Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I walked 2 miles outside with DH this morning. I also did CL# 240 Staled Sets UB = 44 min.

Debbie - safe travels. Sorry about your loss.

Cookie - thanks for the website. I will check it out soon. Great job keeping up on the June rotation. How did you like Jessica's Smith Lift & shift? What results did you get?

Great job everyone. Keep up the good work. BBL
Deb, hope things went well with the memorial service and all the driving yesterday. Friends need friends during these times and esp when grieving.
Belinda, your workout sounds interesting. Think I read that book. What I liked about L&S was its link with mindset and the tons of small cuing tips that are incorporated. They really made a difference in technique. Also, JS provides numerous ideas on how to modify and is always calm and encouraging. She has a strong emphasis on exercise as part of health, not for looks, and for the long-term. I didn't have much chance to keep up with the comments and postings from folks, but when I did they were always positive also. I definitely got stronger and improved my form. Oh, and I liked her emphasis on mobility and choosing our own cardio. Since it was 12 weeks that was a good way to incorporate participants' choice in it.
Did PSA 2 and a walk.

Today was a walk outside. My neighbor's daughter (fav yoga instructor) is visiting from Hawaii & teaching classes on her Mom's deck. I took one tonight and it was really good, I will try and fit a few in before she goes home.

Yesterday was tough at the Memorial, one of my friends received bad news about her daughter's pregnancy. She was so upset and asked me to drive her to her daughter's home. I was happy to help her out. We just hit so much traffic and we left early too. I hope everything works out for their family.

Belinda - I purchased the kindle book, thanks for the info. Nice workouts!

Cookie - Nice workouts for you too:) I'll have to check out the six seasons cookbook. I usually try and do 4 weight training workouts, 1 yoga class and walking as my cardio as many days as I can. I also still love kickboxing and try and throw that in when I can.

Good morning,

CL# 349 “Total Body Sizzle” is done. The one from this morning.

Debbie - you so welcome! Great job on the yoga. Hope all works out for your friends.

Cookie - I bought L&S when it came out, I only did a few workouts. It was too repetitive for the $$ . I need more variety in my workouts. I love Cathe Live you get a different workout each week. Glad you like the program. I knew I wasn't going to do those workouts over and over again.

Have a great day and workout.
Deb, love a good yoga class! Your poor friend! That must be so hard.
Belinda, that CL sounds fun. I might try it tomorrow.
Today was a walk and Essentrics. I started a rebounder workout but just wasn't into it. Beautiful day out today, but the pollen this year is annoying. Not only am I having to keep to cleaning it off, it's bothering my allergies. Oh well, as my kids would say, first world problems. DH and I are watching the Stanley Cup semifinals. Only he's often rooting for the opposing team that I am. it's fun to tease each other about it.

Today was a walk outside, it was nice out. I also did another yoga class on my neighbor's deck. I have been seeing a lot of yogi's I haven't seen in 2 years. It was shady and breezy which was really nice.

Belinda - After seeing your post, I checked out the Live you did this morning, looks like fun:) How is your sinus infection?

Cookie - Nice walk & essentrics. I was sneezing on my walk the other day, my symptoms are mild, but I can see how it would be bothersome. DH really doesn't watch hockey but follows the highlights on the news/ sports channels. So many people we know love hockey.


Today was a walk outside & a fully body at the gym. It was hot again! We are going to grab a bite to eat.

Have a great weekend:)
Happy Saturday!
Sorry time got away from me yesterday. Got a walk in and another essentrics yesterday. Today was Essentrics again and busy getting ready for a family get together at one of my sisters. Lots of food!
Deb, isn't it so good to see people again! The nicer weather certainly helps. Yours sounds like your instructor brought her Hawaiian weather with her. We like hockey, but mostly it gives us something to watch together and bug the other one about!
Belinda, how are your sinuses? I've had to up my allergy meds, and have heard a lot of people talking about sinuses this year.
Hi guys,

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. DD is visiting and staying through the weekend. I had an ENT appointment yesterday, which I had to reschedule for Tuesday.

CL# 209 Super Sets is done.

Debbie - great job on your workouts girl. Yes, definably check out the CL I did 2 day's ago. Today's was a lot of fun too. Hope you had fun at dinner. It's hard seeing a vegan and eating out. I am not eating anything covered in oil. Following the Forks Over Knives meal plan means I cook all my meals at home.

Cookie - yesterday got away from me too. Like I said above, I had an ENT appointment, they tried to sneeze me in. By the time they called it was too later. I have an appointment for Tuesday. My sinus are not any better. Had a migraine headache from hell yesterday. Just don't get it? Take all the medicine in the world nothing is working. Hopefully by Tuesday they can tell me what's wrong? My sinus pressure/pain been going on for too long.

Have a great day and weekend.

Today was a walk outside, hot but went when it was overcast so not as bad. The restaurant told us they are really busy for Father's Day. DH & I thought most people would BBQ for Father's Day.

Belinda - Sorry the meds aren't working, hopefully they can figure it out on Tuesday. Have fun while DD is visiting.

Cookie - It's nice to get a break and have a visit at your sisters:)

Good morning,

I did Perfect 30 mobility this morning. I am not sure if I have done that one before? It felt more like a yoga workout than mobility. Or I wasn't ready this early, lol.

Debbie - DH and I took a walk yesterday too. I agree, humid and hot outside. Although we walked early in the morning. I think the more meds I take the worst I get. I stopped taking the steroid rinse. Still having pressure but not as much as I had before. I just can't catch a break these day's.

Cookie - hope you have a great day today.

Any plans for Father's Day?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Today was a walk outside, it wasn't too bad. It was the 1st day of the Farmer's market, it was nice to see the farmer's again:) After going to the farmer's market a few towns away last week, I didn't realize how small mine is. Good thing is I'm done quickly.

We had a quiet Father's Day, the boys came over for dinner, but it's what DH wanted.

Belinda - I agree the Perfect 30 mobility is yoga & fast moving so not for a rest day LOL. It does seem like your body is rejecting the meds. I'm sure Tuesday can't come quick enough for you.

Cookie - I hope you and your family enjoyed Father's Day. This week was chicken & eggplant parm;)

Good morning,

I went for a nice long walk this morning. I probably will do a barre workout later.

Debbie - glad you found a bigger farmers market. Ours is kinda small. The mobility felt like a workout yesterday, lol. I was hoping for more like a relaxing stretch. I pulled a muscle in my shoulder the other day. Made the workout tough. I modified as needed. I stopped taking the meds a few day's ago, just didn't see a sense in taking it if I still felt like crap. Not sure if the steroids rinse made my sinus worst? I have zero headaches or pain in my sinus. Weird? The ENT doctor ask me the other day if I thought the meds made me feel worst? I figured why would she ask? I decided to stop all the medication. I am feeling much better. I still have a small sinus infection. I can live with it.

Hi Cookie!

I will try to be back later.
My brother and his family are visiting, so today was walking around with them. Yesterday had a lot of visitors, which was nice, but exhausting also.
Deb, I love checking out other farmers' markets and seeing what they have. it is all so enticing! Glad your dh had a nice day.
Belinda, I sure hope you get some relief tomorrow with your dr's visit. It's crazy. I have no idea how you're managing to get your workouts in.

Today was a walk outside. I also took a yoga class on my neighbor's deck, it was so hot & humid. The walk was actually better & so many people showed up. I guess it was the same as being in a heated room.

Belinda - I agree with Cookie it's great you are getting your workouts in. It's good that you are feeling better not taking the meds, but it will be interesting to hear why it is so.

Cookie - I'm sure all your visitors must be exhausting, but good you are getting your walks in;)

Hi everyone,

I saw the ENT today. She had to numb my nasal to use a endoscopy. I still felt the endoscopy moving around. I was hoping she would have to do it. My nasal septal is enlarged. I had sinus surgery about 10 years ago. My nose feels a little stuffed up. I I told her I stopped taking all the medications, they just made me feel worst. My head was killing me on all the medication. She doesn't want me to take more medications. Neither do I! If my turbinates get enlarged again, she wants me to come in right away instead of waiting so long. She gave me her direct phone number in case I need to be seen right away.

Before I went to my appointment DH and I walked at 6 am. I also did a seated yoga and SBF LB barre.

While DH and I drove to the ENT, we listen to The Starch Solution. I got the ebook than decided I wanted the audiobook too, lol. Pretty interesting! He also brings up all the extra vitamins, medication. Except Vitamin B12 which vegans have to take.

While I was at the ENT, I decided to stopped by Rheumatology to make an appointment with my doctor. I want to get off the medications for RP. The more I read Dr. McDougall books/articles the more I am convinced mediations doing more harm to my body than good.

Debbie - I have to move, lol. The more meds I took the sicker I got. I made the right choice by stopping it. Except the meds I have to take for RP. I can't stop that one without my doctor supervision. I try my best to do the things I love doing even when I am sick. I noticed a lot more people everywhere these day's.

Cookie - once I stopped taking all the medication for my sinus. I started feeling better, weird! Maybe the combo of all the medications (antibiotics/steroids/sinus) didn't agree with the medications I already take for RP? I really try my best to move even when I am sick. Have fun with your family. Although it can be exhausting.

Tomorrow I have an early Orth appointment.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside after it stopped raining. I also did Metabolic Blast workout.

Belinda - Wow, that is really great the Dr. gave you her direct number. She sounds like she is really listening to your concerns and is a caring Dr. I wonder if the Dr. who treats you for RP and the Dr. you saw today could speak together and with you to come up with a plan.

Cookie - Do you still have guests?


Today I did SBF upper body and core with the ball. I also walked this morning before my appointment.

Debbie - I thought it was very nice of my ENT doctor too. Yes, both my ENT and rheumatologist work together and came up with a plan. They been doing it since I got diagnosed with RP. Great job on your walk. I been walking very early in the mornings.

Hallo Cookie!

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & yoga on my neighbor's deck. It was beautiful weather for both a walk & yoga. This was the last deck yoga class and she had a really good turnout.

Belinda - Core on the ball is always fun:) It was actually cool here this morning & evening needed long sleeves.

Waves hi to Cookie


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