Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. Yesterday we had DH's virtual birthday party. It was an amazing event. We had family and friends from all over the world join us.

Yesterday I did Cathe Lite Stagged LB.

Debbie - glad you had fun with your friend on Long Island.

Cookie and Kirstin - hope you have a relaxing weekend. BBL

Today was a walk outside. It was cold, need to bring out my hat & gloves;)

Belinda - Nice workout! Wow, that is amazing that you had family and friends from all over the world to join you for DH's virtual birthday party:)

Cookie - I'm sure you put the kayak's away for the season:)

Kristin - I just saw in the news 3 confirmed tornadoes on Long Island. I hope you and your family are safe.

'Afternoon! Sorry for missing yesterday - got in a walk but had lots of visitors for Sunday dinner. Did Perfect 30 Upper Body this morning and got in 3 mile walk today.

Deb, I'm wearing my gloves on our walks, and yes our kayaks are up. There were folks out on the lake yesterday, but not me! How was the weather on LI when you were there? Hope you had a fun time.

Belinda, your virtual party sounds like fun. What time did you plan it for, since it must have been hard taking the time zones into consideration.

Kristin, OMG one of your sons is a junior?!!! How did that happen! Totally shocked me. I remember your mom had dementia. My mom has it and it is so hard to slowly lose her more every day. What a horrible disease. How's your dad?

I did CL# 365 Total Body Barre: Intermediate/Advanced = 58 min. Love it.

Debbie - my husband served with so many of them throughout his military. I contacted his friends from way back when DH first stationed in Germany. DH ask did you find them all? He was trying to find them and couldn't, lol. I had a lot of help from my husbands soldiers that were stationed with us in Germany. You guys are brave walking in this cold. I only let Sadie do her thing outside and bring her inside. I did order Sadie a doggie snow suits/hat & scarf. So cute!

Cookie - I am so sorry to hear about your mom. It's a horrible disease. The party was a 5:30 pm EST. It was midnight in Germany. Not sure what time it was anywhere else. They all seem to enjoy it. DH talk to everyone that joined. That was a suprise! Nice job on your walk and P30 UB.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, with the right gear not so bad. I also did Metabolic Blast at the gym.

Belinda - Wow, that is amazing, I didn't realize you found some people DH hadn't spoken to in years. I sure this was one of his best birthday's. I'm sure his friends were thrilled that you put this together.

Cookie - It seems like you get lots of visitors since you moved:) I guess you are also catching up after not being able to visit for 18 months. I'm sorry you are dealing with the horrible disease:( The storm passed quickly but wasn't a tornado, but just heard on the news it was pretty close to where I was.

Kristin - I now heard 4 confirmed tornado's in Long Island, so scary.


Today I did Step Sync = 56 min. Had a lot of fun and modify.

Debbie - DH was surprised I found them, lol. I couldn't have people over for his bday. It's too cold to walk with Sadie. Although I bought her a 2 snow suits that cover her legs and shoes to keep her little paws warm.

Kirstin - hope you are safe!

Cookie - hope you have a great workout today. Did you go for a long walk today.

Good night.
'Evening! Waiting for a meeting to start, so I'll be quick! Did an Essentrics workout and then 5 mile walk today.

Deb, we do get a lot of visitors! So happy you didn't get hit by the tornado. Hope Kristin is alright. You must have slept good after that workout and walk!

Belinda, I'm sure your dh appreciated all your hard work to get hold of and coordinate the party! Way to go! It is a horrible disease, and I sure don't want it or anyone else to have it. Honestly, I think it is harder on the family members than the individual. Our son's dog who's been with us for about two years now has two tubs of clothing!

Kristin, hope you're doing okay and weren't too impacted by the tornadoes.

Today was a walk outside & I did leg workout with machines at the gym. We met with someone for kitchen renovations but we are hoping to move in about 3 years to FL. So very confusing. We need some necessary work because a lot of things are in need of repair.

Belinda - Nice step workout! It sounds like Sadie will be warm this winter. A neighbor told us 1 of her 2 dogs stops at the end of the driveway & refuses to walk any further when it is cold:)

Cookie - Nice long walk! Silly question but if you need to get up during a meeting, can you?

Kristin - Our HS went virtual this week because of a high rise in Covid cases (not sure for how long). I hope this doesn't happen to a lot of schools.


Today I did a 30 min full body workout on YT.

Tomorrow I have PT.

Debbie - have fun with the renovations. What kinda style do you have? Modern? Our master bathroom needs renovation after the repair guy broke off/saw off/put a hole the faucet on one of our vanity. We are still trying to get them to fix it. The problem is they can't find the exact faucets plus each one was very expensive. Delta doesn't make that model anymore.

Cookie - I am so sorry you have to go though this with your mom ((HUGS)) LOL, about your dogs has two tubs of clothing. It's fun buying for Sadie.

Good night.
'Evening! Got in my walk but that was it today.

Deb, it was a possible kitchen reno that actually got us talking about moving. I wanted to do reno but my husband kept putting it off and putting it off. Finally, I said never mind, the house is now too big for just two of us anyway. We reno'd the kitchen here after being here about six months. So glad we had a chance to figure out what would work best for us, but now it's a space I enjoy being in. DH was irked to find out kitchen renos have a high return rate. I schedule breaks in the meetings!!!! Sometimes I put folks into breakout rooms, and run quick to the restroom.

Belinda, how are you feeling these days? Are you still dogsitting?

Kristin, hope all is well.

Today was a walk outside & yoga. It was nice day to walk.

Belinda - Nice workout! Good luck with PT tomorrow. Geez, that worries me about having work done, because sometimes they do damage. Our house style used to be called country but now they call it Farm House (I think). We have a lot of stained oak window frames which I don't want to paint. Since we don't want to go crazy we are painting the cabinets, plank flooring, counter tops & painting the walls (have wallpaper now). We are looking to update it for selling and look fresh & clean. I found a grey/green color to paint the cabinets and it will look good with the oak trim throughout the house.

Cookie - Nice day for a walk:) I'm hoping it will help the sale of the house, because our flooring is so worn out. It would have been embarrassing to sell the house with holes in the flooring. I also like that I can enjoy it for a few years. I agree living in the space helps you figure out what you want/need.


I did CL# 371 Step & Weights aired this morning.

Debbie - it happened almost 2 years ago. The company doesn't want to pay for the damage. They are trying to give me a mix and match facet. My faucet cost over $500 it was from Delta. I refuse to take a $20 that doesn't even match anything in my master bathroom. How would that look? Everything in my bathroom matches. Our insurance sent them to our house. I can't even use my sink for the last 2 years. I am not happy nor is my husband. Love you style. Mine is more contemporary/modern.

Cookie - thanks for asking. I am still relapsing. The steroid this time around didn't do anything. Got quit a bit of side effects from it. Waiting for my doctors what's the next step. LOL, thinking of all the redo on our house makes me want to move too.

Need to get ready for my PT. BBL
'Evening! Today was a very busy, full day, and so a rest day. I did do Essentrics tho.

Deb, renos can be scary, but I really enjoyed ours. We had a great relationship with our contractor, and that definitely helped. Have you thought of asking a realtor for an appraisal and opinion? A good friend of mine did that this spring and is spending a year fixing up things the realtor suggested.

Belinda, hope you get an alternative to the cortisone soon. I also love design.

Oops meeting starting.

Today was a walk outside. I also picked up my turkey because it's frozen will need to defrost in the refrig for a few days.

Belinda - That is crazy about the company not wanting to pay you back :mad: I'm sorry the meds didn't work this time, it's good that they are looking into something else.

Cookie - I heard snow showers in upstate NY, was wondering if you received any. DH's friend is our contractor, he used to do real estate before he opened this business. Just nervous if things don't work out, could be uncomfortable.


Quick check in. I had 2 doctors appointments today. I did CL Express Kick boxing. Very fun workout

Debbie - yeah, it's crazy the company won't pay for the damage they created. We are fighting it. The steroid my Rheumatologist thinks I need to take higher and longer doses. Now I am on round 3. This time I have to take it for 60 day's :( Not happy. I went to Costco on Monday, they had limited supply on turkeys. I picked on up for my DS/DIL. My neighbor was nice enough to let me put the turkey in her freezer. Mine freezer is full. Did you end up buying anything from the RT? I spent way too much $$, lol

Cookie - unfortunately, I am still on steroids. Higher doses and for 60 day's. I love design too. I always like changing things up.

I will catch up with more personals tomorrow. I am beat. Good night.

Today was a walk outside & a full body workout at the gym. We are going to get a bite to eat. Our favorite waiter has been on vacation (sort of) his Mom died during the beginning of Covid. He wasn't able to bring her to their country until last week.

Belinda - I like the CL Express kickboxing workout! I hope the 3rd round works it must be frustrating that it doesn't work quicker. I have been seeing everyone shopping early for their Thanksgiving supplies. I think everyone is worried about shortage of supplies.

Cookie & Kristin - Any plans for the weekend?

Have a great weekend:)

No workout to report today. I did clean max today. My son/DIL flying in from TX. DD will also stay with us. I am excited to have my kids for a few weeks.

I am not sure if I continue next year with my CSA? The season for the CSA is over this week. My farmer wants everyone to resign and pay $850 for next season (31 weeks)which will not start until April. Paying that much money upfront 6 month isn't sitting well in my head, lol. That is a lot of money to pay upfront. Although I did enjoy the fresh veggies, DH and I just couldn't eat everything he provided each week. I am following the FOK planner, hardly anything fit in the plan. My freezer isn't big enough to freeze a lot of veggies. I even ended up donating to the food bank. The price is very good for what you get. I am still on the fence. OBW, my farmer isn't very responsive when I sent him emails if something was missing.

Debbie - I am already nerves to take so much steroids. I am on 4 times higher doses than I was the last time, not to mention for 6 weeks. That's a long time. People are buying like crazy again. I wouldn't had bought a Turkey my son ask for one. I still can find everything we eat especially vegetables. Although the prices went up.

Cookie and Kirstin - hope you having a great weekend.

Good night.
got in a walk today, and it was a shorter one. Got our turkey yesterday. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Food, family and friends! Love it.

Deb, with a friend as a contractor, at least you can trust him. i can see where you might be concerned tho. That's sad about the waiter. Perhaps he'll feel some peace with her being back to their homeland now.

Belinda, that is a long time. You'll make the best decision for you and your family re the CSA. We've become friends with the family that does ours, and we love the veggies. We never know what we're going to get, but that's sort of how I grocery shop too. I seldom go with specific items to get, unless it is staples. I like to see what looks best and then figure out what to make with it.

Kristin, hope you're doing well. At least the upcoming week with be a shorter one.

Today was a walk outside, much more comfortable with hat & gloves;) One of our food stores added about 20 self checkout registers. It's crazy how technology is changing everything. It has it pros and cons, if you are in a rush or have a few items not bad. I miss the interaction with the cashier, there are a couple that walk around when you are checking out but not really the same.

Belinda - I can see your concern about the meds, the good thing is you and your Dr. are aware of looking for any side effects. It's great that your family will be here for a couple of weeks:) Tomorrow is my last day of getting a box. I'm not sure what to do either but I don't have to decide till next year. The organic vegetable stand at the Farmer's Market has been very knowledgeable/helpful/friendly. It is a young married couple who really enjoy doing what they do.

Cookie - Nice walk! I love Thanksgiving too:) The leftovers is a good part too. I recently started buying what looks best, for years I stuck with a list and would go to different stores to find an ingredient. Now you can google substitutions for an item. I also go by price because like Belinda said so much in the grocery stores has gone up.

'Evening! Got in my steps today. My boring life leaves me happy that I got a new vacuum! Not much else exciting to report.

Deb, it is sad to see the cashiers leaving. It's amazing how fast technology is changing our lives - for good and not so.

Belinda, hope you had a great day and are feeling well.

Kristin, how are you doing?

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