Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Happy Monday! Thought I had posted on Saturday, but knew I didn't get to it yesterday. Perhaps the heat and humidity those days got to me... that's my excuse.
Belinda, I'm sure you miss him. He was a big part of your life and family. Your workout today sounds tough!
Deb, how was dinner out on Saturday? Your sauce sounds so good. We got the same herbs as you.
Got in a tb weight workout today and my walk. Friend came over and it was nice to sit outside and chat, esp since the humidity has broken.

Today was a walk outside, it was nice out. Ugh, our chimney has been one big problem! We were having the cap put back after a wind storm and now we need waterproofing, lining replaced, cleaning & repair to cracks.

Belinda - Your workout pick sounds like fun:) We need rain but none so far.

Cookie - Nice workouts! It was a fun day to sit outside much cooler than the weekend. Dinner was nice on Saturday, so many people are going out again.

Hi everyone,

Today I walked not once but twice outside. After my walk DH wanted to go for a short walk. I probably will do a stretch later.

Debbie - you should do the Fit Tower workout. It was a good one. Not sure, why I haven't done that one sooner. Sorry about your chimney :( Hope it gets fixed soon.

Cookie - I been under the weather the last few day's too. Don't worry. Glad you had fun and catching up with your friends.

Have a great day.
"Evening! Long walk outside today. The wind is helping my sinuses and allergies. Never thought I'd be happy about some wind. Crazy!
Belinda, that's great your husband wanted to go for a short walk. How's he feeling now? You are so good with being consistent with your workouts.
Deb, ugh on the chimney. We had to replace ours, lining and all last year. Then we did the roof too. It's just endless with a house. The cooler weather is terrific.

Today was a walk outside & CL Glutes & Thighs done at the gym. It was another nice day, but tomorrow it will be in the 90's.

Belinda - I can see why you did 2 walks, it was a perfect day:) It's good to hear your DH is healing.

Cookie - Nice walk for your too! I agree it is endless with a house. The chimney company said if I didn't get liner, I would eventually have to replace the chimney. Other than cleaning a chimney, I didn't even know you could have other problems:confused:

Good morning,

Cathe Fit Split: Low Impact Cardio Metabolic Conditioning is done. I had to modify a lot of the cardio. Jumping jacks I did some low impact and some on my rebounder.

Debbie - great job on the CL and walk yesterday.

Cookie - great job on your walk as well. I also agree it is endless with a house. DH is still in a lot of pain, he also has a lot of discoloration. He knee is still swollen. He goes to physical therapy 2x a week. It will take some time for him to get normal.

Have a great day.
Big storm came thru and is not quite done so I'll make this quick.
Deb, around here there are some masons that only do chimneys, so a lot of people must need work on theirs.
Belinda, sorry your dh's recovery is taking so long. Is that was expected?
Nice job on the workouts! Today was mobility exercises.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It was hot out today! I managed to avoid a migraine by catching it early & drinking a lot of water.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Sorry your DH is in pain, but it's good he is going to physical therapy.

Cookie - A big storm came thru here too, our lights flickered but thankfully no power loss. We needed the rain.

Hi everyone,

Today I did X10 low Impact. I didn't do any burpees, did them upright. I had to modify down from what Cathe did. Had a cat scan on my sinus done today.

Saw my doctor yesterday He put me on antibiotics and all kinds of medicine to help with my sinus/ear. I really don't want to take antibiotics, they give me severe stomach pain. When I was hospitalized I thought I was dying from server stomach pain. He thinks it may be related to RP?

Debbie - great job on your workout yesterday. It will take a few month for DH to get used to his new knee.

Cookie - it can take up to a year for a full recovery on a knee. Knee replacements are the hardest to recover from. We had a storm come through here too.

Deb, glad you were able to nip that migraine in the bud! Do you get them often?
Belinda, a year! Wow, that a long recovery time. How are you feeling now? Hoping better.
Got in a tb strength workout and Essentrics.

Today was Cathe High Reps (upper body only). I helped my older DS move to a room in an older house. I didn't realize it was a 3 story walk-up, or I would have asked DH to help. The other roommates did help but it was still too hot or I am just getting too old for that LOL!

Belinda - Wow, X10 an oldie but goodie:) Doing burpees upright sounds like a good idea. I hope the antibiotics don't bother your stomach.

Cookie - Good job with TB workout. I don't get migraines very often, only a few times a year, so I can't complain;)

Good morning,

I went for a 3 mile walk early this morning.

Debbie - great job on HR UB yesterday. Sorry about climbing up all those stairs.

Cookie - they say knee surgery is one of the toughest and hardest to recover. I am not feeling any better. I think it has something to do with RP. Great job yesterday.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside before the rain came. I did High Rep premix lower body today at the gym.

Belinda - You went for a nice long walk! I hope you start to feel better. I have heard the recovery for knee surgery is tough. I was told that is why they only do one at a time.

Cookie - I bet you are getting lots of rain too.

Have a great weekend:)
Deb, wow, just helping with that moving was a workout. A high rep of stairs, plus the weight of carrying things! Hope your ds appreciates you!
Belinda, sorry you're not feeling well. Good idea doing getting your walk in early in the day.
Today was a walk and more Essentrics. My legs really bother me when I'm not consistently doing the workouts. Any special plans for the weekend?

DH and I went for a short 1 mile walk in the rain this morning, I also did Fit Split Mixed Impact Cardio Pull Day. My doctor called yesterday, he didn't get the results from the cat scan. I got the cat scan done at a community Radiology off base. Next time I will get it done on base instead. Oh well, it looks like I have to wait until Tuesday.

Debbie - great idea going for a walk before it started raining. DH wanted to go for a walk, it was raining. Glad I had a rain jacket on. Knee surgery they usually do one at a time, the recovery takes a long time. My neighbor got both his knees done at the same time. He was in rehab for over 6 month. He didn't recover well getting both done at the same time. He is doing fine now.

Cookie - thank you. I started taking the antibiotics, still not feeling any better. I guess it takes time. I have no patients. No plans this weekend, it's raining like crazy here. Yesterday DH and I spent the day with Alesia. We helped her hang more pictures up and put up a standing up computer desk, that sucker was heavy. Love her condo. She dedicated an entire room for medication/yoga. So cute.

Off to get some rest. Have a great weekend.

Today was a rest day. It was so cold and rainy here, we needed to put the heat on o_O We broke records from the 1800's as being the coldest day.

Belinda - Nice workouts for you:) Wow, on the 6 month rehab for your neighbor. I hope your meds start to work. I love the idea of your DD's room dedicated for meditation/yoga:cool:

Cookie - Nice workouts for you too:) We are going to get another day of cold rain, but on Monday much better weather. We are going to my SILs for a BBQ on Monday.


Today was a walk outside. It was cold & raining lightly but not too bad. I was driving and I saw a fawn trying to cross the street. It was adorable it looked like it was only a couple of days/weeks old. I didn't know what to do but it followed me to a safe area. When I went back 10 minutes later it was gone, hopefully it found it's Mom.

I tried to attach photo but it says the file is too large:(

Belinda & Cookie - Hopefully the weather will get better for tomorrow:)

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Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Talked to my niece, have't talked to her in a long time.

Today I did Fit Split Boxing/legs today plus a walk outside.

Debbie - aww....I hope the fawn found it's mom. The meds are not helping. Not sure what's going on? I probably have to make an appointment on Tuesday.

That's it for me today.

Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. We went to my SILs for a BBQ with the family, it was a nice time.

Belinda - Nice workout & walk! I hope you see the Dr. and they help you feel better. It must be so frustrating for you. I was worried last night that the fawn found it's Mom.

Cookie - I hope you had fun this weekend:)

Happy first of June! Isn't it amazing that it's June already?!!! At least today the sun is out, and it's finally pleasant.
Deb, hope that fawn found its mom! Glad you enjoyed the bbq and saw some family. Late yesterday afternoon the sun finally came out but before that brrrr!
Belinda, ugh! That must be so aggravating to be suffering and not getting relief.
DD and her partner showed up Sunday for a visit and they just left. She's always a pleasure to have around. Sunday was tb definition and took yesterday as a rest day. Going to do tb circuit when done posting here.

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