Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I thought I posted this morning before I went to PT. I walked early and did Jessica Smith Bonus Knee Rehap.

Debbie - I think you like her workouts. I have to google lanternfly. Great job with your workout yesterday and today. Enjoy your pizza tonight.

Cookie - shoulder felt fine yesterday. I use light weights. Hope you have a great workout today.

Good night.
Good morning,

Today I did Caroline Girvan Tempo Full Body workout. I also did Cathe's new Boss-Loops-Glutes-And-Core. The only thing I didn't like after the warm up Cathe already had the bands around her hips without saying anything and already moving around. I had to rewind and put on my loops. The transition wasn't great, IMO! Unless I was tired I missed something. There wasn't anything really new, still liked it. Glad I had booty bands already. Mine DVD's plus bands should be here today. My bands were tough.

Have a great Friday!
TGIF!!! Got in the new CL Kickbox Expresss. I love kickboxing, even if I do modify it a lot. Have a wedding celebration this evening, my step mom arriving, and errands to run, so this will be short, sorry.

Deb, is your dh thinking of having cortisone shots for his elbows?

Belinda, my dd enjoys Caroline's workouts. Think my bands are arriving today also

Today was a walk outside. Tonight we had 1 of 2 dinners for my SIL who is moving but it was a girl's only night. It was nice and we ate outside.

Belinda - Nice workout! I didn't get a notice when I will be getting my dvds. I'll be on the lookout tomorrow.

Cookie - I saw CL this week was a 30 min kickboxing workout, will have to try it. Have fun at your wedding celebration:) I'll ask DH about the cortisone shot for his elbow.

Hi everyone,

I walked this morning and I did Cathe's new Boss Bands Total Body workout. I see myself using this one a lot. Really liked it. Nothing new really. I love band workouts and really like the new long bands. Cathe doubled up bands on the biceps (she used blue and green), I only used the blue (heavy) one. The bands are not as tough as I bought from Amazon awhile ago. You use the all 3 bands from start to finished. The stretch was really good. Glad I bought the bands and loops. Although I have a ton already. Love the color.

Debbie - did you get your new dvd's? Glad you had fun with your friends.

Cookie - I love Kickboxing workouts too. Just can't move my left arm up/down a lot. Glad you finding lots of good CL Kbing workouts. Did you get your new bands today?

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. My dvds came late today, I opened the box and will try out tomorrow. The bands are a pretty color.

Belinda - It sounds like you like the dvds and bands. I do like that they are material instead of rubber. We are expecting lots of rain tomorrow:(

Cookie - I hope you are enjoying the wedding:)


Today we walked outside. Alesia is here to submit her video for her yoga certification. DH and I were her students, lol.

Debbie - I like the color on the bands too. Did you try them today? I like both workouts.

Cookie - enjoy the wedding!

BTW, I have my Rheumatologist appointment tomorrow. I will check in later in the evening.

Good night.
'Evening! Sorry I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. Did get in Muscle Endurance yesterday. Today was a walk and kayaking. Have visitors for another couple of days, but am hoping to try out the bands tomorrow.

Deb, you're going to miss your sil. How does she feel about moving?

Belinda, I'll bet you and your dh were excellent students. Good luck with your appointment tomorrow.

Today was a rest day. I was drenched after going to the farmers market today. We had a lot of rain, I ended up decluttering/cleaning so lots of steps. Also our A/C upstairs broke so hopefully, we can sleep tonight.

Belinda - Good luck to your DD & with your appointment tomorrow. It must have been fun to be a part of her class.

Cookie - You were lucky to get outdoor activities in today:). My SIL is happy she is moving on the same Street as her son (like “Everyone Loves Raymond” :p She has one granddaughter & another on the way.

Good morning,

Walk outside + SBF started a new challenge "Be Supportive Of You Challenge" D1 Lower Body Fire Class = 26 min plus Caroline G. Pure endure Day - D1 1000 REP Lower Body Challenge - Leg & Glutes Workout = 49 min is done. Legs are shaking! I don't know how Caroline lifts so heavy doing high reps. I was shaking using.

Debbie and Cookie - great job yesterday. I will catch up on personals after my appointment.

I have to get ready for my appointment. BBL!
'Evening! This day flew by and while I accomplished a lot, there is still way too much on my to-do list! It's one of those weeks. Did a Jessica Smith cardio/weight workout and got in a short walk early this morning.
Deb, both yesterday and today I was lucky in getting in the steps early. This rain is crazy! Sorry you got drenched. Hope you can get your AC fixed inexpensively and soon. I really enjoy decluttering and organizing, but thee is always so much more to do. We just have too much stuff. My DH even still has his college textbooks, and he graduated a very long time ago. He doesn't like to get rid of anything.

Belinda, hope the appointment went well. Hope you could sit down and then get up again from the car and chairs!!! That was some morning workout!

Today was a walk outside & workout at the gym. They can't come and fix our a/c until tomorrow:( and hopefully they have parts in stock. I want to try the new workouts but not without a/c;)

I watched my gf's granddaughter for a couple of hours. She went to the Dr. with her dd. It was a lot of fun, she is 3 years old, nice age.

Belinda - Kudos on getting your workouts in. I hope all goes well with your appointment.

Cookie - Nice workout! It rained on and off all day and so humid. Around here there are so many storage places, I guess that's some people's ideas of decluttering LOL.

Hi everyone,

Walk outside + Caroline shoulder D2 and SBF abs/stretch is done.

Yesterday I saw my rheumatologist for my 3 month check up. Before I saw my rheumatologist I saw another rheumatologist. I am trying to get off the meds completely. Both doctors highly recommend that I stay on the immunosuppressed meds long therm. They don't think I will do well given my history on other treatments. They afraid RP will attack my lungs/heart/kidney or any cartilage in my body. Relapsing polychondritis is a no cure/rare degenerative disease characterized by recurrent inflammation of the cartilage in the body. Deterioration of the cartilage may affect any site of the body where cartilage is present. I don't feel great on the meds but at least I didn't had any flair ups since I am on the meds. If I get off the meds I run the risk of my body attacking my own body again. I am in remission. DH and my kids said I should listen to my doctors. Either way I can't just stopped the meds from one day to the next.

Debbie - hope your AC is fixed. Alesia been without a washer for almost 2 month now. They can't get parts.

Cookie - my legs are so sore today. I hear you on having way to much stuff. I been decluttering for the last 2 years. We still have way too much crap.

Good night.
'Evening! Did Pyramid UB. I've always loved this wo - and it gets me good! W're rewatching Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat on Netflix. Have either of you watched it or read the book?

Deb, hope you got your AC fixed. I haven't done the new worouts yet, waiting for a total body day, so it's an easy sub. Your friend's gd sounds like a charmer.

Belinda, glad you listen to your doctors. I have lupus, and see a rheumatologist also. My lower body felt sore just reading what you did yesterday!

Today was a walk outside & did an upper body at the gym. Our a/c is still not fixed, they said a family of either squirrels/chipmunks was living in the outside unit. They are resetting the unit it takes 12 hours and we will see the results tomorrow. Tonight we are sleeping downstairs on the couches (with a/c). Last night we didn't sleep well in our bed.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I agree with your family to listen to your Dr.'s. It's great that you are in remission. Hopefully either better meds or a cure will be developed in the years ahead.

Cookie - Pyramid UB is a good one. I didn't see Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat you will have to let us know how it is. I am getting Forks over Knives tomorrow from Netflix. Belinda recommended:)

Good morning,

Walk, SBF D3 LB and Caroline G. D3 Stability ball Hamstring & Abs is done. My legs are still sore from Monday.

Debbie - I am sorry your AC isn't fixed. Hope it will work soon. We had problems with ours off and on. I know the feeling sleeping downstairs in the living room.Thank you! There aren't enough people to study to find a cure. Jaksh-Wartenhorst described the first case of RP in 1923. At this rate I doubt I will see a cure, lol. I will continue to take my meds and listen to my doctor. How did you think about Forks over knifes?

Cookie - I am sorry you are going through Lupus. I hope yours is under control. I do like my rheumatologist, he is very sharp. When I was hospitalized almost a year ago, he looked at my ear and diagnosed me with RP. I was hospitalized at Walter Reed for over 7 day's on an around the clock IV's, until my Rheumatologist walked into my room and said it's RP. My ear was so swollen. I don't want to go through that again. I hope he never leaves.

Good night.
'Evening! Today was Pyramid lb. Boy, I'm feeling worked over.

Deb, hope they were able to fix your ac today. With the humidity, it must be extremely hard trying to sleep on couches even w/ac!

Belinda, glad you have such a good dr. I was thinking of you while doing this leg workout - your's must be made of steel. That one from Monday sounds brutal.

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. I was tired but pushed through the workouts.

We ended up sleeping in our bed last night with windows open. We never sleep with windows open because of the noise. So last night it was crickets & fire works o_O that kept us up. I actually jumped out of bed at 1 am when I heard the fireworks. Who does fireworks on a week night at 1 am :mad: Tonight we will be on the couch, my son gets up at 5am for work so we will go upstairs at that time.

Tomorrow they will replace the electronic board (ugh with new technology) it breaks a lot. We almost went to a hotel, but we can make it one more night LOL.

Belinda - Nice leg workout! It seems like your Dr. knows about RP even though it is so rare, which is great. I really liked Forks over Knives it was very interesting. I plan to do a 80/20 plan because going cold turkey would be hard for me. At my physical a month ago my LDL cholesterol was high, usually it is not. I really believe it was from too much cheese. I was eating DH's portion too because he was trying to cut back WTH?

Cookie - Nice work with Pyramid lb! This year has been tough, we have had so many 90 degree heat waves. Last year was so nice, very few 90 degree days. The repairman said lots of a/c units breaking down because of it.

'Afternoon! Got in a walk early this morning. Shh - during a very long meeting also got in some of my own version of band work!

Deb, I sure hope you and your family were able to get some sleep last night. The fireworks at night are crazy! Very rude.

Belinda, hope you're having a great day.

I went to DD's house waiting for a washer to get delivered. She is out of a washer/dryer for almost 2 month. We ordered one for her which was damaged. We didn't excepted the delivery. The delivery guys were very nice they are the ones pointing the damage out to us.

While I was waiting for the delivery guys, I did all my workouts. I even got a walk in, lol. They showed up right after I came to DD's condo. Talk about good timing. I did D4 Caroline Ankle weights plus SBF D4 Adv. UB abs. I didn't had ankle weights, so I did the workouts without. It was pilates/barre style.

Debbie - I agree, that is rude! What is wrong with people. I hope you got some sleep. Glad you liked FOK movie. I was an eye opener for me. You will see a difference.

Cookie - LOL, no I am defiantly not made of steel. I do have great doctors.

I have an appointment with my physician about my biceps/shoulder. I also have a PT appointment.

Good night.

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