Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Another long walk and then a band workout today. Going to neighbors' in a few minutes to try to learn mah jong. I will definitely need lots of lessons.

Deb, glad you're feeling better. Hope your dh is also. Love walking on a beach - it's so relaxing.

Belinda, that sounds like an interesting class. I have a friend that I often take cooking classes with - she knows so much and I benefit from her tips while we're taking them. My dh just likes me to bring him home our learnings.

Today was a walk on the beach. It was nice the humidity dropped. I feel so much better when I am outside. It’s quiet here but that’s nice.

Belinda - The cooking class sounds fun. You made some yummy food. Was it virtual or in person?

Cookie - This is the best time of year for walking in the Northeast. My neighborhood had a Mah Jong group a few years ago. I’m not sure if they still get together.

Good morning,

Rest day for me today.

Debbie - I can't take anything in person. I am on immune depressed medications. It was virtual. I have taking her classes before. The soups/sauces come out amazing.

Cookie - it was an interesting class. I have taking a few of her classes before. The soups and sauce are amazing. DH loved it. What kind of cooking classes are you taking? During the pandemic I have taking a few virtual cooking classes. The cooking classes I take she records them, you can watch them anytime.
'Evening! Another walk. Trying to enjoy this weather - it's been so pleasant.

Deb, glad you're feeling better. Envious about you walking on a beach! The game was fun, and we're supposed to get together again tomorrow for more.

Belinda, that's great your instructor records your classes. That hasn't happened with any even taken. We've taken bread and cookie baking, croissants, soups, gingerbread houses, and a few with the Downtown Manhattan restaurant groups during Covid. I like learning new tips.

Today was a walk on the beach. We did a birthday toast on zoom for a friend it was fun.

Belinda - Its great that virtual/zoom is still going on. It offers opportunities you wouldn’t normally have.

Cookie - Nice walk! You have found some interesting cooking classes to take.


I did Epic III MUSCLE BUILDING Back and Bicep Workout | EPIC III Day 26 this morning.

Debbie - I agree, zoom offers opportunities you wouldn't normally have. Glad you are feeling better.

Cookie - DD and I took a few cooking classes from NY during covid too. Your cooking/backing classes sounds amazing too. I take plant based cooking classes. I like having the recording for future reference. Enjoy your walks. It's raining here.

Have a great Monday.
'Evening! More walking and Essentrics today.

Deb, glad you're feeling better. Zoom makes it easy for staying in touch.

Belinda, we didn't get a recording of the sessions, but I do love Zoom. It makes it so much more convenient than having to drive and all that. Great workouts.

Epic III NOTORIOUS No Repeat Squat Workout - LEG DAY | EPIC III Day 27 is done.

Debbie - hope you doing well

Cookie - I agree, zoom is much more convenient than having to drive somewhere. I am glad she is offering live classes.

That's it for me today.
'Evening! Got a walk in. Busy day, my brother, nephew and stepmom all arrived for a visit, so we had a big family dinner with many other relatives. Lots of fun.

Deb, hope you're enjoying the beach!

Belinda, it's amazing how much we've adapted to doing things online. My dh teaches a grad class every fall. Last year he had to switch to doing it remotely, and boy was he not happy at the beginning. Then he got so he liked it, and was disappointed that he had to go back to in-person this fall.

Today was a walk on the beach. Yesterday we visited friends and had a fun day.

Belinda - Your leg workouts sound hard. Is your toe feeling better?

Cookie - Nice workouts! Lots of visitors for you:)

Good morning,

DIAMOND Chest, Triceps and Abs Workout - Upper Body | EPIC III Day 28 is done.

Debbie - glad you had fun with your friends. Enjoy your walk on the beach today. My toe is feeling better, still very blue.

Cookie - lol, a lot of people got used to working from home. Wished things would get back to normal. Miss the good old day's.

I have a doc appointment. BBL

Today was a walk on the beach. It was really strange, I have been sick for about a week but today noticed a loss of smell, not completely but difficult with smell. I’m starting to wonder if I had a breakthrough Covid case. I read about it and it is so confusing.

Belinda - Nice workout! Good to hear your toe is healing:)

Cookie - I’m amazed at the weather you are having in October!

Good morning,

DH and I tested positive to covid yesterday. DH is a breakthrough. I been having a nasty cough, headaches in my sinus for the last 5 day's which concerned my DH. I am extremly very tired.

The Rheumatologist offered me to get the antibody therapy since I take high doses of immune depressed medicine. I been in the ER all night long. We didn't get home until 2 a.m. this morning. The therapy it self didn't take long to get through the IV, they had to monitor me for a few hours afterwards for side effects. So far so good!!

For the life of me, I don't get how I contacted covid? I wear 3 - 4 mask at all times. We only keep for ourselves we don't socialize, go out to eat. I just don't get it. Please say a prayer for DH and me.

Debbie - please, get tested. I haven't been feeling well for a few day's now too. I thought I had another sinus infection/cold. With everything that is going on I forgot about my toe.

I will be back later.

Today was an Essentrics day and walk. Love visitors but it can be tiring.

Deb, hope you're resting and feel better very soon. Did you get tested? One of my nephews didn't get the shots, and now he's quite sick. No preexisting conditions either. Thought he didn't need it since he's young (40) and was healthy.

Belinda, I'm praying for you and dh. It's all around and almost impossible to avoid being exposed. Hope the antibody treatment helped.

Today was a walk on the beach. I am feeling better, looking into getting tested.

Belinda - I’m praying for you & DH, take it easy & rest. Your Drs are excellent so you are in good hands. I don’t understand how people who are so careful still getting Covid. I know of several people like that.

Cookie - I’m sure the visitors do wear you out, You do seem to be good at it & get your walks & workouts in.


Debbie - thank you. I am taking it easy and resting a lot. I have a great team of doctors. I don't understand how people who are so carful still get covid. It just doesn't make any sense.

Cookie - thank you. It is almost impossible to avoid being exposed. I need a break. Been through enough the last few day's.
'Evening! Kayaking today and lots of laughs and stories with visitors.

Deb, glad you're feeling better, and it's wise to get tested. Enjoy the beach walks! I'm living vicariously thru you.

Belinda, glad you're resting. Hope you feel better soon.

Today was a walk on the beach. I took a rapid test and tested negative. My SIL suggests I get tested for antibodies when I get home and will know for sure.

Belinda - Hopefully you will have a mild case. How is your DH feeling?

Cookie - So many people here are kayaking & paddle boarding since the water has been so calm.

Hi everyone,

I did 20 min yin yoga to release some pain in my lower back.

Debbie - glad your test come back negative. I hope I feel better by next week. Miss my workouts. DH is doing much better too. He is still coughing. His cough isn't as bad as mine.

Cookie - I haven't rested as much as I do since Wednesday. I know my body needs it. I do have more energy, but once I overdue it I am out of breath. I still need to rest and let things run it's course.

'Evening! In Lake Placid, home of two winter Olympics, and it's beautiful! Got in lots of steps.

Deb, glad you're doing better. How long are you in Florida?

Belinda, rest, rest, and more rest! Glad your dh is doing better.

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