Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Happy Weekend!
My ds and dil came up w/another son last night for a visit. DD and her partner are coming in soon. They all decided to come visit, which is nice but a surprise, and groceries are in short supply. DH just ran out to pick up a few. Got in HIRT workout yesterday, and still hope to get in a walk today.
Deb, safe travels on the way home, and hope you were able to go over the bridge w/o much trouble.
Belinda, you sure will sleep well Sunday night. Amazing job getting your workouts in with all you have going on. Bet you're looking forward to relaxing a bit and enjoying your family.

yesterday I walked and SBF D33 UB 9 + UB Band. Today no workout. I am home for tonight, need to get things done when my son and my DIL are coming Monday. DH and I will pick them up at the airport almost at midnight. Not sure why they picked a flight that late.

We are having so many problems with DD condo. The power was turned on at the wrong condo, the lady on the phone wanted DD to wait until Monday, WTH? We finally got someone on the phone, she got the power turned on in less than 20 min. DD and I wanted to clean the kitchen and the rest of the condo, what a mess. The kitchen was so dirty inside the stove, I was like !@#$. We decided to hire a cleaning company to clean the condo from top to bottom/sanitize the place. We waited all day for them to show up. Once we called they thought they were suppose to clean on Monday, a third party company did the hiring and booked the wrong date.They owner promised to sent a 3 man crew out on Sunday at 5 a.m and make it right to DD. He wants her business afterwards. If all fails DH and I will drive to DC at 5 a.m tomorrow and clean it ourselves which at this point we should have, lol. The painter is taking forever to get the cabinets right. WTH? It's a nightmare.

Good night. I will try to be back tomorrow and catch up on personals. I am beat.
Belinda, I'm really sorry you're having so many issues with your dd's new place. That's crazy. It must be extremely frustrating. Hoping the cleaning crew showed up and did a spectacular job.
Deb, hope your drive back went smoothly. When is the closing on your inlaws' place? That must be hard for your dh.
Got in a tb circuit on the rotation today. Didn't eat well at this weekend.

The last 2 days we have been traveling. I'm not sure if it's Covid but it is hard to travel. We didn't hit any traffic from the race but lots of traffic from Orlando FL to NJ. It rained which caused some of it but so many people on the road. Depending on which state you are in, some do not allow inside dinning or use of the bathrooms so we ate in the car. I guess we have 6 months to think about it but not sure if we would travel on a weekend again & maybe leave before sunrise LOL. I guess just a new plan, DH is exhausted.

Belinda - I'm so sorry DD is going through so much with her new condo. I'm sure you are stressed too:( Once she is settled and it comes together, she can start enjoying her place:)

Cookie - Nice workouts! I would have to run out for food too if I had surprise guests:) I didn't eat good at all but tomorrow hopefully I will get it together. The closing for my in-laws house it Wednesday, we will stop by tomorrow or Tuesday but I'm sure it will be so hard.

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday, by the time I came home I was too exhausted. DD is moved into her condo. We didn't had time to unpack the boxes. At least all her furniture are in the right place. DH and I will drive to DC again today and help finish the rest. I love the condo and she has so much room.My son/DIL are coming at midnight tonight. I haven't workout out since Friday. As far as eating goes, A few weeks ago, I went completely vegan for health reasons. I want to see if I can reverse some of my autoimmune diseases. I have nothing to lose. I signed up for Knifes over Fork meal planner. It's a whole food, no possessed, oil free vegan. So far, DH and I love the food.

Debbie - sorry it was difficult to travel. It's strange since everything is open up again. Here in DC everything is open. We went to in indoor dinning (social distance) it was packed inside/out. All the restaurants/stores are packed.

Cookie - I also have to do a run for food too. Luckily I signed up for Forks over Knives planner, it comes with a shopping list. Safes so much time.

I have to get ready, I will be back tonight. I hope I get some sort of workout in today.
Deb, glad you made it back safely, but wish it was smoother travels. Hope your dh is ok w/all the stress. that's a lot.
Belinda, the food planner would save time. It was good seeing everyone, but they hit like a mack truck running and then, boom, they all leave! Went for another visit with my mom today. She was better today. I bring photos and we look at them and talk about them. Missed my Fine Toning scheduled workout on Sat so did it this morning, and then got in Cathe's band wo from the Lite series. Loved it and am looking forward to the new bands and the workouts. Got in a walk too!
Hi everyone

I just came home from DC. I don't have a lot of time, I have to pick up my DS and DIL from DC at midnight. DD condo is looking like a home :) I did managed to go for a walk before I drove to DC this morning. It was cold outside.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with my Rheumatologist. I will try to get a short workout in afterwards unless I wake up very early which I doubt. Who knows what time we get home from the airport around midnight? I also went grocery shopping for this weeks FOK meal planner. I am all set. It was easy to plan for 5 people on the planner. It was quit a lot of produce for this week.

Debbie - hope you and your husband getting lots of rest today.

Cookie - I like the food planner a lot. It creates a shopping list, prep for the week for you. Glad you got to see your mom today. Not a day goes by I haven't missed my mom :( Looks like I's be missing lots of workouts this week. Hopefully I will catch up eventually. I am excited about Cathe's new workouts too.

I will be back tomorrow afternoon.

Today was a walk outside and High Reps. It was nice to be home & the weather isn't too bad either. I bought lots of veggies at the store today, since it didn't seem like I ate any in FL:oops:

Belinda - You are so busy! I don't think you even need workouts this week with all you are doing;) I like the idea of a grocery list for the meal plan must make it easier. I never used to bring a list to the store but now I'm lost with out one.

Cookie - Lots of workouts for you today:) It's nice that you are able to see your Mom on a regular basis. It's a great idea to bring photos and talk about them.

Deb, glad you're back. Was today the closing? Isn't it interesting how our bodies want us to go back to eating healthier? I love the colors in produce, so I tend to overbuy.
Belinda, I agree with Deb - all that you have going on should count as your workouts. Hope the dr's appt went well today. We have a farm right nearby that we get most of our produce from about half of the year. I walk by it most days and think - yum, yum...
Did a total body circuit today and am getting ready to go out for a walk now.
So excited - tomorrow's the day I have decided I'm treating myself to CL and COD. Tomorrow is a scheduled cardio day on the rotation, so I'm going to select something from there to do then.

Today was a walk outside & walking lunges. I'm still so tired, hopefully more energy tomorrow.

Belinda - I hope you didn't get in to late last night. How did your appointment go?

Cookie - That is exciting you will be treating yourself to CL & COD. I have CL only but I'm happy I have. Our farmer's market should be opening soon, I can't wait:) The walk-thru was today, we went earlier and closing tomorrow. It brought back so many memories walking through the rooms and the backyard. We all had our engagement parties in the backyard, lots of memories in the pool & BBQs. When DH's family moved from our childhood neighborhood to NJ, I would spend almost every weekend at the house until we were married.

Good morning,

DH got his surgery this morning, he is doing well. He is in recovery.

I had an appointment with my Rheumatologist yesterday. I got different shots in both my knees yesterday. It was a mix of how knows, lol. Knees are killing me. I need to get knee surgery eventually since the shots are not helping. My Rheumatologist is at Walther Reeds. Another doctor above mine come into the room and started pushing the covid vaccine on me. It's the military of course they are pushing the vaccine on anyone. I told her polity I am concerned what it would do to my autioimune disease RP? I also told her I am more concerned about what would the vaccine trigger in my body? Not to mention people are having some serious side effects from the shots/dying from it. She told me except 3 people only died from the shot that they know off. I expressed I read the CDC/FDA websites and the pharmaceutical claiming people are not dying are not from the shots, they all had underlying health conditions. I told her PR is very rare and there isn't any cure of it. Of course, she knew that. I also told her I still could get covid even if I receive the shot and now they talking about buster shots? I ask her how many people with the rare, no cure RP already had the shot? I told her I am not going to be the first one undergoing a trial and by the way the vaccine isn't approved by the FDA. She came back telling me it's Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) kinda make it sound like it's the same. I told her I am doing my now research, have been doing it since the roll out on the vaccine. Of course, her thing was if I get covid I may the hospitalized/or on a vendilator. I told her I wear 3 mask/shield in public, I avoid crowds, I keep social distance (more than 6 feet), I sanitize everything I bring into my house. The only people I am around and have been since covid are my kids and husband. My kids know what's a stake with my rare, no cure autoimmune disease. She also told me her mom got the shots and doing fine,she also has an autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis, WTH? Relapsing polychondritis AND RA are completely different autoimmune diseases, IMO! For one...RA been studied, RP there is very little information out there, no studies because it's so rare! Not all autoimmune diseases are the same and you can't treat them the same way. I also told her I am prone to blood clogs/lymph nodes/ I have all kinds of side effects to medication/food, WTH? I am also taking very high does of Methotrexate for RP, which is immune depressed. She also mention taking the flu shot yearly, lol. I told her I only took the flue shot twice in my life time, it was sick afterwards. I told her I never got the flue before, I am into taking herbs/vitamins.She came back and told me no one knows the long term side effects of the flue shots that people take every years. I was like you are moving my point, lol. I told her that is why I am not taking it either not to mention what's in it, lol? I told her if she can give my 100% guarantee and show me I don't end up with serious side effects/or die from the covid shot I am open and will disgusted the covid shot with her. I told her I am alive now not sure if I am alive after the experimental gene therapy with all the problems I have. I also told her I don't want to be on another one on list that defines me as a rare case with underlying health conditions like the CDC/FDA does with everyone that passed away after the vaccine. On the end she said I am doing my job to inform me about the vaccine. I felt she was pushing the vaccine on me no matter what. She couldn't confirm/nor denied the outcome with the vaccine since it hasn't been studied yet. The government is pushing the vaccine down on peoples throat. I am tired of it. I was very stressed out afterwards. Once the doctor that runs the rheumatology left, I talked to my rheumatologist alone. He ask me to keep an open mind on the vaccine. I told him if he and the other doctor show me evidence/prove that the vaccine has been studied with no complications on RP I will keep in open mind. The vaccine isn't a size fits all, IMO! That was a lot of fun.

I will do a workout later today. BBL
Belinda, glad your dh's surgery went well. That must be a relief. Sorry about the dr.
Deb, hope the closing went well and that you're resting and recharing.
Did CL 337 cardio kickbox mashup. Cathe has the best kb workouts IMO.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. Everything was cramping on me during yoga but still felt good to do in the end.

Belinda - I'm happy your DH's surgery went well. Does he only need one knee done? Will you be able to get knee surgery with RP? I don't know enough about RP but from what you are saying I do believe it is important for you to do your research. I think I will get the vaccination but I must admit I go back & forth. I think you are right the vaccine is not a one size fits all.

Cookie - I'm happy you enjoyed your 1st CL:) The closing went well. The buyers didn't ask for anything throughout the deal (the house needed a lot of work), but there was a hole in the wall from removal of curtains and they asked for $1,000 off. It just seemed strange and of course it was stressful thinking that they were going to give us a list of $$ they wanted to take off, but they didn't. We just took the $1,000 off.

Belinda, hope your dh's surgery went well. You sure have a lot going on. Good thing you research.
Deb, glad the closing is over and it went well. At a closing for a house years ago, the sellers, wanted $150 for a cutting board! My dh had built the kitchen cabinets and included a slide out cutting board. Movers packed it, and we weren't in the area for the closing - was totally shocked but felt had to give it. Most expensive cutting board I've ever had.
Allergies bothering me so got in my daily walk and did Essentrics stretch. Off to a meeting.
Hi everyone,

DH is home since last night. He is doing well considering he had knee surgery yesterday, he is in a lot of pain today. He is walking around with a walker, the doc wants him to move as much as he can.

My knees are still swollen from the shots I got 2 day's ago. I took it easy today, I did SBF Single Song Bounce and Stretch.

Debbie - glad your closing is done and went well. I have to talk to my doctor ( he is also my husbands surgeon) I am not ready to get surgery yet. I already have 2 autoimmune disease. The vaccine ramps up your immune system. Who know's what it would riddle in my body. My autoimmune diseases already attacking my own body. No thanks! Just read in the German news 2 woman died from the vaccines. One had the Moderna she died in the parking lot, the other 32 year old got AstraZeneca. No thank you! You are taking part of a trial. If people want to get the vaccine, get it. Just don't push it one me.

Cookie - I always research things. I also follow the German government/news on the vaccines. They do report when people die from the vaccines. Are you done with Lift & Shift? I love CL.

I can't decide if I want Cathe's new workout bundle (bands/loops + downloads + dvd? What are you getting?

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, it was so humid. I hope Spring like temps return.

Belinda - I’m sorry you and DH are in pain:(. The both of you are so strong so you will feel better in no time. I definitely want the bands & workouts just not sure about the downloads.

Cookie - I will share your cutting board story with DHs family, they will appreciate:). I can see why your allergies are bothering you, my car was outside for 2 hours & couldn’t believe the amount of pollen on it. It looked liked I was off roading in mud.


SBF D40 LB w/dynamic stretch cardio plus outer thighs is done.

Debbie - it was humid there yesterday too. Today it's windy. I had to take my jacket off while I was walking. Got a little warm. I want the bands/loops but I am not sure if I want the dvd's?

Cookie - hope you had a great walk today.

I will be back later.
Deb, the foliage is really coming into bloom, and along with the alergies! Humid here yesterday, but not today! How far do you generally walk? Did you say it was hilly?
Belinda, how's your dh feeling today? I ordered the bands and dvd but not the downloads. I don't like having to have them saved on another device.
Today was a tb circuit on the rotation. Weather was not at all pleasant for walking.
You two are so inspiring with your consistent workouts!

Today was a walk outside & abs. I'm not sure if its like this by you but so much noise with grass cutters in the neighborhood. It's difficult to keep windows open & walking sometimes can be spoiled. I know there isn't a solution but just venting.

Belinda - Nice workouts! It was windy here too, saw so many down branches on my walk. I hope your DH is feeling better & your kneees.

Cookie - Great work with tb circuit! I walk 2 miles but lots of steep hills in my neighborhood. I sometimes reverse my walk but just puts the hills at a different point in my workout;) DH had to go to Upstate NY (beginning part) and he said it was pouring rain.


Sorry for not checkin in yesterday.

Went for a long walk today and did a stretch. I decided I will do Cathe's May rotation with CL workouts.

Debbie - sorry about the grass cutters. My neighbor is retired he doesn't cut his Monday trough he cuts it on Sunday afternoon when people are trying to relax/or want to sit in their yards. I know it's annoying.

Cookie - hope you having a great Sunday.


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