Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I did SBF 7 Day Advanced HIIT Jumpstart Workout Plan, Day 1 Barre HIIT Circuit = 39 min. Went for a walk outside.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

My doctor called about my cat scan. It shows that I have a sinus infection. He wants me to see the ENT. I ended up taking the z pack (antibiotics) still not feeling better. I think it's related to RP. I have a lot more problems on my left ear/sinus.

Debbie - I also hope the fawn found its mom. Glad you had fun with your family.

Cookie - have fun with your circuit workout today. It is very aggravating if I take all that antibiotics and I know it's not working. Been there so many times.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & CL Lower body barre & weights.

Belinda - Sounds like a fun workout. I hope you can see your ENT soon & feel better.

Cookie - It's nice that yesterday the sun did come out & you could walk. It's great your DD & partner visit you often:)

Good morning,

Fit Split: Shred Cardio Push Day is done.

Debbie - nice job on the LB barre and weights. I hope I get the ENT soon too. Thank you.

Happy Hump Day!
'Morning! Trying to check in earlier in the day.
Getting ready for my walk. Did CL Kickbox and Barre. May have to switch around tomorrow's workout - it's supposed to be lb circuit! My lb is talking to me, as Cathe would say. Would love to get a kayak ride in but don't think I'll have time.
Deb, I wish dd would move closer. Oh well, at least she visits. Do you make your sauce around the beginning of each month?
Belinda, hope you get some answers and relief soon. That sounds like a tough workout.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. There were some technical problems getting the link for the class but it worked out & felt good.

Belinda - Nice work with Fit Split:) Feel better.

Cookie - CL Kickbox & Barre is a good one! I usually get 5-6 weeks from a sauce, because I make Chicken & Eggplant parm once or twice a month on Sundays.

Good morning,

I went for a nice walk outside before it gets to humid to walk.

Debbie - I ran through all the Fit Splits except the abs. Some of the cardio is very high impact, too much for me. I did modify most on the rebounder. I do like the weight workouts in that series. That's a lot of sauce you make. Do do you keep them from getting bad? Do you freeze them?

Cookie - thank you! I hope I get some answers soon too. Nice job on the KB/barre yesterday. Did you get a kayak in?

Have a great Thursday, everyone.
Deb, now I'm thinking of chicken and eggplant parm! Bet yours is awesome! How did you find the Zoom yoga class? I got into yoga after taking that class with you.
Belinda, glad you were able to get a walk in before it was too humid. I didn't get the kayak in. We opted for a walk instead.
Started doing a lb workout this morning but then my sciatica let me know that was not going to happen. Did an Essentrics workout to help my back and sciatica, and got a walk into.

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. I'm surprised but almost everyone in the food store are still wearing masks even though not required. I think that is great and makes me feel more comfortable, plus I can hide behind the mask;)

Belinda - I agree I like the weight part of Fit Split but I need to modify the cardio. I freeze the sauce. We have a small extra freezer in my basement.

Cookie - Good idea to listen to your body and switch your workout:) My neighbors daughter moved to Hawaii and started doing zoom yoga during Covid so I have been doing her Wednesday night class when I can. She suggests $10 but you could give less too. Her golden retriever (who I know LOL) makes an appearance sometimes.

Good morning,

I was going to do Cathe newest Live BC workout she posted yesterday, I didn't feel like jumping around much today. I went for a 2 mile walk and did Karen Voight Firm Arms & Abs. Haven't done that workout in years.Besides the dated music/clothes I had an amazing UB/ab workout. Not sure, what was up with Karen and the crew swinging around very light weights? I think they used 5's? I used much heavier weights, I used 10's. KV did about 12 preps each exercise. The exercises flowed very well. I did like the ab section. Instead of doing the exercises on the floor with a mat, she did them on an incline. I really felt my abs. I actually liked much more doing abs on the step instead on the floor. I have to remember doing it with Cathe's workouts. My back kills me doing them on the floor.

Today my husband is officially retired.My husband is planning on buying another RV so we can travel again. Flying right now is out of the question.

Debbie - that's a great idea to freeze the sauce. I thought you may can it. I probably will not do the cardio in FS again except the boxing. I do like the weight workouts a lot. Sort and sweet.

Cookie - I am glad you listen to your body and did another workout. Glad you got a walk in yesterday.

Cookie - how do you like the CSA? I used to have a CSA for years. Since covid, I didn't border. I just signed up for another CSA, I eat a Whole Food, plant based diet, I know I will eat all the vegetables. I help out the organic famers in my area and I eat very healthy.

Today was a long walk outside & abs. After my walk we had a quick round of thunderstorms, so happy my electric didn't go out.

Belinda - That was one of the 1st KV workouts I bought on VHS. I think I still have it too! Older weight workouts are great because you can always add weight to be more up to date to workouts of today. It must be exciting to be getting another RV. I saw so many when we were traveling from FL.

Cookie - I hope you enjoy the weekend:)

Have a great weekend:)
Today was as lot of cleaning - counting the scrubbing as an upper body workout LOL! Oh, and a walk. Love the walks. My sciatica is still talking to me, so I'n listening.
Deb, I'm more comfortable with masks also! DH and I did a few errands and noticed folks were mostly still wearing theirs
Belinda, congrats to your dh! Two of my sisters have rvs and LOVE them. One got a new one a few weeks ago, and it's really like a house - even has a fireplace! Always enjoy doing a KV workout. We really enjoy our CSA. It's a small farm, less than half a miles from our house, and we like supporting the young family, and the food - it's a good deal for us. Lots of fresh food. I miss it during the winter. Then we usually due another food service, but the food comes from a much larger area, within a 50 miles.
Beautiful day here this afternoon. My hair is still looking like a giant halo from the morning humidity, tho!

DH and I went for a long walk early this morning. Then we went to the farmers market to pick up our CSA. I decided to start doing another CSA, we eat a ton of vegetables. The only thing I hate is I have to clean everything. Forgot when you buy certified organic, it means you get some bugs/worms with it, lol. I am l cleaning everything very good before I put it in my refrigerator.

After the farmers market we went to the grocery store to pick up peaches, bananas and onions ( I didn't know I got 2 giant onions with my CSA).

We witness a hit a run with a motorcycle. DH and I drove behind the motorcycle all the sudden the motorcycle was on the ground. My DH said, he just got hit by the truck. I didn't see the guy from the motorcycle move, I told my husband to call 911 while I got out of our car and check on him. I was surprised a lot of cars stopped and wanted to help. We live in a small town, the police/ambulance can in less than 5 min. The hospital is just a block away. The truck that hit the motorcycle took off. DH and I were worried about the guy with the motorcycle. My husband tried to catch the truck with no luck. How on earth can anyone hit a person and run? What if the guy would have died. Luckily the guy was talking, he hit his head really bad. Two nurses also stopped and helped. The police took DH statement. I hope they catch the guy with the truck. What a day!!

Debbie - I still have a few KV tapes. I ended up buying them on dvd. I just saw KV is doing live workout on her site. Maybe I will take a class one day. We used to travel to FL with our RV. They have very nice RV resorts. Glad the thunderstorm didn't knock out your power. It kinda passed us yesterday. Thank goodness!

Cookie - thank you! We have to wait until DH feels better with this knee, we both want too look at the RV before we buy one. We already owned one, there are things I don't want/must have in an RV. I want a washer/dryer in the RV. I know, right! The farmer we get the CSA from owns a small certified organic farm. It comes out to $29 worth of produce a week. I spent a fortune at produce, that's all we eat. This one will run until Thanksgiving. We have a small produce grocery store in town, all the farmers sell their stuff in the store in the winter. The farmers market is only on Saturday 9-12 pm. The produce store will open after the farmers market close. Curbside pick up only! Glad you enjoy yours as well.


Today was a rest day. I did do a lot of walking. My friend from Long Island came for a last minute visit. She wanted to go to the outlet stores. We went to the ones by the Jersey shore. Afterwards we went by the beach to eat and almost every restaurant had a 2 hour wait. We walked around and just went to one that had a 45 min wait. There were so many people, I guess everyone wants to be out after over a year of restrictions.

Belinda - I agree don’t like the cleaning part of the vegetables. It was so kind of you and your DH to help the guy on the motorcycle. He was so lucky to have caring people to be there for him. How horrible that the truck driver ran from the scene.

Cookie - Cleaning sure does count:). I missed my walks when I don’t take them. The humidity became so bad here in the afternoon, I guess another reason so many people at the beach.


I have an early eye appointment on Monday. This week have a few appointments early in the morning scheduled. I will try to squeeze my workouts in when I can due to traffic.

Today I did KV Lean Legs & Buns. Although I haven't done KV's workouts in years, they still very good workouts, IMO! I guess, I will hold on to those workouts.

Debbie - thank you! I couldn't believe how many cars stopped and wanted to help. One guy handed me a water bottle for the motorcyclist. Another rerouted others cars, so we all didn't get hit by a car. It's nice knowing a lot of people still do care especially with everything you hear lately. Wow, on the wait to get something to eat. I agree, everyone wants to be out after over a year of restrictions. Hope you had fun.

Cookie - have a wonderful Sunday.

DH and I will do something later, but first we having lunch at home, making sure I have something healthy and delicious to eat. The place we are going they don't have WFPB.

Have a great Sunday and enjoy the weather, everyone.

Today was a walk outside (very humid) & quick one exercise for each body part at the gym. It's going to be really hot & humid here this week. I hope we get more springlike temps before Summer arrives in a couple of weeks.

Belinda - I'm going to check which workouts of KV I have, now you have me curious;) It's good that your appointments are in the morning, less chance of wait times. Good luck with them:)

Cookie - I hope you had a fun weekend:)

Woke up and thought did I hit "send" on my message. Ooops. Once again, I didn't.
Been warm here as well and am using it as a good excuse to get some more reading in. Yesterday was ub and kayak.
Deb, that's some crazy wait times. Glad you had time with your friend tho. It's so nice to be able to see people again.
Belinda, good luck with your appointments. Hope the motorcyclist is alright, and how wonderful of you and your dh to help out. I have a few KV dvds, but I've gotten so I seldom if ever use dvds any more. Many I've donated.
Cardio today, but not sure yet what. Would love to do a Cathe kickboxing but the sciatica is really not happy, so we'll see. I'd like to squeeze a walk in also but only if I can get it in early.

Today I saw an ophthalmologist. A few weeks ago when I stayed with DD her puppy ate my reading classes. My DD made an appointment with the Optician at her old apartment. When I went to Costco a to get my reading glasses/regular glasses, I was told they couldn't help me they don't make glasses in that prescription. They said I have to go to specialty eye places. I mean it was a big jump in my eye with the new prescription. Just to make sure it wasn't related to RP, I saw a specialist today. Turns out the opticiosn gave me a wrong prescription. Turns out my eyes haven't changed since the last time I saw ophthalmologist 4 years ago. YEAH! He ran all kinds of tests behind my eyes/images you name it. He dilate my eyes still seeing blurry. I am so happy for the good news. Not to mention I have to go out and spent lots $$$ on expensive glasses. At one point I think I will get lasik eye surgery. I need to find the best lasik surgery in the country. I also don't have to get reading glasses made, I can buy them in Wal Mart or Costco.

Debbie - let me know what you think about KV workouts. I will keep them for now. I was the first one this morning, no waiting time.

Cookie - you have no idea how many times I thought I hit enter, lol. It's all good. I hope the motorcyclist is ok too. I am trying to go through my dvd collection, I will decide if I want to hold one too them or if I ever will do those workouts again.

I will do SBF new rotations once I can see clear. BBL!
Deb, the heat and humidity put a damper on my desire for a walk today! Did an Essentrics wo instead. Hope your gym has great ac.
Belinda, that's crazy about your prescription. I get such headaches if I try to read anything w/o my glasses. I need to get a newer pair but they are expensive. Hope the dog was okay after eating your glasses!

Today was a walk outside it was slightly drizzling but actually offered some relief from the humidity. I also went to the gym and did CL upper body express, the gym was nice and empty:)

Belinda - That is really good news. It's a good thing you went with your gut! I remember when my SIL had lasik surgery, she couldn't believe how much clearer she could see.

Cookie - My hair didn't do well with the rain & humidity LOL. You were smart to exercise in the ac. Our gym has ac but they really don't keep it very cold. That's ok by me but others don't feel that way;)


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