Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I took a yoga class. I finish up some last minute stores tomorrow for work but should get done early:)

Belinda - CTX was my 1st presale (that was a long time ago). I haven't heard from Cookie but was thinking about her this morning when I couldn't sleep. I'm hoping she is feeling better, wondering if she's not checking in because she isn't up to working out. I hope with the nicer weather it will help her & she checks in soon.

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good morning,

CTX Leaner Legs is done.

Debbie - I was thinking the same about Cookie :) I hope she checks in soon. Miss her :)

Hi Kirstin and Cookie.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Today I did ICE Metabolic Total Body. I think this is my favorite from this series. The weather was crazy today humid & thunderstorms, possible snow on Sundayo_O I'm getting ready to jump in the shower, going for a bite to eat.

Belinda - I'm trying to do 3 CTX's before we leave for FL, fingers crossed. How is the repairs on the RV going?

Kristin - Any plans for the weekend?

Hey guys. Yesterday was my rest day. Today I did ISO Speed Hammer. It was a good, short workout. The last two days my eating has been out of control. I will get back on track tomorrow.

So. . . my cousin had told us originally that his mom (my cousin too, lol) could get us a discount on the hotel that she works at. This hotel is pretty swanky with 2 and 3 bedroom suites. Anyway, the rooms go for $230 a night and it turns out that she could not get us a deal, because she already got 5 rooms at a discount for him and he gave those rooms to his future in-laws. She was going to look into working out a deal for us, but I didn't want them to stress out about it. DH suggested we look at Disney hotels and I told him that it would be too expensive. Well, I looked and they are having a special for the summer, "Awaken Summer" celebrating their new Star Wars attractions at Hollywood Studios. Not only could we afford to stay there, it was cheaper than the hotel my cousin was trying to get us into. We don't have to rent a car, Disney provides buses for all the parks and attractions and we can take an Uber to the wedding. We booked a room at the Disney All Star Music Resort and bought passes. Plus, my dad said he would take care of Baxter, so we won't have to pay for the dog trainer to board him! I am soooo excited. We are not telling the kids. We are going to surprise them when we get there. I cannot wait.

Deb- plans for the weekend are so thrilling. . . grading papers and cleaning this house. Maybe, just maybe, I will get to see the new Batman vs. Superman movie.

Belinda- I miss Cookie on here too. Did the shoe for Brawler come yet?

Good afternoon,

I did CTX KB + biceps/planks this morning. Just getting around to pos

Debbie - good job on your ICE MTB workout today. I like that one too. Last week, I posted about our RV. The RV is totaled.

Kirstin - we are still waiting on the shoe. Next Thursday we have an appointment for Brawler with a Neurologist. Glad things worked out for you with the hotel. Sounds like you got a better deal.

Have a great Saturday, everyone.
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Chisel Agility done. I had a hard time getting through this workout. My nutrition has not been good this week and I am feeling the difference. going to eat a better lunch and dinner today. Hopefully getting back on track will give me the energy I need. The rainy day isn't helping either. I have a lot of work to do so after I shower and eat, I am going to lock myself in this office and get it all done.

Belinda- good luck with the appointment coming up. I saw a video of two boxers in shoes on Facebook. They were funny walking in the shoes.

BB tomorrow.

Hammer Power and 10 minute abs Hammer done!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! It is freezing over here and the winds are out of control!

Good afternoon,

I did Karen Voight Total Body Training Pilates today. That one really works your inner thighs.

Thanks you, Kirstin! LOL, I hope my dogs gets used to those shoes. Good job on your workout today.

Hallo Debbie and Cookie!

Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Yesterday I took a rest day. Today I did CTX Leaner Legs, not sure but it was so tough for me today, my legs still feel weak. We went out for Chinese for DS's birthday. Not my favorite but maybe that is a good thing LOL. Also my cupcakes didn't come out too good, recipe called for egg whites. I'm so used to whole eggs since they say they aren't bad, maybe that is why we didn't like them.

The wind was tough here last night it woke me up several times.

Belinda - I didn't see your post that the RV is totaled:( hopefully insurance will reimburse you. It's hard to find a workout that gets your inner thighs good.

Kristin - That is a good deal!! Awesome that you will see the Star Wars attractions it sounds like you scored:) Hopefully your Dad will give Baxter back, we brought one of my son's dogs to my in-laws and they wanted to keep her (ha, ha).

Good morning,

CTX Upper Body Split and All Abs is done. All Abs went on forever :( I thought that workout would never stop. I felt like I was doing the same ab exercises for 36 min. Glad it's over, not sure if I ever gonna do All Abs again in the future? Way to long for me.

Debbie - no problem :) That pilates workout uses a pilate ring. You will feel it in your inner tights.

I may do a stretch this evening? Have a great day and workout, everyone.
total body chisel done! This is the start of week five from me. I am halfway there! My eating is out of control. Not sure if that is because of the time of the month or stress. I had bought grilled chicken from Stop and Shop to put in my meals. Well, long story short, the chicken was gross :confused::mad::( so I ended up eating pretzels and peanuts from the vending machine. Then I had a union meeting after school. Stopped at Dunkin Donuts for coffee and the next thing I knew a glazed donut made its way into my mouth! Then I got home late and didn't feel like cooking, so I had leftover fried chicken from my dad's house. I did have asparagus with it. Does that count as healthy?

Anyway. . . I am exhausted. Want to hear the latest with my God awful principal? My friend is the dean for the 7th grade. Today, a student I have was being escorted by security to lunch detention, which my friend assigned to him for roaming the halls and causing a scene last week 9th period. Anyway, the student tells security that he isn't going to go to lunch detention, and walks right into the cafeteria. The security guard calls the dean, my friend. Two minutes later my friend is with the principal, pulling the kid out of the cafeteria. Instead of sending the kid to lunch detention or ISS, the principal questions the dean as to why the student has lunch detention, IN FRONT of the student. She asks her if the mom was contacted. My friend said she called and left two messages. The principal then tells the dean he cannot serve lunch detention until parental contact is made. This mother NEVER answers her phone. I have called the house several times, including at night and on a Saturday and she does not answer. The aunt will answer half the time. Anyway, with that the kid smirks at my friend. Then the principal says to him when your mother is reached, you will serve lunch detention and if you do not go, you will be put in ISS. You know what the student said to her, straight-faced and all? He said, "That's HILARIOUS!" and walked away. My friend is resigning from the dean position. She cannot take it anymore. By the way, this student failed everything last year, and still miraculously made it into 7th grade. Unbelievable.

Belinda- I'm so sorry to hear about your RV. I missed that post :oops::oops: Shoes come yet?

Deb- my dad won't take Baxter into his house because of my mom. He lives five minutes away though, so he will let him out in the morning and play with him in the afternoon. Watch tv with him at night and feed him and then go home. Baxter will be alone at night, but he'll probably just spread out on my bed, lol.

Okay, I am beat. BB tomorrow.


Today I took a yoga class. I lucked out (I think) most of my work needs to get done at the end of the month because of Mother's Day! So my vacation starts tomorrow & we leave on Wednesday. It was so cold today!

Belinda - Sometimes abs seems to go on and on & my mind wanders. My favorite exercise for abs are planks. Not sure if they are the best ab exercise:confused:

Kristin - I think I would have eaten a box of donuts with the stress of your dayo_O Maybe your eating too much of the same things & need to switch it up. I'm sure Baxter will be sleepy from all the attention he will be getting from your Dad:)

Cookie - I hope this week will be better for you.

Good morning.

Kettlebell Kickboxing: Scorcher Series "
Power" and Baladea Flow is done. I had KB Scorcher Series for a long time, finally getting through them, lol. Not bad, this one got my HR up. Baladea Flow was a surprise, was actually pretty good too.I also did ICE MTB Timesaver : #1 Warm Up + Blizzard Blast + Stretch -- 23:13.

Debbie - this one did! I didn't notice the similarities when I did the workouts, but when you do all 4 ab workouts strung together. It went on and on :( From what I heard, planks are the best for abs. I love planks too.

Kirstin - thanks about the RV. The shoes came yesterday. Brawler is walking like a horse in those and he paws get a twisted. I guess he has to get use to them. I will try again today. We only let him wear it for an hour so he can get use to the shoes. My kids call him Michel Jordan:p Sorry you are going through so much stress. Hope it gets better and you get your eating under control. When I stress, I eat a lot too. Not healthy food either.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
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I didn't get a workout in today. I spent the day packing and getting caught up around the house. I did pack a few bands and might try and do my Cathe Live workouts when I am away.

Belinda - Brawler must look so cute in his shoes. He will be so stylish on the streets:) I also bought the Kettlebell series when they were on Groupon but not sure which one, as you can see never opened them:oops:

Kristin - You must be counting the days till June:(

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

ICE Rock'n & Sock'n KB Timesaver Premix : #6 Punching Combos: After the Warm Up you will do only the three "Punching Combo" segments from the main workout. - 24:21 and KB Scorcher Series " Strength " is done. There is no warm up or cool down in KB Scorcher Strength.

Debbie - he does look cute in his shoes :) He walks really funny in those :( You should give KB workouts a try, they are fun. I also bought mine a long time ago on Groupon. I just open mine:p

Waving Hi to Cookie and Kirstin! Hope you are well.

I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. I did a workout yesterday, Hammer Power. Today I did Chisel Balance. I almost skipped the workouts today and yesterday, but I did it. I am happy I did. I just feel blah lately. Probably because TOTM is approaching, ugh!

I have more stories about my principal, the last two days have been interesting. I am too tired to type it all now though, lol.

Belinda- You should take a short video of Brawler walking in his shoes and post it here for us to see. I bet he would be a youtube hit too.

Deb- I am counting the days, you better believe it. Where are you going again?

Hi ladies,

My dog Brawler had an MRI, X-rays, blood work and spinal tap done today. The MRI took over an hour. He is still pretty out of it from the Anesthesia. They also took spinal fluid for analysis to screen for inflammatory conditions. They also took 2 blood tests. One of the test we will get the results in a few day's, the other one we will get in 7-10 day's. The MRI showed disc degeneration/bulging and nerve root impingement (which they are conducting additional tests). We had an appointment at the Veterinary Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine in Annapolis, MD at 10:30 a.m and didn't leave until 5:30 p.m. Annapolis is 1.5 hour (one way) from where we live. I will be back in the morning. Good night.
Good morning,

KB Scorcher Series Longevity and ICE Metabolic TB - Timesaver premix: #2 Warm Up + Muscle Meltdown - Chest + Stretch 26:21 is done.

Have a great workout and day, everyone.
TGIF!!! Yesterday was my scheduled rest day. I took the boys to finally see Superman Vs. Batman movie. It was good. Wonder Woman was in it. I grew up watching Linda Carter on the WW tv show. She was my childhood hero. My mom made me a Wonder Woman costume when I was in 1st grade. I would run home off the bus and quickly get my homework done just so I could put it on and fight the bad guys. I would jump off my bed and pretend I was jumping down 100 feet. I still remember running around the backyard singing the theme song and pretending to stop bullets with my bracelets. The WW in the movie was fierce, which I was thankful for. I love her new costume too, lol.

Today I did ISO Speed Hammer and 10 minute Ab Hammer. I am almost done with week 5. TOTM has arrived, but I am still seeing a remarkable difference in my body. Feeling good :).

Belinda- Having to wait that long for the results stinks. In this day and age, with everything instantaneous, when we have to wait for results, it just seems like forever. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get the results faster than what they are predicting.

Okay, I have to change into my pj's.

Have a good night!

We are in Florida it was nice to escape the cold. There was a tornado inland here when we arrived which isn't normal for here. The weather changes are crazy everywhere. I have been walking a lot & did some plank work today.

Belinda - Poor Brawler:( I hope everything goes well for him. The KB series sounds good!

Kristin - It would be great if your principal transferred or resigned;). Do you think you will try another Beach Body series?


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