Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Had to take a rest day today, too many things going on. All good, tho.

Deb, lol at your sil needing a break! I would if I had visitors every day, all day. Is she staying with you? The deer ate coleus and spit that out, but last year they enjoyed the mums. We're just going to go with pumpkins for decorations this year. MM is an oldie but goodie.

Belinda, that's some stroller! After talking it over, we're going to wait on getting one. There's lots of hills on our walks and am not sure I want to be pushing more weight up them. Nice workouts!
Hi everyone,

Yoga and walk this morning.

Debbie -have a wonderful day.

Cookie - I love Sadie's stroller.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

Yesterday we decided to take an overnight trip to the Catskill Mountains. We usually do this after Florida (we leave on Tuesday) but decided to squeeze it in 1st. There wasn't too much fall foliage but we had a nice time walking trails and seeing the waterfalls.

Belinda - Nice workouts! It sounds like a good idea to use the groomer that is associated with your vet. In recent years lots of pet supply stores and groomers have opened up in our area. There is even a doggie daycare :)

Cookie - Rest day and good things if always nice:) My SIL decided to stay in a hotel. The buyers for her house in NJ are having so many problems getting a mortgage so she may need to relist her house. She is only here for a long weekend but has so much to do. She probably needs the quiet time.

'Evening! Only a walk in but at least that! I have no idea where the time went and how it can possibly be that it's Sunday evening and already after 7. Weekends need to be longer.

Deb, yesterday was such a beautiful day to be outside - bet the Catskills were lovely. Your poor sil probably needs a quiet hotel stay. That situation sounds very stressful.

Belinda, nice workouts! We groom our dogs but one, and they love the one-on-one attention. We started doing our own when a prior dog got elderly and didn't like others touching him. The one we take is a shih tzu, and I won't trim hair near their faces, so we take him.

We walked early this morning, I also did SBF stretching today. Our CSA farmer had a Fall festival all outside. We decided to go since it was outside. We couldn't eat anything, everything was smattered in mayo/meat. They had zero vegetables. Not even a sliced tomatoes. We stayed a little than left. I was a little disappointed, he knew we are plant based eaters. Don't give me wrong, I didn't expected a full vegan meal. Tomatoes and cucumbers would have been nice.

Debbie - cool about the groomer. Doggie daycare are everywhere here too. I hope things work out for your SIL.

Cookie - wow, on groom your dogs but the shih tzu. I had a yorkie 25 years ago, we also groomed her. I will try the groomer at the vet. I am sure Sadie is going to be fine. Nice walk today. I agree weekends needs to longer.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. We went to the cemetery it has been 2 years since my father in law passed:(. It is a really pretty place.

Belinda - It seems strange that a CSA wouldn’t have veggies because they must have so many. I forgot to say we had German food this weekend. I only ate the sauerkraut & potato salad. It must be hard for you so much meat on the menu.

Cookie - It was a nice day for a walk. How much longer will you kayak? It seems so far summer weather is sticking around. I agree weekends go by so quickly.

Hi everyone,

I walked this morning, did 30 min yoga and Caroline G. SUMMIT LEG DAY - Pyramid Training Leg Workout | EPIC III Day 21 is done.

Debbie - I was a little surprised he didn't had any fresh cut up veggies. I honestly didn't expect a whole meal just an apple, tomatoes or some cucumbers would have been nice. A woman picked up her CSA I saw some cherry tomatoes, I should have ask the farmer if I could eat hem, lol. Cool you had some German food. Did they made the potatoes salad with mayo? In Bavaria we make it with oil and vinegar.

Cookie - have a great workout today.

Have a great day.
'Afternoon! Had a couple of minutes and wanted to be sure to check in. Got in 2 walks. Have a mtg starting in a few minutes.

Deb, those anniversary dates are hard. Glad he's in a beautiful place. Bet you have lots of great memories with him. Hopefully, we'll be able to kayak for another month or so, until the water gets too cold. Often we're able to just step into them, but my dh likes to hold on to mine while I climb in. He's sweet.

Belinda, yeah, what's up with no veggies at a CSA? I would have been surprised also. Potato salad tastes so much better with vinegar and some bacon!!!

Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. I packed, cleaned & cooked most of the day. We leave tomorrow morning, driving & sleeping overnight in SC.

Belinda - Sounds like a good leg day! Yes it was made with vinegar & oil. I think a spice but not sure what it was.

Cookie - 2 walks that’s nice:). For some reason I thought thought you had a 2 man kayak. I guess that’s what I would get, I’m nervous in the water:oops: it’s nice your DH holds it for you.

Good morning,

ENDURING Upper Body Workout - Complex Training | EPIC III Day 22 is done.

Debbie - we use vinegar/oil and other Ingredients to make potato salad. Now I want some potato salad, lol.

Cookie - I know, right? No veggies at the CSA party. I am debating if I want to continue with the CSA for next year. Sometimes I think it's too much veggies I get from the CSA and all the veggies I need for the FOK cooking. They don't always mix together. The CSA next year will go up from $850 to $960 due too inflation. I still have time to think about it until TG? The CSA comes out to $35 a week on top off what I need for FOK cooking.

'Evening! Today was another walk, a dentist visit, and taking both my uncle and dh to doctors. Neither one appreciated my saying I was a medicab!

Deb, safe travels today and tomorrow. Are you able to sleep in the car? I seldom ever can, but I do read and sew often.

Belinda, our CSA is a small family farm right nearby, and we've been very happy with them. It does take me a while to do the prep for cooking. You're an energizer bunny with the workouts.
Hi everyone,

I did Caroline G. SLOW 'N INTENSE Hamstrings & Glute Workout | EPIC III Day 23 plus a walk before we took Sadie to her vet appointment and got her groomed. My old vet and this staff are all crazy about Sadie :) The groomer did an amazing job grooming Sadie. She needed it, lol. She is tired now. Long day for her.

Debbie - safe travels and be safe. Do you take food with you on the road?

Cookie - I am still a little on the fence if I sign up next year. We eat a lot of veggies. It just gets too much food. I hate wasting it. Glad you happy with your CSA. That is so sweet of you taking them all to the doctors.

I will be back tomorrow.
'Evening! Very long walk today.

Deb, safe travels!

Belinda, I bet everyone's in love with Sadie, but part of it because of her owner! Neither of them appreciate me calling myself the medicab, but that's probably why I say it. Love to tease them. Like you, we eat a lot of veggies.

We are in FL:). DH has not been feeling well, coming down with something, I can’t drive because it is a stick shift and I only had one lesson. He probably wouldn’t let me drive anyway LOL.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I always wonder if dogs feel like it’s a spa day after going to the groomer. My CSA is about $500, it is a half share. I’m wondering if your CSA would do that. They also offer a $350 share. We bring snacks but stop for lunch & dinner to get some movement in.

Cookie - I like the medicab reference, you have to find humor in life:). I read but it makes me tired, so I do sleep it passes the time.


No workout today. I woke up this morning, my toe was blue and huge pus-filled blister. Went to see the doctor this mornin she had to drain the blister.. I been feeling something on my toe since Sunday, didn't think of it too much. When I woke up my toe hurt like hell. It's not a ingrown toenail, it's around my nail.

Debbie - glad you made it to FL. Sorry you are coming down with something. My husband wouldn't let me drive either, lol.I will ask if my farmer has a half share.

Cookie - aww...thank you! I also like the medical reference. That''s funny. DH and I pack our veggies sandwiches when we go like to day to the doctor. I love veggies.

I will be back tomorrow.
'Evening! Enjoyed the beautiful weather and went on a 6 mile walk. Felt great but warm.

Deb, hope your dh feels better soon. I learned to drive stick in San Fran. We flew in and tried to pick up our rental car for a 3 week trip we had planned. Only dh didn't have a license and had to sign a statement agreeing he wouldn't drive, and they no longer had any automatics He's lucky he lived after that,

Belinda, ow, hope you're feeling better soon. That sounds painful. No dog walk for Sadie! We pack food too!

Today was a walk on the beach. We ran errands, DH feeling better. I’m not feeling good tonight, will go to bed and it may rain the next few days so will get to rest up.

Belinda - It must be painful after popping the blister. Hopefully it feels better once it starts healing. Great idea to bring food with you. Usually when I visit one of my Dr.’s office the choices are only vending machines.

Cookie - Nice long walk! That is a great story, San Fran is so hilly. You must be a really good stick driver:). My DH always says how hard it is to drive hills with a standard car.

Hi everyone,

I did Caroline's FEROCIOUS Full Body Workout - Strength Training | EPIC III Day 24. I had to modify the deep lunges with my toe.

Debbie - walk on the beach sounds lovely. Sorry you are not feeling well. Glad your husband is feeling better. The doctor did a very good job popping the blister. I didn't felt a thing, lol. We bring a small cooler and bring our food. It's hard eating vegan without oil. It's better and healthier to bring our own food.

Cookie - it didn't hurt when she popped the blister. As long as I am not bending my toe, I am fine. It looks worst today than I did yesterday. Nice job on the 6 mile walk yesterday.

Have a great Friday.

Today was a walk on the beach. I rested a lot & I’m still tired. After a good night sleep hoping tomorrow will be better.

Belinda - It sounds like you did a tough workout today:). Can you wear shoes while your toe heals? I remember when I broke my toes could only wear open toe shoes,

Cookie - Hopefully a nice day for you to walk today.

Hi everyone,

DH and I took a vegan cooking class. We made plant based Plant-Based Pho, Homemade Hoisin Sauce, Homemade Chili Sauce ,Tom Kha Soup. The broth was from scratch. We also made dark roasted tofu. So yummy.

Debbie - hope you feel better today. I have to cover my toe at all times. No ope shoes for me for awhile.

Cookie - hope you having a great weekend.

I will be back tomorrow. I am kinda tired from cooking.

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