Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

MishMosh Premixes: Scrambled #4 Mixes abs from Icy Core 1 throughout the main workout. - 58:51 is done!

I am not in the mood to do anything else today :( I am so sad after I left the vet yesterday. All I want to do is cry. I went to the vet with my dog Brawler, I notice every time we walk the dog he is dragging his right rear leg :( He also looses control over that leg when he walks on my kitchen floor. The vet thinks it's age related and he is getting old. He is only 11 years old. He gave him some meds, he believes could be a disc in his back. If this doesn't work, I will take Brawler to a neurologist. I also have to get him dog shoes. The shoe is called Neo Paws, the only place I could find them is in Canada. I guess, the shoe will prevent him from dragging his paw and filling down this nails. If it's not one thing, it's another.

Debbie - wished I got better news yesterday :( I am due for a mammogram too. Good luck.

I will be back tomorrow. Have great day and workout.
Hey guys. Today's workout was Total Body Chisel and Chisel Abs. I had not done either of these workouts before, even though I am well into Week 3 of the rotation. I enjoyed both workouts. The Chisel abs went by really quick (10 minutes) and really focused a lot on the lower abs, which is my weak spot.

Tonight the boys are sleeping over my parents house with their cousin. DH and I are going out with a few teachers on my team and their spouses. We definitely need a night out together with all the craziness going on in our building. It should be fun. I had a cheat day yesterday that went too crazy, so I know I have to reign it in, but tonight I do plan on enjoying a few drinks and a dessert. Tomorrow I am doing Hammer Plyo, and I think I will add a walk or maybe a short Cathe workout in to burn the extra calories. I will see how I feel.

Belinda- sorry to hear about Brawler. What breed is he? Baxter is a boxer, and they tend to have shorter lives than other dogs (8-12 years). I keep him as active as I can and feed him Health Extension, which is one of the best brands (this dog probably eats better than us). I dread the day when he starts having health problems. I can imagine how heart-breaking it will be. I hope the shoes work! My DS is acting a little better. I really have no patience when he complains at home about me or his father because we won't let him do something or give in to his wishes. I have sooooo many students with messed up parents. . . I end up giving him real-life examples of how he could have worse parents. He just has no clue how lucky he is. . . I want to take some of my students home with me.

Deb- LOL about the man in yoga. I always think yoga will be easier than it ends up being when I do it, lol. Baby years were hard, but easier for sure. It makes me nervous to think about DS going to middle school next year, especially being a middle school teacher.


Kirstin - thank you :) It is very heart-breaking to see Brawler like this. Brawler is a lab mix, although some vets think he is a full breed. We rescued him 11 years ago. He is my baby. I had no idea Boxers live 8-12 years :( The vet recommended that shoe, should be here next week. . Glad your son is doing better. Eventually he will appreciative what you do for him. He is still young.

Yesterday I did X-train CBS & today I did a Cathe Live workout Bun Burners Barre & Ball. I really liked the Live workout it didn't use weights but it did burn. I've been getting ready for Easter & still have some last minute cleaning to do tomorrow. My Mom, brother, ds's & gf will be here.

Belinda - Poor Brawler hopefully the shoes and meds will give him some comfort. This may sound terrible but if ds & gf break-up and she moves out it will be a big loss for us to not have Lucy around:(

Kristin - I hope you had a fun night out! I can't believe your oldest will be starting middle school, wow.

Happy Easter!

It's been a little crazy here, but I have been sticking to my workouts for the Hammer and Chisel program. Yesterday I did Hammer Plyometrics. That one is harder than you think. They all are, actually. The exercises are mostly 30 seconds, but I was sucking wind at the end of most of them. Today's workout was ISO Strength Chisel. That is another good one. This is the one where you do three sets of ten for each exercise, with a ten second hold in between sets. It is tough! The Bulgarian split squats (one legged squat on step) is the hardest for me. My legs were shaking.

Deb- the first thing I had this morning was chocolate eggs, lol. I had too. they are my favorite and taste so good with a cup of coffee. Clean eating back tomorrow! DS is getting big and it is hard for me to think of him as getting to the grade that I actually teach. It is such a tough age!

Belinda- the shoes will be here before you know it. I am hoping his good diet keeps him healthy longer. He was funny this morning, trying to steal Easter eggs from the boys' baskets, haha.

Okay, I need to get ready. We are going over to my parents' house. My crazy sister will be there, but hopefully she is in an "even" mood.


Happy Easter

I hope everyone had a good Easter:) My eating was not good today, but will get back on track tomorrow. I cooked dinner & went for dessert to my in-laws. I took a rest day, my legs were hurting from yesterday's workout & I was on my feet all day.

Belinda - How was your day?

Kristin - Chocolate eggs with coffee does sound good;) Your workouts sound like they will offset your eating this weekend.

Cookie - I hope things are getting better for you.


Happy Easter, everyone

Hope you all had a realaxing day yesterday. I took a rest day yesterday. Today I am starting with Cathe CTX.

Debbie - glad you had a wonderful day with your family yesterday. Mine was relaxing.

Kirstin - unfortunately diet has nothing to do with dragging paws. According to my vet, it's very common in dogs. I feet my dogs very expensive organic food. When they get old it doesn't matter what their diet was. They are like humans, when they get older they have problems :( I really hope the shoe comes this week.

I will be back after my workout.
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Good morning,

This morning I did Cross Train Express : Power Circuit (Back+ Planks) + Jenny Ford Toning with Weights (Total Body) plus Abdominals on the ball.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. See you all in the morning

Today I took a yoga class. I'm off tomorrow & have a dermatologist & hair appt. It was a stressful night with ds & his gf will tell you about it tomorrow:(

Belinda - Great job with your workouts & relaxing yesterday!

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Hey guys. Chisel Balance done. I ate way too much yummy crap yesterday. My goal is to not cave into the cravings for candy today and clean it up. Back to the containers and the meal plan. It is a rainy day today, which is fine because I have a ton of paperwork to do anyway.

Belinda- the comment I made about the dog food was about Baxter, I hope you didn't think I was saying you weren't feeding your dog healthy food :oops::oops: With Boxers they tend to develop heart problems and even cancer. I am hoping the dog food we give him and the exercise we give him gives him a longer, healthier life. I am so attached to him. Old age is old age, I agree. I actually dread when he gets older, even though there are times he drives me crazy now with his hyper-self, lol.

Sorry guys. I write that yesterday and it didn't post. I obviously didn't get to finish it either.

Deb- are they fighting? Do you think they are breaking up?

I am half awake but I need to jump in the shower and start this day. BB later to report my workout
Good morning,

Kirstin - Oh no! I know what you mean about the dog food. We all trying to give our dogs the best care. They like family members. My sister in Germany had a boxer, she was 14 years old. I had no idea boxers go through this stuff. Good job, getting your workout done this morning.

Debbie - oh no! I hope all is well with DS and his GF. Good luck at the doc this morning. How do you like your hair?

I will be back after my workout.
Hey guys. Max Hammer Strength done. I am on week 4 of the program at this point. Loving the results I am seeing this far. I might do another round of this in June. May I was thinking of doing 1 month of RWH. I don't know. I will see what I feel like doing by then.

The guidance secretary came into work today, but she wasn't feeling well. It turns out she had a brain aneurysm. They took her out by ambulance. She is brain dead. I believe they are pulling her off life support. The sick thing is I found out via facebook because her niece posted something. My dumbass principal didn't think she should tell us what happened out of respect for the family. Excuse me? I've known her a few years and work with her every day, how is telling me to say a prayer for her disrespectful to the family? What this moronic leader of mine doesn't get is that at my school, the staff is family, or at least we were when my old principal was there. She really is running the building down to the ground. She has no people skills whatsoever.

Belinda- High fives on your workout. My cousin is getting married in Florida and we are booking our flight and hotel this week. I had to contact the dog trainer to book a spot for Baxter. I feel so guilty leaving him again :/.

Waving hello to Deb!


Today I did X-train bi's & tri's. The day went by too quickly. I had 2 moles removed & sent for testing but she really thinks it will be fine. Anything they remove from you must be tested:confused:

I didn't sleep well last night, DS & GF have been fighting for a week now and last night I finally told her I didn't like the way her family treated my son. She has lived with us for almost 3 years now and maybe once or twice they have invited my son over or out to dinner. It was her birthday over the weekend & when I asked him why he didn't go to her birthday dinner with her family, he said he wasn't invited:mad: I was angry for a couple of days & finally needed to get it off my chest. I just can't see how it will get better if they marry someday. I actually think they made up but I don't regret what I said. My son said it is not her fault, we did have a cake for her tonight but it was uncomfortable.

We are going back to Florida in a week, we really need our space from them.

Belinda - I did a root touch-up myself over the weekend and it came out pretty good, today was a keratain treatment and my hair looks healthier. I don't think I will get to the 4th week of your rotation until the weekend:)

Kristin - We have a wedding in June in North Carolina. When we booked FL it was the lowest fare I have ever had, hopefully the fares stay low. The car rental is so expensive so I guess it works out the same:confused:

Good afternoon,

I forgot to post this morning. I did CTX Step & Intervals/ Chest = 45 min. That was a fun strep workout.

Debbie - hope your test come back normal. Keeping you in my prayers! I need to get my hair done soon. I am working on week 5 & 6 for my rotation.

Kirstin - how exciting going to your cousins wedding. Love Florida, always fun to visit.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.
Chisel Cardio done. I am so glad tomorrow is a rest day. I need it :).

Belinda- We are very excited to be going to the wedding. It should be lots of fun. We also want to go to Disney's MGM Studios to see the new Star Wars part of the park.

Deb- The airfare does seem cheaper and the car rental does seem more expensive. Lol.

Good night.


Today I took a hot yoga class. Our town seemed so quiet it seems like the schools all have different Spring breaks.

Belinda - Thank you, when I changed the bandage it didn't look good . . . I could never be a nurse:) I hope to finish week 3 by Thurs or Fri. Do you like making rotations?

Kristin - I can't remember but doesn't MGM have Harry Potter too? It sounds like fun.

Good morning,

CTX All Step + Shoulder is done. Very fun step workout. Forgot how much fun CTX was.

Debbie - I could never be a nurse :) Keeping my fingers crossed for a good outcome.

Kirstin - now I want to go to Fl :) I need a vacation.

Did any of you hear from Cookie? I am getting worried. I hope she is ok.

Hallo to everyone that checks in after me. Have a great day and workout everyone.

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