Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

CL #340 Double Trouble plus SBF arms is done.

Debbie - great job on your walk and P30 Yoga. I still haven't done that one, lol. Need to pull it out soon.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside. It was cool here, but the warmer weather will be here tomorrow. My lower back was acting up so didn't want to do weights. I wanted to foam roller it but will do that in the morning.

Belinda - Sounds like a fun workout! The yoga workout is similar to the one Cathe does at the RT.

Sorry for being gone so long. Hope you remember me. Had to step away for a while - was sick. Finally am doing much better and have even gotten back to working out. Started with Essentrics in December, Pahla B in January, and am now doing Jessica's Lift and Shift. I look at the Cathe dvd's and think some of them some day, and others probably not.
I've thought about you both a lot and hope all is well. May I rejoin?
Cookie, welcome back! I have been thinking about you a lot. I can't tell you how happy I am hearing from you :) I am sorry to hear you got sick. I am glad you feel better and gotten back into working out. How is your son doing? So glad to hear from you!!
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I almost forgot to post my workout. I walked outside and did SBF D9 Barre 17 and Outer Hips.

Debbie - great job yesterday. I really like the RT yoga. I am going to pull it out this week.

Cookie - how are you liking the new JS workouts?

I will try to be back later.
Welcome back Cookie:)

It’s great that you are feeling better, sorry you were sick. I agree with Belinda so happy to hear from you. I have thought about you too, and wondered how you were:)

Today was a walk outside. My back is feeling better but will hold off on a workout, maybe tomorrow.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Now we have company;)

Cookie - You have been doing a nice variety of workouts!

Good morning,

XTrain Super Sets: Chest, Back & Shoulder is done. I also did SBF D10 Forarm Plank + Active Stretch. I will walk later once it warms up.

Debbie - glad your back is feeling better and you listen to your body. Great job on that walk yesterday.

Cookie - have fun with your workout today.

I will check in later.
Thanks so much ladies! I really appreciate it, and boy, have I missed my fitness friends.
My kids are doing well, and that's a joy to say. DH is having some vision problems so taking him to another eye specialist appt in a few minutes.
Belinda, I'm liking L&S. Appreciate their slower pace and lots of cuing. One of my sisters recommended Essentrics to me years ago, and now I wish I had listened to her. That has had a huge impact on my recovery -my flexibility, balance and mobility have greatly increased in just a few months. Feel like I could do a commercial for their program. How's your family?
Deb, I've been trying to regain mojo to workout regularly. Using a variety has helped, but since a plan always works best for me, I'm doing JS's rotation and trying to squeeze in an Essentrics wo most days. I am albe to now walk almost like previously and often do 3-4 miles. How are you and your family? Did you moved to FL?
Did a YT rebounder interval workout (my cardio wo for the rotation) this morning.
Chat later.
Cookie - we missed you too! I didn't like L&S. I found it to repetitive. I only it for a week. Glad you liking it. I been doing a lot of Cathe Live workouts. Loving it! Wished I signed up sooner. A lot of people like Esscentric. Need to look into it. Glad it's helping you with your balance/flexibility and mobility. I still do Suzanne Bowen Fitness. She keeps me flexible. Great job on your rebounder workout. SBF has one on her rotation tomorrow. Love my rebounder.

Debbie - enjoy your workout today. It looks like it will rain all day long. Not sure, if I get my walk in today. BBL!
Belinda, I didn't know SBF had rebounder workouts! I'll have to keep that and her in mind for a possible rotation later this year. I had let my membership w/her lapse. Still have a few of her dvds tho. Love my rebounder also - it makes doing cardio workouts much better for me. What are some of your favorite rebounder workouts?
Deb, sorry to read your back is bothering you. Hope its better very soon. How do you like the P30 workouts?

Today was a walk outside, it started to rain but was home before it really came down. I also did walking lunges, calf raises & planks. My back is feeling much better but not ready for a full leg workout.

Belinda - Was that a X-train CL or dvd? It is going to be cold here tomorrow but will warm up for the weekend.

Cookie - I'm happy to hear your family is well. That's great that you are doing 3-4 miles, I usually do about 2 miles a day, the hills are alot here. I'm still in NJ but plans to eventually move to FL or get something smaller in NJ & spend more time in FL. I will fill you in more tomorrow LOL.

Good morning,

Cookie - SBF has about 14 bounce workouts ranging from 30 min to 14 min. I almost let my membership w/her lapse last year. I was grandfathered the old price. That's why I kept my membership. I only pay $79 a year which isn't bad. I figured I give her another try. For the last 3 years she hasn't added anything new to her streaming site until lately. She had health/family problems. I am sure it will take her awhile to figure things out. SB has a rebounder dvd which is on her streaming site. I usually do Cathe's high impact on my rebounder.

Debbie - I pulled out my XTrain dvd's. Cathe only had one similar to XTrain on CL. I will mix in XTrain for the next week or so with CL. I hope this makes sense. I never got my walk in yesterday, it rained all day long. It's cold her too.

I will be back after my workout.
Back to report my workouts. Today I did X Train Super Sets: Biceps + Triceps plus SBF D11 BA Bounce TB = 32 min. I also did CL today Lots of legs. Loved the workouts. My legs are shaking! BBL!
Belinda, I'll have to check out her rebounder workout. I've found a few on YT but I use it for all my cardio Bet you sleep well after those workouts!
Deb, did you have a snowy day today? It was one here, so no outdoor walk for me. How's your back doing?
Did an Essentrics workout in the morning and a PahlaB in the afternoon. On the rotation, today is an active rest day, but I needed to get some movement in. Pahla sure is chatty, but my rebounder is in my basement, and it's an old house so that's where the furnace and mechanicals are. When they turn on, I can't hear her, and that's fine. I just follow along by watching.
Any good shows on Netflix or Hulu you could recommend?

Today was a walk outside the sun came out after the rain but still cold here. Back to hats & gloves;) I also did Perfect 30 upper body. I really like the Perfect 30 series.

Belinda - Nice leg workouts for you today. That is a good deal for SBF and lots of bounce workouts:)

Cookie - No snow here just rain. Nice workout for you, the rebounder sounds like fun. DH & I are watching Yellowstone, I do like it but my head is turned away from the TV alot because lots of violent scenes. So many people like it and I think DH really likes it.

Good morning,

It also snowed here yesterday :( I took a walk this morning, it was in the 30's. Very cold! I also did SBF D12 Barre Amped Stretch plus Breathing Target.

Debbie - I been a member of SBF for many years. The price went up since then. They are still good travel workouts. If we ever going to travel again, lol.

Cookie - I second Yellowstone. I am pinch watching Good girls right now. It's funny. Schitt's creekIt's very funny too. I also been watching Mayans M.C which is a spin off Sons of Anarchy. If you don't like violence don't watch it :) Last Kingdom and Vikings are very good. I tried Pahla workouts, she is way to chatty for me. No music either. I really enjoy Cathe Live.

That's it for me today.
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Today was a walk outside with snow flurries. It is so cold today our heat has been coming on all day. We decided to continue with our planned trip to Florida, DH meds are working. We will just have to be close to bathrooms:oops: I leave on Monday.

We are going to grab a bite to eat.

Belinda - I always think it will be warmer by you, but I guess not. Nice workouts for you today! I am only started the beginning of Season 2 of Yellowstone so trying to catch up.

Cookie - How was you DH's eye appt?

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

SBF D13 Compound Combinations plus Feel Good Cardio DVD Segment is done.

Debbie - we live near the mountains, it gets cold here. You gonna love Yellowstone.

Cookie - hope your DH's eye appointment went well yesterday.

Have a great Easter everyone. Have any plans for Easter? DD is coming today.
Happy Saturday!
Today was warmer than yesterday here, but boy, it's still cold in my book! DH eye appt went well. He's having double vision a lot and they're still trying to figure out why and what to do beside to close one eye!
Yesterday did L&S lower body and today was upper. Today also was able to get in an Essentrics workout and a short walk. DD and her partner showed up last night for a weekend visit. Always great to spend time with her.
Thanks for the show suggestions. I don't like violence, so a huge thanks for thinking of that. I'm almost done with Bridgerton so next up will be Yellowstone. I love Schitt's Creek!
Belinda, you got a good deal on SB site. I looked at her rebounder wo and love that I can download it. Have you tried that one? I may order it as a gift to myself.
Deb, hope your dh is ok for your trip, and that the weather there will be fantastic.
Tomorrow's dh and my anniversary plus Easter. Most of our kids will come by, but I'll probably still do most of the cooking!
We were gifted a Hunt a Killer subscription, and the next episode arrived yesterday. My kids love trying to solve them. That will be this evening's excitment.

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