Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I didn't get an official workout in but lots of steps from running around & packing. We leave for Florida tomorrow but we are expecting 2-4 inches of snow tomorrow morning. Our flight is in the morning so not sure how that will effect it. We are also expecting 2 more snow storms this week while we are away. The weather patterns are crazy:rolleyes:

Belinda - I like the workout you did today:) It was so cold here too! DH was saying to me he would like to get the J&J shot because it is only 1 shot. I wonder if that would work for you less chances of a reaction & only having to go off the medicine one time. Just a thought;)


Today I did SBF D30 Arms and abs. I also did CL# 61 2015 RT Kickboxing class. That one is so much fun. I modified all the jumping jacks.

Debbie - I will talk to my doctor about the shot when I see him the next time. We talked about the vaccination in Dec. He said there is only one I could take with my autoimmune problem. They are not sure how the vaccination would affect PR. It's too soon to tell. I will wait until he tells me to get it. I know I can't get any live vaccinations at all with PR. Safe travels and have fun.

Great job everyone.

We made it to Florida:). Lots of problems will explain tomorrow. I need a good night sleep.

Belinda - I remember that RT kickboxing class it was fun! I don’t remember the jumping jacks LOL. It’s great that you have a Dr. that is knowledgeable and gives you guidance on how to handle this situation:)

Good morning,

Today I did CL # 35 Long and Strong Legs. Had a great workout I also did SBF LB. My LB is fried.

Debbie - I saw you in that one. You were hiding in the back. Yeap, she did jumping jacks in that one. Sorry about the problems you had getting to FL. Glad you made it safe.

I will try to be back later.

Today was a walk on the beach it was a nice day. We were told it’s been cool in Florida the last couple of months.

Yesterday before we left I slipped and fell down a few steps. Luckily I landed on my butt a little sore, bruised and I strained my hamstring but it could have been worse. When we arrived at the condo the refrigerator died, and the cars check engine light was on. We needed to go back to the airport and rent a car. We were able to get a delivery for a refrigerator for Friday. The salesman said we were lucky this shipment just came in some people have needed to wait 3 months for delivery because of Covid. So hopefully this is behind us;)

Belinda - You really worked your lower body good!! I remember you had to wait for a delivery. I can’t imagine having to go without an appliance for months.


We are traveling to see friends so not sure if I can check in later.

Belinda - Have a nice workout today!

Have a good day:)

I didn't feel like working out. My legs are so sore. I ended up doing a 60 indoor walk. I also did stretch and SBF.

Debbie - Oh no! I am glad you ok. Sorry you slipped and all bruised up. Take it easy. Sorry about your refrigerator died. Yeah, ours took a long time to get here. You are lucky you got one so quickly. Have fun seeing your friends.

That's it for me today. Oh, BTW! I have 2 appointments early in the morning. I will not check in until later that afternoon.
Hi everyone,

I had 2 appointments this morning. I just finished my workouts. I went for an easy 60 min walk.

Debbie - Hope you have fun in FL.

See you in the morning.

Today was a lower body workout using bands & weights. We also did a lot of running around & catching up on sleep.

Belinda - Nice long walks for you! I hope your 2 appointments went well today.


I did SBF LB2 + Booty 2 today.

Debbie - glad you caught up on sleep. My appointments went well yesterday. I saw the Exercise Physiologist yesterday. He showed me different modifications for squats/rear lunges to work my quads instead of bending your knees. I have to do his exercises 3 times a week. He also wants me to do 60 min of very low impact cardio (walking/elliptical/kickboxing) 5 times a week. I don't know if I want to buy an elliptical machine? They take up a lot of space. I am trying to down size. He also wants me to those specific lower body exercises 3 times a week to strengthen my legs without hurting my knees. A few are with DB's and the rest are with bands only. The lower body took me 30 min to do. Maybe I lay off Cathe Live lower body workouts for awhile.

Good night.

Today was a walk on the beach. It will rain on and off today & tomorrow so we will walk around town. It is so busy here for Valentines Day & Presidents’ Day.

Belinda - Nice workouts! It’s great that the Exercise Physiologist gives you alternative exercises and advises you what you should be doing. If the elliptical folded up like a treadmill that wouldn’t be bad, but otherwise they do take up a lot of room.

Good morning,

Yoga is done.

Debbie - I am glad I am seeing a Exercise Physiologist for my knees. He really is helping me to figure out what exercises I should/shouldn't to help with my knees. He wants me to get a full size gym elliptical with a long strikes. Once the weather breaks I will walk outside for cardio instead of indoor. The roads are icy here. All I need is to slip and fall. I wished I could walk on the beach. Enjoy!

Happy Valentines Day!

Today was a walk on the beach after the bad storms passed.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Belinda - Yoga sounds good. I agree I don’t like to take chances walking when streets are icy/snowy.


today I did SBF BA Bounce TB and CL# 334 Candy Hearts Circuit very fun workout.

Debbie - hope you enjoyed your walk on the beach yesterday. Glad the storm passed.

Have a great Monday.

Today was a walk on the beach & Cathe Live Supersets. The 2 elevators in our building have been having problems, almost needed to walk up 16 flights:oops:. TG they found a temporary solution.

Belinda - I don’t remember seeing the CL title you did, is it strength training? How is your son doing, I heard Texas is having crazy weather?

Good morning,

Today I did 30 min yoga. I also did SBF D37 Arms + BA Mat work. Than I did CDornerFitness 45 min step workout. She had amazing music and energy. Love it. Can't wait to try another one of her workouts.

My DD is getting certified in yoga. I am super excited for DD. Can't wait to do yoga classes with her.

Debbie - oh no! On the elevator. Glad they found a solution. They one I did yesterday was her newest workout. It's a circuit workout. Very fun! Great job on your workout.

Have a great Tuesday and day!

Today was a walk on the beach. It was too windy to stay on the beach so we went to the pool today.

Belinda - Lots of workouts for you today! That is exciting your daughter is getting certified in yoga:). It’s a great skill to have too.

Good morning,

Clean # 273 Metabolic Mist Mosh is done.

Debbie - wished I were near a beach or pool right now. It's cold here. Doesn't look like it's getting any warmer. I am excited DD is getting certified in yoga. She can help me with all my injuries. Great job yesterday.

Happy Hump Day, everyone. BBL

Today was a walk on the beach & Cathe Live Long & Strong Legs. It will be nice weather but will get cold on Friday like the rest of the country.

Belinda - I like that Metabolic workout. I could see why people retire to the South even if it gets cold you can still go outside. Will your DD teach classes at a gym or studio?

Good morning,

CDornerFitness 60 MInutes Step Aerobics Workout [Advanced Step Aerobics] DISCO PARTY #88 is done. Very fun step workout and great music.

Debbie - I wouldn't ind retiring in the South. They do get lots of tornadoes. Florida is covered in sink holes. We are covered in snow again. I am sick of it. DD owns her own PR/marketing company. I think once she is certified she will start teaching on the weekend. Maybe she start offering it on YT :) Great job yesterday.

I am done for today. I probably will do a short yoga later.

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