Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Today was Perfect Pump lower body and a walk. Boy, Cathe sure squeezes a lot in those Perfect 30 workouts! I did an Essentrics afterwards for more stretching.

Deb, we noticed there's more mask wearing here also. Your dh must have a harder time working out with his elbows. How is he handling that?

Belinda, it was cool here this morning too. My dh and I have different internal temps - he was wearing a sweatshirt and I was in shorts and a T! Glad you're taking care of yourself.

Off to book club. I didn't finish reading it b/c I didn't like the books, so it should be interesting.

Today was a walk outside & CL #182 Fit tower. I am enjoying this cooler weather, our a/c finally getting a break:)

DH has been using lighter weights which is helpful for his elbows. It actually is better because as he is aging it helps prevent injury/pain. I do notice in the gym that some college guys use lighter weights. It seems like everyone does what works best for them for the most part. I'm not very competitive so was never an issue for me.

Belinda - I liked the CL fit tower workout you recommended:) As long as you can hold out for knee surgery the better. I wonder if you can get improvement and avoid surgery all together.

Cookie - Nice workouts! LOL on wearing shorts, my DH wears them all year long to the gym and runs errands in them too! I'm always bundled up.

'Evening! Today was CL Cardio, but I can't remember which one! Sorry! And a walk.

Deb, I'm also enjoying the cooler weather. We're having more mosquitos this year than ever, must be all the rain earlier this summer. Still, it is nothing compared to the bugs we had at our other house. There you couldn't sit outside at times. Your dh is so smart to be doing lighter weights.

Belinda, hope you're having a good day. Did you have more appointments today? Hope all is good.
Hi everyone,

DH and I walked early this morning. I also did a band workout from YT.

Debbie - glad you liked the FT workout too. I will hold out as long as I can getting surgery on my knees. No, there are no improvement to avoid surgery. I have arthritis and bone spur in both my knees. Glad your DH is using light weights.

Cookie - no appointments today. DH and I will visit DD in DC. I cleaned my house and picked up my CSA from the farm instead of the market on Saturday. Great job on your workout. Bugs don't like me.

Good night.

Today was a rest day. DH & I spent the day with our nephew, took him to an outside dinosaur exhibit & a movie. It was a fun day! I'm embarrassed to say I fell asleep in the movie :oops:. The theater was empty (one other family) and the seats reclined and were so comfy LOL.

Belinda - The band workout on YT sounds good:) It's nice that you can pick your CSA earlier especially if you have plans.

Cookie - Nice workouts! Do you use candles to keep the mosquitoes away? I'm not a big fan of the smell. We have a bee's nest under our deck & my younger ds is allergic. We need to knock it off.


Today was a walk outside with DH. We saw 2 bucks just sitting under the trees in the shade. We didn't have our phones to take a picture:(. We see deer a lot but not a buck. I went back with my car to take a picture but they were gone. We are going to get a bite to eat tonight.

Have a nice weekend:)
Good morning,

sorry I have not checked in yesterday. DH and I are visiting DD in DC. We will stay until tomorrow.

Yesterday I walked and did my own upper body work. Not sure what I will do today?

Debbie, glad you had fun with your nephew and saw a bucks .


Today was a walk outside. We saw 2 Mama deer and their fawns, it's funny how you rarely see bucks with their families.

Belinda - Have a nice time in DC with your DD:)

Cookie - Hope your having a nice weekend:)

'Evening! Today was a rest day, yesterday was High Reps, and Friday was some cardio, but I can't remember! Had a busy but lovely weekend.

Deb, that's awesome that you fell asleep in the theatre! It probably was better than the movie anyway. You obviously area very relaxed person. Bet your nephew loved the day with you and your dh. Agree, seldom see bucks with fawns. We do have a citronella plant but probably should have more. I do have a few candles - forgot I have them. Thanks for the reminder.

Belinda, hope you are having a good time with your dd in DC. Hope you're taking it easy with yourself.

Today was a walk outside. It was really nice out, but going back to humidity tomorrow.

Belinda - Enjoy your time with dd:)

Cookie - I always think of (I think her name was Trish) from this thread she always liked the music from High Reps. My nephew was so cute, he wants me and DH to move to TN where he lives. A citronella plant sounds interesting, didn't even know they existed.

Hi everyone,

I am back from visiting DD in DC. We had a blast this weekend. We did a lot of walking around Arlington VA. They have nice parks, lots of streps and lots of people. Mask on, mask off.

Debbie - you probably needed that nap at the movie Theater, lol. I fall asleep when something bores me.

Cookie - I love HR. Maybe I will pull it out today. Alesia and I did a lot of shopping, lol. I did manage to do a YT upper body workout. We walked a lot this weekend.

Today was athletic training and a couple of walks. Quite warm today.

Deb, Trish did like the music in HR! Good music certainly helps my motivation. That so cute about your dh wanting you to move near him.

Belinda, so what did you buy? Arlington is beautiful. I was there shortly before Covid and went to a great Lebanese restaurant there.
Good morning,

I walked 3 miles this morning. Need to get ready for PT.

Debbie - that is cute your DH wants to move near him. I wonder what Trish is up to these day's? I remember her liking HR too.

Cookie - next time you visit Arlington let me know and we can meet for lunch/dinner. I love Arlington. We should have walked earlier, to many people for me. I had to put my mask on and off. At one point I left it on, lol. Alesia and I are vegans, we shop at vegan grocery store like Mom's. I usually stock up on things I can't buy in WV. We also visit a new to me store in they had all kinds of stuff from France/Italy.

I will be back later this afternoon.
'Happy Tuesday! Today was Trisets upper body and a walk. Boy, did it get hot outside! Glad we were able to get the walk in midmorning, b/c I sure would not be doing it now.

Deb, a mosquito repellent thing arrived today. Its by Thermacell, and was highly rated by Wirecutter. I'm hoping to try it out after dinner. Perhaps it will cool off a bit so I can check it out. Did you walk today?

Belinda, I will let you know if I'm back in that area. It really is beautiful. Smart thinking to get your walk in nice and early. How did PT go?

Yesterday afternoon we made a last minute decision to take a couple of days to go to the Adirondacks in NY. We wanted to go to Ausable Chasm the Grand Canyon of The Adirondacks.

We were about 20 minutes into our trip and needed turn around and switch cars because we had a slow leak in the tire. We went to the canyon this morning. It was tougher than I thought. I was very nervous walking the trails because of the heights. DH told me to look straight & not down so I made it across the bridges:). It was a lot of walking, fun but so hot & humid. At the end is a raft ride the wait was 2 1/2 hours, we are going back 1st thing in the morning to just do the raft part.

Belinda - Nice walks & workouts! It sounds like you had a lot of fun in DC:)

Cookie - I’m wondering if you have been to Ausable Chasm. I’m guessing it’s a couple of hours from you. We were so surprised how close it is to Canada. Nice workouts are you following August rotation? It was hot for walks the last couple of days.

Hi everyone,

I walked early this morning. I also did a full body with weights workout.

Debbie - sorry about the tire. Wow, you are brave! I am afraid of heights. The older I get the worst it gets, lol. Glad you had fun!

Cookie - PT went well yesterday. Everytime I leave I am in a lot of pain, feel fine the day after. He did ultrasound therapy and stretched my neck/shoulder. I am getting inpatient with the progress. I just don't get why it still hurts like hell. Please, let me know if you in the area.

'Evening! Today was Trisets lower body on the rototation. No walks since I had a lot of meetings today and it was too hot and humid to squeeze one in at lunchtime. Getting ready for a Zoom celebration w/nephew - a PhD!

Deb, Ausable is beautiful. You're brave going over the bridge! The last time we were up there it was windy, and I chickened out. The rafting is great. Hope you got to go this morning. TG you noticed the leak!

Belinda, glad to hear PT went well. My traps are always tight. Was in a very bad car accident in college and didn't believe in the benefits of PT. Wish I knew then what I knew now.

Oops, got to go get a beverage ready!

Today we went back to do the raft trip. We were there when they opened the wait was still about 45 minutes, we needed to wait for them to set-up they are so short staffed. The ride was beautiful. At one point we were stuck on a rock, the tour guide said the water was low.

We saw help wanted signs everywhere, so many jobs available in hospitality. We are on Lake Champlain which was nice. Tomorrow we will be traveling home.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I’m sorry you are in so much pain during PT. I have never had so not sure about it.

Cookie - Nice triset workout! Your zoom celebration sounds like fun:). I’m amazed at how many young people love it in the Adirondacks. Most of them have lived here all their lives, some left but come back because they love it here.

Hi everyone,

I walked early this morning, I also did a 45 min barre workout.

Debbie - although I feel the pain in my shoulder/biceps more. My PT is telling me it's coming from my neck. The only time I feel my neck if he does those stretches. He did stop right away when I told him it's hurting more than usually. He is pretty good. Glad you went back to the raft thrift. Sounds like a lot of fun. It's a shame they can't get people to work these day's.

Cookie - can you still go see a physical therapist? Sorry you were in a car accident and still have a lot of pain. I think the older we get the wiser we get. Hope you had fun with the zoom meeting. I don't blame you for skipping your walk. It gets very hot around 8 am here. Great job yesterday.

BBL to read catch up on more personals
Had to take a rest day. My uncle isn't feeling well, so that took priority.

Deb, glad you enjoyed the rafting. Have you gone to the Grand Canyon? It's so immense and beautiful.

Belinda, have you considered an accupuncturist? My sil goes to one and swears by it. Yeah, I definitely cannot believe how many things I still don't know now, yet along when I was younger.

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