Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hallo ladies,

I am done with KB Scorcher Diversity and ICE MTB Timesaver premix: #4 Timesaver MishMosh - 31:38. Lots of core work in KB Scorcher Diversity. I was going to add a ab workout, but my core is worked out :) Once I am done with finishing 200 DVD's, I will do a full rotation of KB Scorcher. I really like it. Dasha talks no stop through the entire workout, lol. I know for some that would be a problem. It didn't border me at all, lol.

Kirstin - thank you and the wait is the worst! Ditto what Debbie said about your principal.

Debbie - please be safe! Thanks about Brawler. I think you like KB Scorcher.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Saturday and weekend, everyone.
Hey guys. It is soooo cold out today. I had to get up super early because DS has a baseball tournament this weekend and had two games today. The first game was at 8 this morning :eek::eek::eek::mad::mad:o_Oo_O. It was sooooo cold. After the games, I went with my younger DS to the supermarket to get all my food for the week. Came home, took a nap and then I did my workout. Just finished Chisel Endurance. I am a sweaty mess over here.

I don't feel like cooking now. . . but I will do it, lol.

Belinda- I need this lady to go! She is so awful!

Deb- Lucky you escaping the cold! I am really interested in Sagi's workouts. I think I will do Body Beast in the future.

Sooo. . . an interesting development. . . the principal in the high school is rumored to be fanning out his resume to other districts. If he were to leave, we are hoping she would put in for a transfer (she was the vice principal there before she came to us). That would be the best scenario. I never want any to get fired, but she is awful, too awful to keep her in my school, and it is my school. I have been there for 17 years, started when I was 22. . .

Okay, bb tomorrow.

Total Body Hammer done! My legs are like jello right now.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend. DS won his game this morning, which means his team is in the semi-finals. I am going to the game at 12. Hopefully it is a bit warmer than yesterday.

Hi girls,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I went to DC to hang out with DS and his wife.

I did JF Step and weights this morning. I will do a yoga later today.

Kirstin - I hear you on this lady. Hope she will go soon. She sounds awful :( Good job keeping up with your workouts.

Debbie - have fun. Wished I could escape this weather. It's driving me nuts.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Good afternoon,

I also did GAIAM YOGA for Flexibility & Stress Relief: Smooth & Stretch w/Rodney Yee = 20 min and Relax & Restore w/ Suzanne Deason = 20 min. I am glad I did the 2nd workout with Suzanne. Rodney was more lower body and Suzanne's was more upper body. I really needed that yoga.

Have a great afternoon everyone.
Chisel Agility done. Got my workout in earlier than usual. Feels good to be done. I also did Chisel abs.

Belinda- is this the DS that just got married in Texas? If so, I hope this visit was more pleasant.

BB tomorrow.


We have doubled our walking, my eating hasn't been the best:(. It hasn't been too humid here so the weather is nice. I hope to get in weights tomorrow. I see your weather is improving!!

Belinda - I know I bought KB series just not sure which one but when I get home want to try them. It sounds like you are enjoying them:)

Kristen - Hopefully the rumors come true, you will have a good reason to celebrate! My older DS's gf bought him tickets to the Yankee game last week, it was not baseball weather. Does the middle school have a baseball team?

Hey girls,

Went for a walk this morning and also did Jenny Ford's Aspen Lower/Upper Body weights. I am taking it easy for the next few day's. I will do a yoga/stretch later.

Debbie - I have like 3 different sets with Dasha :) Like I said once I am done going through my small dvd collection, I will do a full rotation. They are fun.

Kirstin - yes, that him :) I am dog sitting his dog. He and his new wife flew to Hawaii yesterday :)

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout
Hammer Conditioning and 10 min ab Hammer done last night. I am exhausted, lol.

Deb- it's funny you should ask about the baseball team. I am doing the yearbook this year with my co-teacher. The yearbook company gave us a deadline all pages on April 1st. However, because of the late start of the spring season and the weather, the coach didn't make final cuts until also Tuesday. I had to take the pictures myself and then rearrange the sports page to get them in. It was such a hassle. The day I took the pic was a cold one too.

Belinda- Hawaii? Wish I could go with them! It is freezing here this morning and we have gloomy, gray skies for the last two days.

Today I have Chisel Cardio on deck. Then tomorrow is a rest day. I have taken a few progress pics from day one to now, and I am seeing a difference, especially in my butt and legs. I am in week six. I am thinking of doing my own Cathe rotation of RWH, mixed in with other workouts (newer ones) for when I am done. Then maybe do a one month rotation before the trip to Florida. We shall see.


Good morning,

Workout is done: I did Georges ST Pierre RUSHFIT " Strength & Endurance = 40 min. This one had a lot of body weight exercises.

Kirstin - yes, Hawaii :) It's freezing cold here too. Nice job on your workout.

I will be back tomorrow. Happy Hump Day!
Chisel Cardio all done. Tomorrow is my rest day. I haven't been on the scale in weeks. I am afraid the numbers will mess with my head because even though my clothes feel better and I am seeing changes in my body, if the scale hasn't moved much, I still feel defeated. I am contemplating getting on the scale tomorrow morning just to give myself an idea of where I am. Not sure if I will have the courage to do so just yet.

Belinda- Happy Hump Day to you too, lol. So. . . should I get ICE? I am thinking that I was motivated to stick to this two month plan with Hammer and Chisel because it was new and the workouts were shorter and different. Maybe if I go back to Cathe, it should be with a new set? Or should I stick with RWH because those workouts are shorter and I will probably keep myself motivated to keep going. Every time I thought about skipping a workout with H and C, I would tell myself that the workout is short and will be done before I know it. Decisions, decisions.

Waving hello to Deb and Cookie!

Good afternoon,

I did a Jenny Ford Malibu Step and ab workout this morning.

Kirstin - if you have the $$ for ICE...go get the set :) If you don't have the money, use what you already have. You already have RWH, use that one. Or do another round HG :) Throw your scale out:p go by how your cloth feel not the scale. Remember muscles weights more than fat!

Have a great afternoon everyone. I will be back tomorrow.
Good afternoon,

I did Karen Voight B.L.T and Cathe XT Bi & Triceps: Premix 04 Timesaver (Rounds 1-5) + Core #1 (37:18). I been cleaning out my basement, forgot to post this morning.

That's it for me today. Have a great Friday, everyone.
Okay, so I was sick yesterday and so was my boys. I skipped the workout, today I did the workout that was scheduled for today. Chisel Balance with Chisel Abs. This is the last time I will do this workout in the rotation. I am glad. It is such a hard workout. It works your legs very hard and it is all balance moves with weights. My back and legs are always sore from it. Anyway, Monday starts week 7.

So this unstable man, the racist jerk that I work with, has announced he is running for union rep. A lot of the male teachers have already said they are voting for him. I am still going to run, because I don't want to back down from a fight, but I know it could get ugly. I just need to keep a cool head about the whole thing.

BB tomorrow.

Good evening,

I did XTrain Chest, Shoulder & Back -Premix 05 Timesaver (Rounds 1- 5)...36.30 and ICE Rock'n & Sock'n Timesaver Premixes: #4 5 Gone: 5 segments are removed to shorten the workout. - 35:31.

Kirstin - they extended the contest for another week :) Not one kid entered :( I guess, nobody wants free stuff anymore, lol

I will be back tomorrow. Taking it easy today.
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Good morning,

Took a rest day yesterday. I wanted to do yoga, but that never happened lol. I enjoyed the sunshine instead :)Stephanie Vitorino: Body Target 60 is done. Another dvd I had for years and never done it. Why did I waited so long to do this one? Very fun and unique exercises.

Kirstin - thanks for sharing the link with your class :) It's safe and they could win some cool prizes.

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. I did work out yesterday, Max Hammer Strength. I needed to get my grades done, so I did not have time to do much else. Today I did Total Body Chisel. this is week 7 of the program. Two weeks to go!

Belinda- I'll share the link tomorrow. I had a lot of catching up to do at work.

BB tomorrow.

Good morning,

I did another Jenny Ford step workout this morning. Love her workouts. I have to drop off my son's dog in DC. I watched her for a week. DS and his new bride are coming back from their honeymoon. They went to Hawaii. They loved it :)

I will try to get a nice stretch/yoga workout in tonight if I don't get home to late.

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