Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a rest day. We didn't sleep well again last night, but we did get more hours in. We decided to go to the beach after they replaced the part. My a/c is working :) :)

Belinda - It's crazy that you have to wait 2 months for washer/dryer. Did they say when they can replace the damaged machine? You were very busy & nice you were able to get your workouts in. Good luck with your appointments.

Cookie - LOL, getting the band workout anyway you can. Do you like the new bands?

Hi everyone,

I am done with all my appointments . My physician thinks I have a frozen shoulder? He wants me to wait 2 more weeks, if the pain doesn't go away he wants me to get an MRI done. The PT was painful today. The stretches he did freaking hurt:( I also had to get blood tests done for my 3 month check up for RP. I am getting another sinus/ear infection. I am also losing my voice and my voice box(?) is closing off which could be related to RP. He agrees with my Rheumalogist to see a ENT specialist/surgeon.

OH, before I went to all my appointments I did Caroline G. D5 TB workout. No walk today.

Debbie - it was dealing with the insurance company. They couldn't find the same one anywhere I found one on Costco. That was the hold up. I reordered another one at Costco. I already got a refund. Yeah, on the AC.

Cookie - have fun with your workout

I will be back later.

Today was a walk outside & CL Kickbox Express. The kickbox was good, I liked that it was a 30 minute workout. We are going to get a bite to eat.

Belinda - I never heard of frozen shoulder, will have to look it up. I hope your sinus/ear infection gets better quickly. Geez, on the washer/dryer problem, but TG you found one.

Cookie - Any plans for the weekend?

Hi everyone,

Walked early this morning. The humidity was so high already. I also did SBF D6 TB barre.

DH and I are in DC painting DD’s laundry room before she get her washer/dryer. Her laundry room is very tiny. We will stay until tomorrow.

Debbie, good job on the CL kickboxing workout. I read yesterday it also could be released to RP. I am getting flair ups on my ear ☹️

Cookie, enjoy your weekend.

Good night

Today was a walk outside. It was much cooler and less humidity today:)

Belinda - Nice workouts! It great that you & DH are so good at painting. What color did you paint the laundry room?

Cookie - I hope your enjoying the weekend

Happy Sunday! Time just seems to reallly be flying by - especially this summer. Today got in Power Hour - which I hadn't done in ages. Went to visit dd yesterday and check our her new apartment.- very nice.

Deb, did you get your ac fixed? It sure did cool off. I also liked the kickbox express. Is today Sauce Sunday?

Belinda, you and your dh are very generous with your time! Hope you're taking it easy with painting and your shoulder, though.

Today was a walk outside & Boss bands Total body premix upper body only. My upper body is fried. I plan to download the User's Guide because read their are rotations in the guide. I will do one of the rotations when we go to FL in October.

We had a dinner planned with my SILs, neices & nephews for my SIL who is moving to TN. It didn't quite workout as planned my one SIL tested positive for COVID yesterday so her family didn't go. My SIL who is moving to TN, her boyfriend hurt his knee so he didn't come. We made the best of it and it was a good time.

Belinda - I hope your painting went well.

Cookie - Power hour was my 1st Cathe tape;) Our a/c was fixed on Thursday, so happy:) We can sleep now. Summer is going to fast:( Did you dd move closer?

Hi everyone,

Yesterday DD, DH and I walked for 3.5 miles. My DD lives near beautiful parks. Got home late last night.

Today DH and I walked outside. I did SBF workout and Lite UB and seated stretch is done.

Debbie - DD's laundry room is tiny. It only fits a stackable washer/dryer unit. Not room for 2 people painting. My husband wouldn't let me paint if I wanted too, lol. He kept reminding me of my arm/shoulder. I did help by handing/bringing him stuff. It's all done. Hopefully the washer/dryer will fit. It's hard to find any appliances. We can't find a drip pan that fit in that tiny room. Sorry about your SIL. Was she vaccinated? I hope she feels better soon.

Cookie - thank you for your kind words. That's what family are for, right? DH wouldn't let me paint. I actually ended up not doing much except handed him things when he needed something. DD and I went shopping while DH painted :) We had a great time. I agree time is flying. I am not ready for cooler weather.

That's it for me today.
'Evening! Today was the new bands TB workout. I agree with Deb - I'm feeling it!

Deb, sorry the party wasn't able to go as planned. Hope your sil is feeling alright? How soon does your other sil move? Glad the rest of it was a good time. Just wondering, what did you serve? Very happy to hear your ac is fixed. I enjoy doing some of Cathe's earlier workouts (she mentions VHS) like Power Hour. They hold the test of time, and it's like visiting an old friend.

Belinda, TG your dh wouldn't let you paint! Walking in a beautiful place is so good for the soul.

Today was a walk outside and lower body at the gym. It was hot & humid again today, tough summer.

Belinda - It's fun to walk in different places especially when they are beautiful:) It's better you didn't paint, your PT would not be happy;) I actually like the look of a stacked washer and dryer but I guess I have too much laundry for that. My SIL was vaccinated, she says it feels like a head cold but she is tired.

Cookie - I want to find my workout gloves next time I do the band workout. My SIL does have a cough but she is taking over the counter meds for that. My other SIL moves on Wednesday. We didn't eat home, we went to a restaurant it was in the middle of the wood and surrounded by mountains. It was surprisingly very crowded.

Hi everyone,

Walked and did SBF workout.

I am experience a lot of problems related to RP. Well, I wanted to get off the immune depressed medication for RP. The last few weeks my doctor slowly degreased my meds, I am on a high dose. I can't just stop taking it. Last week I had my 3 month check up with my Rheumatologist. There was another Rheumatologist both highly recommended for me to stay on methotrexate long term. Both listen to my concern. When I saw my doctor last week, I still took a lower dose of Methotrexate. My Rheumatologist wanted me to stay on the low dose at least 4 weeks. A day after my visit I experienced coughing, hoarseness, my throat burning. I figured I am coming down with a cold. Didn't think much of it. Than I started to lose my voice a few times a day. My voice box closed off, I had shortness of breath. I experienced inner ear swelling/pain in my left ear. Friday my ear was so hot when I touched it and very red on the outer ear. Yesterday I messaged my rheumatologist explaining everything I have been experiencing. He was very concerned about my voice box closing off. He put me back on the high doses of methotrexate. I am also doing another round of corticosteroid. I know one thing, I am going to do what my doctor recommends from here on out.

Debbie - so sorry about your SIL. Glad she only has mild case. Nod-body is safe from that virus.

Cookie - read above. That is also why he wouldn't let me do anything. I also enjoyed the band workout.

'Evening! Today was an Essentrics wo and lots of walking. Met my sister and some of her friends for dinner. Had fun, but its was a lot of carbs and now I'm ready for either a nap or very early to bed.

Deb, it has been a very crazy summer. In dd's new apartment she has a stacked washer/dryer. I had to check it out to see if I could reach the buttons on the top appliance. I think it would be better for me, if the controls were in between the two units. Otherwise, I'd have a hard time reaching them or need a remote.

Belinda, yes, please listen to your doctor. Also, rest is good.

Today was a walk outside & Metabolic Blast. Now my BIL tested positive, 1st negative so he may have exposed some people. It's a crazy virus. His case seems to be mild too. They have a 23 year old son so hopefully he won't get too. I have been wearing my mask just about everywhere.

Belinda - So sorry you had to experience RP problems again. It's good to know the meds will help. I guess you may not have known how important they are, if you didn't decrease the dose. Let us know how you are feeling.

Cookie - Nice workout! It sounds like you had a fun time with your sister. It's hard to keep away from carbs when you eat out. I never thought about the controls on the stacked washer/dryer. You need to help design them for us short people LOL.

Hi everyone,

No walk this morning, it's raining nonstop. I did do SBF LB barre.

Debbie - thank you. I did talked to my doctor on Wednesday to stay on the meds after realizing maybe I am making a mistake. I learned the hard way. I was suppose to take my last does today and get the vaccine next week. On the immune depressed medication you have to stop the meds a week before and a week after to build up my immune system. I doubt I can stop the meds for 2 weeks to take the vaccine know. I relapsed being on a lower dose of the meds. Can't imagine what it would do not being on the meds for 2 weeks. Learned the hard way. Thank you I am feeling a little better today. The meds are helping. How is your SIL doing?

Cookie - I will listen to my doctors. Good thing he insisted I stay on the meds just a lower does. I wanted to get off thinking maybe RP isn't as bad as he thinks. I guess, it was wishful thinking on my part :( We had a hard time finding a stackable washer/dryer unit for DD's small closet laundry room, lol. We are not even sure if the unit will fit in the tiny space. I guess, 20 years ago washer/dryer units were a lot smaller. We find out on Friday. That would be great finding one with a remote.

Good night.

Today was upper body at the gym. I couldn't walk either so much rain. We have a leak in our front window, it isn't the roof we had that done 2 years ago.

DH took me to lunch for my birthday today, it wasn't the best day but it was still nice. We will go out with the boys over the weekend.

Belinda - Nice lb barre work:) I didn't realize you would have to go off your meds to take the vaccine. I guess that makes sense but doesn't sound possible. My SIL is feeling better, the health dept. called and said she could go out after 10 days. She said she will not until she gets a negative test. Thanks for the birthday wishes:)

Cookie - I hope you aren't experiencing flooding with all this rain:(


I walked this morning and did SBF abs before I went to PT.

Debbie - sorry it wasn't the best day yesterday. Hopefully going out with your boys this weekend will be better. Glad your SIL is feeling better. I would wait until I get a negative test too. I never got a walk in yesterday due to all the rain.

Cookie - hope you doing ok you haven't checked in a few day's.

Hope you have a wonderful day and workout.
'Evening! Sorry, once again, I didn't hit post yesterday! I got interrupted and must have forgotten to do so. Esp. feel bad since it was Deb's birthday. Yesterday was a walk, today was a walk and the new loop workout.

Deb, happy belated birthday. Hope this weekend's dinner will be great. Can you caulk the leak or do you need a new window? It just endless with a house. Remember the movie The Money Pit? The images from NYC were bad. The rain washed out a couple of roads, and continued its assault on our driveway. We're just going to have to bite the bullet and replace it. We need a trench system, drainage, and then a build up of substrate and gravel.

Belinda, glad you have a good doctor! My neighbor was told there's a two month wait for her new refrigerator. Did you get much rain from Irma also?

Today was a walk outside & yoga. After I posted last night, for some strange reason I went to our basement. I heard a spraying noise and looked at our sump pump, it had pin size holes and water was spraying out. It was just a small puddle, but knew by morning it would be worse. I gathered a bunch of buckets and put them around the hose. TG when we woke up almost all of the water went in the buckets and they were full. We were lucky, I have a call to our plumber to replace it.

Belinda - Nice walk & SBF workout:) I hope all goes well with your PT appointment.

Cookie - Thank you for the birthday wishes! Nice workouts:) Ugh, on the driveway, I don't remember having so much rain before. Our window seems to be ok, but it will need repair work. I remember that movie & it is true;) For a couple of years, when I lived in Queens, NY my bedroom was the only one in the basement. I feel so sorry for the people in NY who lost their lives stuck in their basement apartments.


I am in DC. DD washer/dryer hopefully is coming today. They came once without the hose they said they be back in 45 minutes. That was this morning. We wanted to go to the National zoo. I doubt we make it.BBL

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