Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I did my workout a while ago, just getting around to post. My son is leaving for TX tomorrow. I am already sad he is leaving.

I did CL# 284 Arms and Abs on the Ball is done. Had a great workout this morning. I also did SBF D19 UB 9 + UB band.

Debbie - Oh no! I am so sorry about the blow out and wait yesterday. That was a long time you guys waited. Glad it got fixed. Great job on the CL KB express workout. It was so cold outside yesterday. I really wanted to go for a walk. The freezing wind made it impossible. I was so cold just walking my dog.

That's it for me today. Have a wonderful day and workout.
Hi everyone,

Today was Great Glutes. I went to the food store and it was so windy, I saw a stop sign fly out of the ground. TG no one was around. The last couple of year's mild temps spoiled us.

Belinda - That sounds like a good workout! It's funny I didn't see anyone walking there dogs today:) I guess the dogs go quickly :D

We are going to grab a bite to eat, not sure if I want to leave the house;)

Have a great weekend:)

Today was a rest day:) We are expecting so much snow:( between Sunday PM to Tuesday AM. Our heater broke today, we were very lucky they had the part otherwise we would have needed to wait till Tuesday to get it.

Belinda - I'm sure you are busy with your DS & DIL before they move.


I forgot to post yesterday :( My son and DIL left early in the morning. I am sad he is moving so far away. DD stayed until today. The house is empty.

Debbie - sorry I didn't post yesterday, I wanted to spent as much time as I could with my kids. We had a lot of fun the last few weeks. I am glad DS/DIL spent so much time with us. I didn't had to cook all week, lol DD and DIL have a lot of food allergies. They cooked all week long. The food was amazing. Yesterday I did SBF Butt lift plus Sally Up Booty. Today was D21 Stretch.

Oh, we ended up with 5 or 6 " of snow. Hopefully it will go away soon.

Have a great Sunday!

Today was a walk outside before the snow started. I also did Cathe Live Lower Barre Blend. We are supposed to get 30 inches of snow, ugh! I went to the food store for a couple of things & it was crazy! Lines were wrapped around the store, I only had a handful of things so I was able to go to self-checkout which worked out perfectly. I will clean out my freezer and fridge rather than stand in line for an hour:)

Belinda - It must be hard to say Goodbye to the kids, the good thing is when you are together you have so much fun:) It must be nice to have someone cook, I love homemade cooking. Nice workouts for you:) Hopefully your snow stopped, it will snow here until Tuesday:(

Good morning,

I did CL # 194 Vertical Loading 2 plus SBF.

Debbie - it's very hard seeing him leave. I already miss him so much. I love home cooked meals too. I was glad I didn't had to cook. I always cook when the kids are here. I also teach my DIL to cook German food. She is pretty good in making it. We got hammered with snow. I went grocery shopping on Saturday. Glad I did. Plus I am trying to use food I already have in the house. No walk outside. I got lots of steps just cleaning my house, lol. Great job with your workouts.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.

Today was Cathe Live Awesome Upper Body. This might be the worse storm I have seen in my life. So much snow & wind here over 20 inches and not stopping till tomorrow night. TG my BIL plows our driveway, he was here 3x so far. DH tried to shovel around the house and it just kept on blowing back:( A big town plow was stuck for hours down the block from us. My son had to work a double shift but at least he made double time.

Belinda - The Cathe live you did sounds interesting:). I thought you had a lot of snow too. It seemed to hit a big area. Hopefully it melts soon! I hope to get some steps in tomorrow but with house work too;)

Hi everyone,

Today I did SBF D23 Feel Good Arms + Cardio plus Plank Target. I am tired today. I was going to do a CL workout, not feeling it today. Maybe I will try to do a CL after lunch? We got hammered with a lot of snow. And we are getting more snow. We got 12 inches and 34 outside with lots of wind. Can't go for a walk either.

Debbie - you have 20 inches of snow? It looks like we getting what you have, lol. It will not melt anytime soon. Lucky you, that your BIL is plows your driveway. DH is plowing. I had enough of the snow already.

I will be back later.

Today was shovelmax, we ended up getting close to 30 inches of snow. DH & I (he did most of the work) shoveled our front porch, walkway & back of the house. We still have to do the sidewalk near the street but that will be another day. I took some pictures I will try and post tomorrow. The only good thing is we leave for Florida next week.

Belinda - Kudos on getting a workout in! I'm done with the snow too. I can deal with a small snow storm once a year LOL. Everything was closed again today but somethings will reopen tomorrow.

Good morning,

I just did yoga with Morning Yoga Movement D2 w/Kassandra on YT. DD and I am doing the 30 day challenge. I need more stretching. So far, I like it. Short and sweet. I also did SBF D24 Tights and Booty. I will try to get a CL workout in later this afternoon. ChuChu kept us up all night long. He has diarrhea, been cleaning up after him since midnight. Had to order a new carpet cleaner mine broke last night. I am tired.

Debbie - I'll bet you got a good upper body workout in with shovelmax. That's a lot of snow you guys having. Looks like the sun is coming out in WV. Take me with you to Florida.

I will try to be back later. Hopefully I have the energy to do a CL later.

Today I did Perfect 30 Yoga Flow. The roads are clear but so narrow with snow everywhere. It makes me nervous to drive too many blind spots also:(

I tried to attach photos from my iphone but it says my file is too large. It was only 2 pictures attached separately. I'm not sure how to change that.

Belinda - The 30 day challenge sounds good! Lots of workouts for you. I'm sure you are so tired if you were up last night. I hope ChuChu feels better & you get a good night sleep.


Today I did 10 min Yoga + SBF Interval + CL # 333. Very fun workout. Lots of core work in this one. Cathe showed modifications for the higher impact too. Loved it. Will definitely do this one again. I enjoy CL more than I ever thought I would. Love her workouts.

Debbie - I like the 30 Day yoga challenge. Feels good to stretch everything out. Once I am done with this one I will do longer once. ChuChu didn't made a mess last night. He did made a mess when I was in my basement working out. He is over 16 years old :( Yesterday I did ended up going for a short 1 mile walk with DH. It was nice outside, not too cold. I had way to many layers of clothing on. Started to sweat.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout.

Today was Lite Metabolic Blast. It was nice enough to walk but so many people didn't shovel & the street is too narrow to walk in with all the snow. So, I didn't walk but I shoveled our sidewalk.

Belinda - I love all the choices with Cathe Live and she takes water breaks;) That is a tough age for dogs, my SIL is having problems with her dog about that age too. There is no where to put extra clothes when you are walking outside LOL. This weekend is supposed to be really cold.

Good morning,

CL# 208 2018 Glassboro Road Trip Upper Body & Core is done. I also did SBF D26. I will get a short stretch in a few minutes.

Debbie - great job on your workout yesterday. We have people not shoveling the snow too. It's frustrating. The snow is finally melting. I will try to go for a walk later today. I really enjoy CL workouts. They are a lot of fun and so many choices. I haven't touched a dvd since I stream.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk on the treadmill. The last 2 days I went out for quick errands and saw 3 accidents. The way the towns plowed they created blind spots on the corners.

Belinda - It's funny you did a CL Roadtrip workout, I was wondering if there will be a roadtrip this year. Today in NJ they opened gyms and restaurants to 35% & can stay open past 10pm. I guess time will tell. I heard WV is the best with distributing vaccinations.

Have a great weekend:)

I got my workout in late today. DH and I are car shopping. Anyway I did SBF TTT LB lean + TTT Cardio Torch. I also did D5 10 min FB yoga.

Debbie - I doubt Cathe is having a in person RT this year. Maybe she is doing another visual RT soon. I don't know about WV is the best with distributing vaccinations. As far as I know there are none unless you 65 or older. Are you planning on getting vaccinated?

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, it was sunny & not too cold. Tomorrow we are expecting anywhere from 1-8 inches of snow. I went to the store to get food for Superbowl Sunday and it was crazy and shelves empty.

Belinda - Nice workout for you! Car shopping isn't fun but getting the car is fun:) I plan on getting the vaccination it seems like the risk of getting Covid are greater than getting the vaccination. Are you planning on getting vaccinated?


I did a short yoga this morning.

Debbie - I agree, car shopping isn't fun. I am tired from car shopping. I have to talk to my doctor first before I get the vaccination.

Good night.

Today it snowed about 5-6 inches, so Shovelmax was my workout. We also did our neighbors walkway & sidewalk. The sun was out when we were shoveling so it helped. I didn't eat good today with all the superbowl foods so I am so thirsty.

Belinda - I watch GM3 with Dr. Jen and she said some people should make the decision on getting the vaccination with their Drs. DH's niece is trying to get pregnant and I mentioned she should talk to her Dr. before getting vaccination. I hope I wasn't out of place for saying that.

Good morning,

Perfect 30 Upper body + SBF and stretch is done.

Debbie - oh no, you are not out of place for saying that :) I have to run everything through my Rheumatologist first, I take medications that will interfere with the vaccination. I would have to stop taking the medication I am taking for PR before I get vaccinated and afterwards. The vaccination will not work if I take the medication for PR. He wants me to get the vaccination, I am afraid what it would do to RP and my other autoimmune problem. I also have a lot of side effects from medications lately. I am a little nervous about the vaccination to be honest. My sister has an autoimmune problem, her doctor told her she can't get the vaccination at all. She had very bad side effects from the flu shot in the past. Makes me wonder. I have to read and educate myself more before I will get vaccinated. I read yesterday if you pregnant you shouldn't get the vaccination. Like you had your niece should talk to her doctor. Her doctor knows best what's right for her and the baby. I will try to go for a short walk today. Boy, it's cold outside.

Have a great workout and Monday.

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