Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Today was ramped up upper body. Had to stop b/c of dogs. When went back, wanted to go back a minute, but it would only go back to the beginning. Tried a few times, aggravating.

Deb, dh and I went for a walk yesterday. We haven't noticed lanternflies but know there around here. Glad the maintenance man helped you out.

Belinda, it has become harder to adopt a dog, and there's less dogs currently available since so many were adopted during Covid. Have you checked out Petfinders? There's a lot of dog rescue organizations that post there. Our current herd are all rescues, and we definitely think they're awesome. Well, okay, maybe not every minute of the day. Our son's dog who lives with us barks a lot.

Today was a walk outside. My ds wanted us to meet his gf of around 7 months. She wanted a home cook meal LOL. It worked out and she was very nice. She brought flowers and cookies:)

Belinda - Wow, they make it difficult to adopt a pet. We see some dogs on our walk which is fun for us. I hope it works out for you sooner rather than later.

Cookie - Ramped up is a good workout:) We saw 2 lanternflies for the 1st time on our property.


I finally caught up on SBF workouts. I did abs and TB today.

Cookie - believe it or not they have a lot of dogs up for adoption. I been checking Petfinder by the time I am interested in one, he/she is already adopted. We will find one eventually. I didn't realized how many rescue organizations in the DC/MD/VA/WV. So many! The one puppy we wanted to adopt on Friday he went to a foster. I was told he will be there for a week. I am still trying to get that one. He was my first choice. We will call early in the morning to get him.

Debbie - that is so sweet of your son't GF bringing flowers and cookies. Glad you had a good time meeting her. It sure has became harder to adopt. The stuff they want to know. I gave my friends as reference they all got a call from the adoption agency's. Considering what people are capable of doing to those poor babies I don't blame them finding them a good home. The 2 dogs we looked at yesterday, they will bring the dogs to your house and look to make sure the dog is in a good home. Very impressive!

Have a great day.
'Evening! Today was a walk and Essentrics lb focused.

Deb, how nice of you to cook that meal, and she sounds sweet.

Belinda, the dog you get will be so loved and lucky.

Today was a walk outside. It was a really nice day :cool:

Belinda - Fingers crossed you get the dog. That is impressive they take so much time to make sure the dog will go to a good home, and follow up with calls to your friends. You surely meet the criteria!! I bet if you told them what you have done for your dogs they would be amazed:)

Cookie - Nice workouts!

Good morning,

SBF Cardio Bare 4 is done. I will do Caroline G. workout later this afternoon.

DH and I are looking at a dog, maybe Forster it?

Have a great day and workout
'Evening! Had a rather unproductive day - at least in terms of getting things done. Was up in the night for a few hours, so I'm tired. Took my uncle to the dr's and had a 2:18 minute wait. It was nice being with him tho and then took him out to late lunch after. Came home and got a bit of work done before cooking dinner, and have been trying to catch up on things since then. In other words, today is an unplanned rest day.

Deb, it was a beautiful day today - or at least what I saw driving around and out my windows.

Belinda, living vicariously through you with getting a dog. It's so exciting.
Hi everyone,

I got a dog. My husband and I went to the shelter (the one that is 1.5 hours away) we wanted to adopt a dog on Friday. Today we called them I really wanted that dog. They told me he was in foster, since he was in foster they have first pick. They pretty much told us he would be adopted. We ended up going to the shelter looking at other puppies and older dogs. There were 2 we liked. One of the puppy we liked we couldn't Forster until next week. They had to treat her with medication. The other was a big puppy, he would have been a big dog at least full grown 70-80 pounds. We didn't wanted a big dog. The shelter didn't allow anyone in the building. The shelter was connected to an animal clinic. They didn't wanted their dogs to get exposed (since they were puppies) to diseases. I ask if they had any yorkies by of the girls said they didn't had any small dogs. Another lady that works at the shelter heard us talking about small dogs, she said someone just surrendered a Yorkshire Terrier 40 min ago. They haven't even progressed her. I was like can I see the dog? The brought the dog outside, I fell in love with the Yorkshire Terrier, she is 3 years old and only 5 pounds. A woman surrendered the dog to the shelter when her daughter went to collage. The dog belonged to her daughter. The dog was too much to take care off. The dog is the sweetest thing. She is very quit, she hasn't parked once. She is so stinking cute! I will post a picture of her tomorrow. She loves to cuddle. Did I mention she is so tiny :)

I will catch up


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Today was a walk outside & I did GS legs at the gym. The day went by so quickly.

Belinda - Awww, your dog is so cute:) Did you get to take her home today? It still is so young, which is nice and probably potty trained. Will you rename her? I remember when my in-laws adopted an older dog they were allowed to rename it, but they didn't.

Cookie - It sounds like you were very busy and deserved a rest day. How is your Uncle?


Debbie and Cookie - thank you! I still can't believe someone surrendered her to the shelter. Yes, we took her home yesterday. You have to Forster her first then you can adopt her. Officially we will adopt her on Sunday at 1 pm. She is the sweetest little girl. She slept through the night right by my side :) Her old name is Fancy. We didn't like it, we renamed her Sadie. She is the cutest little thing. She is housebroken too. Likes to walk and cuddle.I am over the moon. We went to the pet store yesterday, the food the shelter gave us she didn't like. We called the shelter to see if they knew what food she was giving by her previous owner. She is on a very expensive dog food. I didn't wanted her to get an upset stomach feeding her something she wasn't used too. It's like we always had her, she is so comfy around us. Very playful and so sweet.

I will try to get a workout in shortly.
Oh, Belinda, she's adorable! Congrats. So excited for you.
Your new walking buddy!

Deb, thanks for asking about my uncle. He's doing better now. We sharing the care of him, which helps. I love spending time with him. Did you get in a walk today? It was another beautiful day.

Walked, did Travel Fit and cardio band work.

Today was a walk outside. I went down a rabbit hole and have been reading about the Gabby story. It is such a sad story:(

Belinda - It is so exciting. It is a good idea to foster 1st in case the dog and family don't match. It is great that the Sadie (I like the name you picked) is so comfortable with you and DH).

Cookie - Nice workouts & I love the walking temps we are having. It's great that you can share the care of your Uncle.


I did Carline G. UB and SBF Barre workout. I have an ENT appointment to morrow morning.

Debbie - at first I didn't understood why they did the Forster first, now it makes a lot of sense. Sadie isn't going anywhere. She is staying with us. She is a love bug. I bought a doggy stroller for her today, it should be here on Monday. I still plan on getting my walks in. She is too small to walk for an hour or longer. I agree, so sad about Gabby.

Cookie - that is great you share the care with your Uncle. Glad he is doing better. Thanks about Sadie! She is a sweet little girl. I still can't believe I have her. I been buying all kinds of toys/stroller/winter coat/collar you name it. She is the cutest little thing and so friendly. She loves car rides. She meet my neighbors.

Good night.

Today was a walk & yoga. It was warmer today but fall weather is almost here:)

Belinda - Sadie will be fun to walk with great idea to get a stroller for long walks:)
It will be nice that Sadie & your DDs dog will be able to get together.

Cookie - You did lots of band workouts yesterday.

'Evening! Got a walk in yesterday and a shorter one in today, but not the rotation workout. Been busy with my uncle. He takes a lot of time.

Deb, driving around today, I saw a lot of sugar maples had turned color already. It seems early for that. Today and yesterday had great temps for walking. Are you doing Zoom yoga again?

Belinda, Sadie is adorable. The dog stroller is a great idea. So happy for you. I keep debating getting one, but have held off mostly because it would mean I would have to decide on which one/two to take, and then one is always left out. The bigger dog is too afraid of dogs to walk.

I had an ENT appointment today to rule out a sinus/ear infection. I been having pain in my noise/around my sinus since I relapsed a few weeks ago. My ENT doctor can't see any infections. I don't have a stuffy noise. She thinks it's still related to the problems I experienced I a few weeks ago. She also believes she sees changes in my ear :(

Debbie - we take Sadie everywhere. Even today she went with us to my ENT appointment. DH stayed with Sadie and I saw the ENT. I don't want to leave her alone since we just got her. She loves car rides. I can't wait to get the stroller for her.

Cookie - Sadie is a sweetheart. DH and I like walking daily. I can't wait until the stroller arrives on Monday. You should adopt from the shelter. They have adorable dogs.

Feeling kinda down since I saw the ENT.

Today was a walk outside, we were half way through our walk and it downpoured:(. I was wet from the top of my head to my toes. At one point a truck stopped and looked at us (like we planned this LOL). We also went to go visit my Mom, it was a nice time.

Belinda - Sometimes dogs don't like car rides but it's great that she does. It sounds like she is enjoying both of you as well. I'm sorry you are down about your ENT appointment, it is understandable. Hopefully you will feel better and Sadie will keep your mind off of it.

Cookie - We don't have any color yet but lots of dry leaves falling to the ground. My Mom was just telling me how much stress my cousin is having caring for my 95 year old Uncle. The sons are going to make a decision soon to put him in a care facility.

Hi everyone,

I walked this morning and did Caroline G. DEMANDING Glutes and Hamstrings Workout / Knee Friendly | EPIC III Day 13.

We just found out Sadie is only 2 years and 10 month old. Her birthday is November 4th. I love her so much. It's like she always been with us. She loves going for walks.

Debbie - she loves car rides, she doesn't make a sound just looks at us. Sadie keeps my mind of things, she is a love bug. She follows me everywhere. I hope my meds will kick in soon.


Today was a walk outside, so nice. I also went to the gym and did some exercises from Gym Style upper body. We are going to get a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - It sounds like your glutes and hamstrings will be sore tomorrow;) It's great that you were able to get a young puppy so you will have so much more time to spend with her. Do they tell you the background of the previous owners?

Cookie - It looks like a great walking weather weekend!

Have a great weekend:)
Debbie - will get her medical records on Sunday when we officially adopt her. In my mind we already adopted her the minute we picked her up at the shelter. What we do know is the daughter which owned Sadie went off to collage and couldn't take her with her. The daughters mom couldn't take care of her and dropped her off the shelter. That's all we know so far. Sadie is meeting all my neighbors. They all love her. We took Sadie off the leach in the yard, my next door Neigbor has 2 big dogs. Once she realized the size of Sadie, the took her dogs inside. My neighbor came over and played with Sadie, lol. Great job on your workout today.

Cookie - what did you end up doing today?

Good night.

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