Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Morning! Hope you both had a lovely Mother's Day.
Deb, do your sons still live nearby? Glad you got to enjoy dinner with your mom and brother. Sounds like you're enjoying the new gym.
Belinda, wow, nice not having to do all the cooking. How's your dh doing?
We had my mom yesterday for a few hours. One of my sisters and her family took turns stopping by to visit her, so it wasn't overwhelming. All of them have been vaccinated, so that's good. One of my sons lives about 20 minutes away, so he also came to visit with her. Have a busy work day so wanted to check in early. Managed to get in a hiit work. Yesterday did an ab and cardio workout.
Good morning,

Hope you all had a great Mother's Day! Mine was amazing. I didn't sleep well last night. I only did a barre workout. That's it.

Debbie - hope you had a great day yesterday.

Cookie - glad you got to see and be with your mom yesterday. DH is getting his stitches out today. He is doing great.

Have a great Monday!

Today was a walk outside. I ate so poorly this weekend. I hope to put together a healthy lunch for the week.

Belinda - Nice work with your barre workout! It was a really nice Mother's Day.

Cookie - Nice Hiit workout! I'm happy it went well with your Mom's visit:) My younger DS lives with us, he's saving to move out. My other son lives close by too.

'Morning! Did CL warrior kickboxing, sorry I never remember the numbers. It was fun until abs section. Holy moly! I'm thankful no one was filming me in the background.
Belinda, hope you slept better last night. I'm really working on getting at least six hours, but sometimes it doesn't happen. Do you do barre most days?
Deb, got my walk in yesterday too! I was so relieved it went well w/my mom. It is hard to see her declining mentally. My eldest son is the one who lives 20 minutes away. Another one lived with us for 10 months while waiting to move, He did last week to Europe. Another son is married about 3 hours away. DD lives about 3.5 hours away. It's nice yours are nearby.

This morning I did SBF D51 Legs + TB = 45 min. My son is leaving today I will not do an extra workouts. I have to drive him to the airport. We did managed to get a walk in yesterday.

Debbie - putting together a healthy lunch for the week will keep you on track. Great job yesterday. Wished my son would live near by. Happy he is visiting.

Cookie - I am sure it was a challenge for my kids to cook whole food/vegan/oil free meals. DD and my husband ate vegan. DS and DIL ate meat. Everything was delicious. DD said from now on she will cook oil free too.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Cookie - we posted at the same time. Yes, I do barre daily. I really like it. They are all low impact. I agree, Cathe's abs are a killer. Sometimes I use my rebounder for her abs workouts. I have less pain in my lower back. Great job!

Today was a walk outside & CL upper body at the gym. This afternoon DH & I went to get our vaccination. I almost chickened out. So far no side effects except this evening a very slight soreness in my arm. I will let you know how it goes. Oddly, I just read about people experiencing nightmares, since I already do, hopefully this won't be an issue.

Belinda - Nice leg workout! It sounds like you had a nice time with your DS & DIL, but it must be sad for them to go. I decided to get the vaccination since I don't have underlying issues & hope no side effects. After researching, I can see why you wouldn't get a vaccination and I think some people shouldn't.

Cookie - I don't think I did that CL workout, but it sounds good. For some reason, I thought your children lived closed but 3 hours isn't too bad. Is the DS who moved to Europe, temporary?

Hi everyone,

I did my workouts this morning, afterwards I started cleaning my house.

I did CL # 346 Lift it, Split it Upper Body: Back and Biceps plus SBF D53 Natural Spine stretch + UB stretch.

Debbie - glad you having no side effects. If I wouldn't have any health issues I would get he vaccine too. Too many unknown what the vaccine would do to my autoimmune. Mine is already on overdrive. What people experience nightmares? Haven't heard that one before. Which vaccine did you get? Great job on your workout.

Cookie - what workout did you today?

Great job everyone. I am done for today.
Belinda, I've never tried lying on the rebounder to do abs. Now you've blown my excuse. Couldn't believe it with all the versions she was doing. Do you still do Rhythmic Step? I often think of you with that one.
Debbie, glad you've only got a sore arm. I really didn't have any side effects. TG. No, he moved as part of his job, and it was his request. He's hoping to make it permanent. Hopefully, we'll get to go visit next year.
Today was a total body circuit and a walk at lunch.

Today was a walk outside & I did zoom yoga on my deck. It was a little cool & some noise but overall not too bad. So far not any side effects but hear it's more likely to occur after second dose.

Belinda - The CL workout sounded like a fun workout:) I went with the Pfizer. Originally, I was going with J&J but when they put a hold on it decided against it.

Cookie - Nice workouts! It looks like you'll have a nice place to visit next year;) Which vaccine did you get?

The masons came early today, so only got in my walk, but definitely over 10K steps, so I'm good with it.
Belinda, for me, cleaning is an endless! And now yard work! Always too many things to do.
Deb, hope you're not having any side effects. DD and I had Moderna, my dh and all sons and dil got Pfizer! I only know one person who got J&J, and she has health issues, but didn't have reaction. Someone told me there's more likely a chance of reaction if you have strong immune system. Not sure if that or so many other things people say are true.
Meeting a friend I haven't seen in over a year for dinner tonight! So excited. Missed her.

Today I walked with DD in DC. The painter had to come back and repainted the kitchen cabinets.

Debbie - hopefully you don't have any side effects with the 2nd shot. Glad you feeling great so far.

Cookie - have fun catching up with your friend tonight. I hear you on always too many things to do. Our house is way to big just for DH and I.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & Lite Metabolic Blast. It was a beautiful day here today:)

Belinda - It must have been a really nice day for a walk in DC:) Is it going to take more than one day to paint the cabinets?

Cookie - Nice day for a walk:) I agree you don't know what is true. I have been avoiding yard work but the weather is perfect for it, so maybe next week;)

Got my tb weight circuit in before the masons arrived today!
Deb, I haven't done metabolic blast yet. What do you like about it? The weather here is beautiful today also. I try to do wedding a little bit at a time. Actually finished a small bed yesterday.
Belinda, I'm curious about the painting the cabinets also. Do they spray paint them or what? How do they protect the countertops?
Tomorrow is dh's birthday, and dd is coming in tonight. Looking forward to seeing her. Any special plans for the weekend? It's supposed to be sunny here!

I did CL Burn Set: BSC plus SBF UP/stretching.

Debbie - we actually walked at the park. DD has a beautiful park where she lives. I always enjoy walking at the park.

Cookie - they didn't spray painted the cabinets. DH is in a lot of pain, no plans except stay at home. Enjoy your weekend.

Have a great day.

Today was a walk outside & legs at the gym. We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight. Not sure if it's warm enough for outside though.

Belinda - That sounds like a nice walk, I love walking in the park:) Sorry DH is in so much pain:(, I hope he feels better soon.

Cookie - It's nice you were able to get your workout in before the workers came:) I hope you had fun with your friend yesterday. Happy Birthday to your DS! I like Metabolic Blast because they are compound exercises and I can modify but it is low impact so not bad.

Have a nice weekend:)
Happy Saturday!
Did Fine Toning this morning and got in a kayak ride. It was beautiful out. DD and I are taking dh out for a birthday pizza in a bit.
Belinda, sorry your dh is in pain. Nice that your dd and you had a walk together. Are her cabinets done now? Did you catch up on all the laundry after having company?
Deb, yes, I was so thankful to get it in before they came. Hopefully, one more week and they should be done. The plan is they'll come back in August or so and redo a sidewalk, but I'm ready for a break and not just on my wallet. I'll have to check out the metabolic blast. Thanks. Enjoy your dinner tonight.
We had to put ChuChu to sleep today. He couldn't get up to do this business this morning, when we tried to help him he couldn't stand or hold himself up anymore. He kept collapsing. He stopped eating and drinking water. Before we took him to the vet, we stopped at Burger King and got him a cheeseburger without all the fixings. He ate the cheeseburger at the vet, we had a private room. I miss him so much!! ChuChu was a rescue, he was almost 17 years old. Very sad day. I can't stop crying.

Today was a walk outside. It was really nice out.

Belinda - I'm so sorry about ChuChu it's such a hard thing to go through. You were such a good doggie Mom. That was so sweet to stop and get him a burger. I hope you feel better in a couple of days.

Cookie - Wow, on the kayak ride, the water must still be really cold;) I was just thinking today it's been too long since I had pizza. Enjoy your day with your DS & DD.

Debbie - thank you for your kind world. I miss him so much. My house is so empty without dogs :( ChuChu loved cheeseburgers. When Brawler was very sick I started picking up cheese burgers for him and ChuChu. They both loved Burger King cheese burgers.

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