Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday :( Yesterday I got a new refrigerator delivered, it was a nightmare :( The delivery guys were so rude :( I put in a complain with their company. I usually don't do that, but they were out of control. After they left I went grocery shopping.

Yesterday I ended up doing Barre 3, haven't done barre workout in month. I still have a few month left on my streaming. I will make use of it as much as I can.

Debbie - you are welcome :) Glad you liked it as much as I did ! Good job. I am looking forward to warmer weather.

Kirstin - hope you had fun.

I will be back later. Have a great weekend.
Hallo ladies,

I did ICE Metabolic MishMosh Premixes: Scrambled #3 Mixes all 3 Muscle Meltdown - Chest rounds throughout the workout. - 63:18

Maybe I will go for a nice walk later? Like I said, I am lazy today. BBL!

Today dh, ds's, gf's & my brother went to my Mom's and took her out for her birthday. It was a lot of fun. I didn't get in a workout in, so a rest day it is;)

Belinda - That mishmosh sounds like fun, I haven't done any mishmoshes yet. I'm sorry you had to go through that with the refrigerator delivery:( I actually just cleaned out my freezer the other day and I can see what is in there now:eek:

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good morning,

I will do a stretch today.

This is the rotation I came up with for the next 3 weeks: As far as the cardio goes, I will mix in Less Mill Combat, Rock'n & Sock'n, Turbo Fire and XTrain All Out Low Impact HiiT

Week 1 :
D1 - XTrain Bic +Triceps premix #11 = 49 min
D2 - Cardio
D3 - ICE Metabolic TB MishMosh Double #1 = 85 min
D4 - Cardio
D5 - XTrain CBS premix #11 = 77 min
D6 - Cardio
D7 - stretch/or rest day

Week 2:
D1 - Cardio
D2 - Slow & Heavy Chest &Back = 59 min
D3 - Cardio
D4 - S & H Legs & Shoulders = 67 min
D5 - Cardio
D6 - S&H Triceps & Bic = 60 min
D7 - stretch/ or rest day

Week 3:
D1 - XTrain CBS premix #1 = 51 min
D2 - Cardio
D3 - XTrain Biceps & Triceps premix #2 = 58 min
D4 - Cardio
D5 - ICE Metabolic TB MishMosh Scrambled #4 = 58 min
D6 - Cardio
D 7 - stretch/ rest

Debbie - happy Birthday to your mom. Glad you all had fun. I do like my new refrigerator. Form now on I will only buy what we eat that week. I hate throwing out food.

I will be back later to report what I did. Enjoy your Sunday, everyone.

Today I ran on the track at the gym, 2 challenges/2 steadies from Cardio Coach 4. It felt good to run!

Belinda - I really like your rotation, tempted to do it too:) I feel the same way to only buy food that we need for the week. Even in the food closet, I find I overbuy.

Kristin - I hope you had fun this weekend.

Good morning,

Debbie - good job on that run yesterday. I miss running :( Love CCV4. Do the rotation with me :) I sure overbuy on food. I need to stick to food I need and plan better for the week. We have an organic farm near by, I bought spinach, kale, cilantro. Once I washed everything, I froze some for smoothies. Otherwise it goes to wast.

Yesterday was a rest day :) I will XTrain Bic +Triceps premix #11 = 49 min today. BTW, I finished 5 DVD's last week.

Have a great Monday, everyone.
Hey everyone. I ended up calling in sick today because I was too exhausted from the trip to go in and I have paperwork that still needs to be done that I could not find the time to do over the weekend. The swim meet was exciting and fun. DS had a blast. He didn't do so well the first day, but I think he just needed to wrap his head around the meet. Yesterday, he really acted like a competitor and went all out in his events. I am so proud my little guy. When all was said and done, we got home around 7. Like I said, I was exhausted. I felt like I needed to sleep for at least 2 days. I feel a little guilty about calling in, but I never use a sick day. I used one this year, and that was for parent/teacher conferences at my son's school. . .

Anyway. . . I started Hammer and Chisel today. The first workout is called Chisel Balance and it is with Autumn. It was a tough workout even though we weren't really lifting heavy. I used 12 #'s as Autumn did in the video. The one move I couldn't do because my step is just still too low, even with six risers on each side, is the 1-Let squat sit, which is Cathe's sit and stand from STS. I did this move with the modifier. the other tough move was the up-downs. You start with both hands on the bench in a plank position, then you put one arm to the ground, then the other, then one hand back on the bench, then the other. This is similar to the plank moves in abs 1 in RWH, only the bench does make the move harder. I felt it in my abs and shoulders the most during this move. Another hard and challenging move that made 15 reps feel like 50 was the last move. You do a balance row with one leg back, then come up and go into a pistol squat, which is a one-legged squat with one leg lifted in front of you. Overall, it was a great workout. My legs, abs and arms are fried. Looking forward to tomorrow's workout with Sagi.

Belinda- that rotation looks great. I hear you with the food. We overbuy and the food goes to waste. Last night, I bought food for my meal plan and cooked my lunch and dinner for the next three days. Even though I was exhausted, I knew if I didn't do it, I wouldn't follow the plan and I know by getting started the right way, I am more likely to follow through.

Deb- the weekend was great. We even hit the Palisades Mall after the first day of the meet. I cannot believe how huge that place is! They have a lot of fun things to do there too, 7D experiences, virtual video games, and the ferris wheel. Very cool.

Okay, I have to catch up on my paperwork. BB tomorrow.

Hi ladies,

I am done with XTrain Bic +Triceps premix #11 = 49 min :)

Kirstin - good job on your H&G workout. Sounds like a tough workout. Good for you on the food. So, what did you cook?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.

Today I took a yoga class & did X-train bi's & tri's premix #11. I'm taking the week off because most of my work needs to be done towards the middle/end of the month. I started by getting a To Do list together & getting some things off of it:)

Belinda - I am going to follow the strength training workouts in your rotation & get all 3 done by the end of the week. Thanks!! I usually don't freeze greens but that is a great idea especially since I do throw them in my shakes.

Kristin - Your weekend sounded really busy & fun!! How often does your son have to go out of town for meets? The gym (YMCA) I go to has a pool & they have events here too. You deserve the day off and you'll be so much fresher tomorrow:)

Good morning,

Just finished Les Mills Combat - Combat 45 Power Kata = 45 min. I love those workouts :) I am so glad I bought them.

Debbie - you are welcome! Good job on your workout yesterday. What cardio are you doing today?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. Hammer Plyometrics all done! It was a short workout, only 22 minutes, which I have to say, I loved. I was still sweating like crazy. It is a lot harder than I thought it would be when I previewed it. I like how he encourages you to go faster. This was my first Sagi video ever and I really liked him. He was motivating and funny. I am really liking this series so far. The eating plan is on point too, lol. Trying to keep it that way.

Belinda- I grilled a bunch of chicken breast on my Foreman grill and made enough asparagus, green beans and brown rice for each lunch and dinner for three days. Today for dinner, I felt like having steak, so I made flank steak, and fresh spinach with 1/2 a baked potato.

Deb- this was our first meet, and it happened to be out of town. I honestly do not know how often this will be for now, being as though he is a beginner. However, if he sticks with it, when he gets older, it will be a lot more often. That much I know. So long as he wants to do it and it makes him happy and feel confident, we will continue to do what we have to for him to be able to compete. He isn't a sports fanatic like my other DS, so I am glad he found something that is "his sport."

Okay, I have work to do and a shower to take. I will be back tomorrow.


Today I ended up doing ICE Mish Mosh timesaver. I also started clean-max & laundry-max:)

Belinda - I'm going to try a bootcamp class at the gym tomorrow so I did ICE Mish Mosh (but did the timesaver) I really like that workout! I came very close to doing the same workout as you today;) The combat workouts are good!

Kristin - It's great that you are food planning & cooking for the week:) I have never done a Sagi workout but have done Autumn workouts and really like her.

ISO Chisel Strength all done. I am wondering if they want my legs to fall off. . . is this intentional, lol. So in the first workout, Chisel Balance, it had a lot of leg work. Yesterday was plyometrics. . . again, lots of leg work with the jumps and what not. Today was a strength workout, which seemed to alternate between a leg exercise and then upper body. The concept was isometric holds. You wold do ten reps, then ten second hold, then repeat for 3 sets. My legs were shaking. My arms were shaking too!

Did you guys see Cathe's announcement on Facebook? I wonder what new fitness product is? Why the teaser? Why not tell us? Lol. I wonder if this also means new videos, lol.

Deb- I thought I would hate Sagi. He seems cheesy in those informercials, but he was actually not bad at all. I found him motivating and I was impressed with how high he could jump considering how big he is.

Waving hello to Belinda and Cookie.


Today I ended up doing Les Mills Combat 45 Power Kata. I was going to take Bootcamp w/o at the gym but I was doing really good with my decluttering so thought a home workout would be better.

Belinda - Hope everything is ok, not like you to miss checking in;)

Kristin - The workouts sound really good, is their an informerical for them yet? I saw Cathe's announcement, I'm thinking it could be kettlebells???

Cookie - How are you?

Good morning,

I will do cardio today. I thought I checked in last night? maybe I didn't hit enter :( I did my workout as planned and took a walk last night with DH and the dogs.

Kirstin - looks like you getting a great workout in with H&G. A lot of people like Sagi. I'll be honest, I don't get why the teaser? It doesn't sound like dvd's. I am really not interested in more dvd's :) I have to downsize.

Debbie - good job on your workout and decluttering yesterday. I am getting rid off a lot of still too.

I will be back later. Have a great day, everyone.
Good afternoon,

Sorry for being so short this morning. My DD got some bad news from her doc this morning :( Please, keep her in our prayers!

I will be back tomorrow

Today I took a yoga class and took the pilates class that was after. It was an ok class but it went by too slow, kept watching the clock. Tonight we went to my SILs to have my in-laws anniversary.

Belinda - I will keep your daughter in my prayers. I keep meaning to tell you that I really like the music in Les Mills Combat.

Kristin - What do your boys think of the food containers? I could see them liking the colors and concept;)

Good morning,

Thanks for your prayers, Debbie ! I really appreciate it. Monday DH and I will go with DD to the doc. Please, keep Aleisa in your prayers!

I was so stressed out yesterday, I forgot to mention my friend gave me her Jessica Smith Walk Strong 6 Week Transformation set :) She didn't like the set :( she knew I love her. I was like YEAH :) Of course, I couldn't wait to try the new set out :) That was before I got the news about DD :( I did D1. Cardio Party + Interval Mix.

Today I did Jessica Smith WS 360 Abs = 30 min + Lower Body Sculpt = 31 min. I really liked the LB Sculpt, she uses a chair instead off going down on your knees. My knees really thanked her for that one :) I also did XTrain Chest, Back & Shoulder Premix 11 Extreme (Rounds 1- 8) + (Rounds 1- 3) + Core #1…77.54. At the 47 min mark, you did Round 1 & 2 again. My shoulders are fried with all those circles.

Debbie - me too!

I will try to catch up on personals tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.

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