Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


We were back by late afternoon, went to the food store and cooked a quick dinner. It was a fun trip. I'm happy to sleep in my own bed and with my pillow:)

Belinda - It was hot good that you walked early. It makes sense that the pain is coming from your neck. It's funny my Mom was having problems with her arm and connected it to her neck. She sleeps without a pillow and said it helps a lot. I personally think that would be hard to do.

Cookie - I hope your Uncle feels better. A rest day is good:) Going to the Grand Canyon is on my bucket list. I guess I should do it before I'm too old;) It's funny I was commenting to DH it didn't matter (size or shape) that determined who could walk the trails & climb the steps. I struggled but it didn't help that I did a leg workout the day before :confused:

Hi everyone,

No walk this morning, It was too hot to walk. I ended up doing Cathe Fit Tower Lean (DVD's that came with the Fit Tower) + Mean. It was a great short workout. I also did Happy Yoga Waterfall.

I think I mention it? My DD is getting certified in yoga. She will get there certification from Brett Larkin :) Please keep her in your prayers! She needs some good vibes. I can't believe DD is going to be a yoga teacher. She will focus on modifactons for people with injuries. DH and I have lots of injuries. I will post the link once she decides to do free yoga sessions if anyone is interested.

Debbie - glad you had fun on your trip. LOL, I am still blown away the pain in my biceps/ shoulder is coming from my neck. My neck isn't hurting as much as everything else. Weird? My sister sleeps without a pillow. I just need a pillow.

Cookie - I hope your uncle is doing better. I will keep him in my prayers. I grew up with accupunctur in Germany. It's been around since I was a little kid. My mom swore by it too. I should look into it. Are you doing it?

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & it was hot out! I also did an upper body at the gym. It has been nice the gym has been empty.

Belinda - I regretted going for a walk it was too hot & humid. I've never done the dvds that came with the fit tower. I know I should. Lots of luck & good vibes for your dd. I'm sure she will do great! Will she do classes via zoom? I would love to take one.

Cookie - I hope everything is ok with your Uncle, does he live nearby.

Have a great weekend!!
Good morning,

Walk is done. I have to pick up my CSA from the famers market.

Debbie - I went for my walk early today, glad I did. You should give the dvd's a try. They are short workouts. Thanks about the good vibes and luck for DD. DD is talking about doing classes via zoom. I will let you know when she is doing it.


Today was a walk outside & Lite Body weight & band dvd. It was another hot day, hoping tomorrow is better.

Belinda - Nice walk! I will try the workouts, I like that they are short too. We had tomatoes from last week's box and they were good:)

Cookie - I hope all is ok.

'Morning! Sorry for not checking in. My uncle is hanging in there. He does live nearby, and he's been more like a father to me than uncle. We have more company again, which is always great but it's a little more juggling than usual.

Deb, you're so right about the mind controlling more than our physical abilities at times. I justify not trying somethings more b/c I'm afraid to try doing it. Not sure if that makes sense they way I worded it.

Belinda, that's so exciting! Your dd sure has a lot of energy and compassion for others. I'm with you on not wallking with the heat of the day. I've had accupuncture and it was a huge help. My sil swears by it.
Hi everyone,

We walked this morning. DD is visiting and practicing yoga class on us. She has to sent in a video with us doing the poses and her instructing it. I also did a short UB with Amy Nicoera Take 20 UB Blast Vol. 3. It was a good, old school upper body workout. I need to pull all her other dvd's out.

Debbie - let me know what you think about the workouts. I also got 16 ideas in my CSA yesterday. Lots of cherry tomatoes. DD is eating them all, lol.

Cookie - I am sorry to hear about your uncle. I will keep him and your family in my prayers. DD does have a lot of energy and compassion for others. I need to check out acupuncture once covid is over.

Good night!

Today was a walk outside, it was so much nicer! We went to my Mom's to celebrate my brother & ds's birthday, it was fun.

Belinda - Nice walk, it must have been fun practicing yoga with your DD:) Cherry tomatoes so good;)

Cookie - My thoughts are with your Uncle & your family. Muscle Max is my favorite!

Hi everyone,

I did Caroline Girvan new Shoulder/Triceps and Chest workout. I also did her 15 min abs she recommended on the end. Had a great workout. I will follow her this week, the exercises are slow and controlled. We also walked this morning.

Debbie - DD is very good teacher too. My tomatoes are almost gone. Glad you had fun at the birthday party for your brother and DS birthday.

I have PT tomorrow again.

Have a wonderful day and workout.
Happy Monday! Today was Boot Camp. I almost did something else, but glad I did this. Sweaty mess at the end, tho. Getting ready to get our walk in during lunch break. Teaching a college course that starts tomorrow, so want the afternoon free to just focus on that.

Deb, happy birthday to your brother and ds! I'm sure you're cherishing those times together. The weather yesterday was great!

Belinda, how is your neck/shoulder after that workout? I love cherry tomatoes!

Today was a walk outside. I went with my SILS to help pack my SIL that is moving to TN. She moves in about 2 weeks. There wasn't much because when they were showing the house the realtor wanted everything packed and moved to the basement. It gave me incentive to continuing decluttering;)

Belinda - I never heard of that instructor but sounds like good workouts!

Cookie - Nice boot camp workout! Are you teaching the course virtually? Good Luck:)

Good morning,

Walk outside is done. I need to get ready for PT.

Debbie - check her out on YT. She is very good. I haven't done her workouts in so long. I am still decluttering. Very slow progress lately. I can't do a lot of lifting with my left arm. How is your husband doing?

Cookie- I used very light weights. I am suppose to lift weights with light weights to strengthen my arms. My shoulder/biceps feel the same. I can't sleep at night, I constantly want to lay on my left arm.

I will be back later to catch up on personals.

Hi everyone,

Caroline Girvan BRUTAL LEG DAY - Dumbbell Leg Workout | Tempo Week Day 2 is done

I will be back in the morning.

Today was a walk outside & did Gym Style Legs at the gym. I ran a bunch of errands today and Walmart was even giving out masks. That was nice of them.

Belinda - Sounds like a fun leg workout! I will check her out on YT. I hope all went well at your PT appointment. It's funny you should ask about DH, he hurt is elbow today so will take a few days off from the gym.

Cookie - I hope your class went well today.

Good morning,

Walk outside and Caroline Tempo Back + Biceps is done.

Debbie - her leg workout made my legs shake, lol. Although I didn't use heavy weights, had an awesome leg workout. Little sore today. Sorry your husband hurt his elbow. Hope he feels better and gets lots of rest. I ran errands yesterday too. Costco employees are wearing mask again. Customers should wear mask vaccinated or not, IMO!

Cookie - hope your class went yesterday.

Have a great day and workout everyone.
'Evening! Class went well yesterday. The first few are supposed to be face-to-face and then move to online. However, last evening my laptop stopped charging, so I could check in. Got a new brick for charging - no luck. This morning, new connector cord - no luck. Had to bring it in, and they said it would take 4-5 days to repair. I ended up biting the bullet and getting another. Thankfully, they could migrate everything to the cloud, so all I lost is time and money. Was able to participate in afternoon meetings and plan for class for tomorrow. No workout today though b/c of having to take care of the laptop issues.

Deb, hope your dh feels better soon. I was in Target and Walmart last night. Many mask wearers in Target and hardly any in our Walmart. Are you supposed to get rain tomorrow?

Belinda, sounds like a great leg workout. How's your shoulder after your workouts? The title brutal leg day probably would have scared me away!

Today was a walk outside & yoga. It supposed to rain hard tonight into tomorrow. We have spotted lanternfly's in our area. You are supposed to kill them when you see them. Our next door neighbor said he has found them, but we haven't seen them yet.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I googled her, the workouts do look good:)

Cookie - I could just imagine the stress of not having your laptop work. Not at a very good time either, but now you won't have to worry.


Today was a walk outside & Gym Style chest & triceps. We are going to our favorite pizza/restaurant tonight.

Enjoy your workouts today!

'Evening! Just finished Stacks Sets ub and then did lb, trying to catch up on the rotation. I also needed it for my mental health!

Deb, enjoy your dinner. That packing up must make it easier for the move. Yes, TG I was able to get another one. They never go down at a good time!

Belinda, how are you feeling today? Did you have appointments? Isn't decluttering a lifetime project? Or is it only for me?

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