Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside & Lite Rev'd Up Rumble. We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - I hope it works out with the washer/dryer.

Cookie - I can't believe it's Labor Day weekend!

Have a great weekend:)
Hi, today was a walk and lots of steps.

Deb, hope your dinner was great. I like that Rev'd up Rumble! This year is flying by quickly.

Belinda, hope it worked out with the washer/dryer. Do you have plans for the weekend?

No washer/dryer came today either. We waited another day, that's been going on since Thursday. Now the regional manager saying it will come on Wednesday. We shall see!

Cookie - no plans this weekend. How about you?

Debbie - hope your dinner was amazing. Great job yesterday.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. Dinner was nice but my dessert bread pudding was really good. I would never think I would like that LOL.

Belinda - The delays in the washer/dryer must be so frustrating:( Fingers crossed it works out next week.

Cookie - Great job getting in lots of steps.

'Morning! Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Went to NYC to visit son, dil, niece and her partner. The last two were visiting from out of town. Great seeing each other and lots of walking.

Deb, I love bread pudding! My mom used to make it when I was a kid and a place up here is well known for its recipe. It's really decadent with creme brulee on top. Was that your birthday celebration?

Belinda, hope the washer/dryer show up soon. My dil got a new fridge and said she was lucky to only wait a week, but she had to get a different size than the prior fridge and moved cabinets to fit in the new one.

I walked this morning and I did SBF TB/bounce.

Debbie - very frustrating at this point. Glad you liked the bread pudding.

Cookie - glad you had a nice visit with your son and family.

Good night.

Today was Boss Bands Total Body premix lower body & core. Sometimes I fall behind adjusting the bands but I'm sure that will get better. We went to an classic/oldie car show so lots of steps there. It's scary that some of the oldie cars are the year I was born o_O

Belinda - Nice workouts! I'm sure the holiday weekend didn't help with the delivery.

Cookie - So much fun to go to NYC and lots of walking too:) It was my birthday celebration with my DH, will go out with the kids on Tuesday night. Not too many restaurants are open tomorrow because of Memorial Day.


3 mile walk outside plus Caroline G. EPIC III Leg today.

Debbie - it will take some time to get used to those bands. I do like working out with them. Great job!

I will catch up with personals later.
Happy Labor Day! I love summer, and am not ready for fall or that horrible time of year with the very cold white stuff, which I shall not name. Today was walking, some yard work and cleaning.

Deb, I'm with you on being of a vintage age! I do prefer vintage to antique, tho. I like the new band workouts.

Belinda, nice job with the walk and that workout sounds tough.

Today was a walk outside. It was a quiet holiday, I actually fell asleep in the middle of the day!

Belinda - Nice walk & sounds like a good leg workout:)

Cookie - It sounds like you had a nice day. I like vintage age too;) I was hoping with all the rain this summer, we wouldn't get the cold white stuff (wishful thinking).

Hi everyone,

Walk outside and Caroline G. EPICIII UB + Push Up practice is done. I really love Caroline workouts, they are slow and controlled.

Debbie - it was a good leg day. I do love her workouts especially since they are not fast moving. Can't afford to hurt myself again. Sounds like you had an relaxing weekend yesterday.

Cookie - LOL, I'm with you on being of a vintage age! Those workouts are fantastic. They only as tough as you make them. Great job yesterday.

Good night.
'Evening! Following the Sept rotation and did Perfect Pump lower body. I am so much better when following a rotation. Also got in a walk.

Deb, I really don't like that white stuff and/or cold at all. My dh swears by the benefits of a nap and often takes one. He can fall asleep anywhere tho.

Belinda, that sounds like another tough workout! How are you feeling?

Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. We went for dinner with my sons, it feels like the never ending birthday LOL. It was good, not crowded.

Belinda - It sounds like good workouts today! Good luck tomorrow with washer/dryer.

Cookie - I agree following a rotation does make it so much easier.


The washer/dryer got delivered before 8 am. Once we left, DD called us letting us know the washer wasn't draining. This is the washer/dryer from hell. We are on the phone with Costco and GE. We probably will exchange this one since she already has so many problems. The washer/dryer looks really good, just doesn't work.

I did Caroline G. EPIC ABS AND GLUTES - Dumbbell Workout, Hip Thrusts | EPIC III Day 3

Debbie - thanks you! No luck at all. How fun the never ending birthday :)

Cookie - I am with you on following a rotation. Great job yesterday and the walk.

Have a great day.
'Evening! Just finished Perfect Pump ub. Love how fast the time flies in this one. Good thing, since I didn't have much time. Supposed to fly out early tomorrow morning to visit a sister and bil who live on the FL panhandle, but just heard they may get hit with a storm tonight. Might be more excitement than planned for.

Deb, love your never ending birthday celebration. Some friends of mine believe it is a birthday month, and then again, every day could be a birthday too.

Belinda, ugh on the washer and dryer. Hopefully it will all be resolved soon.

Have to go pack. I'm very good at procrastinating sometimes.

Today was a walk outside & yoga. We had a cute toad on our deck all day and it just looked at us as we walked by:)

Belinda - It's good that you were able to get your workout in. That is unbelievable that the washer/dryer didn't work:( I hope it gets resolved soon. We received an email from the management in the FL condo and the electric is out. It is only 1/2 the building, but our half. The part is on backorder because of Covid :rolleyes: In the meantime, they are looking for a generator to install for 1/2 the building.

Cookie - Have fun visiting your Sister & BIL:) Hopefully not a bad storm. The Perfect Pumps are good workouts.


Today was a walk outside before it started to rain. There is a chance they may go virtual with the RT, but will make a final decision in a week.

Belinda - Nice SBF workout:) When you did the virtual RT did you set up in one room/place?

Cookie - Safe travels!

Hi everyone,

Today I walked 3 miles and did Caroline G. EPICIII D4 TB Complex.

I am in DC for a week. My son and DIL are here on business for a few day's. My son his his wife work for my DD's company. My DD flew all her employees for a team building. She has some great events planned for her team. Sunday DD and DIL are flying to another conference. DH and I will stay and watch DD's dog until DD comes back Friday. My DD has her own yoga room. I did packed heavier weights and bands so I can keep up with EPIC and SBF.

Debbie - I set up the virtual RT in my gym. Worked out perfectly. Is Cathe having another one? I know she mention/ask people on FB?

Cookie - safe travels!

I will catch up later on more personals. I am going to see my son.

Today was a walk outside and Cathe Total Body Giant Sets. It was so nice today not humid or too hot!

Belinda - Nice workouts! What kind of business does your DD have? It sounds like fun flying all the employees for a team building. Cathe is deciding to have the RT in person or do it virtual instead. I think some people who didn't sign up would want a virtual one, it is Halloween weekend.

Cookie - How long are you in FL?

Have a great weekend:)

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