistol squats are tough. Glad you liking and seeing great results with H&G. Have fun at the game and stay warm. It's cold here too. It snowed earlier :(

Waving Hi to Cookie and Debbie.

That's it for me today.
Hammer conditioning done and I am on week 3 tomorrow! This workout today was pretty tough. It was two rounds each, 4 rounds, of two compound moves. Some were similar to Cathe, like around the clock push ups, with a knee in variation. Others were unique. There was one move called a fly lunge twist. You hold a light weight in one arm. You start with your arms wide open. You bring the arm with the weight in first, then the other arm meets and hold the weight. You then go into a lunge and twist to the opposite side with your arms. I used 5 #s and I thought I could have gone lighter. Halfway through my arms were shaking. It was a good burn. Other moves that were new to me were the side lunge row. You do a side lunge and then row with both arms (just like it sounds). Burpee renegade row was new to me and intense. You hold two medium weights in your hand, go down into a burpee and while you are down you row one arm, then the other, then come up into a upright row. The last move was intense too. You do a reverse lunge into a bicep curl then lean forward (straight leg) and do a kickback. Overall, it was a great workout. Have I told you how much I am loving this series? LOL.

Belinda- It was freezing at the game. It wasn't bad at first because the sun was out, so it wasn't as chilly. The second clouds came in, I was shivering. The good news is my son's team won both games. The bad news is that means they are in the semi finals, which means they play today and it is colder out! I am lucky in that I have to take my younger DS and my mom to my niece's birthday party. I won't have to freeze outside unless the team wins this semi-final game during the party. Then I have to go watch the final game, of course! Also, this is my crazy sister's daughter's birthday and I hate having to see my sister and see what kind of mood she is in. She still doesn't take her meds so it is anyone's guess how she will behave today.

Waving hello to Deb and Cookie.

Hi girls,

Hope you having a great Sunday. Today I did Jillian Michael Yoga Meltdown Level 1. I can't remember the last time I did that dvd, must been years. The workout reminded me of 21 Day Fix yoga. Not bad for 35 min. Jillian was very calm in that one :)

Kirstin - I am glad to hear you enjoy the different moves in H&G. I always like to learn different moves, I get easilybored doing the same old stuff over and over again. Congrats on your son's game! Hope you had fun at your sister's daughter's birthday.

Have a great Sunday, everyone. That's it for me today. I will relax the rest of the day.

Yesterday didn't check-in and took a rest day. As a Christmas present DH had given me tickets to see "Fiddler on the Roof" in NYC. It was a nice night we did so much walking & it wasn't too cold out, plus I dressed really warm. In elementary school we did the play in Glee Club so it brought back so many memories and I knew so many of the lines & songs:)

Today I did S&H tri's & bi's. I still need to do S&H legs & shoulders tomorrow. I'm a day behind:oops: in Belinda's rotation.

Belinda - I haven't done Jillian's yoga meltdown in a long time, but I do remember liking it:) We are going to be spared the snow only an inch or less.

Kristin - You are tempting me to get H&C! It doesn't feel like baseball yet, but later in the week it will:) I see on the weather map you will be getting the snow:( hopefully you get a snow day!

Cookie - Wondering how you are?

Good morning,

XTrain CBC: premix # 1 is done.

Debbie - it snowed here a little, now it's very windy :( Good job on your S&H Triceps and Biceps. My arms are super sore today, lol. Your weekend in NY sounds like fun. DH and I will go to NY next month.

Kirstin - have a great workout today.

Cookie - miss you :(

Have a great day, everyone.
Hey guys. Just finished Total Body Hammer. This is my second time with this workout. It was a pure lifting workout with Sagi. My chest is pumped now, lol.

So today we had a BC meeting, which is a union building committee meeting. A lot of teachers attended to discuss the lack of discipline in the building and how we are not getting any administrative support when it comes to student misbehavior. It is not looking promising. Some people want to write a letter to the superintendent. Others want to take a no confidence vote. It is pretty ugly. I am so happy that it is a four day work week, although my boys are off on Thursday, and I have school. :mad::mad::mad:I need the day more than they do.

Belinda- I think that is what my problem was. . . I was bored and I wasn't eating right. I like this container plan. I feel it is so much easier to stay on track with it. I also like the workouts are short but intense and get the job done. I am glad I finally found something else that I love besides Cathe. I needed a change for a little bit.

Deb- it was freezing at the baseball game. DS team lost in the semi-final, which I was secretly happy about. If they had won, they would have played at 5 and it would have been even colder at that point. We did get snow but not too much. I am so in love with this series, I say get it, lol. Did you do Body Beast? I am curious about that series. Or was it Belinda?

Waving hello to Cookie!


Today I did 30-Day fit Dance Fit it was a quick workout but happy I did something;) I had to do a set-up at Kohl's and almost all of our merchandise was in the stock room (usually they have some of it out). They were very happy to see me, the store was one big mess.

Belinda - We didn't get any snow but it was cold out. I hope to get S&H legs done tomorrow, I'm falling behind;)

Kristin - Hopefully something good will come out of the meeting. I bought Body Beast during a sale (maybe Belinda did too) but have yet to open it:oops: Our school district is off this week, seems early.

Good morning,

Today I did Turbo Fire 45 EZ Class + TF Stretch 10 Class = 55 min.

Debbie - it snowed, but didn't stay. LOL, hope you get S&H legs in today. I also have Body Beast, will pull that one out soon.

Kirstin - I hope something good will come out with the meeting. Body Beast is amazing, heavy lifting :) That one got really good reviews. I hear you on changing :) Change is good. They all bring something different.

Have a wonderful day, everyone
Chisel Agility done! That is the hardest of the cardio, in my opinion. My glutes were on fire.

Belinda- what kind of results did you get with body beast. Is it more to build muscle or can I continue to lean out with it?

Deb- Because Easter and Passover are in different months, we have four days off for this Easter weekend, starting on Friday. Then in April we have the week for Passover. April is a waste of a month. We are giving the NYS ELA (English) test the first week (3 days for unlimited time. . . administration is still working out the details on that one). Then the following week were are giving the NYS math (another 3 days for unlimited time). The governor said the tests are meaningless for students. . . the Regents has put a 4 year hold on using the tests to evaluate teachers. . . so why are we still giving these tests? Not to mention that most of my students are refusing again. They are bringing me in letters every day. What a waste of time and money! We will finally get back to learning after the April Passover break. Ridiculous!

BB tomorrow!


I finally did S&H Legs today! I'm off tomorrow but need to get my taxes done:( Hopefully a refund:)

Belinda - I wonder the same as Kristin is it Body Beast to lean out or build muscle, not sure if you know? I guess it could be different for everyone.

Kristin - I agree the tests are a waste of money could be spent on so much more. We have had potholes in our neighborhood for a long time which were getting so bad. They finally filled them (terrible job) but at least better to drive on. I never heard them do Spring break that way.

Good morning,

My internet went out this morning :( Couldn't check in earlier.

XTRAIN Bic & Triceps premix #2 + abs and 100 Rep Challenge Bicep curls is done! Biceps are fried :)

Kirstin - Body Beast is a program to burn fat, carved lean, define muscles.

Debbie - good job getting S&H legs in. Have fun with your taxes.

Cookie - thinking about you!!

I will be back tomorrow. Have great day and workout.
Hey guys. Just finished another workout. It was Max Hammer Strength and then 10 min Ab Hammer. The first workout was the one where you do 60 seconds of an exercise with no weights to fatigue the muscle and then you lift the max heavy weight you can for 8 reps. I did 30 # for sumo squats, which was hard when the muscles were already tired. I am loving the gains I am getting from this set. Today at work, a girl asked me to help her with her backpack, the zipper was stuck. As I was trying to get the zipper fixed, she says, "Wow, your muscles are popping!" Lol. Best compliment, I think.

Tomorrow my boys are off, but I of course, have work. One more day. I think I can make it.

My older DS is driving me crazy these days. He has such a nasty little attitude. I am about to put my foot up his a$$. He is not even a teenager yet! He is turning 11 later this year. I am going to lose it on him if he doesn't stop. HELP!

Belinda- oh boy, I think I am going to have to order it, lol.

Deb- the potholes by me are bad too, and our winter was not even that bad.

Okay, I am off to shower and relax. I am going to try to remember how sweet my DS can be when he is not acting like the demon-possessed child.


Today I did Cardio Coach 6 on the track at the gym. My right hip has been bothering me a few hours after running but not during the run:confused: I'm almost done with my taxes need to double check them tomorrow. So it's been really weird, I think ds & his gf are fighting but it's hard to tell, tomorrow is her birthday so we will see.

Belinda - At least it wasn't your electric this morning LOL. I will start week 3 of your rotation tomorrow:)

Kristin - You may have to take out the baby pictures;) I never thought I would think the infant years were the easy ones! That was a great compliment and your workouts are perfect timing with the warm weather!

Cookie - I hope things are getting better for you.

Hi girls,

I had a dental appointment is morning. Just finished up Turbo Jam Cardio Party Mix 2.

Debbie - good job finishing up the rotation. How are you liking it? Good job on CC6 yesterday. I hope everything works out between your DS and his GF :) Happy Birthday!

Kirstin - lol :) Wait until it goes on sale! I think BB is having one soon? I will keep you updated! Your post about your DS made me laugh:D been there! I feel like putting my foot up my son's a$$ too :( Hang in there! Have your husband talk to him. Great compliment! You are working hard.

That's it for me today. I have another vet appointment for my dog this afternoon. Need to shower.

Today I took a yoga class and it was so hard. I think the man next to me was thinking what did I get myself into:) I'm really tired but happy I'm home tomorrow. I have a mammogram tomorrow so not too much fun.

Belinda - You had a lot of appointments today. It's nice to have appointments when the weather is nice:)

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie


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