Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! A walk and then lots of family stuff. One of my sister's grandchild is ill and in hospital, so helping out with childcare of the other little ones. Caregiving sure is time consuming.

Deb, yuck on getting so wet! That's not nice at all. Hope you had a nice dinner out.

Belinda, so happy for you and Sadie! She's a lovebug. I'll bet that daughter sure is going to be angry with her mother.

Today was a walk outside. I also ran a bunch of errands, not sure why I did it on a Saturday, very crowded.

Belinda - I was thinking the same thing as Cookie, the daughter will be angry with her Mom. I'm sure she is enjoying college life so not for too long LOL.

Cookie - Wow, you have a lot on your plate. It is so nice of you to help out with caregiving. It is not an easy job.

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I decided to take another rest day. I don't feel well, I don't want to push it. DH and I took Sadie for her first outing yesterday. She did very good being around people and other dogs.

Today DH and I will officially adopt Sadie. She is such a love bug.

Debbie - the daughter will be angry with her mom. That's for sure. We found out that Sadie isn't even 3 years old yet. She likes to play and wants lots of belly rubs.

Cookie - wow, you have a lot going on. I hope she feels better too. Being a caregiver is a lot of work. Sending healing vibes.

Of to get ready.
Happy Sunday afternoon! Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Had a wake and funeral for an aunt (other side of family from uncle) with lots of visiting. Got in ICE total body workout, a walk, and hoping for a kayak ride in a few minutes.

Deb, is this Sauce Sunday? How was your dinner on Friday? I have a large family, and lately there is a ton of stuff happening.

Belinda, happy dog adoption day! Lucky Sadie! Hope you feel better, and this is just something passing.

Today was a walk outside. It was a beautiful day! I went to the Farmer's Market and it was busy.

Belinda - I hope you start to feel better, resting will be helpful. It's great that she did well on her outing. Lots of people bring dogs to the Farmer's Market and they bark at each other. I'm always nervous there will be a fight.

Cookie - Is most of your family nearby or do you have to travel? Great getting a workout in. I made a tomato basil sauce from tomatoes I bought at the Farmer's Market. It tasted good.

Hi everyone,

Sadie is officially ours since yesterday. I couldn't be happier. She is such a fun little one to be around with.

Today I did SUREFIRE Shoulders Unilateral Workout - Dumbbell Delts | EPIC III Day 16. Had a great

I just signed Aleisa and myself up for Cathe's virtual Halloween RT.

Debbie - thank you. I wasn't up to working out this weekend, I guess I needed a break. I want Sadie to socialize with other dogs, not became a nonstop barking dog. Great job on the walk. The DC farmers market gets crowed too. I avoid those crowed places

Cookie - sorry about your loss. Glad you got to see your family under not so great circumstances.

Hi everyone,

Sadie is officially ours since yesterday. I couldn't be happier. She is such a fun little one to be around with.

Today I did SUREFIRE Shoulders Unilateral Workout - Dumbbell Delts | EPIC III Day 16. Had a great

I just signed Aleisa and myself up for Cathe's virtual Halloween RT.

Debbie - thank you. I wasn't up to working out this weekend, I guess I needed a break. I want Sadie to socialize with other dogs, not became a nonstop barking dog. Great job on the walk. The DC farmers market gets crowed too. I avoid those crowed places

Cookie - sorry about your loss. Glad you got to see your family under not so great circumstances.

Alesia and I signed up for Cathe's Virtual RT!

'Evening! Got in a walk today.

Deb, most of my family lives about 30 minutes or less away, the rest are much further. Tomato basil sauce sounds great! I have a lot of basil to use up soon.

Belinda, so happy for both you and Sadie. I love farmer markets, but always get so tempted with how delicious everything is. We can only use so much I have to keep reminding myself.

Today was a walk outside. I also signed up for the Cathe Virtual RT. I may have a conflict with Friday night, but will see.

Belinda - How exciting you officially adopted Sadie:) I'm sure she will bring lots of joy to you everyday.

Cookie - It was nice for a walk today! I agree sometimes I overbuy at the Farmer's Market.

Good morning,

Caroline FIERY Bodyweight & Dumbbell Lower Body Workout | EPIC III Day 17 is done.

I talked to my rheumatologist this morning, he wants me on meds long term. He increased my meds again plus he put me on more medications. I talked to him about joining NIH study for RP. He will put my paperwork in for me. I have such an amazing rheumatologist. He is a god sent!! I couldn't ask for a better doctor.

Debbie - thank you! I love Sadie she is so adorable. Yeah, I am happy you also signed up for Cathe RT.

Cookie - thank you! I am trying not to buy too much at the famers market since I have a full share of CSA. You can freeze basil. That's what I did.

"Afternoon! Did Boss Band TB workout. I'm discovering I love band work.

Deb, wonder if you hold the record for the most RTs! Good for you. I have a conference that weekend, so it just won't work for me this year. Plus, I'm not sure I'm up for all those workouts in such a short amount of time anyway.

Belinda, glad you're happy with your dr! You, and your daughter and Deb should definitely have a blast on the RT. I do freeze basil, and have to get going on freezing some of our other herbs before a freeze comes.

Today was a walk outside after the rain & lower body at the gym. It was DH's birthday, we went out for dinner with ds's it was a nice time.

Belinda - Sounds like you did a fun workout! Is there a lot involved to participate in the NIH study? For the virtual RT, did you get separate zoom links for each class and event?

Cookie - Good band workout! My basil did not do well, my neighbor's did and it was in partial shade. Was your basil in full sun? My sage did well, I didn't even think to freeze it but thanks to you & Belinda, I will.

'Evening! Got in a long walk today. The weather was fantastic, and being outside really recharges me. One of my dogs went to the groomers, which gave me time to run a lot of errands while waiting for him. He sure looks even cuter now.

Deb, happy birthday to your dh! Hope he enjoyed his day. Do you go to different restaurants or to a favorite one? My dh likes to go to a couple, and is always hesitant to try something different.

Belinda, just wondering what dog stroller did you get? I've been thinking about one forever. Hope you had a good day.
Hi everyone,

Had a busy day today. I did Caroline ALL ARMS & ABS Workout - Bodyweight / Dumbbells | EPIC III Day 18 this morning. Sadie had a lot of fun jumping on my chest while I did abs. She is so silly.

Debbie - I don't think there is a lot involved in joining the study. The disease is very rare, I assume from the website they will run blood test/tests. They will not give me experimental drugs or anything like that. They will make recommendations on medicine that would help me with RP. My doctor visits the NIH once a week for RP. You will get one zoom link, you log in each class. It's very easy to use.

Cookie - I am looking forward working out with Debbie, Alesia and Cathe. DD and I had a blast at the last virtual RT. Maybe you can do anther RT in the future. I freeze all my herbs.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It was a beautiful day. I just looked outside there must have been like 10 deer on my front lawn. I guess they come out late at night.

Belinda - I'm sure it's nice to have a buddy to workout with. Maybe Sadie will make an appearance during the RT;) On zoom yoga the instructor's dog & some students dogs are in the background. The study sounds like a great idea. I heard it's good to be in studies. Thanks for the RT info.

Cookie - Let's hope we have a long fall so we can enjoy our walks:) DH has a handful of favorite restaurants, he'll try new ones once in awhile but mostly sticks to his favorites. I think some men don't like change;) That goes for food too LOL.


Today is a rest day scheduled for Caroline's workouts. I did went for a walk today and did some clean max.

Debbie - I took her with me so she can learn to be in the gym. She thought it was an optical course :) She was jumping on me, sitting on me, jumping on the step and on my jump sport. She had a blast. Yes, she will make an appearance during the RT. Probably not during the workouts.

Cookie - have a great workout today.

Good night.
'Evening! Took a long walk today. Was hoping to get another wo in this afternoon, but all of a sudden, it was one visitor right after another!

Deb, my dh definitely does not like change! We've decided not to get mums this fall, since the deer have eaten so much of our garden and other plants this year. 10 deer is a lot!

Belinda, Sadie sounds like she's a lot of fun and interested in everything. Keeping up with her is another workout!

Today was a walk outside & Muscle Max. My SIL came back from a visit from TN. She needed a break LOL. Her DIL and granddaughter come over every day from morning to evening. They are looking for jobs and hope it changes when that happens.

Belinda - Nice day for a walk! It sounds like Sadie is getting a workout in too:)

Cookie - LOL on the vistors but always nice to get a walk in. The deer only ate my mum's one year and spit them out no less :(

Good morning,

Caroline SUPER Full Body Workout - Dumbbell Supersets | EPIC III Day 19 is done. I had to cancel Sadie groomer today. She sent us a form she wanted us to sign in case something happened to the dog she wasn't liable. The emergency vet we used with all our dogs has a groomer. We did ask that question in case the dog gets cut or hurt, she said at no cost to us Sadie would get treated at the vet. Sadie has an appointment next Wednesday.

Debbie - she does like to run like crazy in the yard. she is off leach, she loves it.

Cookie - I had no idea deer eat moms. I have to teach Sadie not to border me when I workout. Which is a challenge, lol.

Have a great Friday.

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