Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was Gym Style Back, Shoulders & bi's. I couldn't walk it was raining all day. There is still some ice and snow on sidewalks too. It's nice to be home.

Belinda - Nice stretch & walk:) The rain is helping with the ice and snow here too. I went to the food store too and surprisingly it was quiet.

Good morning,

SBF D50 TB Barre = 30 min + stretch = 20 min and walk is done.

Debbie - it's been raining nonstop since yesterday. Hopefully all the ice and snow will be gone soon. I am ready for the summer/sunshine. Great job with your GS workout.

Can't believe it's already March.

Today was a walk outside and it was actually nice out. I also did Gym Style Legs. I'm so happy it is March but it's sad to think it's been a year with Covid.

Belinda - Nice barre workout & walk. Hopefully it stops raining by you soon, so depressing.

Good morning,

Walk outside and SBF D51 Stopwatch Planks 2 is done.

Debbie - it stopped raining in the afternoon, went for another walk. Good job on your walk and GS Legs. It's sad to think it's been year with Covid.

Have a great Tuesday and workout.

Today was a walk outside, it was cold but the sun helped.

Belinda - Stopwatch Planks sounds like a fun workout, I'm assuming you use a stopwatch. I'm hoping it just rains in March and no snow;)

Good morning,

Walk and SBF D52 LB Mat Pilates plus LB Mat w/Band is done.

Debbie - SB used a stopwatch, she did planks for 30 seconds to 1 minute at a time. Very tough. I will take rain over snow too. Great job yesterday. Did you had a chance to read to the ebook? I was wondering what you think?

Happy Hump Day.

Today was a walk outside and zoom yoga. I am so tired, I guess from yoga.

Belinda - I'm sure planking was hard, but sounds like a fun way to do it:) I did read the ebook, but haven't calculated the calories yet. I found it very interesting! I didn't know a correlation with loss of estrogen and stress. It makes a lot of sense, I didn't realize so many things can cause the body to stress and hold on to weight. I need to increase my water because, I have become bad at drinking it and I'm always thirsty.


Today was a walk outside & push-ups and abs. it was the last day before the cold front comes in:( My friend's family all have Covid, she lives in NY so I didn't see her.

Waves hi to Belinda

Good morning,

Not sure what happened to my post from yesterday? Anyway, I walked and did SBF D53 LB BC Barre. I also did a shot yoga with Aleisa.

Today I did SBF Arm w/ball plus Quick Planks.

I am keeping my workouts very low. My knees are killing me. Not sure what's going on again. Not overdoing it on exercise.

Debbie - can't wait on your thoughts on the ebook. Please, let me know what you think. Crazy what can cause the body to stress isn't it? I am pretty good with my calories and water. Sorry about your friends family. I can't wait to get back to norma. Great job yesterday.

Have a great day and workout.
Hi everyone,

Today was a quick walk outside it was cold again & Gym Styles Chest & Tri's. It seems like everything is breaking in my house, now it's my dryer. Ugh, doing research and they are expensive. I just want a dryer that drys towels quickly LOL.

Belinda - You are still getting good workouts in, so just keep it low. When will you meet with the exercise Dr. again? I think the book is great and want to try what she says because it makes a lot of sense. It isn't difficult to follow either.

Have a great weekend:)

I did my workouts this morning, just getting around to post them. My DD is visiting. Today I did SBF D55 LB w/bands (floor work) and LB Quick Target. We also walked outside, it was in the 30's. Very cold.

Debbie - for the last 2 weeks I been keeping my workouts low. I will start CL on Monday, keep thinks low impact. I miss working out with her. I will meet the exercise doc in April. I do believe you have to keep moving and strength train when you get older.

Have a great weekend.

Today was a rest day for me. I almost walked but it was really cold outside.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Have fun with DD visiting. I agree about moving and strength training when you get older.


Today was a short walk outside & Total Body Premix Upper body. We went to my Mom's to celebrate her birthday which is tomorrow.

Belinda - Nice walk, I did a short one because it was cold. We are expecting warmer temps this week & I can't wait. The snow should be all gone by the middle of the week:)

Good morning,

CL # 334 Candy Heats Circuit = 53 min plus SBF Week 9 D 57 Int-Adv Total Barre is done. I kept everything low impact.

Debbie - we didn't get a walk in yesterday. We went condo shopping for Aleisa. Boy, those are expensive. It's suppose to warm up this week here too. Luckily we don't have snow. Thank goodness! Happy birthday to your mom.

Have a great Monday!!

Today was a walk outside, it was cold but not too bad. I also spent most of the day cleaning my garage, new doors are coming tomorrow that we needed.

We put my in-laws home on the market late last week. There are 9 offers and some are over the price we were asking. It's crazy there aren't houses for people to buy around here. It is sad because some people included notes on why the house would be good for them. It's hard enough to give up the house but to have to decide who gets it is even harder.

Belinda - Nice workout! I wonder if there are shortages of condos/houses in your area. It is nice DD is looking for a home but prices are high right now. My DH says the interest rates are very low though.

Good morning,

CL# 337 Cardio KB Mashup plus SBF D58 Core + Arms is done. I walked yesterday, it was very nice outside. Didn't needed a winter jacket. Will walk today too.

Debbie - I know it's hard selling your in laws house, it's fantastic you have 9 offers. Buying anything in DC is very expensive. For a 2 small bedroom apartment/condo they want a half million. Crazy!

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside it was really nice. I only needed a light jacket:). I also did CL Upper Body Express.

Belinda - You are back to Cathe Lives:). It sounds like NYC prices. You would think the prices would be lower with people working from home & moving out of cities.

Good morning,

CL # 336 Low Impact Cardio Compound Upper Body plus SBF D59 Standing+Mat Lower Body is done. I also walk outside daily. The last few day's been very warm here, I only needed a light jacket yesterday.

Debbie - I am back doing CL workouts. Took 2 weeks off. Feels good to be doing her workouts again. Miss them. I do modify when needed. Homes in DC/NYC are insane. It is what it is, right! Great job yesterday!

I will be back later.

Today was a walk outside & CL#332 Lower Body Barre Blend. We visited with my SILs and nephew who was here from Tennessee. It was a nice day to be outside.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Are you knees feeling better this week? I agree I modify too:) I hope the warm temps stays for awhile;)


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