Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk on the beach. We went for Lobster Rolls and they were so good. The restaurant we went to was dog friendly, they brought the dogs their own water dishes.

Belinda - Hopefully you and DH have mild cases, fingers crossed. Resting is so helpful and you will have a natural immunity.

Cookie - Going to Lake Placid is a place I want to visit. I keep getting advertising from a resort at Lake Placid and the fall foliage is beautiful, have fun!

Hi everyone,

I called my doctor today about my cough. My cough hasn't gotten any better. My lungs are still filled up with crap. I still feel like I have a sinus infections, lots of pressure. I had more energy on Saturday and Sunday. Today I am tired again. I am resting a lot. Doctors orders!! Tomorrow is my last day in quarantine.

Debbie - I am still having that nasty cough which will not go away. My energy comes and goes. I am resting a lot. I hope I have a natural immunity. I used to love lobster rolls. So good.

Cookie - enjoy Lake Placid. Sounds like a beautiful place. How long are you staying?

Good night.
'Evening! Today was a rest day.

Deb, don't think I've ever had a lobster roll! What's in them, besides lobster? Lake Placid is beautiful. The scenery around there is really stunning.

Belinda, hope you're doing better today. How long was your quarantine? How's your dh feeling?

Today was a walk on the beach. It wasn’t as humid today so it was nice.

Belinda. - My SIL said her cough was bad and lasted almost 2 weeks. I hope you start feeling better. Kudos on getting the rest you need.

Cookie - We like the New England lobster rolls. They are cold on warm buttered rolls. The lobster is tossed in a light, lemony mayo with celery & chives. It seems light but sure it has lots of calories.

Debbie - I been coughing for over 2 weeks. I feel like I have pneumonia with all that nasty stuff coming up. I have never rested so much in my life, lol. Was your SIL vaccinated? I am not getting worst which is a good thing. The antibody infusion should kick in eventually, right?

Cookie - my quarantine is up tomorrow. Technically I am allowed to leave the house. I talked to my doctor's nurse today. I am still have stuff coming up from my lungs. I can't get rid of that cough. My doctor wants to do a virtual appointment regarding quarantine/covid on Friday. DH is doing a lot better. His symptoms are milder than mine.
'Evening! Today didn't get a chance to workout, but it was a workout taking care of my niece's three year old! Wow, think I forgot how much energy they have.

Deb, your beach walks make me envious! I'll have to try a lobster roll sometime. We may go to Providence RI, so perhaps then.

Belinda, wish you were feeling better. Hope the dr tomorrow has some ideas and good news.

Today was a walk on the beach. Our neighbor who lives in the condo next to us had a heart attack 2 weeks ago. We have been running errands for her, feel bad her family doesn’t live close by.

Belinda - My SIL was vaccinated but said her cough was the worse thing about Covid. It’s good that you are not getting worse. It’s sounds like the Dr.s are keeping a close eye on you too.

Cookie - Taking care of a 3 year old is a lot of work, you should sleep well. It’s fun to babysit but nice you can send them home:)

Good morning,

I went for a very short, slow walk. It felt good being outside and getting fresh air and move my legs a little. Now I am beat, ready to talk a nap.

Debbie - that is what I heard the cough is the worse thing about covid. I am glad my Dr. are keeping a close eye on me since I have a rare autoimmune disease. I also on very high I am also taking very strong immune suppressing drugs for RP which cancels out my immune system. My body can't fight diseases. Sorry about your neighbor. Hope she feels better soon.

Cookie - taking care of a 3 year old is a workout. I am sure you got lots of steps in. I hope my doctor has some answers tomorrow too.

Happy hump day!
'Evening! Got in a walk today.

Deb, that so nice of you to help your neighbor. It's hard when family isn't nearby.

Belinda, hope you're doing better. I'm surprised you were able to go for a walk. Please rest up.

Today was a walk on the beach. Not much else going on.

Belinda - Its good you were able to get a short walk in. I saw a Dr. on TV today and he said they are learning so much more about Covid.

Cookie - So many people have been kayaking at the beach. It’s been so hot not sure how they do it.

'Evening! Walk and kayak ride today

Deb, was thinking of you when i was kayaking! It was warm but not hot. How are you doing?

Belinda, hope you're feeling better and that you're resting.

Today was a walk on the beach. We have a flight home on Saturday evening. I didn’t do any weight training workouts this trip even though I packed them:oops:

Belinda - I hope you are feeling better. My thoughts are with you.

Cookie - It’s great that you can still kayak the end of October:cool:

Good morning,

I thought I checked in yesterday? Anyway, yesterday I had a virtual appointment with my doctor. He wants me to get a chest x ray this morning. Monday I have a follow up appointment with him in person.

Debbie - no change. The cough and stuff that is coming up are worrying me and my doctor a little.

Cookie - I still resting. I do have to move my legs a little. Great job yesterday.

I am back after my x ray.
'Evening! Swamped with people coming by, calls, and work. Had to take today as a rest day.

Deb, safe travels tomorrow. I'm always an optimist with my packing!

Belinda, glad you're still resting. I was worried when you didn't check in yesterday.

Today was our last walk on the beach. We spent most of the day on the beach. I started cleaning up will finish tomorrow.

Belinda - I agree with Cookie, was worried when you didn’t check-in. I hope all went well with the x-ray.

Cookie - A much deserved rest day for you:)


Today was Cleanmax at the condo. We are home it’s nice to be here. Lately I have so much trouble with my ears when I fly. It is so painful when we land and I can’t hear well for hours afterwards. I need to find a solution:(

Have a great weekend:)

I went for a short walk with Sadie today. I had the x-ray as far as I can tell they couldn't find fluids in my lungs. Not sure why I am coughing? I see my doctor tomorrow. I had an MRI done on my shoulder/neck yesterday.

Debbie - oh no! Try to chew gum or drink water before landing. I always had pain in my ears. I hope you feel better.

Cookie - I have never rested and taking so many day's off working out. I will try to get a light workout in tomorrow after taking to my doctor.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. It seemed easier in the cooler temps. It was a really nice fall day, only some of our trees have changed colors so far.

Belinda - It's nice that you went for a short walk. It's good that you see your Dr. tomorrow. My gum was in the overhead compartment. I didn't even think of water. I can imagine the pain you must have been in on flights:(

Cookie - Hopefully you were able to relax this weekend.

Hi everyone,

I had an appointment with my doctor. My lungs are clear. I have to make an appointment with a pulmonologist.

Debbie - sorry about the gum. I had my share with pain on flights. Trees are defiantly changing. Not looking forward to winter.

Cookie - I hope you had a great workout today.

Good night.
'Evening! Been suffering with my allergies. Took a long walk and drinking a lot of water trying to flush allergens out.

Deb, glad you made it back ok but sorry about your ears. My ears bother me much more now than earlier when flying, even when going up in tall buildings.

Belinda, glad you don't have fluid in your lungs, and hope you get more info from the pulmomologist.

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