Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Rest day for me today. We went out for a bite to celebrate my DIL birthday this evening. Hardly anyone was at the restaurant. We had an entire room for ourselves which was very nice.

Debbie - I still need to get some blankets for donations. I donate more this weekend. Great job without walk outs.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & Perfect Pump. It was a sunny day which was a nice change:)

Belinda - It's nice to have the restaurant to yourselves:) I'm hoping as more people get vaccinated the numbers will go down here. They are still very high.

Good morning,

STS M2 Week 3 D19 CST is done. Loved the double wave. SBF started a new rotation. I will do that one later, too tired right now.

Debbie - the restaurant is very pricy but very good. If you ever in DC you have to go there. Yummy food.I have never seen the place this empty. I am sure covid had something to do with it. I didn't mind having the place for ourselves. Food was amazing as always. Glad you got out yesterday, we also had a beautiful day.

I will check in later after I am done with SBF workout. She started a new 8 week rotation. BBL!

Today was a walk outside and Cathe Live Awesome Upper Body. I'm still going through pictures from my in-laws house. We all took some and are dividing it up but still so many. Maybe now that we have digital photos it won't be as bad for our children;)

Belinda - The double wave is fun but tough. How many days a week is SBF rotation?

Hi everyone,

I did CL# 325 40/20 Low Impact HiiT = 43 min plus SBF Intention Over Perfection D2 Stopwatch Planks 3 = 16 min + Abs with Small Ball = 10 min.

Debbie - it's a 8 week rotation 7 day's a week. Sunday's is always a stretch day. Susanne is doing the rotation with all of us. I still like to have original photos. I still need to scan all my digital. I sorted them all out last year. Good job with your upper body workout.

I will be back to catch up on personals.

Today was a walk outside, not too cold either:) In the afternoon was MMA boxing.

Belinda - Nice mix of workouts for you:) It's good that you get a stretch day on Sunday. My goal is to scan but will keep some books too. That is a long time away though;) I keep meaning to ask you, how are you feeling? are the meds working?

Good morning,

STS M2 W3 D20 Legs plus SBF D3 Upper Thigh = 15 min + Pretzel Lift Target = 10 min. Legs are fired! I

Debbie - you doing amazing with those walks. I wanted to go for a walk yesterday, it was so cold. I decided not too. I took all my pictures out of the albums and put them in these,aps,160&sr=8-4. I labeled them by city/date. Got rid of the albums. I still have to scan all my pictures. That has to wait. Thanks for asking! I am on new meds, they seem to help. Getting regular blood test to make sure the meds are not affecting my liver. How are you doing?

I will be back later.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It was supposed to be warmer but it was cold out.

Belinda - From the title I can see how SBF fried your legs! I just looked at your link & it's funny I was at a friends house last month and she had a set-up on her dinning room table of albums and was putting them in the same box! I asked her about it but forgot and never researched the box. It must mean I need that system for my pictures:)


I been decluttering/purging my house for the last 4 hours. I have already 10K. Everything I haven't used in a year will go. Bought an air fryer. Have only used it once. It takes up a lot of counter space, IMO. It has to go, lol.

No walk Today ( I walked yesterday). I did SBF D4 Cardio Sculpt = 20 min + Table Top Balance = 5 min and call it a day.

Debbie - I like the photo boxes. Everything is organized and neat put away. Great job on your walk and zoom yoga.

I am beat today. Good night.

Today was a walk outside. Later on my back went out on me, I used heat and finally took an Alleve. It did improve but not 100%. Hoping to be better tomorrow.

Belinda - Lots of steps for you decluttering:) My toaster oven has an air fryer but never tried that feature. I could use more counter space too;) I think the photo boxes will save so much space too!

Good morning,

Got my workout in early today. I will leave shortly to help my son pack up his stuff for his move.

I did STS M2 W3 D21 Back/Biceps + SBF Day 5 Upper Body 7 = 18 min plus Active Stretch = 14 min.

Debbie - I don't have a toaster oven. I will give the air fryer to Aleisa :) I don't like a lot of things on the counter. I am trying to find way's to get them off the counter. The photo boxes do save so much space. I really like them.

I will check in when I get home if it's not to later. Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside, it wasn't as cold but no sun. It seems like we never see the sun in NJ.

Belinda - Nice workouts:) Is your son moving from the DC area? Good luck with packing.

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great weekend!

Today I did SBD D6 Inner Thighs = 18 min + Outer Tight's Target = 19 min.

Debbie - my son and his wife are moving to TX, closer to her family. He is staying with us until they move the end of the month.

I am so tired from yesterday.

Today was a walk outside & Turbo Barre. I haven't done that workout in a long time it was fun to do. We decided to get Chick fil a for dinner and it was good but can't believe how salty the food was:oops:

Belinda - I like that your workout did both inner and outer thighs for a nice amount of time! I remember you used to live in Texas too:) I'm sure you are so tired from helping.


Today is a rest day.

Debbie - I liked the combo yesterday too. Son is moving back were we lived in TX. He is staying with us until they move this month. My son loves Chick fit a. I do agree it's very salty. I haven't done Turbo Barre in a long time. WTG!

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & stretch with foam roller. I was sore but it did help. I spent the day cooking my monthly sauce, happy it's done.

Belinda - Do you miss Texas? I heard it snowed last week in parts of Texas. That seems crazy, I always think of Texas as being hot.

Good morning,

STS M2 Week 4 D22 Chest/Shoulder/Triceps plus SBF TB Mat work = 20 min + Booty Blast Reset Target = 6 min is done.

Debbie - great job with your workouts yesterday. No, I don't miss Texas. I was glad when we left El Paso. It does get cold in Texas.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside & Cathe Live Booty Max. It was a tough workout:)

Belinda - I can' believe you are already on week 4 of STS M2! You are knocking it out:)


Today was a walk outside & Cathe Live Cardio Kickboxing. I was organizing paperwork today but still have lots more to do.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin


Today I did CL # Cardio Play Date. Had a great workout. I also did SBF Stopwatch Planks + adv. Lower abs w/ Ball .

Debbie- check your inbox. I sent you a message. I am not sure if I do. M3?

Have a great day!

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