Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

I ask for a refund for JS lift and shift. I only done 2 workouts. Only had the set for a week.

Today I will do a SBF stretch and maybe a walk.

Debbie - great job yesterday. So sorry your husband having so much problems with the meds. I hope they find the right meds soon.

I did SBF stretch and Kari Anderson Fitness Formula Step workout. I haven't done this one in years. Still fun.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

Today was a walk outside & Muscle Endurance. It was an oldie but I liked it and it was short. We are having spring like temps & loving it.

Belinda - Did you not like JS lift & shift? I think I have that Kari Anderson workout but it is a VHS. That was when I had a small collection of workouts LOL. Thanks for your thoughts about my husband, keeping our fingers crossed.

Good morning,

Perfect 30 UB plus SBF UB Core circuit is done.

Debbie - no...I didn't like JS L&S. Not worst paying $97. The workouts are set up 3 rounds/20 reps at a very slow pace. They were to repetitive and nothing new. I couldn't see myself using these workouts over and over again. I rather sign up for another streaming site/CL for a year. Cathe's workouts productions are top notch. JS filmed this in her mom's house. JS dog is in most of the workouts. I like JS walking workouts. I have KA on VHS.

Have a great Monday.
Good morning,

Perfect 30 UB plus SBF UB Core circuit is done.

Debbie - no...I didn't like JS L&S. Not worst paying $97. The workouts are set up 3 rounds/20 reps at a very slow pace. They were to repetitive and nothing new. I couldn't see myself using these workouts over and over again. I rather sign up for another streaming site/CL for a year. Cathe's workouts productions are top notch. JS filmed this in her mom's house. JS dog is in most of the workouts. I like JS walking workouts. I have KA on VHS.

Have a great Monday.
Thanks for that information, I was just looking into that!!! I'll pass.

Today was a walk outside & Lean Legs. I went to get my hair colored today it came out light but it will grow on me.

Belinda - Great job with Perfect 30, I just pulled them out to do starting tomorrow or Wednesday. That does sound like a lot for workouts especially if you don't like them.

Debbie - great job yesterday. Yes, that is a lot of $$ for just a few workouts. I'll bet your hair looks beautiful. I also went for a walk outside yesterday. Plan on a walk today.
Hi everyone,

SBF D2 ADV. LB Barre Fire + LB Reset Stretch of her 63 day Spring into Joy Fitness Challenge. I also did JS 30 Day Mega burn = 40 min.

I probably will go for a another walk later. Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside & Perfect 30 Upper Body. It was a beautiful day, hope it stays this way:)

Belinda - Lots of workouts for you today! I'm sure you enjoyed your walk too.

Good morning,

I did CL 323 Leg Express Moderate Weight plus SBF D3 Active/Relax Stretch.

Debbie - great job on P30 UB. It's raining here today, hopefully it stops and I get my walk in later.

Happy Hump Day!

Today was zoom yoga. No walk for me I didn't get out before the rain was so heavy.

Belinda - Nice leg workout! It must have been raining all over today. I ran some errands and regretted it, nice to do when I don't have to jump over puddles;) I always forget to wear my rain boots.

Good morning,

CL# 83 Rock it Sock it and SBF D4 BA Sculpt is done.

Debbie - great job on your workout yesterday. I went for a nice long walk. It rained in the morning. I went for a walk in the afternoon.

Have a great day and workout today.

Today was a walk outside. We went and had some pizza tonight so will need extra workouts tomorrow LOL.

Belinda - I don’t think I ever did Rock it Sock it CL just the DVD. I’m sure it’s a nice variation.

Good morning,

CL # 10 UB Sculpting = 51 min. Had a great workout. I also did SBF D5 Old School Arms.

Debbie - it was a CL #83. Very fun workout. I love pizza :) Great job yesterday.

That's it for me today.

Today was a walk outside & Perfect 30 Lower Body. I heard on the news that NJ has the highest cases of Covid the last 2 weeks in all of the states :oops: that's pretty scary.

Belinda - Sounds like some fun workouts! Isn't the weather great, we hit record highs in the 80's today:cool:

Good morning,

I did Cathe LI HiiT this morning and SBF D6 Bounce Int.Adv. = 21 min.

Debbie - the weather was beautiful but very windy. Today it's in the 80's :) Loving it! That is pretty scary in NJ :( hope they get it under control soon.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside. I also went to my friends daughters bridal shower with my SIL it was a long drive but we did have a fun time:)

Belinda - Nice workouts! We found our chimney cap & pieces of clay that blew off our chimney this morning. It was windy here too:(

Hi everyone,

I did SBF D7 stretch and went for a walk.

Debbie - oh no! sorry about your chimney. It' raining here today. hOpe you had fun at the bridal shower.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside & Perfect 30 Yoga Flow. It was raining but managed to get out when it was just drizzling.

Belinda - It was a nice day for a stretch:) Did your dd move into her condo yet?


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