Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk on the beach & planks & abs. We are here for another week.

Belinda - Nice barre workout:). Here in Florida, your friend is right some people act like there isn’t Covid. The party boats are packed there probably isn’t 1 foot distance let alone 6ft:rolleyes:.

Cookie - I walk barefoot, most of the time it works sometimes too many shells. I love CL so much variety & you can search for types of workouts you want to do.


I am home again. DH and I went for an hour long walk, I also did SBF D27 Bounce and Stretch Single Song by the Police plus Stopwatch Planks.

Debbie - crazy people, lol! No wonder the # are not going down if people act like this. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Cookie - Monday DD will sign for her condo, it got moved. Moving day is next Sunday. Good for you avoiding crowds. How are you feeling after your 2nd shot? Hope you are not having any problems like some people do.

Good night.
Did an ab workout and am feeling okay after second shot. It's another drizzly, very damp, cold day here in the Great Northeast! We usually watch our local PBS station on Saturday evenings for their mysteries. Since they're really murder mysteries, my husband calls them "taking his classes."
Deb, I prefer to walk barefoot on the beach also, but yes ouch with shells. Another week! Lucky you.
Belinda, working out to the Police sounds like fun but not stopwatch planks! Is your dd watching lots of hgtv now? Such an exciting time for her.

Today was a walk on the beach. I’m looking forward to coming home, hopefully it will be Spring like weather.

Belinda - Sounds like a fun workout with good music. Your DD must be so excited!

Cookie - Nice an workout:). It’s good you aren’t having any reaction to 2nd vaccination. It’s nice you & DH have a planned Saturday night show.


Walk and stretching is done.

Mmmm....wonder if Cathe is coming out with new workouts w/bands :)

Debbie - the workout was fun. Enjoy your rest of your stay.

Cookie - I don''t mind doing planks anymore, lol. I rather do planks than sit ups.

Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone.
'Afternoon, actually guess it's evening!
Deb, those walks on the beach make me envious! I do enjoy a good mystery.
Belinda, I don't mind planks either, but abhor sit ups!
Looks like a series with bands!!! Exciting!
Did a lb workout this morning and an afternoon walk.
Good morning,

Walk and SBF UB/abs is done.

Debbie - have fun on the beach today or whatever you deiced to do.

Cookie - sit ups kill my lower back. I am excited for Cathe's new workouts w/bands.

Hi there!
Deb, hope you got to enjoy another day on the beach.
Belinda, oh those new workouts do look good! I've given myself permission to do them if I feel up to them. It's led me to find a lot more standing ab work. Also heredity-wise, I'm not going to have flat abs and at my age, I 'm feeling better at deciding no on some things.
Did upper body this morning and an Essentrics stretching wo this afternoon. Spent almost two hours at the vet w/one of my son's dogs! And that was for a well-check up! Didn't get a walk in since had to spend the time sitting in the car while waiting for her. Off to cook dinner.

Yesterday was a walk on the beach. We went to a Tiki bar yesterday but the food & drinks didn’t agree with me. I was so tired, sick & headache. I slept a lot today but it was raining today & tomorrow too so it worked out.

I would rather do planks than sit-ups too;)

Belinda - Nice workouts! I saw the band workouts that’s exciting. I have a material loop and really like it doesn’t roll down when exercising. I’m sure we will see more band workouts on Cathe Live.

Cookie - Nice workouts! You are a good doggie Mom, 2 hours is a long time. Do you still have dogs?

Good morning,

Walk and SBF D29 BA Light Tight work and Seat work is done.

Debbie - I love band workouts. I will probably buy the bundle what ever that is, lol. Great job yesterday.

Cookie - I agree with Debbie! You are a good doggy mama :) LOL, you never know on the flat abs. I am excited for the new workouts.

I will be back later.
I'm so excited about Cathe's new band workouts. I'll prob go for the bundle also.
Belinda, did you dd close on her place yesterday? If so, hope it went well.
Deb, the tiki bar sounds nice but not how you felt after. Hope you're doing better today. What do you do there on rainy days?
We have three dogs - one medium/large size and two small ones. DS's dog is staying with us, and so we currently have 4! Today was a mobility workout day, and got in an outdoor walk. Supposed to rain tomorrow. We're having masonry work done, so I'm paying close attention to the daily weather forecast!
Cookie - yes, DD closed on her place yesterday. It's hers now, lol. Today the painters are in the condo painting the kitchen cabinets. Wow, you got a lot of dogs. I had 2. My Brawler (13 years) had Degenerative myelopathy like ALS in human version. He was in a doggy wheelchair. I had to put him down when he lost strength in his front paws :( He lived with Degenerative myelopathy for over 3 years. I miss him so much. We still have ChuChu is is 16.5 yers old. He is hanging in there.

Today was a walk on the beach. Last night I slept 12 hours, I woke up at one point with a really bad migraine & sore throat but by morning felt much better. I was ready to get a Covid test but feel much better.

It ended up raining only this morning, we cleaned the condo & spent the afternoon walking around town. We leave to drive home Saturday morning.

Belinda - Nice SBF workouts. I can’t believe Chu-Chu is 16.5 years old, that’s great:) How exciting for your DD!! I always wanted to paint our kitchen cabinets.

Cookie - Its good you were able to get an outdoor walk in. I saw in parts of the US it snowed. Wow, 4 dogs it must be fun & as long as they get along LOL.


I walked DD's dog a few times today. I also did SBF D31 Quick Total stretch and hip opener. I am beat today. My sinus is bordering me today. I have zero energy. I will take it easy today.

Debbie - ChuChu is getting up there in age :) He and Brawler were rescues. DD doesn't like the darker color on the cabinets. I will take a look when we lock up tonight. DS and my DIL are coming on Monday to help when DH gets his surgery on his knee. I am worried we don't get DD's condo done until Monday. Before the movers come on Sunday we want to clean/disinfect the place before we can put anything inside the cabinets/closets a.s.o. We are really cutting it close.

Cookie - did you sent your cold weather to us. Boy it's cold outside. I didn't bring a heavy jacket.

Happy Hump Day!
Deb, glad you had such a good sleep. Hope it helped with your migraine. Do you take two days to drive back? Yes, four dogs is a lot! One is my son's, and the other trhee, ours, are all rescues. Two of the dogs came together since, they had lived with the same owner all their lives until she passed away. Luckily they do get along.
Belinda, when is your dh's surgery? It is fantastic how supportive your family is of each other. Sorry you got cold weather too. Today we had rain, sunshine, wind, and snow all in one!
Managed to squeeze in a walk. Got home only a little wet.

SBF D32 Cardio Interval Barre Strength + Thin Thighs Fast is done. I have a eye appointment today. Not sure if I get anything else in today. I am beat this week. I probably will go for a walk later.

Debbie - hope you feel better. Safe travels.

Cookie - thanks! That's what family are for. My son has 3 rescues, DD has one and I have one. There was a time when I watched all the dogs at my house. Luckily they all got along except the beagle started to fight over food. We had to separate them when we feed all the dogs. DH surgery is next week on the 28th. My son and DIL are flying in from El Paso on Monday and staying until May 11. I am very excited to spent time with them.

Deb, hope you had a relaxing day today.
Belinda, totally agree with you about families! Our dogs worked out an order for them to eat. It's amazing to watch them with their different personalities. There's one male, and he's the mayor of the group. Letting me know if one is ready to go out, come in, or they need more food. That's a nice length of time for your ds and dil's visit. I'm sure it will be a huge help for you and your dh.
Today was an active rest day, and it sure was active! Lots of errands and cleaning.

My post from yesterday disappeared:(. The past 2 days were walks on the beach. Tomorrow is our last day & we leave on Saturday morning. It hasn’t been too humid which is nice.

Belinda - I like the sound of your workout;). That’s nice your DS & DIL are coming for a visit. Keeping my fingers crossed you get everything done before DD moves. Also, good luck for your DHs surgery. I hope you feel better.

Cookie - LOL sometimes cleaning wears us out more than a workout. We do take 2 days to travel, 1st day is 12 hours, sleep in NC, the next day we do about 7 hours. We eventually want to make stops to other states but we need to get back for the closing on my in-laws home.


Walk and SBF D33 UB 9 + UB Band is done.

Debbie - enjoy your last day on the beach and safe travels. We only have some clothes to pack and we are done. I am so beat this week. DD has meetings all day long. I try to do as much as I can without interruting her meeting. I am glad when I am home Sunday. I need a vacation, lol.

Cookie - DD is coming and help out when DH gets his surgery too. My son and my DIL works for Aleisa's marketing/PR company. I am so happy DS and my DIL are spending time with me. The painter is taking longer than expected. I hope we can go into the condo and clean/disinfect everything. Sunday is the moving day.

I will catch up on personals later.

Today was a walk on the beach. It was a nice day but I’m ready to come home. There are running races with road closures tomorrow morning so hopefully we will be able to go over the bridge.

Belinda - Kudos on getting your workouts in. I can’t imagine how tired you are with the move. You did everything quickly! You will sleep great on Sunday:)

Cookie - What were you up to today?


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