Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

DH and I went for an hour walk this morning. It was so humid outside, glad we went early. I will do a bounce workout once I cool off a little.

Debbie - Optician also had a store where you could buy glasses. Their wasn't one pair I liked, they all in where in the hundreds. According the the optician I needed a regular pair of glasses, sun glasses and reading glasses. All I saw what here $$$ sign. They had very expensive glass frames. I figured I go to Costco instead. Once I went to Costco, they told me they couldn't do that high of prescription. I never looked at the prescription before, I figured my eye didn't change. Aleisa's puppy ate her glasses before. There wasn't much left from her glasses, lol. Cooper got a hold of my husbands glasses. And he got a hold of mine reading glasses. Which I had no idea I could just could buy them anywhere, lol. I had mine done in Germany. Probably needed new ones anyway. I will look into surgery, getting tired of wearing glasses. I tried contacts before. Hard ones, soft ones. It's just a nightmare getting them in, since I can't see what I am doing. I have up!!

Cookie - I got my last pair of glasses at Costco. I will go and get new ones, although mine eyes hasn't changed. They cheaper than other places and look great, IMO. They also have name brand frames.

Belinda, boy, you're better than me! No walk for me with this humidity and heat. One of my sons had lasik. He was happy w/it, but he has started needing to wear glasses again. I have prescription bifocals and sunglasses. My vision has gotten much worse the past few years.
Deb, has your dh completely recovered? I love ac! DH does not. However, since it helps w/my allergies we do use it, but not as high as I would prefer.
Did upper body today - the one from the ICE series. Really liked it. Also did an Essentrics workout. My sciatica is doing better so iI might try lb tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside & abs at the gym. I made it to my car just before a thunderstorm but it was scary driving home. It did give us some relief from the humidity.

Belinda - Walking in the morning was a good idea. We were lucky after the thunderstorm it cooled off but back to humidity tomorrow. It gives me headaches:( My Mom buys her glasses at Costco and says the same thing.

Cookie - The UB from ICE is a good one:) Is there anything you can do for sciatica that makes you more comfortable? DH is doing well, just hoping his nail doesn't fall off where the infection was.

Belinda, did you have more appointments today? If so, hope they went well.
Deb, bet it was scary driving with a thunderstorm. Humidity gives me wicked headaches also. Essentrics helps a lot with the sciatica, and I try to do that almost every day. My dr said deadlifts, squats and lunges are some of the major aggravators, but those exercises are so important. The PT has given me a lot of modification ideas, and I still do my pt exercises. Which all helped with me doing ICE chisled LB. How had I not done that one before?!!! Hope your dh doesn't lose his nail. Wouldn't that leave it more open to infection?

Today I saw the ENT. She looked with a endoscope into my noise/throat. My turbinate are enlarged. She wants me to do another round of very strong antibiotics. Hopefully I can tolerate this one. She also has me use a rinse with steroids. I am still stuffed up. There was another medication she wants to me to take ( I will pick up all the medicine tomorrow since I am on our base anyway) I didn't wanted to run around twice today. I could have waited to get my medicine at Walter Reed Pharmacy, they wait is usually over an 1.5 - 2 hours. The waiting is longer with Covid. They have a lot of patients. Our pharmacy they bring the medicine to the car. The waiting no longer than 10 min. Didn't wanted to sit in the waiting room at WR with a packed waiting room. My immune system is down. In 2 weeks the ENT wants to see me again. If it doesn't get any better by then, she has to give my an anesthesia to use the endoscope to look around further and see what's going on with my sinus. I am falling apart! I can't catch a break these day's. I been having an infection for almost a month now. I should have gone to the ER in the first place. They always have an ENT doctor on site. Lessons learned :(

Debbie - I wanted to take a walk before I went to the ENT. It was so humid outside, I passed. Sorry about the thunderstorm. It passed us last night. Glad it did. I went to Costco today, I bought Kate Spade glasses. It was cheap! They are super cute. They can't do sunglasses for me. I got frustrated. Not with Costco with myself and my eyes. I am going to make an appointment for lasik.

Cookie - glad the PT exercises still help and you still using them. I am all for modifications these day's. Good job!

Today was a walk outside (hot!) and zoom yoga. The humidity is making me super tired, I actually feel asleep looking at my ipad:oops: I guess I don't need the blue light blocking glasses LOL.

Belinda - Sorry you are going through so much but hopefully the meds will help. Your pharmacy sounds so convenient. I'm sure Kate Spade glasses are really cute, I love her handbags:)

Cookie - It's great that the PT gave you exercises to modify, ICE chisled lb is a good one:) DH has been keeping the finger wrapped but I agree it wouldn't be good if it fell off.

Deb, the humidity wears me out and gives me a headache - and we won't even discuss its effect on my hair! Was thinking how hard it must be for your dh to keep the area protected when it is so humid.
Belinda, Kate Spade had such style - love her products. Hope you don't have to suffer much longer with all you have going on.
Today was a modified perfect hiit low impact - another one I hadn't done. Loved it. Trying to do the June rotation. Oh, and I got in an Essentrics workout and my walk. Felt nice to be outside w/o sweating just trying to breathe.

Today was a walk outside & it was so nice out! There was even a breeze. I also went to the gym and did GS Chest & Tri's.

Belinda - I hope all is well and the new meds are helping.

Cookie - The June rotations sounds like a good choice. We are supposed to have at least 5 days of nicer temps and less humidity:)


Sorry I haven't checked in yesterday. Yesterday I started taking the new meds, they wiped me out. Wasn't feeling well. I was drowsy for a few hours. Once I felt fine, I did CL# 348 PHA. I went a lot lighter in weights. Glad I got my workout in, the power went out in our neighbor hood for a few hours.

Today I did SBF TB Barre Fusion plus BA TB bounce. I didn't wanted to push it.

Debbie - thank you! I am not feeling better. I hope once the antibiotics/steroids/pain meds kick in I will be fine. I have a lot lot of pressure in my sinuses. I haven't had an infection like this since Germany. That one got me good. The antibiotics make me very drowsy/dizzy. Nice job on GS's yesterday.

Cookie - I love Kate Spade products too. My DD and DIL got me into her years ago. Thank you! I hope I don't have to suffer much longer too. I haven't had an infection like this in years. My ENT doctor said my immune system is completely down. I will take it easy for a few day's not push it too hard.


Today was a walk outside & a GS Legs at the gym. It was much cooler today, we even saw others people walking too! We are going to go out to dinner tonight.

Belinda - Kudos on getting your workouts in. Take it easy & fingers crossed the meds starting working for you.

Cookie - Should be nice walking weather by you this weekend:)

Have a great weekend:)

DH and I went for a nice walk this morning before we picked up our CSA. I been cleaning/drying all my vegetables. I probably will do a nice stretch shortly.

Debbie - thank you! I hope the meds will kick in soon too. Great job on your workouts yesterday.

Hi Cookie!

Have a great Saturday.
Sorry, once again, I didn't hit post and missed yesterday.
Deb, enjoy your dinner! Loving this weather! Great for getting things done, being outside, and enjoying.
Belinda, hope the meds are working for you. I have a yearly subscription to Essentrics. They offer a two-week free trial. Perhaps in your local PBS station airs Classical Stretch. If so, that's the same group. It works well for me, but everyone is different. I will add tho the podiatrist was impressed with how much my ankle mobility had increased.
Yesterday was Roundout Knockout and today was Perfect Pump lb. Boy, am I glad no one can see me working out! I always look a mess! Went w/dh to return something at the mall, and as we were walking in the strap to my 3-year old Birks broke. Guess who got a new pair. Hey, when opportunity strikes... We got a walk in and now he wants to go for a quick kayak ride before dinner.
Have a great evening.

Today was a walk outside, it was nice out:).

Belinda - Nice day for a walk. I look forward to the tomatoes in my CSA box, mostly green leafy vegetables now, tomatoes not until July.

Cookie - Perfect timing for your Birks to break;). Nice workouts! I hope to do outside work tomorrow.

Got a walk in early this morning.
Deb, we had a lot of green leafy veggies in our CSA also. I like how it pushes me to try something I might not have known before and an excuse to investigate new recipes. When I told my dd about them breaking and where, she started laughing, claiming I did it on purpose. I had gotten another new pair only a few weeks ago.
Belinda, hope you're doing well. How are you feeling?
Good evening,

DH and I walked and did stretch stretch this morning.

Debbie - I got Kohlrabi, lots of beets, lots of Bok Joy, 4 heads of lettuce, dill, cilantro, raddishes and scallions in our CSA this week. What do you get in your CSA? Can't wait for the tomatoes too.

Cookie - glad the CSA is pushing you for new recipes. Thanks I will check out and see if I can find CS on TV.

Good night.


Today was a walk outside. I also went to a different Farmer's Market (our town's opens next week). It had lots of soups, hummus, pastas & cheese besides vegetables. I could get in trouble there. They also had a wood burning pizza truck. So I bought a soup & mushroom ravioli. I will go only to that market once in awhile it's 20-25 min away from my town.

Belinda - I get a small CSA share since I also go to the Farmer's Market in town. This week was arugula, dandelions, spinach, beets & strawberries. It's small amounts of each but the price went up a lot this year. So I will wait and see the price for next year before I join.

Cookie - I agree it forces me to try new vegetables and recipes. My favorite farmer at the Farmer's Market is great too, she will tell me the best way to prepare vegetables I know nothing about. Her and her husband own the farm, I can't believe the hours they work.

Good morning,

SBF LB barre is done.

Debbie - I also got asparagus in my CSA. I got a full share! Hope I don't regret it. It's only my 2nd week. Got similar produce last week.

I will be back later to catch up on personals.

Today was a walk outside & GS Back, Shoulders & Bi's at the gym. I'm going to a Memorial for my friend's Dad tomorrow morning on Long Island & then we have a get together at the Jersey Shore in the evening. It is going to be one busy travel day.

Belinda - Nice barre work! It sounds like you have a nice variety in your CSA box.

Cookie - I hope you had a nice weekend.

Deb, safe travels today! Yes, the hours the farmers work is incredible! Ours also gives ideas for cooking. I've used the cookbook Six Seasons so much, it is breaking down! How do you decide which workouts you're going to do?
Belinda, sorry I forgot to give you the website. It's The search option allows you to choose a type of workout, body part, length or instructor.
Yesterday was bodyweight & bands. Today is Afterburn and Essentrics, and hopefully a walk. Started reorganizing the laundry room, pantries and a large closet. It's the domino effect - I only started with the large closet...

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