Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I went for a long walk this morning and did SBF TB.

I am getting ready for the DD's event.

Debbie - DD does public relations and communications. Her company supports a broad array of federal, state and local and private organizations. If you interested I will sent you a private massage with her company name, you can read up on your own. I been so busy with the dam washer/dryer haven't kept up on the RT. Halloween is also DD's birthday. I may try to sign up if Cathe does a virtual RT. We had a blast.

Cookie - enjoy your weekend.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside, it was a nice day. I was watching some taped 20/20 shows about 9/11 and it was so sad but so much I didn't know about.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I will let you know what they decide on the RT as soon as I hear. If you want to can send me a private message. I should remember your dd's birthday because my anniversary is Halloween. I think a Halloween birthday must be so fun:)

Cookie - Hope your having a nice time:)


I walked an hour this morning and did a SBF stretch.

Debbie - thanks on the RT. I do remember your anniversary is on the same day as my DD's. DD always have fun with on her birthday. She usually celebrated weeks before, lol. I will sent you the link.

Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Today was a walk outside. Ugh, a watermelon I bought went bad, what a mess. I thought it would last a couple of weeks. I guess with the humid weather it didn't:(

Belinda - Nice long walk & stretch! I love stretch days:)

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

Debbie, check your imbox, I sent you a pm. Watermelon can be messy if you don't eat them up or freeze them them into nice cream. The weather been great lately here.

I will be back later.
Good morning,

I did Carline G. FUNDAMENTAL Back, Biceps and Core Workout - Dumbbells | EPIC III Day 6 is done.

I will try to be back later.
'Evening! Had a great time with my sisters and their husbands. Got in lots of steps.

Deb, now I'm wondering if you incorporated Halloween into your wedding day decor.

Belinda, hope your dd's event went well.

Today was a walk outside. The Halloween RT is now going to be virtual. They will make announcements and details in a couple of weeks. I think I will try it.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I will check out my inbox, thanks. When you did the virtual RT, did you attend the lobby and Saturday night parties or just do the classes? I was thinking of skipping one of the parties and going out for our anniversary but will see what the schedule is like.

Cookie - It must have been a fun time & I'm sure lots of steps. We didn't incorporate Halloween but some guests brought masks and we have pictures. It was a great idea. I have heard of people who have done masquerade parties for Halloween weddings. That would have been cool;)

Good morning,

Yesterday DS, DH, Cooper and I walked over 4 miles on a trail in Arlington. Today I Caroline G. RESILIENT LEG DAY WORKOUT - Lower Body Complexes - Dumbbells | EPIC III Day 7 is done. That one was a tough one. We are getting ready to go to the zoo today. Today is the last day my son is here.

Debbie - you are welcome! Yes, DD and I ardent the lobby and Saturday night parties. Got to talk to Cathe too. I am glad she did offer the virtual RT.

Cookie - glad you had a lot of fun and got a lot of steps in.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Today was a TB band/loop workout, and it was a catchup day.

Deb, we went to a costume wedding close to Halloween a few years ago. Even tho I usually don't like dressing up, it was the most fun celebration we've ever attended. The virtual road trip is an interesting idea.

Belinda, wow, you're going to sleep well tonight. How are you feeling? That's a great zoo.

Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. We went to my SILs because and Aunt & Uncle were visiting. It was a nice time:)

Belinda - It sounds like you are doing exciting things when your DS is there. I love going to the zoo. Nice time of year to do trails too!

Cookie - Nice TB band/loop workout! I'm sure a costume wedding would be fun & unique too:)

'Morning! Boy, am I a sweaty mess. Low Impact Sweat lives up to its name.

Deb, those family times are memory making! Glad you enjoyed it. We're supposed to get strong storm this afternoon. Are you?

Belinda, the energizer bunny, your fitness tracker must always be happy with you.
Good morning,

Walk and UPPER BODY DESTROYER Workout - Shoulders, Chest, Triceps | EPIC III Day 8 is done.

Debbie - we walked around for an 1.5 hours, it was hot at the zoo yesterday. There were a lot of people at the zoo. Hope you had fun with your family yesterday too.

Cookie - yes, those family times are memory making! We had a blast. Yes, we are getting strong storms this afternoon. Great job on LI Sweat today.

Today was a walk outside & yoga. It was so hot & humid today, we were supposed to get storms but passed us up.

It's been crazy at the Florida condo, floors 11-20 still without electric. The owners who are year round are renting other condos on the lower floors. They are waiting for approval for a generator until the part comes in December/January. Hopefully the town approves the generator.

Belinda - It sounds like your upper body will be sore tomorrow:) I'm surprised the zoo would be crowded now that school is back in session.

Cookie - LOL, I wonder if Cathe decided the name of the dvd after she created the workout;)

'Afternoon! My sciatica is bothering me today, so decided on a walking day. Plus the weather's nice, so it all works out. For some reason, I could not sleep last night. Only got a couple of hours in, and now I'm feeling the lack.

Deb, how long have they been without power? Dec/Jan is a long time to wait without it. That workout sure is aptly named!

Belinda, any doms? You're like a machine, girl!
Hi everyone,

I did SBF Inner Tight workout this morning. DH and I went to Great Falls and went hiking. It was beautiful. Got lot of steps in already.

Debbie - that is crazy your condo is still without power. I hope it gets resolved soon. The DC Zoo is famous for their Panda bears. Tourists love to visit the zoo and DC.

Cookie - sorry your sciatica is bothering you today. Hope you feel better soon. Great job on that walk today. The weather is beautiful here too. Perfect for a walk.

Today was a walk outside, DH was with me and we encountered trees with hundreds of the lanternflies. You are supposed to kill them. We managed a couple but it is difficult to kill them (they fly away). They harm trees and agriculture so towns want people to help killing them.

Belinda - It must have been a beautiful hike:) Before DH & I were married, we went to see the Panda bears at the DC zoo, it was our only time going but fun. I would have to say it was over 35 years ago!

Cookie - I hope your sciatica feels better. It's good that you can get a walk in. The power has been out for a week. The maintenance man helped us out by emptying the freezer (we didn't have much/pizza LOL) & putting damp rid in all of the rooms.

Good morning.

Caroline G. FULLY LOADED Full Body Workout - Dumbbells | EPIC III Day 9 is done

Today is our last day in DC, we will drive home tonight. DD will fly in late tonight. We don't want to leave the dog home alone for too long. He still is a puppy.

BTW, I will checking out animal shelters here in DC. Found one that I like, not sure if I get it. I always had big dogs, this one is a tiny one. I miss having a dog.

Debbie - yes, it was beautiful hike yesterday. The weather was perfect too. Not too hot. Next time you come to DC you can see the baby panda. It's not a small baby anymore. I had no idea you had to kill the lanternflies? Good job on your walk yesterday.

Cookie - how are you feeling this morning?

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside & Butts & Guts. We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Safe travels home. I miss having a dog. If we ever move to Fl condo we are only allowed small dog. Is DD's dog a small dog? You are supposed to report the lanternflies to the town, but they already know we have them.

Cookie - Has fall foliage started in your area yet?

Have a great weekend:)
Hi everyone,

No workout today. DH and I went to a few animal shelters. The progress is different than it was 17 years ago. We filled out a few applications, now we have to wait and see. It's not a first come first served. They go by which dogs fit with you at the shelters. If these don't workout. DH and I will go to adoption events like Pet stores rather going through the shelter.

Debbie I miss having a dog. Being with DD's dog for a week made us realized how much we miss dogs. . The dog I was going to get, they wanted us to drive for over an our Forster the dog for Friday take him home than, drive back today for another hour and a half to adopt him from an adoption event. The way they handle this is weird. We had a few things that needed to get done this morning. We didn't had time to drive another 1.5 hours again to adopt him. I wanted to adopt him on Friday. I guess, it wasn't meant to be :( Such a cute dog!

Good night.

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