Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Gym style legs and shoulders done today. What a great series. Cathe sure has had an amazing output.

Debbie, hope it went well today. I love the Olympics! Luckily I can catch up on things i might have mised at night with the clips during the next day. I don't think you've missed a road trip yet!

Belinda, how are you feeling? Tomorrow's my hair appointment. I knew I was getting older when I started looking forward to going! I love the excuse to sit and do nothing other than read for a bit. We do have a really nice view, and you are also more than welcome to come up! I did order the bands and workouts.

Today was a walk outside. My appointment went well. I lost an inch last year and gained it back this year LOL. I'm guessing it depends on the person/scale :) I really like this Dr, she really takes the time to talk to you about any concerns you have with a real interest. She offers advice/solutions but in words or ways that are easy to do. I think even if I moved I would come see her for physicals.

Belinda - Nice SBF workout:) Do you still go to DC to get your hair done?

Cookie - I surprised Cathe didn't do a Gym Styles on Live. Good luck with your hair appointment. I couldn't get one till middle of August so I am using a color spray to hide the grey ;)

Hi everyone,

Walked this morning. I also did Cathe Live #352 Metabolic Weights and Loops with 3 pound weight, lol Yeap, you read right! I was going to do the live from this morning, there wasn't any sound? It wasn't on my end.

Debbie - glad your appointment went well yesterday. Sounds like you have an amazing doctor. How do you lose an inch than gain it back? Yes, I still do. I always like what the girl comes up with :)

Cookie - lol, yes I also enjoy my time with the hairdresser. She scheduled almost 2 hours for DD and me so we can catch up :) DD and I just love her. Aww...that is so sweet of you. I would love to visit once covid dies down. Thank you so much! You are welcome to stay at hour house too.

That's it for me today.
'Evening! Body Max 2 and Essentrics today. Great music on Body Max. More rain again! Read an entertaining mystery called Finlay Donovan is Killing It. Highly recommend it as a fast, enjoyable story.

Deb, your dr does sounds very compassionate. I'd keep her also. LoL at your losing and then regaining an inch. Must be all that yoga!

Belinda, that's awesome you and your dd meet up at the hairdresser's. I've gone to the same person for over 20 years, so we also have become friends.

Today was a walk outside. My friend from Long Island came by and my SIL and me went to a late lunch. There was a crazy rainstorm but the outside dinning area had a very good awning.

Belinda - I wonder if they were able to correct the sound on the CL. Your PT will be very happy that you used the 3lbs. It's worth it if your arms improve. That is so nice your hairdresser spends so much time with you and DS.

Cookie - Wow, I haven't done Body Max in a long time. I forgot in Cathe's earlier tapes there wasn't a restriction on the music you could use.

Good morning,

SBF Barre Fire = 60 min plus walk early in the morning done.

I have an appointment this morning. Gotta run! I will catch up later.

Today was a walk outside, less humid was nice. I can't believe August will be here in a couple of days:(

Belinda - Nice barre & walk workouts! Good luck with your appointment.

Cookie - Are your visitors still there?

Have a nice weekend:)
'Evening! Today was Slow and Heavy back and chest. My DH and I also went on a hike. We had a heavy rainstorm again last night, so the trail was very muddy and slick in parts. Good for working on my balance too!

Deb, I'm with you in being surprised August is Sunday. Where has this month gone? I think the cooler temps and rain have definitely made it not feel like summer. Nice that you were able to visit with your friend and sister-in-law. Our visitors left this morning. I'm hoping for a quiet day tomorrow before more arrive on Sunday!

Belinda, how are you feeling after working out with the 3#s yesterday? Hope you're doing great and your appointment went well.
Hi everyone

DH and I went for a long walk this morning before we picked up our CSA. I also did CL #182 Fit Tower: Light Total Body = 66 min. Loved it! I will do that one again soon. Great full body no weights workouts.

Debbie - I can't believe August is tomorrow. I do love the cooler weather especially when I walk in the morning. Before you know it, it's winter. I am not looking forward to it. Great job on the walk.

Cookie - I have been using 3# with all my barre workouts since I injured my arm, lol. I felt fine, except my bicep not matter what I do hurts. Weird! My PT wants me to use light weights. Thank you the appointment went well. Good job on the hike in the mood and working on your balance, lol. Be careful! Wow, you get a lot of visitors. Get some rest, girl!

Have a great evening.
'Evening! Did a Tracie Long workout this morning. We went to a large antique/flea market today and got in tons of steps. I didn't get much: another cast iron frying pan and a 2-quart measuring cup/bowl. DH got an old train set, postcards, stein, and some Christmas ornaments.

Deb, hope you had a great day. Today was a great day for walking here.

Belinda, I'll have to check out that CL. It sounds good! My fit tower is in the basement and I usually work out in a portion of the living room, so I might use a chair instead of the tower. We do get a lot of visitors.

Today was a walk outside. It was so nice to eat lunch and dinner on our deck. It's been difficult this year with the heat & rain.

Belinda - I'm not sure if I did that CL workout but it sounds like fun. I hope to get a barre workout in tomorrow it's been too long. Our tomatoes have been so good the last week.

Cookie - Nice Tracie workout! It sounds like you & DH got some cool stuff at the flea market. I have some Christmas ornaments from our 1st year of marriage and they are my favorites. They are over 30 years old so I'm sure considered antiques LOL.

Hi everyone,

DH and I went for a walk this morning, I wanted to do a stretch, which never happened. I ended up taking a rest day.

Debbie - check the CL workout out, it was a fun one. Enjoy your barre workout today. I got some tomatoes too. They almost gone. They are very good.

Cookie - a chair is a good idea for the Fit Tower. I also love antiques. Sounds like you got some good finds.

Have a great Sunday.

Today was a walk outside, before the rain. I also went to the Farmer's Market.

Belinda - Nice day for a walk:) I didn't have it in me to do the barre workout today. I will check out the CL barre you mentioned this week.

Cookie - I hope you are having fun with your new visitors;) Do you get visitors in the winter too?

Hi everyone,

I walked twice today, once this morning with DH than after lunch. I also did UTV Gold Resistance Band Boot Camp #3 = 48 min. I had to modify the cardio, I jumped on my rebounder instead. Really liked it.

Debbie - great job on your walk yesterday. Hope you found some good stuff at the farmer market. The next town has a farmers market on Sunday's, it's so small. I used to go there when I didn't had time to go to ours on Saturday.

Cookie - you must be busy with your visitors. Hope you having fun.

'Evening! Sorry I forgot to hit send last night, so it didn't post. Want to do thismonths rotation, but had to workout before it was posted, so did another Tracie Long, and went for a walk this afternoon.

Deb, did you walk again today? It started out cool there this morning but was lovely this afternoon. Think we're having so many visitors coming in b/c they couldn't last year. There's definitely less in the winter!

Belinda, two walks!! You go, girl! How's your dh doing?

Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. It was really nice out today:)

Belinda - It sounds like your workout was fun! There is an Asian couple we sometimes see on our walk, they walk 2x a day. I was just saying to DH there would be a dread factor for me because 2 of the hills are steep LOL.

Cookie - It was cooler this morning but not as cool as by you;) Your right people are taking vacations more this year.

Hi everyone,

My appointment with the PT was very early this morning, I didn't had time to walk. PT went well today. He did some stretching/massages on my neck/shoulder. He still wants me not to lift anything heavier than 3#. My neck is sore from the stretches/massages he did.

DH and I just had some lunch. We will walk shortly.

Debbie - I used to walk my dogs 3 times a day. We have some steep hills here too. We try to avoid them lately since DH's had surgery. How is your husband doing?

Cookie - DH is doing great with his PT. He is riding his bike short distance this week. My knees are swollen, I can't ride the bike. How is your son doing?

'Evening! Today was Perfect Pump Upper Body. New one to me. Loved the "rope moves" but not sure I'll be loving it tomorrow!

Deb, I would dread 2 walks with steep hills too! Was this past weekend a sauce one?

Belinda, what does the dr say about your knees still being swollen? Does the walking aggravate them? Glad your dh is doing great with the PT and is riding a bike.

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. I noticed more and more people are wearing masks in the store. I spoke to my Dr. and she thinks it is a good idea. It wasn't so bad wearing in the food store.

Belinda - It's great PT is working out nicely. Would they be able to give you advice about your knees? It's great your DH can starting riding a bike. My DH spoke to his Dr. about his elbows, and he said there isn't much you could do for it.

Cookie - Perfect Pump is a good one! We ate our last sauce this weekend, so next week I will be making some more.

ood morning,

Walk is done. I needed a light jacket this morning.

Cookie - a few weeks ago I saw the surgeon about my knees. He doesn't want to do surgery right now on my knees since both need to be replaced. He wants me to keep going until I can't walk/take the pain. I just have to keep everything low impact like walking, icing and take meds for the pain. Walking definably is helping. No heavy weights, no deep squats/lunges.

Debbie - I am so sorry about your DH elbow. That's horrible they can't do anything. I remember your husband lifting weights? Is he still doing it? I am glad more and more stores enforcing masking up again. I thought it was a bad idea to begin with. I been wearing masks before everyone wore one. I am immunocompromised.


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