Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Debbie - happy anniversary! Sorry about your finger. Aww..thank you. I looked horrible, my eye and face were all swollen up. I had a hard time reading the chats. My PC is hooked up to the TV downstairs. I need a new HDMI cable, one wrong move and I disconnected. Not working out for weeks, I totally forgot about that cable. That is how I ended up using my iPhone it was easier to use at this point. Remember to mute yourself :) I do have to admit nothing compares to the in person RT. It was hard to socialize with others like a Live RT. Not sure why a lot of people turn off their camera the entire RT? You couldn't do it on a live RT. I am getting the weighted cloves for sure. Mine old ones, the zipper is broke right away. I am still using them. I am thinking getting some exclusive t shirts, hoodie for the RT. Did you like the goody bag? I haven't used the tea bag yet. Not much of a cocktail person.

Cookie - thank you. I will pass it on to Alesia. Actually I wore my DH's uniform. I don't own any costume. also had an old hospital top. I just went from there. Cathe had some really cool looking Halloween leggings. Can't find them anywhere.

I haven't decided what workout I will do today. BBL

Can't believe it's November already.

CL# 368 Mad Hatter Madness is done.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Here is Sadie and DD's dog Cooper all dressed up for Halloween :)


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    Sadie + Cooper Halloween 30 Oct, 2021.jpeg
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'Evening! Agree - it's hard to believe it's November - only two more months in this year! Got in about 5 miles today an Essentrics.

Deb, were you able to celebrate this weekend, or will you celebrate your anniversary next weekend? How's your finger now? That sounds painful.

Belinda, how are you feeling? Hope you slow down sometime soon to rest. t/he two dogs are really cute.

Today was a walk outside. My finger is better but putting heat on my back is really helping but will take it easy.

Belinda - I was wondering if their cameras are turned off if they can see others? I wanted to connect my ipad to my TV but couldn't do it where my exercise equipment is, because it's an old TV. I didn't realize your DD's dog was a big dog, for some reason I thought it was small like yours.

Cookie - DH just reminded my we change the clocks this weekend. As much as I like an extra hour sleep, would trade it for more daylight. 5 miles that is great!! We will celebrate our Anniversary on Friday, this year is 34 years so next year is a big one LOL.


Besides a short walk I haven't done anything. My DD's 60 birthday is coming up. My kids and I are hosting a virtual birthday party with friends, family and friends in the military. I been sending invites since this morning.

Debbie - I have no idea if their cameras are turned off if they can see others? Wished they turn cameras/mic off during the workouts. I know people get excited and forget. DD's small dog passed away last year. DD fostered Cooper, she fell in love with him. He is huge! He weights 68 pounds.
Happy anniversary! DH and I will celebrate our 38 year.

Cookie - thanks for asking! Still having problems with the coughing and my noise (RP related) I am on steroids, they haven't kicked in yet. I did rest up/slow down a lot the last few weeks.How are you doing? Great job on the 5 miles.

Good night.
'Evening! Today was another 5 miles and Essentrics. Wanted to get in a weight workout also, but there's just not enough time in a day. Watching Chef's Table on Netflix, and it's making me want to visit some of the restaurants they talk about.

Deb, have you chosen a restaurant for your anniversary dinner? Just curious if you go to one with a special meaning or try something new. When someone doesn't show their video (face), they can still see others, just others can't see them. Can you tell I spend a lot of time in meetings online?

Belinda, glad you're doing okay, but you still need to take it easy. Parties are fun but a lot of work. My dh hates, i mean HATES when I do a birthday party for him. So now, we've had parties for Steve Carrell, Pierre Curie, and a few others who have birthdays near his date.

Today was I did a shoulder workout at the gym. I've decided to take the next few days off from weights. My back was hurting today.

Belinda - I forgot to say loved the dogs Halloween costumes. My DH just turned 60 the end of September, we did a family dinner. Thought about a party, but he wanted a quiet birthday. It sounds like your virtual party is the way to go:)

Cookie - It is hard fitting it all in;) We are going to go to one of our favorite restaurants. We don't like to try new restaurants on special occasions in case we are disappointed. We tried a nice restaurant on the water for my birthday, and we didn't like the entrees at all. The dessert and drinks were good though. I'm sure you are an expert at zoom calls:) Too funny how you have birthday celebrations for "others" for your DH.

'Afternoon! Getting ready for a meeting but wanted to check in before I got busy later and forgot. Did To the Mat - Legs and Glutes. At least I think that was the name, but whatever, I really liked it. Also got in my 5 miles, so I'm feeling quite accomplished. Of course, that's why I want to check in now, because I'll probably be asleep after the meeting ends at 8:30...

Deb, hope your finger is not so bad. Sorry your back is bothering you. There's no way I could do one of the road trips without my legs and back really talking to me for quite a while. Smart on going with a fav restaurant for special occasions. Yeah, my dh is a sweetheart but not at a party for him.

Belinda, hope you're have a great day. How are you feeling? Is there something else you might be able to take than steroids?
Hi everyone,

Today I did CL# 366 PHA Super Sets No Repeats.

Debbie - hope you feel better soon. DD's back is hurting too from the RT. Try not to push it. Unfortunately, we can't do a family party for DH's birthday. I can't be around a lot of people not even family gatherings or in crowds. I would much rather do one in person for him. Trust me, I feel bad I had to do on virtual instead celebrating his big 60 with his friends and family :(

Cookie - thanks for asking. No change on how I feel. I am still coughing and my noise is hurting form RP. If the steroid not helping, they do have stronger/with more side effects meds. The last time I saw my doctor he talked about changing MTX to another meds. I been off my meds for a few weeks. I been relapsing for the last 2 month (when I wanted to stop the meds) How are you feeling? I hope my DH doesn't hate his surprise bday party.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. I am still resting my back, actually, I can stand for hours it's just sitting is a problem. My finger is back to normal LOL.

Belinda - Sounds like a good workout. I think a surprise virtual party will be fun. We were at a restaurant and they said no matter how cold people still want to sit outside. I guess what I am saying is lots of people for different reasons still need to do what's right for them.

Cookie - I really like the To the Mat workout. It is one of my favorites. I hope you don't fall asleep at the meeting from your workouts;) During the Virtual RT, they said at the last one Jessie fell asleep during the firepit session. I can easily see how that would happen. Since the weather has changed I feel so sleepy.

Hi everyone,

Today I did CL# 366 Mobility-Yoga Fusion Live Workout. Loved it. Everything was slow. Will defiantly do that one again.

Debbie - I think the virtual party will be fun. A lot of people are rather sit outside than inside a restaurants here too. Not me, it's too cold right now.

Cookie - hope you have fun with your workout today.

Good night.

Today I did CL# 366 Mobility-Yoga Fusion Live Workout. Loved it. Everything was slow. Will defiantly do that one again. Today is Sadie's 3rd birthday.

Diane - hope you feel better soon. Please get rest.

Good night.


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Today was a walk outside. I bought some icy/hot patches and they seem to be helping. Tomorrow we are meeting a friend of ours from over 40 years ago. He lives in Arizona & has a fund raiser in our town. I am a little nervous.

Belinda - The CL workout sounds interesting. Awww, Sadie is adorable:) I love her sweater, she must be so much fun. It is so hard to believe anyone would give her up.

Cookie - I hope your meeting went well. My niece doesn't like late meetings but since working from home it seems to happen more often for her.

'Morning! Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Was another late meeting night, and so I was brain dead. Only got in another 5 miler yesterday. Heading out in a few minutes to do an all-day workout an hour from here.

Deb, glad your finger has recovered, but your back! Are you also having spasms? Enjoy your reunion with your friend. Is this the first time you will see each other in 40 years?

Belinda, Sadie is so cute! She looks like a dog we had named Bella, who had a lot of spunk. Happy birthday to her. Glad you did a slow workout today.

Today was a walk outside. We met with our friend it was alot of fun & laughs. I couldn't believe how much DH remembered about his friend. He said yet he can't remember what he ate for dinner;) DH knows him for over 50 years (they were neighbors), and I know him for about 40 years. The last time we saw him was about 30 years at his 4 year old daughter's funeral. He has had a hard life but very successful.

Belinda - I hope Sadie is still enjoying her birthday.

Cookie - Nice walk:) It's getting so cold here, but supposed to get warmer this week. I was having occasional spasms, but today is the 1st time I am feeling the corner turn. I'm hoping by Monday it will be all better.

'Evening! Today was a rest day. Did stop and viisit my mom for a bit and am now watching a hockey game.

Deb, that's so sad to lose a child! That's awesome to be friends with someone for so long! Glad you had a chance to catch up with him. Also glad your back is doing better.

Belinda, how are you doing? Still celebrating Sadie's birthday? When is your dh's birthday?
Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in we took a road trip to Skyline Drive before all the leaves from the trees are falling. It was very cold yesterday 41, we did ended up taking a short hike with Sadie. I bundled her up to keep her warm. I will see if I can post a picture of her. She is so cute.

Today I did CL# 363 Boss Bands & Loops: Metabolic. Great workout.

Debbie - heartbreaking and sad to lose a child. Glad you had fun catching up with your life long friends. How are you doing?

Cookie - DH's birthday is Nov 10th, the virtual party is on Nov 13th. DD is out of town, we wanted everyone to join. Hope you had great visit with your mom. How are you doing?

Have a wonderful day today.
'Evening! Frost this morning but pleasant in the afternoon. DH and I went for a 10 mile hike. I'm ready to relax!

Deb, hope you're enjoying your anniversary dinner and that it is fabulous!

Belinda, Skyline Drive is so beautiful! How far away from it are you? My son's dog is staying with us, and she has a lot of clothes. He always bundled her up.

Today was a walk outside. Our dinner was nice & I even had gelato.

Belinda - The CL band workout looks like one I need to try. We were thinking of going for a drive before all the leaves fall off too.

Cookie - 10 mile hike sounds great but I would have needed a nap;) Our heat has been coming on all day because of the cooler temps.

'Evening! Had a nice visit with one of my sisters and her dh. Really good to just talk.

Deb, it sounds like dessert is not a regular part of your meals. My dh loves gelato and he would never say no to it.

Belinda, hope you're enjoying a great weekend.

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