Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside & Cleanmax for company tomorrow. It will just be 3 from my family and my Mom & brother. I can't wait to have ravioli's tomorrow:)

Belinda - Nice SBF workout! Have fun on Easter with your DD. It is supposed to be really nice here tomorrow, hopefully by you too!

Cookie - Nice workouts! Hopefully they find out what's causing your DH's eye problems. My DH has been through a lot the past 2 years in 2019 his Dad passed away & right before Christmas 2020 his Mom passed away. He also is having UTI/prostate problems but the meds are helping him (fingers crossed). Happy Anniversary! I googled Hunt a Killer, didn't know what it was, sounds like fun.

Happy Easter,

Debbie - enjoy your company and ravioli today. Yum!

Cookie - happy Anniversary! glad your DH's appointment went well. Hope they will find out what's is causing his eye problem. I was grandfathered SBF old price. Suzanne has her rebounder dvd workouts on her site. She also has a few others on her site. Yes, I tried the dvd rebounder one. It's good. I find the music better in her other rebounder workouts. I am going to have to google Hunt a Killer subscription.

Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Deb, I'm drooling thinking about your ravioli! Hope you and your family enjoyed it and had a nice day. Sorry your dh is having health issues. It's so hard on the whole family, and it really affects the person's sense of self-worth. I need to do Cleanmax over here.
Belinda, Thanks on the wishes. One of my kids gave us the Hunt a Killer for Christmas. When a group of them are here, it's a great activity to do together. I really dislike the name of it though.
Did Pahla's new Power Walk this morning and am getting ready to go outside and enjoy the weather on a 3 mile walk.

Happy Easter!!

Today was a long day, it was quiet but better than last year with so many unknowns. I enjoyed ravioli's:) After my Mom left (she leaves early because she doesn't drive in the dark) we went for a walk. We leave tomorrow morning for FL.

Belinda - I hope you had a nice Easter with your family:)

Cookie - LOL on the name of the game. It was a nice day for a walk, wish we could have more days like today:)

Hi everyone,

CL # 314 PHA Supersets plus SBF upper today is done. I also went for a nice long walk this morning.

Debbie - I hope you had a nice Easter too. The weather was perfect yesterday. We had a lovely day.

Cookie - when my kids come to visit we love to play games. It's always a fun thing to do.

Have a great day and workout.
Belinda, you seem to do CL almost every day. Do you still use dvds? We also played Chameleon and that was fun.
Debbie, hope you had safe travels to FL and your DH was alright.
Did TB circuit w/Lift & Shift this morning, and a short walk before dinner. I needed to get outside after sitting in meetings!

We made it to FL. The airport was so crowded, it seems like lots of people going to Florida. DH did very good meds are working:). It’s actually not too hot & low humidity.

Belinda - Nice workout & walk! I’m happy you had fun with your family.

Cookie - Nice workouts for you. Are you working from home?

Debbie - glad you and your husband made it safe to FL. Enjoy the beach.

Cookie - my kids signed me up for a year of CL. Really enjoy it. I hardly use my dvd's anymore. I have arthritis in both my knees, I walk a lot since I can't do high impact workouts anymore. I probably need surgery on my knees soon. DH is scheduled for knee surgery the end of this month. Chameleon is another one I need to google, lol. Are you actually in the office all day or do you work from home? Aleisa owns her own Marketing/PR company. Last year when we had the shut down, she couldn't use her office in DC. She was paying monthly for an office she wasn't allowed to use. Now she works from home, she takes walks in between meetings. She also has a puppy that needs to be walked.

Walk outside plus SBF is done.
Belinda, that was nice of your kids to give you CL! I'm thinking I might gift myself it after completing L&S. I have a small portable dvd player but hardly every use it. I like the convenience of streaming and having things on my laptop, which I move all over the house. Yes, I'm working from home, and somedays the meetings just go one right after another, on and on! One cancelled, so just got back from a quick walk.
Deb, hope you're having great weather and a good time in FL! I drove past our local airport yesterday and couldn't believe how full the parking lot was!
Instead of JS's mobility wo will do Essentrics this evening, but did do a Pahla cardio abs walk this morning. Boy is she chatty. Going to visit my uncle for dinner.
Cookie - it was very nice of my kids to do. They know how much I love Cathe's workouts. I remember you signed up for CL before, right? You should gift it to yourself. I have a portable DVD player which I used to use when we vacation. With CL I don't have to schlepp anything around anymore. I still use my DVD player in my workout room once in awhile. I am not getting rid of my dvd's especially Cathe's. You work load sounds like Aleisa's. She has constantly meetings even when she is here. I have done a few Pahla cardio workouts, she is very chatty. I couldn't take her talking nonstop and no music. Enjoy your dinner with your uncle today.

Today was a walk on the beach. We meet friends from Michigan this time of year. It was nice to see them again after 2 years. They said they have the highest rate of Covid in US. There is talk they may lockdown if the numbers don’t improve.

Belinda - I love CL too, I never think to do here and it would be so easy too. That’s crazy that your DD had to pay for office space she couldn’t use:(.

Cookie - We couldn’t rent a car at the airport, they have a shortage. We needed to take Lift and rent a car in town for when my DS comes on Thursday. My niece is also constantly in meetings sometimes late at night while working from home. Its good you can get a walk in when a meeting is cancelled:)

Hi everyone,

CL PHA 2020 plus SBF D17 Band Mini Target for Posture + Hip Opener is done.

Debbie - I enjoy CL more than I thought :) So much variety plus each week you get a new CL. Cathe has a lot of workouts you can do while in FL. I would pick the beach over CL too, lol. Crazy about all the covid numbers going up. DD paid I think for almost 6 month and couldn't get into the building. Makes no sense paying if you can't use it right?

Cookie - enjoy your workout today. I will go for a walk later.

Happy Hump Day!
It's a beautiful day here in the great northeast! I say that in a total different tone of voice in the middle of winter...
Belinda, that's crazy about your daughter paying and not being able to get in. I definitely think I would use CL much more than dvds. I'm always surprised that many folks want dvds and not downloads or streaming - maybe I'm just lazy about putting the dvds in an out, storing them, and needing another device to use them. What does PHA stand for?
Deb, walking on the beach sounds great. Sounds like the tourism business in FL is back in full swing. How nice your DS is going to visit you there. I think businesses feel more free to ask for later meetings, since there isn't much else for folks to do! But now that the weather is better, I'm finding less tolerance for them.
Did Cathe's Rock'em Sock'em this morning on my rebounder and it felt great to do it again, Got in a lunch time walk and a stretch in between meetings.

Today was a walk on the beach. The weather was nice here not too hot. The weather was the same in NJ as here.

I’ve been trying to deciutter the condo, I try and take a bag a day to the garbage.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Your right so much to choose from with CL. I like that you can search for the type of workout too.

Cookie - I saw the weather is nice in the Northeast:). Nice doing Rock ‘em Sock ‘em on the rebounder.

Good morning,

SBF D18 Cardio Interval + Pretzel 2 is done.

Debbie - it never ends with decluttering. I am decluttering my basement (storage area). I wanted to buy Cathe's round yoga mat the other day. I already bought her last 2 (cork and aqua). Do I need a round one, lol? I will keep CL, so convenient.

Cookie - my dvd spending has dropped the last few years. I still buy Cathe's dvd's with premixes/downloads. I love my dvd's. I will keep the ones I already have. Most of the once I have are out of print. Like all the CIA workouts. I have a DVD player in workout room. Everything is hooked up. I do have to admit I love streaming, but understand why people prefer dvd's. Some streaming sites are way too expensive. You always get something new. Did you get Cathe's latest Perfect 30 workouts?

PHA is basically a type of circuit training. The idea is that you do five to six exercises, one after the other, with no rests in between just like a typical circuit training. Cathe did sets of 8 exercises twice through than she did moved on to the next set.

I have a doc appointment this morning. BBL!
Belinda, hope things went well with your dr appt. I'm thinking I'll get CL the end of May and keep my Essentrics streaming. I don't have her Perfect 30. Think the last series I purchased was ICE. I have gotten 2 dvds from her LITE series - bodyweight and bands and Rev'd Up Rumble. Actuallly had the whole series in my cart the other day before chickening out. It was 25% off! Do you like Perfect 30? It feels so good to be getting back into doing some of her workouts, but I don't think 'll be doing IMAXs any more!

Deb, a walk on the beach sounds like a dream. Did you DS arrive? I'm hoping to get out for a walk in a bit. I always feel so good when decluttering. We downsized houses and it is incredible how much stuff we got rid off. There's definitely more to go too.

Did a Dance thru the Decades workout this morning. Today's supposed to be an active rest day, but I couldn't resist doing something. Getting ready to go for a walk and enjoy this great weather.
Cookie - I think you would enjoy Cathe's Lite Series. The weight workouts are shorter. You always can sign up for Cathe On Demand to check out all her other series. If I am not mistaken she gives you a 7 day free trial. I do like P30. Cathe packs a lot in 30 min. Glad you are getting back into doing some of her workouts. I have arthritis in both my knees. A few weeks ago I got gel shots. Didn't do anything for my knees. I talked to my rheumatologist about my knees, he wants to try one more round of steroids. He said I need surgery on my knees. I had a few rounds of steroids shots last year. My husband gets surgery on his knees the end of this month. I can't do IMAX or anything high impact anymore. Last year I was hospitalized for 7 day's. I was on an antibiotics IV for 7 day's. I thought I had an ear infection( I have acute ear/sinus infections) turned out as being a rare autoimmune disease called relapsing polychondritis (RP). There is no cure for RP. I can't take anything without him knowing about it (vitamins/herbs or medicines). My rheumatologist is the one that diagnosed me at Walter Reed for RP. I love Gina Bauer dance workouts. She is a lot of fun. Good job today.

Today was a walk on the beach. My son flew in and we went to dinner. It is still crazy busy here in FL. I’m hoping it lightens up.

Belinda - I hope your Dr.’s appointment went well. Nice workout:). I like the look of the round mat but don’t have the room for it where I exercise.

Cookie - Your workout sounded fun! I can just imagine how much you get rid of when you downsize a house you lived in for so many years.

Good morning,

CL# 342 Metabolic Core plus SBF D19 UB + Sleek Shoulders is done.

Debbie - thank you my appointment went well yesterday. I have the room for the round mat. I already own like 8 yoga mats. I could open up a yoga studio, lol. I bought Cathe's last 2 yoga mats :( Needed those like I needed a hole in my head, lol. Have fun with your son and family. I wouldn't mind walking on the beach.

Cookie - have fun with your workout today. It's raining here, hopefully I get my walk in later today.

Have a wonderful Friday!
Deb, glad your ds made it there to visit. Walking on the beach must be wonderful! Very envious!
Belinda, glad your dr's appt went well. LOL at you opening a yoga studio! Think I'm holding off on purchasing the dvds and when done with L&S will get CL. Hope you were able to get a walk in. How long does it take you to do the two workouts? We got rid of so much. My dh does not readily part with things, while i'm much more willing to go thru and get rid of things. He twists it and says I'm not sentimental, but honestly, I don't like having a lot around.
Did HIIT this morning, and boy was it a heart raiser! Just finished doing an Essentrics stretch, so I'm all ready to go completely veg out on the couch!

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